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Alexandra Anarchy - Printable Version

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Alexandra Anarchy - Corner G - 08-10-2018

Personal Details

Name: G
Contact Details:
Where did you find out about us?: You told us
Does your character have a twitter? If no, whats the id: @LexiAnarchy

Character Details

Name: Alexandra Anarchy
Alias: “Alex” “Lexi”
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Age: 21
Town of Birth: Unknown
Picture Base: Shotzi Blackheart
Body Type: See PB
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Face (somehow)
Entrance Music: “Slave To The Grind” by Halestorm

Wrestler Entrance:
The lights around the stage start to flicker as "Slave To The Grind" by Halestorm starts to play out over the crowd. As the song hits its opening, Alex Anarchy bursts out on top of the ramp like a maniac! Moving from one side of the stage to the other, the crowd tentatively cheering for the explosive woman. She stands in the middle of the stage, letting out a scream before propelling herself down the ramp. Once in the ring, Alex moves to the corner, letting out a second wail before hopping to the mat, riling the crowd up as she does all this.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): A former cultist having broken free. She now embraces her adopted name: Anarchy. She is anti-authority, anti-structure, and pro-Anarchy.

Finishing Moves and description:
Anarchy Driver – Fireman’s carry into a double-knee gutbuster (on opponents 200 lbs and lighter)
Vicious Circle – After locking in a figure four, Alex grabs the opponent’s arm, pulling them forward and grappling them by the head. Once their head is held, she leans back until the opponent submits

Signature Moves and description:
Twisting standing moonsault
Neckbreaker off the ropes
Dragon Sleeper

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
- Open hand chop
- Running knee strike
- Roaring elbow
- Step-up enziguri
- European uppercut
- Snap suplex
- Swinging neckbreaker
- Rolling snapmere
- Floatover DDT
- Flapjack
- Bulldog
- Reverse DDT
- Sleeper drop
- Spear
- Blockbuster
- Double-knee takedown from the top
- Flying knee

Wrestler Biography:
- Formerly a part of the Devious family. She was taken in when she was 8, and raised within it until she escaped at 19.
- Upon escape, she ended up training under Donovan Kayl at the Youth of a Nation Wrestling Academy.
- In her one mainstream appearance, she defeated Clarissa Vega in a special attraction match for Global Championship Wrestling.
- Alex has a huge chip on her shoulder, and a foul mouth to boot.