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Julia Boleyn - The Enigma - Printable Version

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Julia Boleyn - The Enigma - Braddock - 12-30-2019

Real Name (Optional): Julia Boleyn

Name (if different from above): Julia The Enigma

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 110 lbs

Age: 24

Hometown: New York City

Alignment: Face

Picbase: Debby Ryan

Wrestling Style: High Flyer

Entrance Theme: “Mama I’m Coming Home” by Ozzy Osbourne

Entrance Description:

The opening chord of “Mama, I’m Coming Home” begins to play.  The crowd comes alive as Julia steps out onto the stage.  A part of her wants to revel and relish in the crowd reaction and, at first, she naturally takes to the reaction, soaking it up.  Eventually she shakes her head as a look of doubt and confusion washes over her features.  The Enigma then regains her composure and steels herself as she focuses only on the squared circle before charging forward and sliding into the ring from underneath the bottom rope.  She crawls over to a corner and slumps down in a corner where she waits on the match to begin.

The Enigma Driver
Description: swinging reverse sto

Journey into the Unknown
Description: 450 splash

Signature Moves:
Split Legged Corkscrew Moonsault

Basic Move Set
180 spun flare into a leg drop
Corkscrew moonsault
Corkscrew plancha
Diving cross body
Pele kick
Russian legsweep
Shooting star plancha
Springboard elbow drop
Springboard 450 plancha
Standing moonsault side slam

Julia is very much unlike her husband Matt. She is more emotional whereas he is intellectual. She also is quick tempered and has been known to take things the wrong way and thus go off on anyone at a moment’s notice.  This has become worse in recent months, ever since she was institutionalized due to a mental breakdown and a subsequent memory loss.  All she knows is her name, and she has a few flashes but they are more like movie clips rather than true memories.  She does not know this person from the flashes nor does she have any emotional attachment to these flashes.  More than ever before Julia is truly an Enigma, even to herself, as she is trying desperately to find out who she is…

Julia is extremely skeptical of anything and everyone.  She trusts no one and she isn’t even sure she can trust her own husband, due to her memory loss and a strong feeling of betrayal.  Of course with her memory loss she doesn’t know WHY she has this strong feeling of betrayal constantly at all times, but she does.
