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Liam Dillinger - Printable Version

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Liam Dillinger - MOTC - 07-30-2018

Name : Randy
Email :
Twitter : @jadillinger_ 

Wrestler's Real Name:
Liam Dillinger

Wrestler's Alias/Nicknames:: 
The Man of The Century 
J-Dilly (Peyton gave him that) (no longer J-Dilly for obvious reasons)

Pic Base:
Steve Cook 




Birth Place:
Hollywood, California.

Current Residence:
Hollywood, California.

Wrestling Style:


Preferred Weapon:


Finishers Descriptions (If Needed):
Turn of the Century: "Jason lifts the opponent into a fireman's carry position, and then throws the opponent over their shoulder, landing in a sitout or standing position, while the opponent's back is slammed into the mat. Commonly known as a Samoan Driver"

Once In a Lifetime: "Jason places his opponent's head in between his legs then grabs the opponent's stomach and lifts his opponent over his shoulder and holds both his arms in a cross position over his head. He finally runs or falls to his/her knees and throws his opponent onto the mat back/neck first. Bka the Running Crucifix powerbomb/Razors Edge" 

Signature Moves/Descriptions: (If Needed):
Emerald Flowsion: "Jason lifts the opponent up on his right shoulder, as in a front powerslam. Then, the left arm is wrapped around the opponent's neck and the right arm around the opponent's torso. He then sits down while dropping the opponent vertically to the right side, driving the opponent neck- and shoulder- first into the mat." 

The Century Stampede: "Jason reaches between the opponent's legs with one arm and around the opponent's back from the same side with the other arm. He then lifts the opponent up over his shoulder, and runs towards the ring corner, slamming the opponent back-first on the turnbuckles. Jason keeps the hold and slams the opponent to the opposite corner as well. Then he runs to the middle of the ring and falls down forward, driving the opponent back-first into the mat. BKA the Oklahoma Stampede"

Blue Thunder Bomb: "In one fluid movement Jason lifts the opponent as if preparing a back suplex and then transitions into a sit-out powerbomb.B"

Scoop Powerslam: "Jason places one arm between an opponent's legs, and reach over the opponent's shoulder with the other arm. Then, the opponent is spun over onto their back while keeping the opponent horizontal across the wrestler's body at all times. As the opponent falls to the mat, Jason will continue to fall face-down on top of them in a lateral press pinning position. This powerslam is usually performed on a charging opponent, using the opponent's own momentum to power the throw. An inverted version exists, where the opponent is lifted from behind, and slammed in a manner similar to a scoop powerslam, only onto their face/abdomen."

Theme Song: Check here to see who's taken!
Also sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss

Common Moves:
- Fallaway slam
- Giant Swing.
- Full nelson slam
- Half nelson slam
- Gorilla press drop
- Gorilla press slam
- Hip toss
- Sidewalk slam
- Swinging Side Slam
- Spinning side slam
- Belly-to-back suplex
- High-angle belly-to-back suplex
- Belly-to-belly suplex
- Capture suplex
- Short-arm clothesline
- Delayed Vertical Suplex



The lights go out. Also sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss plays. A single spotlight is shining at the top of the ramp way. As the lights slowly come back on, we see Jason Dillinger with his head bowed, his arms crossed in front of him. Lifting his head up he strikes a classic bodybuilder poise as the crowd boos at his obvious showboating. He takes a little too long to soak in the negative attention from the crowd. Feeling he allowed the audience to bask in his excellence he walks down to the ring with her with a swagger that gives off the impression he owns the building. He walks up the ring steps, enters the ring. Waiting in the ring are three adjacent mirrors. He stares at his at his own reflection in all three mirrors as his music fades out. 

There isn't a lot to the Jason Dillinger story. He grew up in a middle class upbringing. His parents wasn't rich, he didn’t have to worry about doing without. He excelled in football in high school and college. He opted to follow his first love, bodybuilding. He competed in the circuit a couple years until he went to a wrestling show with a friend. J-Dilly; as he would later be known, fell in love with the sport. Promoters in the indies wanted to groom him. He has the size promoters ideally look for. Anything worth achieving is worth working for so he signed up to the Anteup Academy where he meet fellow Ante student Peyton Rice. She was the only one who looked past his bravado. And boy there was a lot of bravado, he walked into the school believing he is The Man of the Century. Believing the fact that men like him come along once in a lifetime (and taking the award of the same name Muscle & Fitness Magazine gives out), no one can tell him different. Him and Peyton are friends, nothing more (not for a lack of trying). He regained his swagger. Tired of sitting on the sidelines as every other Ante student signed with other wrestling companies, J Dilly got tired of waiting. He is in TSW to take the first steps into showing the world why a man like him comes along once in a lifetime. 

TSW closed. He had two matches in MCW. Deciding Detroit wasn't for him, he stepped away. Now he is in Emerge, reunited with his fellow Ante Up Wrestling Academy mate... his former tag partner in TSW and good friend, Peyton. Will Emerge prove to be n extraordinary experience? Stay tuned.

Jason had a break out Season 1. Through the ups and down, he ended the year winning a battle royal that netted him a chance to challenge for any title he wanted. At the last ppv of Season 1, him and Willow became the Emerge Tag Team Champions. In Season 2, that fantasy ended with Willow turning on him, the titles transferring to ToXXin. He went on to challenge for the vacant Emerge Championship. He got what he wanted, a match with Willow, on condition he would help Dexter stay in power as General Manager. Willow won the Emerge Champion, put him on the shelf as a result. Life works in mysterious ways. He say the light. Joined The Unforgiven. Has been a useful member to the cause every since. 

Jason is dead. All hail Liam.