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Kaito with Haruto - Printable Version

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Kaito with Haruto - EyeYoshi - 09-18-2018

Character Details






Town of Birth: 
saka, Japan

Picture Base: 
Himuru Takahashi

Body Type:

Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral):

Entrance Music:
Cha-La Head Chaa-La Dragonball Z opening theme.

Wrestler Entrance:

The opening to Cha-La Head Cha-La hit’s over the P.A System. All eyes of the Emerge fan base turn to the stage where the screen lights up. What we see is the beginning of a shooting star arcing over the earth before crashing through the atmosphere. The image moves closer to the shooting star where the camera turns to show Kaito sat on the star like it is a rocket “flying” through the clouds, in his arms is Haruto. The two pointing out as if they’re seeing all manner of sights, Kaito all smiles. 

They seemingly fly past the Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty, they fly over the Grand Canyon as well as Mount Rushmore. On the last Kaito almost “falls off” the star they’re on before hovering over the [location of show] before hurtling down towards it with both Kaito and Haruto screaming.

Ring Annuncer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, hailing from Osaka, Japan. He is being accompanied to the ring by Haruto… He is KAITO!!!”

There is then an explosion of light and smoke as Kaito with Haruto roll through the curtains onto the stage, Kaito quickly jumping to his feet and running in a circle while slapping his ass as if it were on fire. The Emerge fans laugh and cheer as Kaito turns around and grins while saying something to Haruto and pointing out to the fans. Seemingly Haruto says something he doesn't like, and he covers his mouth before the two begin to walk down towards the ring all the while Kaito chastises him in Japanese... Kaito would then slaps some hands with some fans along the way while some fans get to pet Haruto on his head. 

Haruto and Kaito then enter the ring via the bottom rope the two stepping onto the second rope in the nearest corner and look out at the crowd. It is then Haruto is sat on the top turnbuckle while Kaito removes his jacket and hands both to a member of the ring crew. Haruto however leaps out of the ring crew’s arms and back into the hands of Kaito (due to a string attached) but Kaito nods while talking to Haruto and gentle strokes him before placing him down on the steel steps so Kaito can get ready for his match…

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED):
A very strange individual is Kaito who carries with him a stuffed cat doll which is called Haruto. Kaito believes Haruto is very much alive. Think along the lines of the movie TED, only in his mind he see’s the cat animatedly even though it is him moving it, talking to it etc. 

Finishing Moves and description:

From Osaka, with Love: 
Kaito with his opponent dazed either on their feet, knees or seated will run off the ropes and connect with a running Knee to the face or back of the opponent’s head rendering them unconscious for the 1, 2, 3.

Haruto’s will.
With the opponent on the ground face down. Kaito will listen to Haruto’s instructions from ringside and lock in a Fujiwara Armbar until his opponent submits.

Signature Moves and description:

Kaito lifts his opponent up into the air and holds them there for a stalling suplex to show off his strength.

In the corner Haruto stands, with the opponent sat in the corner. Kaito sprints across and drives both his knees into their face.

Common Moves: 
Discus Clothesline
Standing Moonsault
Diving Elbow Drop
Snap Suplex
Knife Edge Chop
Rolling Clothesline
Schoolboy Roll up
Snap DDT
Pele Kick
Shining Wizard
Super Plex
Avalance Cross Body
Suicide Dive
Head Scissor takedown
Crucifix Driver

Wrestler Biography:
When you wish upon a star it is rare things come true, but for Kaito that is exactly what happened. He was down on his luck as a local independent wrestler in Osaka, Japan. He very rarely could purchase a victory until one night he would look up into the sky and wish for a victory. More importantly than that however he wished for a friend… 

Upon doing so a bright light engulfed him and he went flying as roaring sound flew by. He was hurt, injured but that was when he met Haruto. The feisty feline that would change the luck of the failing professional wrestler forever more. 

This is what brought him to the United States, Haruto told him after the two see Ikiro Yoshida making his mark in Supreme Championship Wrestling.