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Willow Wilkes - Printable Version

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Willow Wilkes - Willow Wilkes - 08-02-2018

[Image: 3n23mEF.gif]


Name –
Willa Abigail Wilkinson
Alias –
Willow Wilkes
Nicknames –
“The Neon Demon”

Age –
Weight –
125 lbs.
Height –
Pic Base –
Sara Sampaio

Hair Color - Long, Brunette
Eye Color - Green
Piercings - 1 Belly Button, 2 on Each Ear, 1 Tongue.
Tattoos: None

Town of Birth –
Minneapolis, MN.
Current Residence –
New York City, NY.

Alignment –

Entrance Music –

“Do You Realize” by Ursine Vulpine CLICK HERE

Entrance –  
The lights go out…..
The beat of “Do You Realize” by Ursine Vulpine begins to play throughout the arena…..
The lights begin to flicker in different colors before the screen comes up and splashes of paint start to splatter all over a woman standing still. As the video package transitions with the chorus of the song, Willow Wilkes slowly makes her way from the back dressed in an array of colors with a coat, Laura Steinbeck and Jason King walk out behind her...
She stops at the entrance way and looks around the arena then slowly takes off her robe, sparkling with the lights flickering, the red carpet is rolled out as the photographers start to take pictures. Willow walks down the ramp way towards the ring followed by Laura and King.....
She stops and looks at the fans....
Willow cracks a smirk and just stares at the crowd…..
Willow will seductively stick her tongue out or just provoke those around her as she makes her way into the ring and slides in…
Willow stands in the middle of the ring and just looks around with a sinister look in her face posing with King clapping and Laura instructing the referee how to handle her matches. Both Laura and Jason King go to the outside then sits on the mat leaning on the turnbuckle…..
Awaiting her opponent….

Gimmick / Personality –

The troubled and disturbed Willow Wilkes can be downright psychotic. She is cold, calculating and sadistic. Inside the ring she will stop at nothing until the opponent can no longer continue making her a caged rabid animal yet very controlled. She has no value for human life and does not care if she wins, loses or draws as long as she is hurting someone. Outside of the ring she is just as dangerous as she is in the ring for she does not care who, what or where it is, if she feels like acting on her impulses, Willow will do it without remorse or fear of consequence. Willow loves pain, she relishes it and looks for ways to both inflict it and receive it. Willow is extremely intelligent and will play mind games with others just for mere entertainment but there is a dark half to her and in an instance can snap on you without warning just to feed her hunger or bring a simple smile to her face. Willow is 5’8”, very attractive and physically fit. She can mask herself in many looks from girl next door to dark and mysterious. PROCEED WITH CAUTION

Strengths –

EXTREMELY Intelligent, Willow is one of the smartest if not the smartest woman in wrestling, she is self-taught and dedicated herself to higher learning. Pressure, Willow never cracks even if she is in the receiving end of an onslaught she will think three steps ahead which could also be a weakness if overplayed. Bloodlust, no fear and a high tolerance for pain, so high that Willow enjoys it, it turns her on. She is also very eccentric, “Artsy Fartsy” type and can confuse her opponents with her colorful tactics.

Weaknesses –

Can be erratic and lose focus in a match or in life as she analyzes or tends to overthink things at time. Size, she is not as big as others so it can be a disadvantage. A disregard for the rules, she simply doesn’t care about them so it could lead to a lot of Disqualifications.

Super Finisher (Rarely used) – 

The “Carnal Neckvice” is an illegal hold that is performed when a roll of barbwire is wrapped around the opponent’s neck and they are thrown over the top rope and hung driving the spokes of the wire into the opponent’s neck. It is a very dangerous move and Willow loves to use it. The move is banned, but Willow does not care. (Illegal Finisher)

Finisher –

“Willow’s Wisp” is a "Smothering Claw". Willow uses her strong hands to apply a claw that smothers and covers the opponent's nose and mouth cutting off the oxygen and causing the opponent to lose consciousness in less than 30 seconds if not broken. Willow can apply this move at many different angles including from the front, the back or even off the ropes. If Willow applies this hold it can be certain fate for the opponent and lead to the easy submission or pinfall victory as the opponent is rendered unconscious. This move can be extremely dangerous if it's applied for too long. (Primary Finisher)
“Non Compos Mentis” (NCM) is a neckbreaker variation based on a Jujitsu technique that sees Willow capture her opponent in a front face lock, as well trap the arm closest to her body in the face lock. Willow will then spin her body opposite the opponent, continuing to spin with the hold intact. Willow performs the move from a standing position for more impact and goes for the cover in one fluid motion after executing the move and getting the easy 1-2-3 or used as a wear down hold setting them up for the finish. (Also known as the "Gator Roll") (Secondary Finisher)

Signature Moves–

“Default by Design”: “Default by Design” is technically known as a sit out scoop slam piledriver. Facing their opponent, Willow reaches between her opponent's legs with their right arm and reaches around the opponent's neck from the same side with their left arm. She then lifts the opponent up and turns them around so that they are held upside down, as in a scoop slam before dropping down into a sit out position, driving the opponent down to the mat neck and shoulder first and going for the easy pin.
“Echoing The Void”: “Echoing The Void” is when Willow in this springboard attack jumps forward from the apron to the second ropes elevating her and quickly spinning around to kick the opponent in the face literally knock them out or stunning them long enough for Willow to go for the 1-2-3 or setting up to for one of her finishers.
“The Broken Window”: “The Broken Window” is also known as a shoulder block takedown, this is an attack where Willow charges towards a standing opponent, jumps and brings her body parallel to the ground, driving her shoulder into the opponent's mid-section, tackling the opponent and forcing them down to the mat with great force and whiplash effect like a spear or "gore". The move is quick and sudden and Willow can hit it from anywhere at any time. The brutal speed of the takedown renders an opponent unconscious or incapacitates them with the force of the landing with Willow easily going for the 1-2-3.
“Instant Karma”: In "Instant Karma", this move sees Willow apply the front face lock and then put one of her legs on one of the opponent's arms before falling backward and driving the opponent head first to the mat in a scissor DDT. This can finish a match and get the easy 1-2-3 or can set up for her finisher.

Common Moves:
Full Body Corner Splash
Knee drop to chest of downed opponent, from second turnbuckle
Standing Dropkick
Running knee lift
Headlock Takeover
Running Powerslam
Snap Suplex
Samoan Drop
Roaring Elbow Smash
Chop blocks to knee
European Uppercuts
Swinging Neckbreaker
Stalling Vertical Suplex
Fallaway Slam

Wrestling Style –


Character Background–

The woman only known as Willow Wilkes is a bit of a mystery.
Not too much is known about the “Sophisticated Sociopath”, her background other than there are rumors that she was once institutionalized at the age of 13 for 6 years. Though that cannot be confirmed or denied. For what reason she was held and why she was released have been held to the public by the Fern Falls Sanitarium.
Willa Wilkinson has now in the last year blended back into society, Willa has begun to enrich herself in luxuries and the finer things in life enjoying delectable cuisine, music and the arts. Willa is one of the smartest people you will ever meet though her appearances may not portray that, intentional?
Perhaps but there is so much more about Willa that needs to yet be explored. There is a dark half to Willa though, one that when unleashed can spell trouble to any and all who oppose her. Willa is a loner, she doesn’t believe in “friends”, she believes in acquaintances, those that play a specific role in her life and when they are no longer needed they are discarded.
Recently she has started a courtship with Jason King where they will soon be married but the eccentric Willow has suddenly come to EMERGE for reasons unknown other than both she and King have a working relationship with Laura Steinbeck and the young Jennifer Helms along with Sienna Swann and the Truelove Twins. Why EMERGE? Another former World Champion has arrived who could easily succeed in the SCW?
We will all soon find out.