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Charis Kensington - Printable Version

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Charis Kensington - Kas - 06-21-2019

Personal Details

Name: Kas
Contact Details: Ping me on Discord
Where did you find out about us?: Honestly can’t remember Smile
Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: DevotedCharis

Character Details

Name: Charis Kensington
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 125lbs
Age: 33
Town of Birth: Sacramento, CA
Picture Base:  Lala Kent
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Heel

Entrance Music: "Sick Like Me" by In this Moment

Wrestler Entrance: The Lights go out, and red spots strobe across the ring and the audience as “Sick Like Me,” by In This Moment plays. They coalesce at the top of the ramp, where Charis Kensington stands, smirking. She saunters down to the ring, mocking the fans, before she slides into the ring and gets ready.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): Sultry, seductive, cool, calm and collected, this are some of the words that you could use to describe Charis. Obsessive, driven and destructive are others, depending on her mindset at the time. Devoted to Donovan Street, Charis is constantly trying to prove herself, show her usefulness, and cause a little bit of chaos for Donovan to use to his advantage. .

Finishing Moves and description: One of Donovan Street’s finishers.

A Touch of Crass: In this dropkick, Donovan runs towards an opponent and jumps up sideways striking an opponent's head or chin with the sole of his highest foot, with similar execution as a Yakuza Kick or big boot kicking them right in the face and knocking the opponent out for the easy 1-2-3.

Thy Kingdom Falls: Donovan applies a front face lock and then falls backwards, much like a normal DDT, but instead of the opponent's head impacting the mat, Donovan falls to a kneeling or sitting position driving the face of the opponent on to his/her knee knocking them out for the easy cover.

Signature Moves and description:

For Honor: Savate Superkick

(Donovan’s #BadGuysFinishFirst) #BadGirlsFinishNext: Charis climbs the top rope and lands on her opponent with a double foot stomp to the chest taking out all the air from them and setting up for a finisher or getting a quick cover.

Ilegal unnamed move: With nails sharpened to points, Charis claws at her opponent’s soft tissues to gain the advantage

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:

Triple Leg Drops (as taught by Donovan Street)
Dragon Screw Leg Whip
Standing Dropkick
Curb Stomp
Hip Toss
Standing Moonsault
Spinning heel kick
Running knee lift
Handspring Elbow
Back Suplex
Elbow drop
Back Body Drop
Hurricanrana Pin

Wrestler Biography:  Charis has appeared from nowhere to stand at the side of Donovan Street. Anything further to be revealed in character development spots.