John Blair
Real Name (Optional): John Blair

Height: 6’ 2”

Weight: 240lbs

Age: 44


Alignment: Heel, shading to neutrall

Picbase: Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken (possibly going to change)

Wrestling Style: Powerhouse

Entrance Theme: (also coming soon)

Fisherman driver -” Swing Shift”
Northern lights suplex - “Lost In Space”

Signature Moves:

Powerbomb - “Tango & Cash”
Spear - “Gunsmoke”

John Blair is a former Marine turned bodyguard turned wrestler. He is missing an eye, which can cause him trouble in the ring if someone approaches him from his blind side. He's generally neutral, but is sliding to the heel side due to actions in GCW. In GCW, John and his tag partner Chris have sided with Ba'al in a surprise heel turn.

He's here in Emerge because a) he lost a bet and b) this is where was picked, mostly because Aiken Frost (brother to Ba'al) is here and could get John in easily. Also, again, due to events in GCW, John owes Cindy Todd a favour.

John is a pragmatic man, He favours putting his opponents down hard and fast, and doesn't particularly care about the legalities.

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