Character Name:


Sydney, Australia 




In-Ring Style:
Shoot style. 


The same as Billy Kay

Theme song:
One More Diamond by Elliot Goldenthal 

Pic Base:
Billy Kay

The lights go out. A purple strobe light shines on the entrance. One More Diamond by Elliot Goldenthal kicks in. The ever exotic Persephone walks out taking her place in the strobe light, joining her is her tag team partner Kaycee Caprice. Both walk down to the ring with the strobe light following them. When they reach the ring apron, Persephone walks towards the ring steps as Kaycee hops on the ring apron. Persephone walks the apron to join her tag partner. Both enter the ring at the same time. The lights come back on. Persephone ascends to the middle turnbuckle posing in all her glory as Kaycee looks on. Persephone hops off the middle rope, Kaycee joins her as they both wait for the bell to ring. 

Common Moveset: 
-Back kick
-Calf kick
-Crane kick
-Baseball slide
-Missile dropkick
-Football kick 
-Spinning heel kick
-Hip attack

-Dropsault [Also known as a backflip dropkick, a dropsault is an attack where the wrestler jumps up and kicks the opponent with both feet and then executes a backflip, landing on the mat chest-first. Sometimes this move can see the wrestler land chest-first on another opponent. Many wrestlers perform this move with great care, as any slight twist in their body can injure them.]

-Hip toss
-Scoop slam
-Running stomp to a seated opponent's back, followed by a low front dropkick to the opponent's face
-Octopus Stretch

Surfboard Variations
-Traditonal Surfboard
-Seated surfboard
-Cross-armed surfboard

Lotus lock [The wrestler grabs the opponent's arms and wraps their legs on the outside of them, so the wrestler's feet meet at the back of the neck of the opponent and exert a downward pressure, akin to applying a full nelson but by using the legs.]

Trademark Moves/Signature Moves:
The River Styx [Gory special]
Big boot
Bicycle kick

Purple Rain; 

Description: Inverted stomp facebreaker [Also known as a pull back big boot. The user applies a standing wrist lock on their opponent, then places their foot on the opponent's face and falls backwards, forcing the opponent's face into their foot.] 

Persephone's natural disposition is introverted. She isn't shy by any means. In crowds she is more likely to slink into the background than to be front and center. She is thoughtful, analytical. When she speaks you can tell she has put thought into what she is saying. Instead of being loud and boisterous, she is more prone to stick to facts. Cautious by nature due to the way she has progressed in life. With the people closest to her she is more open and accessible. To the general public, she might come across shy, cold, distant. By no means a sociopath. Just that it's hard to read where she is coming from.

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