Lilith Evans
Character Details
 Name: Lilith Marie Evans
 Alias: Lily Evans
 Height: 5'7
 Weight: 115
 Age: 32
 Town of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland
 Picture Base: Krysten Ritter
 Posted Image
 Body Type: fit
 Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Face
 Entrance Music: Mayhem by Halestorm
 Wrestler Entrance: The opening Mayhem plays as Lilith comes to the stage. She looks around before walking down to the ring where she takes off her long leather jacket. She hands her jacket to some attendant and jumps over the top rope as she waits.
 Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): Lilith use to be hardcore and not care about anyone but she changed her ways. She does have a heart and will work on what she believes is right. She can be friendly but if crossed can turn on someone.
 Finishing Moves and description: Black Raven (Scorpion Crosslock)
 Signature Moves and description: Sinfull (Craddle DDT)
 Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
 Fisherman suplex
 Hair-pull toss
 Multiple stomps to the chest of an opponent seated in the corner
 Side kick
 Styles Clash
 Leg trap sunset flip powerbomb
 Corner foot choke
 DDT to an opponent's leg
 Discus leg drop
 Guillotine choke transitioned into a DDT
 Hair-pull mat slam
 Indian deathlock
 Lotus lock

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