Tyler Jackson
Personal Details

Name: Drew
Contact Details: The Skype is Improper Clevelander
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Character Details

Name: Tyler Jackson
Alias: T-1000
Height: 6'2
Weight: 240 pounds
Birthday: July 14th, 1996
Town of Birth: Napa, California
Picture Base: Elliot Sexton
Body Type: See Pic Base
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Face
Entrance Music: Hyper-Spoiler

Wrestler Entrance:
The lights dim a bit as the opening to "Spoiler" hits the PA system. Black and silver strobe lights flash by the entrance way before for a split second, everything goes dark. When the beat drops, the arena lights come back on and Tyler Jackson is on the ramp, in a kneeled position, with his head looking downward. He slowly lifts his head upward, facing the crowd before he slowly stands up. He then flexes his body a bit and smirks before he nods his head and walks down to the ring. 

Kidman: Introducing to the ring, from Napa, California, weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty minutes, he is the T-1000, Tyler Jackson!

Tyler takes his time heading down to the ring, slowly touching the hands of some of the fans in the front row. Tyler points to a few fans as he stops by ringside. The camera does a rotation as Tyler then gets onto the apron and then enters the ring. Tyler walks around the ring before he gets to the middle. He extends his two arms out, balling his fist and yells as the second beat droops to a few cheers. Tyler smiles before turning back to complete focus. His music starts to fade as he retreats to th corner.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): There's a nickname that has stuck to Tyler Jackson since he debuted onto the wrestling scene in the Summer of 2017; The T-1000. Thanks to his size, unique training methods, his power and his work ethic, it is similar to that of a machine. He has his routine and it takes a lot for him to change course because he has prepared ahead of time for his matches. In the ring, he is a brawler through and through but throws in a few power moves and uses his explosiveness to caught his opponents off guard. And that's matched with his relentless and his determination to gain the victory.

Luckily, despite the nickname, he's not deathly serious in person at all. Tyler is very laid back, easy to talk to, is loyal to his friends and has a very clever sense of humor. He enjoys cracking harmless jokes and partying. Outside the ring, he's very loose and has no problem talking to interviewers or any of the wrestling media and providing a quote about anything. He's not the flashiness but he's not shy at all either. When enraged or attacked, he is more than willing to dish it right back at his opponent/enemies.

Finishing Moves and description:
1. Judgement Day-Sitout Dominator
2. Sliding Hammer-Lariat to a kneeled opponent ( https://twitter.com/MrLARIATO/status/944520657131507714)

Signature Moves and description:
1. Heavy Rotation Lariat-Discus Lariat
2. Vertical Drop Brainbuster

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
2.Discus Forearm Smash
4.Hard Jab to opponent's jaw
5.Standing Dropkick
6.Overheard Belly to Belly
7.Overheard T-Bone Suplex
8.Full Nelson Slam
9.Running STO
10.Running Elbow Smash to cornered opponent
11.Running Splash to cornered opponent
12.Delayed Vertical Suplex
14.Sitout Spinebuster
15.Torture Rack dropped into a sitout facebuster

Wrestler Biography:
Tyler Jackson's journey to EMERGE is a fairly interesting one. For starters, he is a graduate of the 2017 class from Golden Gate Wrestling Academy and is one of the first six to graduate from the MAX branch. He started his training with GG proper, was failed and was sent to the newly minted MAX, which at the time, was led by SCW stars Alexis Quinne, Christy Matthews and El Rudo. At that time, his body was still thin and while he had physical talent, mentally applying all of it together was a bit of a process. But it was at MAX it was there where his previous struggles were ironed out, adopted the habits of his trainers, filled out his body and he eventually graduated. So thus, he has been trained by Alexander Grayson, Sharon Rose, Alexis Quinne, El Rudo and Christy Matthews. He started wrestling in the summer of 2017 and has only grown while wrestling on the highly touted Bay Area wrestling scene. He quickly made a name for himself for being a straight ahead brawler with amazing cardio. The trick, which he picked up from Alexander Grayson, is not going all out everyday. Granted, he is physically fit, but by not going all out in the gym but moderately pacing himself, he'sable to build endurance, muscle mass and most importantly, does not end p sore the next day to the point where he can't train. The added amount of hours from doing this has seen him gain the nickname "T-100" based off the robot from Terminator 2 and in turn, Tyler has used this as his moniker and a big part of his presentation. Also, he has been able to pick up things much quicker than someone of hs experience level. That paid off this summer as he is the winner of the 2018 Top 8 Tournament from this year's World Hazard Festival event, beating Joy Summers in the finals, to earn an EMERGE contract.

As for Tyler, he was born in Napa, California, right in the Bay Area, on July 14th, 1996. His father owns his own wine brewery company locally and his mother is a social worker. They have five children altogether(three girls, two guys) and Tyler is the middle children. His younger sister, Saddie, is also pursuing a career in professional wrestling as well as she is currently signed up to train at Golden Gate Wrestling Academy this fall. Tyler grew up immense in sports, having played football, basketball and others. He became a wrestling fan when he was 15 through his sister Saddie and the two of them have made a promise to each other that they'll both become wrestlers. Their family has largely supported them, as long as they also go to college. Tyler graduated from San Francisco State University this May with a degree in communications.

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