Goddrick Grimm
Personal Details

Name: G
Contact Details: Discord
Where did you find out about us?: …
Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: None for this, @Calliope_Muse for manager

Character Details

Name: Goddrick Grimm
Alias: The New God of Wrestling
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 276 lbs.
Age: Immortal (kayfabe; 27 actually)
Town of Birth: Unknown
Picture Base:  Drew McIntyre
Body Type: Muscular
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Heel
Entrance Music: Kingdom Come (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBH6MxmYRg0)
Wrestler Entrance: To follow..

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED):
A living deity come to impose his will on the masses. Goddrick Grimm does not sully himself by speaking to the unworthy and unwashed masses. His only conversations occur with his muse/manager Calliope Christos. No one but her has heard his voice. Beyond that, he speaks through her alone.

Finishing Moves and description:
1) Penance – Two-handed sitout chokeslam/powerbomb
2) Damnation – Chokeslam with the opponent going from the top rope to the floor outside the ring (when he doesn’t care about winning the match by pinfall or submission, as is his discretion)

Signature Moves and description:
1) High-angle Sidewalk Slam
2) Lift-up STO
3) Rear naked choke

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
1) Powerslam
2) Chokeslam
3) Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker
4) Double-knee Backbreaker
5) Spinout Side Slam
6) Triangle Choke
7) Facewash Boot in Corner
8) Running High Knee
9) Spinebuster
10) Brainbuster
11) Stalling Suplex
12) German Suplex
13) Stalling Knee Drop
14) Jumping Fist Drop
15) Fallaway Slam

Wrestler Biography:
To come in RPs…

Manager/Voice Details

Name: Calliope Christos
Alias: The Muse
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Town of Birth: Athens, Greece
Picture Base:  Cat Schultz

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