Sawyer Goddard
[Image: 95r7ko.jpg]

Character Details

Name: Sawyer Goddard
Alias: “The Pyg Man”
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 200 lbs.
Age: 23
Town of Birth: Dripping Springs, Texas
Picture Base: Darby Allin
Body Type: Fit, Muscular, Athletic
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Tweener

Entrance Music: “The Darkest Hour” by Tombstone Three CLICK HERE

Wrestler Entrance:

The lights go off, a lone spotlight shines on the entrance way before the strings of Tombstone Three’s “The Blackest Hour” begins to play throughout the arena. Minerva slowly walks out spinning her Gypsy Chain before Sundown follows her, she stands there looking over at Eli Goddard with his half-covered masked face and Sawyer, with half his face painted or sometimes wrapped up gauze with a hat like “Darkman”, holding a Pig’s Head Mask.
Minerva starts to laugh, leading the way followed by Sundown and finally both Eli and Sawyer Goddard make their way toward the ring, not looking at anyone and focusing in the ring. The four family members of Tombstone stand at ring side, they walk around to all four sides of the ring….
Sawyer slides in and sits in the corner, he smirks and stares at the referee and/or the opponent.
The other family members continue to circle the ring, waiting for the match to begin. Sawyer sits there nonchalantly, waiting for the match to start.
 WRESTLING STYLE: Brawler, Unorthodox, Daredevil
Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED):
He believes in brutality and will stop at nothing until his opponent cannot continues. Sawyer is methodical and aggressive. He will pick his shots. He has an almost animalistic take to his matches, like a butcher to cattle.
Minerva (Younger Sister), Eli Goddard (Older Brother), Viveca Goddard (Older sister, Sundown (Guardian), John Goddard (Adopted Father)
Sawyer wears jeans, boots, wrist and fists taped and a jacket, showing off his chest tattoos and usually paints half of his face and body to signify his split personality. In big matches or PPV’s, he will wear a severed Pig’s Head to the ring.
-Brutal, Sawyer has no care for anyone’s well-being.
-Tough as nails, Sawyer can take a beating and still fight until the end.
-No remorse, Sawyer just doesn’t care what he does to his body which makes him dangerous.
-Wrestling ability, while a good wrestler and brawler, he will usually be outwrestled by better athletes and technicians.
-No remorse, while this can be a strength, it can also be a weakness seeing him on the wrong side of the rules.
-Size, while not a small man, he can be overpowered by bigger wrestlers.

Finishing Moves and description:

“The Blackest Hour”: A variation of the reverse STO, this move sees Sawyer grab their opponent around their neck and lean them backwards. He then swings their opponent around, transitioning into a devastating DDT, slamming them head-first into the mat and knocking them out for the easy 1-2-3.
“Slaughter of the Innocence”: Also known as the “Iron Claw", the claw involves the Sawyer gripping the top of the head of the opponent with one hand and squeezing the tips of their fingers into the opponent's skull, thereby applying five different points of pressure. He then transitions into a Claw Hold STO slamming them to the mats head first getting either the submission or the pinfall.
Signature Moves and description:

“The Butchering”: This modified inverted reverse figure-four leglock variation sees Sawyer cross one leg of an opponent over them and stand on the crossed leg, then take hold of the free leg and lay down on his back, raising the opponent's legs up into the air and causing pain to their legs and lower back.
“Murder By Numbers”: Sawyer stands behind the opponent and locks him/her in a full-nelson before then lifting the opponent, as if to perform a full-nelson slam, but as Sawyer drops down the opponent, he exposes a knee, slamming the opponent back-first against the exposed knee.
“The Spike”: Also known as a spike face-buster, stuff driver or a belly-to-back driver, from a position in which the opponent is bent forward against Sawyer’s midsection, as he grabs around his opponent's midsection and lifts so that the opponent is held upside down facing in the same direction as Sawyer, then jumps in the air and drops to a sitting position. This could be a quick match finisher or set them up for the kill.
Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
Short arm clothesline
Running clothesline
Corner clothesline
Baseball slide dropkick
Trapping head butts
Lou Thesz Press
Hitting with a foreign object
Snap powerslam
Vertical stalling brainbuster
Fisherman's suplex
Swinging Neckbreaker
Release German suplex
Sambo Suplex
Spine buster
Over the Top Rope Plancha
Moonsault In or Out of the Ring

Wrestler Biography:
Sawyer Goddard is another member of the famous Goddard family led by Jon, the man that has created the Gypsy Clan Compound known as Tombstone. His Father’s Lieutenant and Right-Hand Man, Sundown. His little sister is Minerva, “The Gypsy Moth” along with his older brother, tag team partner, Eli Zachariah Goddard and his older sister Viveca. They have finally arrived all in EMERGE. She warned that she was the first of many when jumping into the wrestling scene and now we are starting to see the Clan arrive.
Sawyer is a very disturbed man when it comes to “gorgers” or those who do not want to live by their lifestyle or adhere to their rules. He is vicious but a loving brother and family member to his own Kin. Known as “The Pyg Man” for being the Poacher of Tombstone, he has a fascination with wearing severed heads of animals he kills especially pigs hence why he adopted the name “Pyg Man”. What do he and the rest of Tombstone have to offer? What are their ultimate plans and if Minerva is any indication of just how powerful, dangerous and maniacal this family can be?
EMERGE has just become their Killing Fields.
Personal Details

Name: You Know Who I am
Contact Details: Discord
Where did you find out about us?: Always Here.
Does your character have a twitter? If so, what’s the ID: @SawyerGoddard
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