Sourial Slytherin
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Character Details

Name: Stanley Parker
Alias: Sourial Slytherin
Height: 6’1
Weight: 179lbs
DOB: June 26th, 1993
Town of Birth: Leeds, Yorkshire, England
Billed From: Upper Flagley, Yorkshire, England
Picture Base: Ezra Miller
Body Type: slim and toned 
Alignment: heel
Entrance Music: “The Howling” by Within Temptation

Wrestler Entrance:
The Lights to the arena cut completely and an eerie silence fills the room before candles light as if by magic down either side of the ramp, starting from the top all the way to the ring and “The Howling” by Within Temptation begins to play. A robed Sourial Slytherin steps out onto the stage and walks to the top of the ramp, throwing his arms out as smoke puffs from either side of the stage before he throws back the hood of his robe and begins to walk down the ramp. 

Announcer: “From Upper Flagley in Yorkshire, he weighed in earlier at one hundred seventy nine pounds… Sourial Slytherin!”

Reaching the bottom of the ramp, he rolls into the ring and immediately walks straight to the corner of the ring, removing his robe and tossing it to the outside before dropping down into a seated position with his arms draped across the bottom rope. No fanfare or jawing at the fans, just waiting for the start of the match, a cold hard stare on his face as he does so.

Important note here - this guy is both a throwback to old school gimmick wrestlers of the eighties and also a nod to current Indy wrestlers that can have a little more fun than modern television wrestling allows. Slytherin has wrestled for a few years on the Indy scene in the U.K. using what is basically a Harry Potter gimmick and 100% sells this gimmick on screen. It doesn’t matter what people say to him on shows and in promos, he will never admit that he is anything but a wizard that is the Heir of Salazar Slytherin himself. Away from the cameras and public though, is a different matter. He isn’t crazy, he doesn’t believe he’s a wizard whatsoever, he simply  built a following based on a gimmick portrayed at shows that he knew would be popular and draw fans in because of the subject matter. In reality, he’s just a regular Indy wrestler looking for a big break who found a niche and made it work. He will 100% not break character on shows.

Finishing Moves and description:
1 - Avada Kedavra - springboard cutter (
2 - Crucio - inverted spinning figure 4 (

Signature Moves and description:
1 - Sectumsempra - high impact running knee to kneeling opponent
2 - Wingardium Leviosa - Springboard Flying Forearm

Common Moves:
01 - Shoot kick
02 - Front flip leg drop
03 - stomp to hands of downed opponent
04 - Springboard back elbow
05 - snap ddt
06 - Fisherman’s suplex
07 - Cannonball to opponent down in the corner
08 - Hurricanrana
09 - Low blow
10 - European uppercut
11 - Standing shooting star press
12 - Shining wizard
13 - Superkick
14 - Running neckbreaker
15 - 450 splash

In character Biography:
Schooled at the famous Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Sourial Slytherin is a pureblood wizard and the last scion of the Slytherin name, a distant grandson of the legendary Salazar Slytherin. Tired of the limitations of the International Statute of Secrecy, Sourial has rallied against the Ministry of Magic and has broken wizarding law by openly discussing the wizarding world in front of Muggles. Determined to lead the wizarding world out of hiding in order to reclaim their birthright as superior beings to muggles. Magic is might. And those who stand against him? Enemies of the heir beware! 

Out Of Character Biography:
Stanley Parker, Stan to his friends and family, is a British wrestler from Leeds in the North of England. He started wrestling at nineteen and has built something of a cult following thanks to his use of an extremely popular fandom for his gimmick. He managed to make wrestling his full time job in early two thousand sixteen and has worked up and down the country since. 

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