Kathryn Pearson
[Image: rMWXiwL39NaM4ziWRdVrtv7_5vT2rQqlWLqyVIE2...OMx5Cy1qTX]
Character Details:

Kathryn Pearson



March 11th 1984*

*Kath's true date of birth is March 11th 1982, but she didn't want to seem over the hill before she even started as a pro-wrestler so publicly, she dropped a couple of years off her date of birth in an effort to appear younger and hasn’t ‘corrected the mistake’ since.

Town of Birth:
Malibu, California

Current Residence:
Santa Monica, California

Picture Base:
Christy Mack

Body Type:
Slender, with exaggerated ‘assets’ 


Entrance Music:
"How You Love Me Now" by Hey Monday

Wrestler Entrance:
The house lights dim and take on a pink hue as “How You Love Me Now” by Hey Monday begins to play over the speakers and the screens flash into life with “KATHRYN” written in big pink and purple letters as lights begin to revolve around the entranceway and the fans cheer in unison as Kathryn Pearson appears on the stage. She jogs over to the left of the stage and punches the air before jogging over to the right side and doing the same, getting a cheer each time before she jogs back to the middle of the stage. She stands still for a moment before bending down to slap the floor before flicking back upright, her hair whipping up and back as she throws both arms wide and the fans cheer again, Kathryn beaming at them before starting to walk down to the ring.

Claire Slater: "Making her way to the ring from Santa Monica, California; she weighed in earlier this evening at one hundred twenty one pounds, give it up.... FOR KAAAATHRYN PEEEEEARSON..."

Kathryn slaps hands with fans all the way down the ramp until she gets to the bottom, where she spins around and walks to the other side of the ramp and searches out a young child, placing her sunglasses on their face before turning to jog up the steel steps. Kath walks along the apron and turns to lean back against the ropes where she throws her arms out again before climbing into the ring and running to the other side of the ring. Kath stands on the bottom rope and leans out to the fans, throwing a thumbs up to some of the fans before finally dropping down to settle into the corner where she awaits the start of the match.

Kathryn is outgoing, confident and sociable. She isn’t as flashy a wrestler as some, but she was well trained by her ex husband, SCW legend David Helms and her training was improved on by her friends Kirsten Levesque, Yvonne Knight, Zoe Sperling and recently, Jordan Majors, who have all helped her develop her technique over the last few years. She is straight laced beyond belief where the rules are concerned and won't cheat under ANY circumstances, though she isn't weak willed along with that and won't roll over inside the ring against those who do cheat. Kathryn is extremely headstrong and despises the idea of women being the weaker gender, which can sometimes lead her into trouble as she will argue her own point to the limit, often landing her in situations that she should be avoiding.

Finishing Moves:
“4-B Cutter”
“The Hiptoss Piledriver”

Finishing Move Descriptions:
4-B Cutter: A springboard cutter, done by jumping backwards from the ropes or the corner to catch the opponent by the head and take them down with a diamond cutter.
Hiptoss Piledriver: Exactly what it says on the tin - Adopted from David Helms, Kathryn lifts the opponent over with what looks to be a hiptoss before shifting her weight to bring them down into a modified piledriver.

Signature Moves and description:
Floatover DDT
Bronco Buster
Stink face

Common Moves:
Flying forearm smash (in the vain of AJ Styles)
Springboard crossbody
Drop toe hold
Reverse DDT
Running bulldog
Sitout jawbreaker
Diving facebuster
Dropkick to seated opponent
Facebreaker knee smash
Russian legsweep
snapmare followed by kick to opponent (lower back/shoulders/head etc)
Tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown
inverted facelock neckbreaker slam (twist of fate)

Wrestler Biography:
Kathryn Pearson (known for several years as Kathryn Helms, ex-wife and former valet of Supreme Championship Wrestling star David) was born and grew up in Malibu, California, the daughter of Timothy and Francine Pearson. Timothy owned - and still owns - a rather successful technology company that dealt in micro-computers for various types of electrical appliances, including missile guidance systems among other things. It had always been Timothy's intention for his daughter to follow him into the family business, something which looked to be on the cards when Kathryn graduated highschool and received a place at Boston University on the Business Management degree course.
Unfortunately for Timothy, that's where the plans began to unravel as it was during her first semester in Boston that Kathryn met and subsequently fell in love with the man she would go on to marry; David Helms! David was already a wrestler when the pair met, working for a small Boston-based wrestling company, but David's career began to take off and as it did, Kathryn slowly gave up her own career aspirations. The pair married shortly after relocating to Toronto where David had signed a lucrative contract with a bigger wrestling company and they had many happy years together before ultimately drifting apart in 2011 when the pair separated and eventually divorced. The divorce and subsequent custody battle over their son Jason took its toll on Kathryn AND David, but time is a great healer and the pair eventually become great friends once the drama had settled down and they were able to rebuild some of what they once had, without the romantic element.
Following the messy custody battle and divorce, Kathryn had to start picking her life up once again and she turned to Yvonne Knight for help with that, trying her hand at making a name for herself in the business she had once been a part of in a non-active way. The two grew close along the way and both joined the Independent Wrestling Cartel together and had some success as a tag team before Ivy ultimately departed the company. Kathryn credits Ivy, as well as her friends Kirsten Levesque and Zoe Sperling as the three women who helped create the wrestler she is today, even if those skills have gone unused for several years now. Having joined the Uprising Wrestling Alliance when her ex-husband took the job as General Manager there and even bought a piece of the company too, Kathryn had a short lived return to the ring but ultimately hung up her boots for a second time to concentrate on the business she co-owns with Cassidy Carter, a clothing label named Tattoo Hooker Fab. It was a culmination of her life going full-circle, finally going into business herself, just as her father had wanted, even if it wasn’t exactly as he imagined. 

But professional wrestling fans don’t forget a face, and despite her not being active in a long time, fans still asked if she would ever return… but her answer was always the same, that she didn’t think she would. She had a business that was blossoming, she was a mom, had a great life and didn’t have that hunger anymore as she once had. Plus she wasn’t getting any younger, either. But a chance encounter and subsequent new friendship with SCW’s Jordan Majors made Kathryn realise that you are only as young as the woman you feel, and with the connections she had to the owners of EMERGE, Kathryn decided to test the waters and see if she still had what it takes. The contract negotiations were simple, she already knew the owners and the new GM was easy to deal with too, and before she knew it, Kathryn was employed by EMERGE wrestling on a short term contract that could be renegotiated later. With the help of Jordan, as well as David and Regan, Kathryn started the next chapter of her wrestling journey. The question was now whether it would be a success or not? Only time would tell on that.
[Image: helms2021banner.png]

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