Yvonne Knight
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Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: @AJinxEffect

Character Details

Name: Yvonne Knight
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 128 lbs
Age: 32 (Dec 12th 1986)
Town of Birth: London, England
Picture Base: Brie Larson
Body Type: Athletic
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Face

Entrance Music: Overture + Theatre by Icon for Hire
Wrestler Entrance:

The lights go out with a flip of a switch, the crowds attention immediately captured along with their imaginations with all eyes diverting to the stage as a heart beat beings to be heard. Just then the screen lights up with pink silhouette of a woman walking towards us, each step shooting towards the screen. The crowd then begins to buzz with excitement when Overture hits over the P.A system. The buzzing then changes as Theatre by Icon for Hire explodes, the lights with them to life to reveal Yvonne Knight standing on the stage. She is dressed in her red, gold and blue flight suit wrestling gear, hair hanging down.

Kidman: “Ladies and gentlemen, hailing from London, England she weighs in at one-hundred and twenty-eight pounds… YVONNE KNIGHT!!!!”

Yvonne grins while looking out to the crowd, the same grin disappears and is replaced with a focused look as she looks down towards the ring. She then runs down the aisle towards the ring and slides in via the bottom rope and with that momentum stops in the middle of the ring and on one knee. The crowd roars as she beings to stand up and from behind her hair is a smirk before she turns and runs to a corner and climbs the second rope and raises her arms to the crowd which give one final cheer. 

She leaps off the second rope and twists in the air before planting her feet into the canvas where she waits for the match to begin.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): 
Yvonne is a very "old school" girl when it comes to wrestling, having been brought up on the British Wrestling circuit her whole life which is where she fine tuned her submission and technical wrestling style to near perfection. Because of this she is respectful to all her opponents, and in turn expects the same back to her and if it isn't given to her, she will go out of her way to make them respect her using her ring prowess. 

However she is a little to gun ho at the best of times and that gets her into precarious situations where the odds may well not be in her favour.

Finishing Moves:
#1: The Jinx Effect | #2: Jinxed | #3: Broken Mirror |

#1: Sharpshooter
#2: Fisherman’s Suplex
#3: Standing inverted Indian Deathlock surfboard into a head stomp

Signature Moves:
 #1: Knight Lock | #2 Stone Walled | #3: Pink Whisper| #4 Black Magic

#1 : Elevated Half Crab
#2: High Angle Flapjack
#3: Hurricarana
#4: Straight Jacket Sit-Out Sleeper Slam

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set: 
1)Abdominal Stretch 
2) Arm bar /w Head Scissors 
3) Bow & Arrow 
4) Bridging German Suplex 
5) Diving Elbow Drop off Top Rope 
6) Diving Forearm 
7) Enzuigiri 
8) European Uppercut 
9) Front Face lock Neck Breaker 
10) High Angle Moonsault 
11) Inverted Atomic Drop 
12) Jump Knee Drop 
13) Jumping Leg Lariat 
14) Knife-Edge Chop 
15) Missle Dropkick 
16) Pendulum Backbreaker 
17) Running Forearm 
18) School Girl Roll up 
19) Shinbreaker 
20) Shoulder Breaker 
21) Sidewalk Slam 
22) Snap Suplex 
23) Snapmare followed by a running low–angle front dropkick to the opponent's face
24) Standing Camel Clutch 
25) Sunset flip pin (sometimes will use this as a possible set up for the jinx effect)
26) Swinging Neckbreaker 
27) Tornado DDT 
28) Uranage Backbreaker
29) Overhead Keylock
30) Slingshot Double Knee Facebreaker

Rare/Desperation Maneuvers List:
1. Spiral Tap
2. Slingshot Splash to the outside
3. Suicide Dive
4. Samoan Drop off the top

Wrestler Biography:
She is the daughter to the legendary grappler Jacky Knight, one of the greatest British Wrestlers to ever grace a ring, she is the sister to Jacob and Lucas Knight, the latter being Infamous in his own right with his career and the other being adopted (allegedly) . Ivy has always had wrestling in her blood, so much so she opted to teach it before ever deciding to set foot in the ring herself professionally. 

She is no stranger to SCW having signed with them back in 2009 when teaming with her best friend and student Zoe “Syren” Sperling, the two had big plans together but a freak injury during her second match forced Ivy to the sidelines where she was then let go after that, but Zoe and her career flourished so Ivy see it as a blessing in disguise.

That wasn’t the end of Yvonne’s career though she decided once back from injury she would move around various companies and found success there, the most notable in IWC with Kathryn Pearson where they became Tag Team Champions. A few years passed after leaving IWC and attempts at trying other aspects of the business. But wrestling has always been her passion and now having debated it for a while, she took the plunge and joined emerge.

Where she hopes to achieve all she can before making her way back into SCW where she has set her sights.

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