Wrestler's Alias: Saber
Wrestler's Real Name: Unknown

Pic Base: Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker
Height: 6’’ 6 inches
Weight: 290 pounds
Birthdate: Unknown
Birth Place: Unknown
Current Residence: Parts Unknown, USA

Physical Description: Saber is well built. His arms are well toned and defined as is his chest. His body is riddled with scars. As far as wrestling gear goes, Saber wears a purple singlet( like Sting’s gear, but purple and minus the scorpion. It is a knife or sword.) His skin is pale as well. He has his fists taped. His hair is long shoulder length and dyed green. And of course he always wears white face paint with his lips caked red. He wears s long purple trench coat, that is tattered and appears stained with blood in spots.

Wrestling Style: Technical/Power/Hardcore/Bloody Violent
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Hardcore Heel
Years Pro: One
Finishers: 1. RIP. 2. The Punchline. 3. Lullaby.
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): 1. Tombstone Piledriver 2. Big Show’s KO punch. 3. Fireman’s Carry into spinning neck breaker

Saber enjoys hitting those moves, putting his opponents through tables and stacks of chairs, to create more pain for his opponents. He also relies on submission and suplexes. But he makes sure his suplexes are sloppy, so his opponents land awkwardly, causing more pain. His submissions, he usually bends his opponents limbs almost to the point of breaking them.

Signature Moves: 
Come back Moves/Sudden counter:
Power Clothesline
Burning hammer
Half Nelson Suplex
Belly to Belly suplex
Double underhook facebuster
Northern Lights suplex (Often used as a counter to the DDT)
Reverse Samoan Drop
Y2J Enziguri
Exploder suplex
Swinging neckbreaker
Release German Suplex
Release Dragon Suplex

In Control moves:
Saber Death Drop(Scorpion Death Drop)
Double underhook backbreaker
Snap suplex
Gory Special into a neck breaker
Machine Gun Chops in the corner
Shining Wizard
Gut wrench suplex
Death Valley driver
Back Breaker
Abdominal Stretch 
Octopus hold

Downed opponent:
Knee Drop
Triangle hold
Boston Crab
Camel Clutch
Surfboard stretch
Heel hook submission
Chicken wing camel clutch
Arm bar

Basic Strikes:
Elbow strikes
Running Big Leg
spin heel kick
stiff kicks
knee strikes

Top Rope Moves:
Flipping Neckbreaker
Fall Away Slam
Flying rope cross body

Big Match moves:
Top Rope Exploder Suplex
Top Rope Double underhook suplex
Pump handle Release Suplex
Brain Buster onto the top turnbuckle
Powerbomb into turnbuckle
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed):

Theme Song: “Coma White” Marilyn Manson

Strengths: Saber has an undeniable and unquestionable tolerance for pain. He enjoys it so much. Even if he is being hurt, he will laugh about it. His larger frame and his newly gained strength in comparison to his smaller frame makes him more powerful than a lot of his opponents. He is also super intelligent. He can get inside of his opponent’s head when the bell rings.

Weaknesses: Over confidence. 

Entrance: Chilling laughter enters the arena and the lights begin flashing purple and green, going along with the beat of “Coma White” as it begins to blare through the PA system. Saber walks out to an increased amount of boos. He walks out with a smile on his face. Saber reaches the ring steps and lifts his hands up and salutes the heavens, giving them a middle finger for their troubles, before slowly making his way up the ring steps and across the apron. He drops to the mat and slithers around the ring, flicking his tongue out at the crowd, scaring a few kids here and there. He then gets up and leans into the corner and waits.
James Evans

[Image: jamesevansnew2.jpg]

SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome


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