The Heartbreakers
Team Name: #Heartbreakers
Individual Names & Stats

Wrestler One: Corey Zenner
Height: 6’0
Weight: 212Ibs
Age: 27
Town of Birth: Los Angeles
Picture Base: Zayn Malik
Body Type: Athletic
Wrestling Style: High Flyer

Wrestler Two: Niles Gray
Height: 6’4
Weight: 187Ibs
Age: 25
Town of Birth: Green Bay
Picture Base: Liam Payne
Body Type: Athletic
Wrestling Style: High Flyer

Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Neutral

Entrance Music: We Will Rock You - Queen

Team Entrance: ‘We Will Rock you’ hits over the PA system as strobe lights flash down the length of the ramp. Over the top of the music, Charley gets to her feet and raises her mic.

Charley: Ladies and Gentlemen, at a combined weight of 399Ibs, they are the single best looking tag team in history, and have probably ‘had’ your Mom.

She shakes her head as she says this

Charley: Corey Zenner & Niles Gray… HASHTAG HEARTBREAKERS!!!

Corey and Niles explode onto the rampway, accompanied by pyro firing from the stage, energetically making their way to either side of the stage and saluting the crowd, Jodie walking into the middle of them. They then come back where the beginning of the ramp is and show each other a mirror, before shrugging and making their way down the ramp raising their hands and clapping in time with the music. Both of them walk around the ring, talking to the fans before nipping up onto the apron, both of them vaulting into the center of the ring. Both pick a turnbuckle and climb it, raising their right fist to the crowd and blowing kisses to any attractive women they see, before somersaulting backwards into the ring as Jodie stays on the outside

Finishing Moves and description (Max 3):
Heartbreaker (Backstabber from Niles followed by Swanton Bomb from Corey)
L’Amore (Corey tags Niles and then whips opponent into the ropes, and with his hands underneath the opponents armpits, throws him vertical, Niles running in and executing an RKO)

Signature Moves and description (Max 5):
Sweet Kiss (Corey and Niles whip the opponent into the ropes, taking him down with double raised knees, finishing off with double somersault leg drops.
2 Hot 2 Handle (Irish Whip from Niles into Super Kick from Corey)
Jealousy (Double Shining Wizard)

BIO: The very first graduates from the Orlando Cruze Wrestling School in New York. Went for success in UWA but their egos got in the way. Now they are back and managed by Jodie O'Hara and looking for the tag team titles in EMERGE

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