Mordecai w/Shadowcat
Personal Details

Name: Kas
Contact Details: @Merrikaz on Discord or Twitter
Where did you find out about us?: Through lurking [Image: smile.png]
Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: @catofshadows 

Character Details

Name: Mordecai
Height: 6’ 11”
Weight: 310lbs
Age: Unknown
Town of Birth: Unknown
Picture Base: The Undertaker
Body Type: Muscular/Monster
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Neutral, shading to Heel
Entrance Music: “Lift Me Up,” Five Finger Death Punch

Wrestler Entrance: A brief countdown flashes up on the screen, before Lindsay Morrison emerges, dressed in white. As the music kicks in, she gestures, and wreathed in smoke, Mordecai appears. He walks slowly down to the ring, looking straight ahead. He climbs through the ropes and leans against the nearest turnbuckle. Lindsay follows behind him, and sits on the edge of one of the announce tables. 

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): 

Mordecai is a silent monster of a man, and nobody can quite figure out what he’s doing in wrestling, apart from causing pain and destruction. Except Lindsay Morrison, aka Shadowat, but she’s not talking. 

Admittedly, he’s not the brute that he was in the IWC, and confirnes his atrocities to the ring. 

Finishing Moves and description: 

“My War,” - The Last Ride powerbomb
“Cradle to the Grave,” - Hell’s Gate Submission

Signature Moves and description:

“Hell to Pay,” - Running DDT
“Sham Pain”, -  Chokeslam
“Blue on Black,” - Jumping Clothesline

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set: 

Power all the way - nothing subtle about this man monster.

Wrestler Biography:After losing a Buried Alive match to Christian Savior, Mordecai disappeared from the IWC. Only turn up years later at the side of Lindsay Morrison aka Shadowcat, who had last been seen advocating for his head.

All other details are to be revealed in Character Development

Character Details

Name: Lindsay Morrison
Alias: Shadowcat
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 140lbs
Age: Unknown
Town of Birth: Washington D.C.
Picture Base: Lena Headey
Body Type: Amazonian
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Neutral, shading to Heel

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): 

Lindsay Morrison has mellowed from her old femme fatale, anything-for-the-win persona. She’s still all about self indulgence, doing what you want, when you want it, but now actually considers others. 

She manages Mordecai, and rarely will she interfere in his matches, preferring just to watch as he does whatever he does. Anyone who thinks that she is the weak link however, gets educated quickly as to why she was one of the more feared and sadistic wrestlers of her old league. 

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