Strong Style
Name: Wasley
Contact Details: Carrier pigeon addressed to "Wasley up north"
Where did you find out about us?: Red about it on't dark web. Chris, I know your secrets!
Does your character have twitter? @TommyCookPW, @DonnyBornNBred, @LondnBornNBred
[Image: strongstylebio.png]


Character Details

Ring Name: Tommy Cook

Full Name: Thomas Arthur Cook
Height: 5’10
Weight: 207lbs
Age: 26
Town Of Birth: Birmingham, England
Picture Base: Pete Dunne
Body Type: Stocky
Alignment: Heel

In-ring Attire:
Wrestling singlet in maroon with “Tommy Cook” across the front, black boots with maroon kick pads over the top that feature a union jack on the left leg and a cartoon bulldog on the other, black gum shield with ‘Cook’ written across the front. Wears a sleeveless hooded jacket to the ring, which he removes at ringside.

Street Attire:
Extremely well dressed, in clothes that would be described as vintage in style. Woolen overcoats with brass buttons, suits in tweed or warm brown, shirt and tie, news boy caps, Chelsea boots etc etc 


Second generation wrestler from a wrestling family, known for being very stiff inside of the ring. Really lays the hurt on and has developed something of a bad reputation for that. 

Wrestling Style:

Bully. Basically a hybrid of technical and brawler, he hits hard and throws you around the ring. 

Finishing Moves and description:

“Pull No Punches”: Nakamura’s Kinshasa
"Battered And Bruised": Buckle bomb followed by running double knee to cornered opponent.

Signature Moves and description:
Exploder suplex

Double underhook sitout powerbomb

Move list:

Stiff punches
European uppercut
Bite (literally bites an opponent, his gum shield adds pressure)
Triangle choke
Back rake
Club to back
Knee strikes
German suplex – bridging/release/rolling
Fisherman’s suplex
Belly to back suplex
Belly to belly suplex
Powerbomb onto apron
Double foot stomp
Fireman’s carry neckbreaker

Tommy’s move-set is effectively designed to hurt. He works stiff, is a fighter rather than a wrestler and takes pride in the British strong style he’s adopted.


1: Strong for his size; he may not be overly tall but his stocky build helps when facing much bigger opponents as he can still lift them with ease.
2: Well trained. Has been in or around the business for years so knows his stuff.


1: Hot tempered. This can lead him into getting into trouble and even disqualified if he  - gets angry enough.
2: Not as quick as his contemporaries. His physique isn’t built for speed so will try to ground and pound faster opponents to stop them running rings around him.

Entrance Theme:
"Mantra" by BMTH


The lights go out and “Mantra” by Bring Me The Horizon hits the speakers. The room remains dark for a moment before a pop of pyros go off above the big screen and as the stage lights rise, Tommy Cook stands in the middle of the stage, a sinister grin on his face which shows off the gum shield in his mouth. As the lyrics kick in, Tommy begins to walk down the ramp, now one hundred percent focused on the ring.

Announcer: “From Birmingham, England; weighing two hundred and seven pounds… TOMMY COOK!”

With a minimum of fuss, Tommy shrugs off his jacket and drops it at the bottom of the ramp before quickly sliding into the ring. He walks to the ropes on the far side of the ring and grabs the top rope, pulling back on it before spinning and leaning back into the corner, resting his arms on the top rope on either side of him as he grins once again, waiting for the start of the match.

Character Bio:
Tommy Cook is a second-generation wrestler from a wrestling family in Birmingham, England, consisting of his father Arthur, mother Diane, and his two younger siblings, Henry and Esme. Trained by his mother and father, Tommy has been competing inside of the ring since the age of fifteen and worked the independent circuit in Britain as well as his father’s company – Pride of The Midlands – before coming to America to further his career and his knowledge. Originally a student at the Ante Up academy of Wrestling, Cook was asked to leave the school due to his poor attitude and his dangerous approach inside of the ring, which left him with rather bitter feelings toward the school. Very traditional, Cook will rarely climb the ropes, instead trying to bully his opponents by throwing them around the ring and hitting powerful blows that stop them from being able to use any sort of pace against him. 



Character Details

Ring Name: Tommy Wasley

Nicknames: Tons Of Fun, The Bearded Wonder, The Shit Talker From South Yorkshire
Height: 6'2
Weight: 259lbs
Age: 32
Town Of Birth: Doncaster, England
Picture Base: Trent Seven
Body Type: Husky
Alignment: Heterosexual

In-ring Attire:
White wrestling trunks with the Moustache Ride logo across the back, black knee pads, black boots.

Street Attire:
He has style. Loves a good flat cap, a big proponent of tweed in it's various cuts and styles. He dresses well, even when dressing down in smart casual. Nobody said you can't wear a tweed jacket over a t-shirt, pal.


Fun loving, care-free elder half of the team known as ‘Moustache Ride’. The two guys are serious about the business but never take themselves seriously; they enjoy having fun, enjoy the ladies, the attention the business brings and wouldn'’t mind more money. But never call him a joke or he may cut you...  

Wrestling Style:

All-round. A big lad who can still throw himself around well. 

Finishing Moves and description:

"Can't Talk - Must Tache":
Standing behind the opponent, Tommy applies a full nelson hold on them before lifting them into the air and falling down to a seated position, driving the opponent down tailbone-first onto the canvas before pinning them for the one two three. Also known as a full nelson bomb.

"Grim Up North":
Tommy whips the opponent into the ropes and as they come back, he flings the opponent vertically up into the air. While they’'re in the air, he catches them and brings them down hard onto their back with a powerbomb. Also known as a popup powerbomb.

Signature Moves and description:

"Yorkshire Uppercut"
Tommy whips the opponent into the ropes and waits for them to come back. As they bounce back and run back towards him he uses their momentum to throw them into the air and as they fall back down he hits a huge European uppercut. Can also be done as a counter to a springboard/dive from the top. Also known as a popup European uppercut.

"Turnbuckle Turnout":
Used whenever an opponent is charging towards Tommy while he’'s in the corner; Tommy will step forward and use the opponent’s momentum to lift them up and over with a scooped powerslam straight into the turnbuckles.

Move list:

Discuss punch
Discuss clothesline
Overhand club to back
Driven knee to stomach
Knee drop
Diving elbow drop
Front dropkick to cornered opponent
Stinger splash (called Big Sweaty Hug)
Delayed vertical suplex
Fisherman's suplex
Running high impact elbow smash
Powerbomb onto edge of apron
Cannonball to cornered opponent

1: His beard gives him the power of a thousand men. Hopefully nobody tries to Samson that shit, because it may just remove his power by cutting it off!
2: Has years of experience. Jokes and fun loving nature aside, he is a ring general and knows his way around the squared circle. 


1: His flamboyant showboating can cost him. He tries to show off to the ladies despite the evidence to suggest he has no right to do so and that can be a distraction.
2: While his ring game is well rounded, he doesn't excel at anything. He doesn't have any attributes that put him head and shoulders above his contemporaries in any one style.

Entrance Theme:
"St Elmo's Fire (Man In Motion)" by John Parr


The arenas main lights dim and colourful lights begin to flash around the stage as the screen lights up with the Moustache Ride logo and "Saint Elmo's Fire (Man In Motion)" by John Parr begins to black out of the speakers. The curtains part and out struts Tommy Wasley in his ring gear, a white silk scarf around his neck and a knee length double breasted grey coat. Grooving alone to the music, he struts to the top of the ramp before striking a pose which involves twirling his moustache to a pop from the fans. Letting go he starts to make his way down the ramp, dad-dancing along to the music as he goes.

Kidman: "Making his way to the ring, styling and profiling all the way from Doncaster England by way of the Moustache Kingdom. He weighed in earlier tonight at two hundred fifty nine pounds of husky sexiness and would like me to inform the ladies that he IS indeed single and very much D.T.F. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up... FOR TOMMY WASLEY!"

Reaching the bottom of the ramp, Tommy struts around the outside before rolling into the ring where he removes his jacket and hands it off to the referee. He then sexily slides the silk scarf from his neck and pats his body down with it a little before throwing it to a random woman in the crowd. He then turns and walks to the corner where he climbs the ropes and once again rocks the same moustache-twirling pose before dropping down and settling back in the corner to wait for the start of the match.

Character Bio:
Tough as old boots northern wrestler from the market town of Doncaster in England. Unlike half the people in the business of professional wrestling, Tommy does not come from a wrestling family. He does come from a family however; some of them are actually not dickheads. He moved to London at eighteen because he figured it was where the money was. Upon moving there however, he discovered that while he was right with that assumption, it was also true that the people who had the money didn’t want anyone else to have it, so he spent a couple of years living in less than ideal circumstances. He stumbled across wrestling almost by accident; he believed he was attending a job interview for a job as a gym instructor but he accidentally attended the wrong address and ended up in a wrestling school instead and decided to stick around because the gym was warmer than his house. His house was a dump; the central heating was broken and his thieving bastard of a landlord wouldn’t lift a finger to fix even a picture hook let alone fit a new heating system. The rest is history…, or at least he hopes it is, because there were some periods he definitely doesn’t want to remember. Oh! And he’s got a friend who’s a southern softy with an inferior beard, but Tommy’s more than makes up for that fact so it’s all gravy.

Bonus Tommy Facts!:
#01: - Tommy can consume an entire keg of lager in under 10 minutes. Under 5 if he's had a good curry beforehand.

#02: - Tommy considers the scoville scale a suggestion rather than a warning; the higher the number, the better the noms.

#03: - Tommy purchases a special beard oil made by Tibetan monks who live on top of a large mountain. It gives him the sexual potency of a Tyrannosaurus, just ask your girlfriend.

#04: - Tommy's beard isn't just a beard, it's a face cushion for the ladies. Always put their needs first, lads!

#05: - Tommy has always been a fair believer in the idiom 'the body is a temple'. Because of this, he ensures his 14 pack is well-shielded by a protective layer of fat at all times.

#06: - In a real fight between Batman and Superman, the winner would be Tommy! He would also survive the Thanos clickening.

#07: - Tommy would like to build a snowman - and it still waiting on Selena Frost to return his calls about his offer - but unfortunately, he is from England, and in England they only ever get a good slush and nothing more. Bugger.

#08: - Tommy believes the greatest movie of all time is Terminator 2 and he will fight anyone who disagrees with him, especially if he's already consumed the previously mentioned keg of lager. However, he has also been known to fight himself after consuming said keg of lager, so that perhaps isn't saying much.

#09: - Tommy isn't going grey, he is simply becoming more distinguished by the day.

#10: - Tommy is said to possess the firmest, most genuine handshake that people have ever received. A mark of a true gent and all-round top bloke.



Character Details

Ring Name: Johnny Taylor

Nicknames: Mr LonDONG | London's Favourite Son | The Southern Fairy
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180lbs
Age: 21
Town Of Birth: London, England
Picture Base: Tyler Bate
Body Type: Athletic
Alignment: Heterosexual

In-ring Attire:
White wrestling trunks with the Moustache Ride logo across the back, white wrist tape and black boots.

Street Attire:
Whatever the two Tommy's tell him to wear. He does as he's told or he gets the hose again... and no, that's not a euphemism, you dirty sod. Alternatively, he dresses in a similar fashion to his friends. They co-ordinate, it makes them look good.


Bareknuckle brawler turned professional wrestler. Tough as nails and talented for his age. Tries not to take life too seriously, along with his tag partner Tommy Wasley. All business in the ring though. Before matches he will try to shake hands with his opponent.

Wrestling Style:

Brawler/Striker with technical. 

Finishing Moves and description:

"Moustache Fu"
A deadly series of strikes and back hands one after the other, ending with Johnny delivering the one-inch punch made famous by some guy called Luce Bree.

"Hare of the Dog"
Johnny with a side headlock locked in, he pops his hip and flips his opponent over and to the canvas, he then transitions into a bulldog choke.

Signature Moves and description:

Johnny grabs his opponent and stands them to their feet, and bends them over from behind while feeding one of their arms through their legs. After hooking the other free arm Johnny looks to hit a pump handle slam only to turn it into a front face neck breaker.

With his opponent locked in a tree of woe, Johnny hits a savate kick to the gut of his opponent. He then sprints to the opposite corner and runs across driving a knee into their gut. Running back out he hits another and then on the third run back he hits a hesitation dropkick to the face or chest of his opponent.

Move list:

European uppercut
German suplex w/bridge
Stalling suplex
Shoulder breaker
Double knees to chest
Alabama slam
Shotgun dropkick into corner
Face wash in corner
Double hand chops to chest
Knife edge chops to chest
Diving elbow drop
Standing moonsault off top rope
Snap elbows to down opponent
Forearm shots
Double underhook suplex
Running punt
Savate kick
Axe kick
Spinning wheel kick
Leg lariat
Running high knee
Pendulum backbreaker

1: His size. He's small so quick and nimble, but he's always extremely strong for his size, which means he can lift most opponents he comes across, negating the size disadvantage smaller wrestlers usually suffer from.
2: Previous experience as a bare knuckle fighter makes him lethal with strikes. Can do serious damage to an opponent with those hits and gives him an advantage in a straight fight.  


1: Submission game isn't as strong as other parts of his arsenal. Can choke a guy out but when it comes to other body parts, he isn't as well seasoned. Would rather put someone out than make them tap.
2: Despite his strength, if he comes up against super-heavyweights his smaller size will still be a disadvantage compared to bigger contemporaries.  

Entrance Theme:
"Park Life" by Blur


The opening to Blur's "Park Life" hits over the P.A system, the Emerge fans divert their eyes to the stage while the curtain's part and slowly strutting out with a confident swagger is Johnny Taylor, who stops at the centre of the stage. He smirks with an aura of confidence while clutching his right wrist with his left hand.

Kidman: "Ladies and Gentlemen, weighing in tonight at one hundred and eighty pounds. He hails from the mean streets of North West London. He is one half of Moustache Ride and one third of Strong Style. He is JOHNNY TAYLOR!!!"

A mixed reaction from the fans follows as the cockney voice of Phil Daniels talks throughout the song. Johnny walks down the ramp, stopping to shrug his shoulders and lip sync to the song. He continues to walk down the ramp and once again stops to lip sync to the cockney talking in the song. He then sets off again and reaching the bottom of the ramp, leaps onto the apron and scales the ropes on the outside, standing on the second rope as he looks around at the fans. He finishes with one final lip sync to his music and a final shrug before leaping into the ring where he shadow boxes in the corner as he waits for the match to start.

Character Bio:
Johnny is a simple lad born on the mean streets of North West London. Johnny was one of those kids who got up to all sorts of mischief while growing up. Always getting into trouble with the law for fighting illegally, that was because of his arsehole Uncle Larry who ran the fights. Johnny's parents knew he wasn't a bad lad really at heart, the money he earned he put into the house to help them out, it was just the issue he lacked any type of direction in his life and a real role model.

Larry tried to get Johnny to come work for him, train and maybe get into professional boxing. But his parents wouldn't allow that, not one god damn bit. They didn't want him to risk brain damage, but they knew their son wanted to get physical. He had a fighter's blood in him and that is when a friend of Johnny's father suggested this wrestling lark.

There was all this talk about it being "fake" and just blokes prancing around in spandex for easy money and Johnny's parents saw this as an obvious solution to their problems. Not long after that, Johnny signed up to a school and began to like the craft. While doing so, he met his now brother from a Northern mother, Tommy Wasley!

Tommy was someone Johnny could finally look up to, in a brotherly way so to speak, and Tommy was happy to take Johnny under his hairy armpit in order to show him the ropes and it forged the duo that is set to dominate pro wrestling for years to come: Moustache Ride.

Bonus Johnny Facts:
#01: - When the universe created Johnny, it gave no limits to the number of abs he displays at any given time.

#02: - Johnny lost his virginity before he was born. The event was so spectacular in a previous life that it carried over to this one.

#03: - Contrary to popular belief, or what Tommy tells people, Johnny does not have a vagina.

#04: - However, there are days where Johnny would like to have one, and breasts, just to see what it would be like!

#05: - Johnny is a tenth level dan in Moustache Fu. He learned this through the spiritual journey he went on after a night out with Tommy. Suffice to say, it's the most powerful series of moves in this young man's arsenal.

#06: - Rumour has it, much like Samson and his hair, strength and power lie within the moustache!
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