Jake Raab - "The Fiery Target"
Character Details

Name: Jake Raab

Alias: "The Fiery Target"

Height: 5.9

Weight: 230

Age: 24

Town of Birth: Dusseldorf, Germany

Picture Base: Pascal Krauss

[Image: ifCwYBO.png]

Body Type: Athletic.

Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Face

Entrance Music: Feuer Frei by Rammstein

Wrestler Entrance: Feuer Frei by Rammstein plays over the sound system as Jake comes out through the curtain and he wears black MMA gloves with MMA German flag coloured shorts with his name on it with white arrows printed on his shorts.

Charley: "From Dusseldorf, Germany, he is The Fiery Target, Jake Raab!"

He high fives the fans as he gets into the ring and he does a hold up on the turnbuckle as he gets down from the turnbuckle and does a bow and arrow pose towards the camera before waiting for the match to start.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): 

He's the cousin of Konrad and Markus (Lord Raab) Raab family and wants to live up to the Raab name. Hasn't been in the business for a few years but willing to be apart of the business as a former MMA star making a name as a wrestler like his fellow family members are. However, he knows he's got to find his own identity to separate himself from Konrad and Markus, although he has a nice sense of personality already from Konrad and the brutal dogfight he brings to his opponent from Markus, but wants to combine the two to be himself as a wrestler. 

He's not afraid of being violent and bloody like Markus, but also knows to follow the rules and being respectful to opponents like Konrad does. Ever since he joined an acting school, he has finally found his identity and his nickname. Thanks to Edgar Davies who's Jake's acting school teacher, he gave Jake the nickname of The Fiery Target due to him always being full of fire and always on everyone's target. He also has the target nickname because he uses bows and arrows to hit his targets on the archery boards which Jake will always be located in the parking lot, firing arrows from his bow and even has joined an archery club to perfect his shots. His love for arrows came from arrow TV series he watches every single day after acting school, gym work and archery club.

Finishing Moves and description:

Raab buster (Full nelson facebuster)
Raab Vice (Arm-trap triangle choke)

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set: 

German suplex
Snap DDT
Fireman's Carry Takeover
Flying Clothesline
European Uppercut
Rolling German Suplex
Fisherman Brainbuster
Scoop Slam
Single Leg Crab
MMA Punches
MMA Kicks
Muay Thai knee strikes

Wrestler Biography: Jake Raab is known as the cousin of Markus (other known as Lord Raab) and Konrad Raab where he feels he needs to come back where he left off in wrestling after many years taking a backseat seeing his family succeed in the business. He has the personality of both of his cousins. He was a former MMA fighter where he was the top German MMA fighter in the world, even winning every single MMA title to his name as a heavyweight and as a light heavyweight. He suddenly didn't see much point of being in the sport anymore so he wanted to move onto wrestling. He's had a few matches in his time but hasn't wrestled for over three years and one day, be a successful wrestler once again to prove he still has what it takes to be a wrestler in the business. He's in the Invitational Battle Royal which will be more or less a tryout for Jake to see if Emerge wants to take him on or not.
[Image: VPeo6ld.png]

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