Jensen K. Robinson
[Image: 23mvspd.jpg]

Personal Details
Name: Jon
Does your character have a twitter? If so, what’s the id: @JensenKR_
Character Details
Jensen K. Robinson





Town of Birth:
Chicago, IL

Picture Base:
David Harbour

Body Type:

Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral):

Entrance Music:
Hells Bells by AC/DC

Wrestler Entrance:
Out goes the lights of the arena, as that happens the opening to Hells Bells by AC/DC hits over the P.A system, the crowd rising up to look at the stage. Shining the torches from their cell-phones…  The music continues to play when we see a flash of light, then another before the ember glow from a flame and that of a lighting of a cigar… Just then the music comes into its own with the lyrics and the same glow begins to move onto the stage like a firefly..
The lights come back on to reveal Jensen K. Robinson with a confidence about him, in his mouth is a stogie which he takes a hit from and exhales the smoke into the air with more confidence. He wears a tank top, jeans and boots and finishes the look with a Hawaian shirt. He looks out around the arena to the crowd and rubs his chin in thought before nodding to himself with a smirk and walking down towards the ring.
Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, hailing form Chicago, Illinois. He weighs in tonight at 250lbs… He is JKR – Jensen K. Robinson!!”
The crowd’s reaction is positive with mostly cheers for Robinson who reaches the bottom of the ramp and takes another hit form the cigar, he exhales and spins around slowly with hands on his hips admiring where he is and the atmosphere of the crowd before exhaling into the air. He then stubs it out on the ring post and checks its still not lit before putting it back in his pocket for later.  
He then rolls into the ring slowly before getting to his feet and looking around the arena one final time with a nod before walking over to his corner and shadow boxes with the turnbuckle a little psyching himself up.
Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED):
Jensen K. Robinson is a cigar smoking, alcohol swilling bareknuckle fighter straight out of Chicago, IL. He is about as tough as they come and has a wit about him that can and probably will rub people the wrong way, but he doesn’t care because he isn’t one to hold his tongue if he sees something he doesn’t like.
He is hard-headed at times, but if you’re on his good side he’ll have your back and treat you with respect. If you make an enemy out of him? Good luck because he won’t care for respect or your health at the end of the day and shall make sure you understand that.
Finishing Moves and description:
The Windy City Blues:
JKR Irish whips his opponent into the ropes or a corner (the latter being with more force). On their return towards him, he connects with a running forearm shot to the face or temple depending on his mood which is usually terrible when competing.
Signature Moves and description:
It Ain’t Pretty:
JKR applies a double under hook to his opponent he then assaults them with multiple knees to their exposed chest. There are moments when he then might rag doll throw them across the ring.
The Banana Split:
With his opponent on the ground, JKR will grab an arm and a leg and place his foot on their spine before pulling both into a bow and arrow stretch.
Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
Fallaway Slam
Running Power Slam
Gorilla Press
Deadlift Suplex
Running Knee Lift
Running Clothesline
Back Body Drop
Shoulder Block
Running tackle
Suicide Dive
Muscle buster
Sideslam Backbreaker
Shoulder Breaker
Running Face Wash to a corner seated opponent.
Mudhole stomping
Bionic Elbow
Fireman’s carry slam.
Wrestler Biography:
Jensen K. Robinson,
What would you like to know about the Bare knuckle fighter from Chicago, IL. He stands at 6’4” and weighs in at a hefty 250lbs, making him a formidable opponent of course. He is a father to a daughter of fifteen years of age. He drinks, smokes and shoots from the hip with his words which doesn’t make him the greatest of role models and yet now he is here in EMERGE ready to get paid better money to punch people in the face for a living.

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