Eli Zechariah Goddard
[Image: imuner.jpg]

Personal Details
Name: Jon
Contact Details: Discord
Where did you find out about us?:
Does your character have a twitter? If so, what’s the id: @EliZechariah_TS

Character Details
Name: Eli Zechariah Goddard
Alias: The Blood Butcher
Height: 6’1
Weight: 208
Age: 33
Town of Birth: Tombstone, TX
Picture Base: Jimmy Havoc
Body Type: Slender build
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Tweener
Entrance Music: Devil gets your Soul tonight by Nick Nolan
Wrestler Entrance:
Off switch the lights plunging the arena into darkness, a few flashes from cameras are seen but that darkness is only temporary when the big screen above the stage lights up to that of the Texas desert. A sand storm is picking up and through the swirl of sand we see 3 shadows making their way towards the camera. They get closer and closer and it is then we see who they belong to Sundown, Sawyer and Eli Goddard. All three members of Tombstone stare at the camera each one reciting the words in unison.
.We.  .Protect.  .Our.  .Own.
The stand storm then engulfs the screen forcing smoke to bellow out onto the stage with tinted lights while the opening to “Devil Gets Your Soul tonight” by Nick Nolan hit’s over the P.A system and when the lyrics kick into play, the lights come back starting from the stage then onto the arena itself. Standing on the Stage is Eli Zechariah, either side of him is Sundown and Sawyer. All three men look out towards the crowd and then the ring where Eli’s opponent waits as a disheveled voice speaks over the P.A System...
Disheveled Voice: “Ladies and Gentlemen, hailing from Tombstone, TX… The man before ya’ll weighs in tonight at 208lbs and is being watched over by his brothers in arms, his kin, the men known as Sundown and Sawyer... Who is it I speak of? Well ya’ll, it is The Blood Butcher... ELI ZECHARIAH GODDARD!!!”
The crowd continues to react unsure of what to make of both me as the Goddard Family known to the wrestling world as Tombstone look out towards them. Eli unclips his mask and removes his jacket before walking down the ramp and quickly sliding into the ring while Sundown and Sawyer follow suit and stop short at the bottom of the ramp.
Note: Due to his hunter instincts If Eli senses the opportunity for a quick “kill” he will attempt to start the match right away and attacks his opponent without hesitation whether during his entrance or theirs.-
Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED):
Eli is the hunter gatherer of the Tombstone Clan both outside and inside the ring. Because of this he is incredibly calm at times, eerily so to be honest. With this said he has an almost religious fixation with Blood be it others or his own. He is like a shark in that sense, when he sees it, he will go into a frenzy and god help anyone in his path when this happens because given the chance, he’d paint a ring canvas with it.
Finishing Moves and description:
1. The Mercy Killing: Dragon Screw Neck Whip.
Signature Moves and description:
1. The Hunters Mark – Rainmaker Lariat
2. The Kill Shot – Lifting Reverse STO
3. Bait & Trap – Triangle Choke
Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
Closed Fist Punches
Trapping Head Butts
Lou Thesz Press
Eye Gouge
Eye Poke
Back Rake
Suicide Dive
Hitting with Foreign Object
Running Powerslam
Basic Scoop Slam
Vertical Stalling Brainbuster
Fisherman’s Suplex
Swinging Neckbreaker
Release German Suplex
Sambo Suplex
Wrestler Biography:
Eli Zechariah Goddard is the eldest of the Gypsy family. He is a seasoned veteran when it comes to the sport of fighting like the rest of the clan. He is aggressive, and some say the most macabre of the bunch with very little care for his victim’s wellbeing. He is a very dangerous man because while at times he can act on impulse he is also able to bide his time and strike when those least expect it, much akin to his hunter nature. He is a self-educated and well-rounded athlete though when his kin are threatened, all gloves are off. He joins his brotherhood of Sundown and Sawyer in Emerge to represent Tombstone.
Why are they here?
2019 will be the year we all find out and if Eli has his way it’ll be paved with blood.
[Image: DDSdCJQ.png?1]

Messages In This Thread
Eli Zechariah Goddard - by Nate Chapel - 12-20-2018, 11:19 PM

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