Mika Kozlov
[Image: 2r3f3va.jpg]
Character Details:
Name: Mikalai Aleksandra Kozlov
Alias: Mika Kozlov
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 118 lbs.
Age: 12/10/91
Town of Birth: Samara, Russia 
Picture Base: Cassi Colvin
Body Type: Athletic, Tall and Thin.
Alignment: Heel
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long, Light Brown
Tattoos: None
Gimmick/Personality: A Scheming and Eccentric Succubus with an "Odd" Sense of Humor.
Finishing Moves and description:
The Killing Joke: A variation of the reverse STO, this move sees Mika bend her opponent backward rather than stand side-to-side before falling into a swinging motion to drive the opponent face-first into the mat and knocking them unconscious for the easy three-count. Mika uses theatrics and will laugh and either kiss or lick her opponent before executing the move. (This is currently used as the finisher of Bray Wyatt under the name of "Sister Abigail.")
Dos-Vi-Dania: In "Dos-Vi-Dania", instead of applying a head or facelock, Mika bends her opponent forward and hooks each arm behind the opponent's head (Also Known as a Butterfly). Mika then tucks the opponent's head under one of her arms, and then quickly snaps, falling back to pull the opponent down either flat on their face, which is the more common variant, or onto the top of their head, causing them to roll over, like in a regular DDT. It is also known as a double arm DDT or a butterfly DDT. This move is quick and sudden and will knock an opponent out unconscious and lead to the instant victory and the 1-2-3.
"Pop Goes The Weasel": Also known as a spike brainbuster. Instead of just falling down onto her own back, the attacking Mika jumps up and uses her momentum to drive the opponent down onto the top of their head and knocking them out for the 1-2-3.
Signature Moves and description:
The Galosh: "The Galosh", also known as a diving dropkick, a missile dropkick is an attack where Mika jumps off the top turnbuckle and executes the dropkick on a standing opponent. If it hits right it can knock an opponent out or at least stun them long enough to get the easy 1-2-3. Many have tabbed this as the best dropkick in the business.
Babushka: "Babushka" is technically known as a sit out scoop slam piledriver. Facing their opponent, Mika reaches between her opponent's legs with their right arm and reaches around the opponent's neck from the same side with their left arm. They then lift the opponent up and turn them around so that they are held upside down, as in a scoop slam before dropping down into a sit out position, driving the opponent down to the mat neck and shoulder first and going for the easy pin.
Mind Over Matter: In "Mind Over Matter", Mika applies a cobra clutch and then leaps forward, falling into a sitting position and driving the face of the opponent into the ground. This move can be a knockout blow leading to an easy 1-2-3.
Electrichka: In this stunner version it sees the attacking Mika first place an opponent (who is in front of them) in an inverted facelock before rolling themselves under the opponent, turning both wrestlers over so that the opponent can be dropped into the stunner. This move is quick and sudden and will lead to the easy 1-2-3.
Red Scare: In "Red Scare" it is a toe hold maneuver Mika will grab the opponent's foot and lift their leg off the ground. With one hand Mika will grab either the toes or the outside of the foot, then with the other wrap the ankle to create a "hole" for the joint. Mika also has a grapevine variation that sees Mika applying the ankle lock hold and then falling to the mat and scissoring the leg of the opponent. This stops the opponent from rolling out of the move and makes it harder for them to crawl to the ropes but lessens the pressure that can be applied. Mika prefers to execute from a standing position for the easy submission.
Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
Short arm clothesline
Running clothesline
Corner clothesline
Baseball slide dropkick
Closed fist punches
Trapping head butts
Lou Thesz Press
Eye gouge
Eye poke
Back Rake
Low blow (with any limb she chooses to use)
Hitting with a foreign object
Handful of tights for the pin
Feet on the ropes for the pin
Snap powerslam
Scissor Kick
Basic scoop slam
Vertical stalling brainbuster
Fisherman's suplex
Swinging Neckbreaker
Release German suplex
Sambo Suplex
Spine buster
Entrance Music: “Psycho" by Breaking Benjamin CLICK HERE LAPOCHKA
Wrestler Entrance:
"Psycho” by Breaking Benjamin plays throughout the arena.....
The arena goes dark......
One spotlight shines at the entrance way where a woman sits, Indian Style, her long hair hanging down and covering her face….
As the lyrics to “Psycho” start to play, she slowly raises her head, the icy blue eyes capture the light as the crowd roars while she wears a skull face mask, some boo at the sight of the beautiful and deadly, Mika Kozlov. She looks around, starting to giggle a little before slowly standing up and spreading her arms….
Before making a flying motion as she starts to laugh some before her demeanor turns serious, taking her mask off and slamming it on the floor. Mika starts to make her way to the ring, stopping and looking at the crowd, tilting her head before continuing to the ring. She gets to the apron, hops on and bends backwards through the ropes, circling the ring a few times before landing on her knees, the lone spotlight shines on her as Mika slowly looks around, showing off her beautiful and devilish face…..
She cracks a smirk and stays there waiting for the match to begin.
Ring Attire:
Mika wears to the ring Short tights usually any assortment of color including red, black, white, silver, etc. They are usually shiny like vinyl or leather. Mika also wears a matching sleeved cut off vest leaving her chest open. Mika also wears Thigh-High stockings, knee-high black boots and knee pads. She wears leather wrist gauntlets at times and sometimes not, depends on her mood.
Street Attire:
Mika is tomboyish but also dresses like a lady. Her model background helps in her wardrobe selection as she can dress with all of the top designer clothes but prefers to wear jeans, flip flops and tees or pull over sweat shirts. Mika is very lady like but loves to be herself and if it's comfortable then she is happy.
Mika Kozlov is a hard girl to figure out. Mika has a huge sense of humor, can be sweet at times and very funny so many people are attracted to her because of those traits. Her low tone, raspy voice with the light Russian & southern accent which she picked up living in the southern states is also a plus to many but Mika is not just some sweet Russian-American. Deep inside Mika has a plan, she is very intelligent and witty. Mika can be a master manipulator and is very good at influencing others to her side with her looks alone but what really captures others is her communication skills. Her psychology background helps her understand others better and can be used to her advantage. Her family has been known to be sweet and one of the friendliest in wrestling but Mika is far from innocent and though she can be sweet, she is definitely not her cousin Vera. Be careful with Mika Kozlov, don't let her inviting sense have you completely fooled because this "Cerebral Assassin" will use what she learns from each person she meets to her advantage to stay on top of everything that is happening around her so things will always go her way. Mika has been known to influence others into doing things they normally wouldnt do, don't be standing on a ledge if Mika is around, you might find yourself on the street below. PROCEED WITH EXTREME CAUTION
Wrestler Biography:
Mikalai Aleksandra Kozlov is a member of the famous Kozlov family. Mika is the younger cousin of Vera and older cousin to Svetlana who are both accomplished wrestlers in NEW and other promotions. Mika migrated from Samara, Russia around the age of 5 with her father and mother to the beautiful city of Miami, FL.. Mika not knowing much of the English language learned throughout school and now English is her primary language. Her father died of a heart attack soon after they moved, both Mika and her mother were in danger of being deported back to Russia, at the time Mika's mother worked as an executive assistant to a hot shot Lawyer who helped her stay in the States, he later adopted the young Mika to protect her from being deported, the lawyer? Broderick Chase. Mika was an excellent student, she is in gymnastics at a very young age and the Russian beauty also began Modeling at the age of 13. She stayed very busy and was very popular amongst her classmates, but Mika is definitely more than meets the eye.
While in school she continued to watch her cousin succeed in wrestling and this changed Mika. The young Kozlov then began to watch her younger cousin, Svetty also put on the boots and won “Rookie of the Year” for her old wrestling company. Mika knew right away that this was the road she wanted to follow so she soon began to look for the proper training to be a wrestler. When she founded during school she trained in Miami to prepare her for her NEWA Debut.
Mika has a bit of an aura around her. Mika growing up though being a model was a bit tomboyish and still shows those tendencies. Mika also can be a manipulator. Many make the mistake of thinking Mika is like Vera but they are further from the truth. Mika can be sweet but far from innocent. Mika is a great wrestler in the ring, she mixes her speed and quickness with her technical ability. Mika is a jack of all trades for she can fly off the ropes with a moonsault or wrench your back with a sharpshooter. She is methodical in the ring and waits for her opponents to make mistakes. Mika hates blood, she also hates violence but will be the first to dish it to the unsuspecting victim. Mika also tends to be a collector, taking something from each victim she defeats as a keepsake.
No one knows exactly why Mika Kozlov is in wrestling and what her true intentions are but she is now in the IWC as part of the “Blacklist”. She can be very friendly and sweet but also has a tendency of analyzing every situation put in front of her. Mika always says “All Paths Lead to Rome”. Mika just plans to take her own road there….one that even if you don’t like? She doesn’t care. Mika had recently surrendered to Aiken to help her "sister", Taylor Chase-Cruze and keeping her out of harms way from Sinistry and The Coalition, she has been transformed into the evil playful minx of the New Eden in both IWC and now SCW.
When the IWC closed down, the former World Champion disappeared. She had a few Tweets here and there on Social Media but outside from a few appearances on UWA TV, no one really knows what Mika has been up to. Why did she go to EMERGE and NOT the SCW where she already had success there? Is this part of a bigger plan? Or is EMERGE simply the stepping stone to get Mika ready to come back to the SCW and become a World Champion….
One thing is for sure….
This is not the same Mika Kozlov…..
She is more dangerous and unstable, we will all soon find out the story behind it.
[Image: kn8efNj.png]

- 1x IWC World Champion
- 1x IWC Evolution Champion
- 2014 SCW Stable of the Year (New Eden)
- 2014 SCW Feud of the Year (SCW vs. New Eden)

Singles Record - |W - 50 | L - 05 | D - 2 |
Overall Record - |W - 63 | L - 17 | D - 4 |


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Mika Kozlov - by Mika Kozlov - 08-02-2018, 08:58 PM

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