Melissa Killgraves
Personal Details

Name: Ruppy
Contact Details: Here on the forums is alright...
Where did you find out about us?: Here on the forums
Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: Not at the moment. Might make one at a later point if I feel I can dedicate time to it.

Character Details

Name: Melissa Killgraves
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 135 lbs.
Age: 21
Town of Birth: Bridgeport, Connecticut
Picture Base: Bianca Belair (One thing I do want to stress, however, is that while Killgraves will wear her hair in a ponytail going forward, it is nowhere near as long as Belair’s is. Melissa’s will end just past her shoulders. I wanted to stress this to avoid any idea of having her act like Belair as far as using it as a whip-like weapon or having it be used against her. Belair simply has the closest appearance to how I picture Killgraves looking going forward, hence my decision to make her the pic base.)
Body Type: Tall and fit with noticeable muscles
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Heel
Entrance Music: “Bullet Time” by Audiomachine

Wrestler Entrance:
The lights suddenly go out, plunging the arena into darkness. After a moment of the fans buzzing in confusion, “Bullet Time” by Audiomachine hits as a spotlight suddenly begins shining down onto the stage, where we see fog has begun to envelop it. Slowly we see a woman wearing a Hannibal Lector inspired black wired half-mask over the lower half of her face walk out into the light, an icy and emotionless glare roaming over the booing fans. The bottom of the mask has two chains linked to it, and after a moment the woman is joined by two other women who are holding them, who make their way around to stand in front of the masked woman and join hands before the trio begins moving down to the ring as the spotlight follows them, no emotion to be found in their expressions. When they reach ringside, the blonde and redhead turn and remove the mask to reveal the imposing woman as none other than Melissa Killgraves, who nods to them before she goes to march her way up the steel steps in a similar fashion to a drill sergeant before stepping into the ring. She stands in her corner with her arms folded across her chest as the other two women, Claire Prescott and Jennifer Fontaine, move to stand beside one another in her corner out on the floor, joining hands again as they watch their friend prepare for battle.

Note: While I haven’t had a chance to confirm anything for sure with Omar yet, mostly because I just wanted to get this up early enough to factor in to the next show, I wouldn’t think it’d be out of the question for Cindy Todd to accompany Melissa and her friends as well now that they’re all part of The Unforgiven. Once I check with Omar to know for sure, though, I can definitely tweak this to include her.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED):
Melissa Killgraves is a no-nonsense woman who can be just as vicious verbally as she can be physically. She is a lot stronger and tougher than people tend to give her credit for, mostly due to a strict father who’s both a former Sergeant of the U.S. Army and currently serves as a police officer. Since joining The Unforgiven, Melissa has started to undergo a slow evolution, becoming less like a bully and more like a stoic force of nature more focused than we’ve ever seen her before. She’s begun taking far more delight in the pain she causes her opponents, and all that matters to her now is victory by any means necessary in the name of The Unforgiven.

In-Ring Attire:
Killgraves wrestles in black cargo pants, black combat boots, and a black crop top with red trim that has her initials (MK) on her left breast in the color red, designed to look like it’s been punctured by several bullet holes. She also has black tape around her wrists. When she makes her way down to the ring she wears a black leather jacket with the same logo on the back that’s on her crop top as well as a Hannibal Lector inspired black wired half-mask covering the lower half of her face.

Finishing Moves and description:
Dishonorable Discharge
Inverted GTS - Melissa’s primary finisher and preferred method of ending every match when she’s able to hit it. She lifts her opponent into an Argentine Backbreaker Rack (or Torture Rack if you prefer) before throwing them in front of her and drilling the back of their head with her knee. Given her impressive strength and her tendency to focus on the head when she’s not trying to rip someone’s arm off or flaunt the aforementioned strength, there’s a very good chance that the damage done is going to cause her to knock her opponent out by the time she hits this move. She’s also more than capable of surprising people with that strength of hers by using counters to lift opponents into the Argentine Backbreaker Rack position or even do things like picking them out of midair into it, catching them off guard and virtually guaranteeing she’s going to hit this move because they’re likely still recovering from the shock of what she pulled off.

Kill Shot
Haymaker Punch - The Kill Shot is Melissa’s secondary finisher, usually only coming into play when she finds herself unable to either connect with or get her opponent in position for the Dishonorable Discharge, or if she desperately needs to end the match immediately if she’s either been on the back foot for a while or knows her opponent is looking to end things right then and there. When she knows she’s able to get away with it (No DQ matches or the referee being either distracted or knocked out) she also won’t hesitate to use a closed fist for a little extra impact to guarantee her opponent won’t be waking up anytime soon.

Signature Moves and description:
- Military Press Slam
- PTSD (Elevated Double Chickenwing)
- Mercy Kill (Swinging Side Slam Backbreaker)
- Grave Situation (Fujiwara Armbar) [In matches where winning by submission is required, this becomes her go-to choice for a submission finisher, especially since she won’t hesitate to break somebody’s arm using this hold if you need to use an injury to write somebody off for a while]

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
- Lariat
- Neckbreaker
- Sidewalk Slam
- Sleeper Hold
- Suplex [Against smaller or similar-sized opponents, she has a tendency to stall and even walk around a bit with them before landing the suplex]
- Powerbomb
- Spinebuster
- Camel Clutch
- Backbreaker
- Full Nelson Slam
- Gutwrench Suplex
- Powerslam
- Headbutt
- Arm Wrench followed by slamming her elbow down into her opponent’s arm and shoulder multiple times
- Running Facewash to an opponent seated in the corner

Wrestler Biography:
Melissa Killgraves hasn’t had the easiest life growing up, though most people who weren’t in her circle of friends would’ve never known by looking at her. She always came off as a sort of “popular girl” kind of bully mostly due to being a bodyguard of sorts to the popular kids in school (which is why she was considered popular by association). Her tough demeanor was due to being raised by her single father, a highly decorated Sergeant in the U.S. Army who transitioned into serving as a police officer after being honorably discharged. She never knew her mother, mostly due to Melissa being the product of a one night stand between her father and a prostitute shortly before he was deployed and then being forced into his care after he returned from his tours of duty while she was still young. She’s silently resentful of this but just as resentful of the fact that her father tried to raise her like a drill sergeant would a new recruit. She’s a lot stronger and tougher than you might expect from judging a book by its cover because of this, but instead of joining the military as he’d hoped after graduating high school, she instead opted to run away from home and start her life over in a sense. Realizing afterward she never really had a plan for her life at this point and knowing she was going to financially tank if she didn’t do something, she decided to take her military training and apply it to the wrestling business, knowing that if she got a break not only would she get the money needed to keep her life out of her father’s hands, but also be able to enjoy him watching his little soldier on TV as she used what he taught her to do the exact opposite of what it meant: instead of protecting those around her because it was the right thing to do, she would punish all who stood in her way and establish herself as a new dominant force to be feared.

Her first year in the business could easily be described as a tale of two halves, as the first half of the year she was virtually unstoppable, going undefeated for several months along with claiming the vacant RUSH Championship against all odds, albeit with some help she never asked for. In the second half of the year, however, when she lost the RUSH Title to Jennifer Helms she seemingly could not recover, picking up the occasional win but falling short in her bid to reclaim the belt in a rematch as well as meeting Helms in the quarterfinals of the Ricky Octavius Memorial Tournament, where she would lose again due to doctor stoppage, a fact that truly did not sit well with her as she knows she went through worse. During this time, rumors began to circulate regarding a potential connection between her and The Unforgiven, the dangerous group formed by Cindy Todd. Despite the obvious signs of this just being a rumor, considering Melissa had a significant rivalry with Unforgiven member Sundown due to beating him to become RUSH Champion, she seemed open to the idea of hearing Cindy out. At the start of 2020, after vowing to turn herself around by any means necessary along with an altercation back home that exposed her father for his harsh methods of ‘raising’ her and his now-borderline obsession with trying to get her back under his roof, she has gone all in with becoming part of The Unforgiven and prepares to stand against EMERGE and anyone who dares to stand in her way.
[Image: yC0vuyj.png]

Messages In This Thread
Melissa Killgraves - by Ruppy - 02-12-2019, 01:46 AM
RE: Melissa Killgraves - by Ruppy - 02-03-2020, 07:37 PM
RE: Melissa Killgraves - by Ruppy - 02-03-2020, 07:42 PM

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