Asher Hayes

Wrestler's Alias: Asher Hayes
Wrestler's Real Name: Asher Hayes
Twitter Handle (if applicable):
Pic Base: Edge
Weight: 225
Birthdate: 4/20/84
Birth Place: Chicago, Illinois
Current Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada

Physical Description: He looks exactly like Edge.

Wrestling Style: Striker/Submission/Some aerial
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face
Years Pro: 10
Theme Song: "Rope" by Foo Fighters

Finishers: Dream Killer, Dust to Dust
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): Reverse Twist of Fate into a Dragon Sleeper, running knee like Daniel Bryan
Signature Moves: kicks to the head and body, running Senton splash, Ash-Sault
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Ash-Sault-lionsault

Common Moves: crossface, Mexican surfboard, belly to back suplex, superplex, superkick, running tornado DDT, multiple knees to the head. He will also think on his feet to do something innovative, no matter what style he chooses to use.

Strengths: Experience. Heel or face, he knows what works to get it done in the ring. He knows how to generate heel heat, or babyface reactions, depending on alignment. He is extremely well versed in grappling as well submissions. When he does take to the air, there are few who can do better.

Weaknesses: His body has been through the ringer, especially his back. He can still take a great deal of punishment, and his never say die attitude can prove futile if he's no careful.

Entrance: The arena lights dim down, as the opening riffs of "Rope" by the Foo Fighters echo throughout the arena. At the 13 second mark, the name "Asher Hayes" blares through the sound system. As the arena lights return to normal, Asher appears on the stage. He makes his way down the ramp as the cheers of the crowd rain down upon him. He walks up the ring steps and climbs to the top turnbuckle, lifting both fists into the air, saluting the crowd before dropping down and running to the opposite side, 

Biography: Asher is a former SCW United States, Underground, and Tag Team Champion. He is also the first and only Commonwealth Champion. 

Sample RP: Stuff

Handler's First Name:
James Evans

[Image: jamesevansnew2.jpg]

SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome


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Asher Hayes - by James Evans - 06-13-2019, 08:53 PM

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