Donovan Street
[Image: bhjdqv.jpg]


Wrestler's Alias: “The Black Sheep”, “The Ripper” Donovan Street
Wrestler's Real Name: Donovan Jefferson Street
Twitter Handle: @Donovan_Street
Pic Base: Tommaso Ciampa
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 220 lbs.
Birthdate: 6.1.83
Birth Place: Kensington, England
Current Residence: Los Angeles, CA.

Physical Description: Donovan is slender and muscular, doesn’t have an ounce of fat on his body. He is bald with a long beard. He looks menacing with green eyes, no tattoos and is probably one of the most fit wrestlers you will ever encounter.

Wrestling Style: Technician, Brawler.
Alignment: Heel
Years Pro: 15 years

Finishers: “A Touch of Crass”, “Simply EXTRA-ordinary”, “Thy Kingdom Falls”

Finishers Descriptions:
A Touch of Crass: In this dropkick, Donovan runs towards an opponent and jumps up sideways striking an opponent's head or chin with the sole of his highest foot, with similar execution as a Yakuza Kick or big boot kicking them right in the face and knocking the opponent out for the easy 1-2-3. (Ode to his sister, Kennedy Street) CLICK HERE
Simply EXTRA-Ordinary: Donovan picks the opponent up in a fireman's carry and heads to the top rope. From there, he leaps off the top and flips, landing as if performing a senton bomb on the opponent. (Ode to his favorite cripple and the man who stole Kennedy’s Heart then Broke it, he also married Trinity once, he’s one slippery bastard, and father to Donovan’s niece, Simon Lyman)
Thy Kingdom Falls: Donovan applies a front face lock and then falls backwards, much like a normal DDT, but instead of the opponent's head impacting the mat, Donovan falls to a kneeling or sitting position driving the face of the opponent on to his/her knee knocking them out for the easy cover. (Ode to his twin sister, Trinity.)

Signature Moves: “Good-KNIGHT Driver”, “Make a POINT Blank”, “BME” (Bigger Man Experience), “Blacked OUT”, “Passing The FINAL EXAM”, “#BadGuysFinishFirst”

Signature Moves Descriptions:

Good-KNIGHT Driver: A fisherman buster is a variation of the brainbuster in which Donovan will hook the opponent's leg to aid in lifting them off the ground. With the opponent elevated, Donovan will perform a Fisherman’s Suplex, driving the head of the opponent into the ground. (Ode to his Mate and Brother-in-Law, Lucas Knight)

Make A POINT Blank: Also known as a discus knee or rolling knee, Donovan advances towards a sitting or bent over opponent, performs a 360° spin and uses the momentum to deliver a jumping knee strike to the opponent's head. (Ode to his favorite OTHER Donovan, his brother-in-law and Kennedy’s mentor, Mr. Kayl)
B.M.E.: Also known as a spike piledriver, stuff piledriver or a belly-to-back piledriver, from a position in which the opponent is bent forward against Donovan’s midsection, he then grabs around their opponent's midsection and lifts so that the opponent is held upside down facing in the same direction as Donovan, he then jumps in the air and drops to a sitting position. (Ode to that SOB he can’t stand that is friends with his sister, Kennedy. Blake Mason)
Blacked OUT: Also known as an arm-trap triangle choke. The vise is done from a position in which the Donovan and the opponent are seated on the mat facing each other. Donovan sits on one side of the opponent and using his near arm encircles the opponent in a headlock position and grabs the opponent's near wrist, bending the arm upwards. Then, Donovan maneuvers their other arm through the "hole" created by the opponent's bent wrist, locks their hand upon their own wrist, and then pulls the opponent forward, causing pressure on the opponent's arm and neck. (Ode to Amy Chastaine, the woman that practically is the reason he went on house arrest for a year and is Mother Hen to Kennedy)
Passing The FINAL EXAM: Donovan picks up his opponent in a fireman’s carry, then spins as many times as he can before dropping the opponent into a Cutter. (Ode to James Evans who had a sexual relationship and hurt his sister, what a guy)
#BadGuysFinishFirst: Donovan Street climbs the top rope and lands on his opponent with a double foot stomp to the chest taking out all the air from them and setting up for a finisher or getting a quick cover. (Ode to Ryan Watson, another former Ex of his baby sister Kennedy and still owes him for a punch in the gut)
Common Moves:
Elbow drop to downed opponent
Standing Dropkick
Curb Stomp
Triple Leg Drops (Street Staple)
Running knee lift
Headlock Takeover
Rear Naked Choke
Northern Lights Suplex
Samoan Drop
Diving Forearm Smash
Chop blocks to knee
Kicks to the kneecaps
Swinging Neckbreaker
Jackhammer Suplex
Cradle Piledriver
Fallaway Slam
Inverted Bulldog
Sunset Flip Powerbomb (From Top Rope)
Full Nelson Face Buster
Standing Moonsault
Spinning Spinebuster
Inverted Sit Out Side Powerslam

Wrestling Gear: Donovan wears tradition black trunks with gold or red trim, kneepads, though he has a knee brace on his right knee. He also has matching boots, black tape around his fists and wrists, and a long matching trench coat.
-Violence, Donovan Street is one of the most if not the most violent wrestlers known to man and he will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.
-Cerebral, Donovan knows how to play the mind games, he is a master manipulator and understands the psychology of professional wrestling. Half the time he has the match already won with the fear factor alone.
-Experience, Donovan has been around a long time, he knows how to win, how to get it done and he’s one of the toughest wrestlers you will ever meet as his blood lust for hurting those, especially when it comes to his sisters friends and associates sometimes outweigh his care for winning.
Pedigree. He’s a Street, part of the legendary wrestling legacy.

-Reputation. Donovan has made a ton of enemies and it wouldn’t be a surprise if he found himself one day all along against a slew of wrestlers who have tired of his devious and malicious games.
-Hatred. Sometimes he will allow his emotions to take the better part of valor and judgment. He doesn’t care but it could work against him.
-Tunnel Vision. At times Donovan could be so focused that he forgets everything else around him.

Theme Song: “Black’ by Sevendust CLICK HERE

The arena goes black, one lone spotlight shines as “Black” by Sevendust begins to play throughout the arena. Donovan Street walks out in his long trench coat, he looks around and says nothing, heading to the ring as he is rained down in boos.
Donovan doesn’t pay attention, instead soaking up the boos and walking toward the ring with purpose. Once he steps into the ring, he stands in the middle and looks around, sometimes smirking before leaning in the corner and waiting for the match to begin.

Donovan Street is the Twin of Trinity and older brother of Kennedy. He started wrestling in 2003 before Trinity and Kennedy were ever part of the ring. After winning many titles in the SWA, Donovan took a hiatus to raise a family with his then wife, Georgia Snow. After they split and she took the kids to Canada, Donovan came back shortly after where he mauled his baby sister after she lost a match back in 2010 where she was stripped almost completely naked. With this action he became the Black Sheep of the Family but after things died down it seemed like Donovan and Kennedy had turned a corner until the Keenie persona came out and Donovan once again decided to finally have enough and he beat Kennedy senseless right before Taking Hold of the Flame 2017. After that with the help from Amy Chastaine, Donovan found himself in jail and then house arrest where he spent over a year there. Five months ago he was let out with time served and has finally resurfaced.
What are his intentions?
As a disrespect to his enemies, those he deems as playing an important part in Kennedy’s life, he has named or mimicked moves from their arsenals with his own twist.
Donovan is back and no one is safe.

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Donovan Street - by Donovan Street - 06-14-2019, 10:22 PM

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