Melissa Killgraves
Using this post to give some details on Melissa's friends who will be appearing with her more frequently on-camera. They aren't wrestlers in any sense of the word, and they're as much "managers" to Melissa as Seraglio can be considered as such for Cindy Todd and Sundown. Still, they will lead her into battle and stand in her corner while she competes and can often get more involved if asked to by Cindy Todd.

Name: Claire Prescott
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 110 lbs.
Age: 21
Town of Birth: Bridgeport, Connecticut
Picture Base: Kate Upton
Body Type: Curvy
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Heel

Claire Prescott comes from a wealthy family, her father being considered one of the biggest and most influential investors of the modern business world. Her mother has become so used to the rich and lavish lifestyle that she’s become the embodiment of a “trophy wife” only obsessed with her looks to be the beautiful woman she should be standing beside such a wealthy and powerful man in public, and her younger brother is only invested in his own schemes to try and start from his family’s wealth to strike his own fortune in the business world, just like his father. If anything, Claire’s butler was more of a parent to her than either of her actual parents. Still, she managed to form a close friendship with Melissa Killgraves in school, being the only one who went beyond seeing her as “popular by association through being their handpicked bully bodyguard” and even using her family’s money to help get her started on her own life when she finally got fed up with the path her father was trying to force her to walk. Claire’s always wanted to break away from the “good-looking dumb rich blonde” stereotype her family kind of wanted her to fit into for the sake of public appearances, and through an unorthodox friendship with Jennifer Fontaine, she began to learn about the world beyong her “upper class” bubble in exchange for helping Jennifer learn what it was like to be popular by proxy. Recently, Claire’s realized her feelings towards Jennifer has evolved beyond mere friendship, and her coming out and subsequent start of this new relationship essentially caused her family to disown her. In response, Claire and Jennifer followed Melissa in joining The Unforgiven, hoping to seek a new life together while also helping their friend as all three evolve together into something much more.

Name: Jennifer Fontaine
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 120 lbs.
Age: 21
Town of Birth: Bridgeport, Connecticut
Picture Base: Rose Leslie (red hair)
Body Type: Average
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Heel

There was really nothing special about Jennifer Fontaine growing up. Perhaps the only noteworthy thing was that her parents divorced shortly after her younger brother was born, which led to him developing a hostile reaction to a man Jennifer at least attempted to maintain some civility with. Her mother was a nurse that often worked late, causing her to have to mature fairly quickly and often act as the woman of the house when she wasn’t around. This got the attention of both Claire Prescott and Melissa Killgraves in school, the former because of her desire to break out of her “popular rich girl” shell to explore the life of the middle-to-lower class in exchange for showing Jennifer what life was like in the upper class, and the latter because Jennifer was essentially the antithesis of everything Melissa was trying to become in her own endeavors to lash out at her father. This formed a bizarre dynamic up until they graduated from high school where Claire would always try to keep Jennifer close and help one another while Melissa made Jennifer a frequent target of her bullying and often tried to keep her away from Claire. A talented writer, Jennifer eventually went on to become an accomplished author, publishing stories that drew parallels from her life experiences and often hit readers on a deeply emotional level. After returning home following a tour promoting her latest book, as well as a nasty breakup with her longtime boyfriend when she discovered he was cheating on her with a more “successful and attractive girl” in his words, Jennifer reconnected with Claire and ultimately realized the connection between them went deeper than mere friendship. While her mother and brother, along with her new stepfather, were supportive, her birth father and most of her extended family didn’t and were fairly vocal about their disgust and disappointment, some even going as far as to say she should reconsider getting back with the man who cheated on her. In response, Jennifer and Claire followed Melissa in joining The Unforgiven, hoping to seek a new life together while also helping their friend as all three evolve together into something much more.
[Image: yC0vuyj.png]

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Melissa Killgraves - by Ruppy - 02-12-2019, 01:46 AM
RE: Melissa Killgraves - by Ruppy - 02-03-2020, 07:37 PM
RE: Melissa Killgraves - by Ruppy - 02-03-2020, 07:42 PM

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