Nicole "Ducky" Kinneck
Wrestler's Alias: Ducky
Wrestler's Real Name: Nicole Kinneck
[Personalities]: Ducky, Pro, Lunatic
Pic Base: Avril Lavigne
Height: 5'4
Weight: 117 lbs
Birthdate: March 31, 1984
Birth Place: St. Louis, MO
Current Residence: St. Louis, Missouri

Physical Description: Basically Avril. Sometimes her face and body will be scuffed up with cuts or bruises. Sometimes by self harm. Some random tattoos. Sometimes she's wearing ridiculous things because of DUCKY.
Pro has more of a rocker style
Lunatic could care less, most of the time someone has to force clothes on her.
Nic has a more casual style. however, because of their switching, they find themselves wearing eachothers clothes.

DUCKY - Very playful, imaginative, empathetic and goofy. A little odd. Skips around the ring, plays with the ropes. She would rather play games than inflict pain to her opponent. If she admires her opponent, she'll try to talk and have conversation during their match, gush or ask for an autograph or offer them some gummy bears. "Accidentally" dodges opponents hits/moves just by being goofy or her A.D.D kicks in, allowing her to be distracted by something and quickly move out of the way as her opponent is trying to attack. She loves almost everyone and loves to talk. She'll poke her opponent or "boop" them on the nose, sometimes will slap them on the arm in a "you're it" manner and run around the ring to get her opponent to play Tag with her. She mostly uses defense in an innocent manor, getting lucky with her moves and always has a childish grin on her face. When she does attack, it's almost in a childish fashion like a belly flop. Gets emotional. Holds conversations with inanimate objects. Loves everyone unless they cause harm. SHOULD NOT DRIVE.

THE PROTECTOR - She can be a very angry and bitter personality filled with rage. 0-100. Curses a lot and is rather violent. She wants nothing more than to rip apart her opponent and make them feel as much pain as possible. Her style is mostly clean but violent and emotion driven also, alot of times her rage forces her use street fighting/illegal moves. She's careless about what's illegal and what isn't. She goes for the win and everything about her is dead serious or a mockery during her match. She uses attitude and ignorance, may spit in the opponent's face, head butt, punch, choke, curse out and get in their face, ect. Desperate need to get all of her anger out. Sarcastic, smartass. Likes very few people.

LUNATIC - Has a constant tic by twitching her head and fingers. She's very odd and twisted. She's perverted and violent but very, very unpredictable. Has an evil smirk and a disturbed blank stare upon her eyes. She slowly cocks her head to the side when amused or twiddles her fingers- and may be quite the pervert in a creepy way. (like touching her own breasts while grinding her teeth staring her victim down, may creep out an opponent by grabbing them from behind and squeezing their boob/crotch while whispering some off the wall crap in their ear...(to throw off her opponent, but mostly for her own enjoyment.) She may be slow in her own creepy actions but when she attacks, she's very quick and moves in an odd fashion. Most of her techniques are illegal. She'll scratch her opponent's face and basically want to mutilate them and make them bleed. She'll laugh a hissing laugh at her opponent's pain and seeing blood highly amuses her. She'll bite her opponents but it's nothing like a nibble. She actually tries to rip their flesh off. Highly violent, highly dangerous, and extremely twisted. Speaks in broken sentences sometimes.

NICOLE (Herself) - Sometimes shares the same tic as Luna with her head and fingers twitching. Sometimes flinches from residual abuse. Nicole fights clean. Seems to be fragile. She is a little scared and nervous in the ring. Emotional and may possibly cry if angry or in enough pain. Is touchy about her family being brought up. Her personalities switch on and off like a light switch and she can't always control them. She shows her respect for opponents that she feels deserve it. Secretly doesn't reeeally want to wrestle but feels she owes Mr. D and Pro as she wouldn't be here if not for them. Loyal. Feels more comfortable with her husband Anthony Wallace around.


Wrestling Style: Dirty in her own unpredictable way. Sometimes comes up with new, questionable moves.
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Tweener
Years Pro: 2
Theme Song: "I'm So Sick" by Flyleaf

Mental Breakdown (A Rock Bottom into a Backbreaker)

Signature Moves:
LIGHTNING FIST! (Picked up during her travels while on hiatus, Nicole's LIGHTNING FIST! is always preceded by a borderline offensive war cry that sounds straight from a terrible kung fu movie. The move has never and likely will never beat anyone, but she still acts shocked every time it doesn't get the three count.)
Split Personality (Lady of the Lake- The wrestler sits down, crosses his or her legs, tucks their head into their chest and wraps one arm around their ankle (so they are effectively rolled into a ball). The wrestler then extends their remaining arm between their legs and then waits. The opponent, ostensibly confused, normally takes the offered hand, at which point the wrestler rolls forward and into an arm lock.)
Pro's Revenge (Hammer lock with knuckle punch to the neck)
Duck, Duck, Goose (Tilt a whirl Headscissors into an Armbar)
Straight Jacket
Lock Down 55 (Lotus lock)
Lobotomy (Tarantula Rope Backbreaker)

Common Moves:
Fish hook
Fist drop
Battering ram (usually tries to get away with aiming for the groin)
Monkey flip
Front dropkick
Sunset flip
Bow and arrow hold
Cross-armed surfboard
Hip toss
Tree of woe
Arm drag
Kitchen sink (often to the back)
Inverted facelock backbreaker
Inverted atomic drop
Various stomps
Rocking Horse (She has a lot of fun doing this one and sometimes yells out "yeeeehaww!" or "giddy up horsey!")
Slapping, biting, choking, hair pulling, etc. (You can actually just run with it. This character is unpredictable and uses many moves, some made up so crazy that people go "Did that just happen?" She likes to make her opponent look like an idiot too. Like tripping them as they walk, tying their shoelaces (if any) while she has them pinned down, taking a perm marker and drawing mustaches on the ladies while they're dazed...licking people's stuff Smile Sometimes she'll get carried away with fighting and start to street fight or gouge at the eyes while screaming bloody murder.

Strengths: Her mental state makes her opponents unable to predict her next move. She's sneaky, able to manipulate and distract. Vicious. May look fragile but she can put up a great fight. Protective.

Weaknesses: Sometimes during a match one of her other personalities will take over resulting in a totally different mood setting or disadvantage. Doesn't always know when to stop. Has flashbacks of her past or the Asylum. Those times are most dangerous because she'll go into kill mode, and it's hard to stop her OR it could completely wreck her and she panics, trying to get away. Sometimes loses sight of what's important, and goes for revenge instead. Lashes out at people for no real reason, destroying relationships and gaining enemies. Ducky can be too trusting.

As the arena lights cut, a video package opens up on the big screen, showing a dim lit corridor with one strip of light flickering in the background. The noise of several people crying and screaming can be heard in the background as the sound of a metal door slamming echoes around the arena. Moments later, a figure on the screen tied up in a straight jacket can be seen from behind, being drug along the corridor by two burly men. The jacketed figure is kicking and struggling to break free as they disappear into the darkness at the end of the corridor. The video package cuts and "I'm So Sick" by Flyleaf hits the PA system as a blinding white strobe light begins to flicker on and off rapidly.

I will breeak... into your thooughts...
With what's wriiitten oon my heaaart…

Beyond the strobe lights, we suddenly see Nicole "Ducky" Kinneck with her head lowered and dragging her feet while a straight jacket confines her upper body. The pants she wears, tailored to fit, are the old wrestling pants of none other than the famous Dillusion.


As the word "BREAK!!" screams through the PA system, pyros explode around Nicole as she too screams and rips off the straight jacket. Her hand flies to her head, grabbing a fist full of hair as she screams the second "BREAK!!" in the song.

I'm so sick, infected with
Where I live
Let me live without this
empty bliss…

Nicole makes her way down the ramp occasionally pulling at her hair in frustration. As she makes it to the bottom of the ramp, Nicole lashes out at one of the fans, making them jerk away in fear. She smirks before turning with a skip and climbing the steps up to the apron.

I'm so sick
I'm soo sick…

Still on the apron, Nicole hops up on the middle rope and slowly walks along it as she twiddles her fingers in the air. Suddenly Nicole whips her head back before falling backwards, flipping into the ring. As she whips her head back, a sadistic smile creeps upon her face; already envisioning the pain that will be administered in the match. She closes her eyes, still smiling as she sways and tugs at her hair while her song slowly dies down.

When Nicole Kinneck was 18 years old, her family was murdered right before her eyes by a man named Frank Sablo. Those killed were her mother, father, and 2 year old sister. The murder gave her mental issues but her next move made everything spiral out of control. Her plan, to track down the man who murdered her family and then kill him. She accomplished tracking him down but that's where it all went sour. She thought she would have the upper hand but she was utterly mistaken. She has failed. The next few years she was mentally abused by the man and his fellow buddies, brutally beaten and used. She never gained the upper hand as she was just an "object" to him therefore she never got the opportunity to kill him like she vowed. A few times she had tried to escape but in return was beaten till she was almost dead. As years passed, her mental state quickly crumbled. When she reached 21 years old, there was a big drug bust which led to the imprisonment of her abuser and family's killer Frank Sablo. Kinneck was found and turned into a mental facility which ended up being corrupt. There at the Troy Asylum Kinneck endured more beatings, abuse and experiments. By this time, all of her personalities/alters had surfaced as she had developed Dissociative Identity Disorder. 2010 The head of the facility decided to put Kinneck into SCW for the purpose of his gambling addictions. Soon after joining SCW, Kinneck met Anthony Wallace and from there, Wallace and his doctor planned and executed her release from the mental hospital. Kinneck chose to stay with SCW and Joined The Rejected, an agreement her and Wallace had.

The Rejected eventually split up, leaving Kinneck lonely and still yearning for a family. Although Anthony Wallace and Nicole got into a relationship, Anthony's time was up in wrestling and he soon left SCW due to an injury. Nicole also left SCW shortly after, as she was losing her mind further in the industry after winning the Underground Title two times and had high hopes to live a normal life. During her time away from SCW (3 years ish) Her and Anthony got married....but this wasn't enough for Nicole. She didn't have anywhere to let her aggression out and she began losing control more often until finally, one night her alter Pro had stabbed Anthony with a kitchen knife during one of his Schizophrenic episodes. 6 months later, an invitation came in the mail from SCW about a match Nicole and Anthony may be interested in. Nicole desperately needed Pro to vent all of her frustrations and feared that she may kill her husband if it continued as it had, so once again, she joined SCW.

Her stay in SCW hadn’t lasted long as she spun out like a tornado, her husband Wallace getting locked away in the same Asylum he had once broke her out of. She quit SCW again and moved back to St. Louis to be near Wallace. 3 years later, Wallace is released from the Troy Asylum and back into the arms of his insane wife.

Handler's First Name: Nicole
Discord: Nic#6422
Twitter: @NKinneck @PKinneck @DuckySCW 
[Image: VnmrSY4.png]

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Nicole "Ducky" Kinneck - by Ducky - 09-19-2018, 11:54 AM

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