Esme Cook (Tag Team Division Only)
Quote:Note: Posting this for reference only. Esme is one half of the team 'Uni2' for the new tag division. Figured extra info will help Chris with writing the shows.

[Image: esmebio.png]
Personal Details

Name: Wasletoff
Contact Details: the usual methods
Where did you find out about us?: craigslist advert
Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: @EsmeCookPW

Character Details

Name: Esme Cook
Height: 5’3
Weight: 50kg
Age: 21
Town of Birth: Birmingham, England
Picture Base: Xia Brookside
Body Type: Slim and toned
Alignment: Super babyface
Entrance Music: “Attention” by We Are The In Crowd

Wrestler Entrance [with Ivy]:
The lights dim and flickering baby blue and baby pink lights begin to flash on the entranceway as “Attention” by We Are The In Crowd hits the speakers. The screen lights up to show Esme Cook jumping and punching the and smoke cannons shoot up on either side of the stage as Esme herself walks out from the back. 

Announcer: “From Birmingham England, she weighed in earlier tonight at fifty kilo’s and is representing Theatre Of Dreams talent agency… ESME COOK!”

The fans give a huge pop as Ivy Knight walks out from the back to join Esme on the stage and she points at the ring, getting a nod from Esme before the young brummie sets off down the ramp, slapping hands with fans before sliding into the ring. She rushes the corner and climbs up to pose on the middle turnbuckle before jumping down and pulling on the ropes as she waits for the start of the match. On the outside, Ivy settles in next to the apron, speaking words of encouragement to Esme as the youngster leans back in the corner to wait.

Wrestler Entrance [without Ivy]:
The lights dim and flickering baby blue and baby pink lights begin to flash on the entranceway as “Attention” by We Are The In Crowd hits the speakers. The screen lights up to show Esme Cook jumping and punching the and smoke cannons shoot up on either side of the stage as Esme herself walks out from the back. 

Announcer: “From Birmingham England, she weighed in earlier tonight at fifty kilo’s and is representing Theatre Of Dreams talent agency… ESME COOK!”

The fans give a small pop as Esme strikes a pose on the stage, then turns her attention to the ring and starts to make her way down the ramp, high fiving with fans before she hits the ring. She rushes the corner and climbs up to pose on the middle turnbuckle before jumping down and pulling on the ropes as she waits for the start of the match.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED):
Second generation wrestler from a wrestling family in the U.K. Younger sister of Tommy Cook, but nothing like her older brother. Esme is super kind, super friendly and super excited about everything. It’s super, if you didn’t pick that up.

Finishing Moves and description:
1. OverCooked - Omega’s ‘One Winged Angel’. For opponents that she can lift.

2. On Face Value - Sitout facebuster, aka the X-Factor. For opponents she can’t lift

Signature Moves and description:
1. Head Over Heels - Esme whips the opponent towards the ropes then runs after them, sliding towards the ropes as they hit them. As they turn to go back across she grabs their ankles and trips them up, causing them to fall forward. She rolls under the bottom rope and grabs the top rope, slingshotting into the ring to hit a dropkick to the side of the head. CLICK HERE

2. A Good Knee’s Up - Esme takes the opponent down with a snapmare then runs past them at the ropes. Bouncing off she runs back at the seated opponent and hits a shining wizard. 

3. Drop In Drop Out - With the opponent in the corner, Esme runs at them and hits a jumping double knee before grabbing them and dragging them from the corner with a bulldog.

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
Diving crossbody
Tilt-a-whirl headscissors
Sitout jawbreaker
Floatover ddt
Handspring back elbow
Shooting star press
Spinning heel kick
Hesitation dropkick
Swinging neckbreaker
Japanese arm drag
Dragonscrew leg whip
Suicide plancha

Manager details:
Name: Yvonne ‘Ivy’ Knight
Hometown: London, England
Height: 5’7
Weight: 120lbs
Entrance music: “Overture/Theatre” by Icons For Hire
Picbase: Brie Larson
Manager note: Please bear in mind, Ivy will not always be at shows. She will be when she can, but she won't be there every week, due to other elements of Theatre Of Dreams Talent Agency requiring her attention. If she's in a seg, she's clearly there. If not, safe to assume she isn't. 

Wrestler Biography:
Esme Cook is a second generation wrestler from the Cook wrestling family in Birmingham, England. Her parents Arthur and Diane were both wrestlers who also ran their own promotion - Pride Of The Midlands -  and Esme, along with older brothers Tommy and Henry, began wrestling at an early age for her parents’ company. She first competed at 13 but only began wrestling regularly for Pride of the Midlands at 15, when she had learned enough to put on actual matches rather than simply adding bodies to rumble matches and other multi-entrant competitions. Esme watches as her eldest brother Tommy went to America to make his name in the mainstream and find success in not one but two companies and, desperate for the same freedom that he found for himself, she and middle sibling Henry began to squirrel money away themselves until they had enough money for one way plane tickets to California where they arrived unannounced at the home of Tommy. 

The pair have lived with him ever since, but neither had attempted to break into the wrestling business themselves, as they mainly wanted to escape their regimented and fairly abusive home lives rather than follow in Tommy’s footsteps in the ring. That changed when Esme met the woman that she had idolised growing up: Yvonne ‘Ivy’ Knight. Ivy offered Esme a spot on the roster of talent she was building for her new talent agency, acting as manager and agent for a select number of top wrestling clients and Esme jump at the opportunity to sit beneath the learning tree and gain as much knowledge form Ivy as she could. Yvonne, sensing the complimenting vibes between the two, suggesting pairing Esme up with Gemma ‘Gem’ Avery, and Esme was willing to take any and all suggestion from a great like Ivy so she agreed right away. The two quickly formed a bond, with Ivy’s guidance, and now armed with all the tools needed, hope to become a success in their own right. Will they succeed in EMERGE? Who knows. But they’ll no doubt have a fantastic time finding out!
[Image: uni2.png]

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Esme Cook (Tag Team Division Only) - by EsmeCook - 06-10-2020, 04:38 PM

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