Sabrina Bello
OOC: This bio was updated on 4/15/2019

Personal Details

Name: Danny Mac
Contact Details:
Where did you find out about us?: The TWITTER!!! LOL
Does your character have a twitter? The handle is SabrinaBello469

Character Details

Name: Sabrina Bello
Alias: "The Unbreakable"
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 123
Age: 24
Town of Birth: Florence, Italy

Picture Base: Ninel Conde

Ring Gear: [Image: 413736230.jpg]

Body Type: She is very slender but quite top heavy with thick, muscular legs. What she lacks in size and strength, she makes up with her fiery spirit.

Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Heel

Entrance Music: "Unbreakable" by Of Mice And Men

Sabrina's Entrance Theme

Wrestler Entrance: The second that the hyper energetic "Unbreakable" by Of Mice And Men hits, Sabrina slowly saunters out to the stage from the gorilla position with a deadly serious look on her face. She stalks her way down the ramp, not looking out at the crowd even once. Her attention is fully focused on the ring. If her opponent awaits her there, she locks her gaze directly on them and does not let her gaze stray. Once she gets to ring side, she leaps up to the apron and slingshots herself over the top and lands cat-like in the middle of the ring.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): NEUTRAL ALIGNMENT. She is just a nasty bitch that will stop at nothing to win. Ruthless, heartless, really mean. She was once an innocent little girl that played by the rules and when she saw that it got her nowhere in life, she became extraordinarily bitter. There is no low she won't stoop to in order to get what she desires. Of course, she's not cold hearted all of the time...she's not a monster after all. Outside of the ring she has been known to be more than a little flirty and easy-going. She is still a work in progress and having recently become close to Lindsay Morrison a/k/a Shadowcat, she seems to be figuring out the best path forward for herself.

Finishing Moves and description:

Blackout: This is a flying double knee drop from the top rope!

Gotcha Kick: A front high roundhouse kick right to the face, often times performed when she appears to be down and out and after she kips up to her feet.

Gran Finale: She locks in a figure four and then bridges it to apply more pressure. (Charlotte Flair's Figure 8)

Signature Moves and description:

Bello Bomb: She jumps off the top rope, soaring up and over her opponent's head and hits them with a sunset flip powerbomb with incredible velocity.

Broken: She charges at her opponent and propels herself forward with a flying knee right to the mouth!

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:

Chop block
Dragon Screw Legwhip
Spinning Wheel Kick
Testicular Claw when legal (lol)
Implant DDT
Death Valley Driver
Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
German Suplex
Exploder Suplex
Falcon Arrow

Wrestler Biography: Sabrina attempted back in 2014/2015 to learn how to become a wrestler and she had a very small measure of success before she became disillusioned with the business and decided to return to the world of modeling. Yes, return, because when she was just 18 years old she moved to NYC from Italy with help from her on-again off-again mentor, Danny Darko. Long story short, Danny was friends with her late mother and he promised her mother to help Sabrina make a new life in America as she had grown bored with life in Florence. Sabrina is a phenomenally beautiful young woman so it didn't take much time before she became a rather well-renowned model for a world famous modeling agency. However, it didn't take long before she realized she wanted something a little more exciting than just taking a bunch of pictures and that is when she inquired with Danny Darko about the business of professional wrestling. That was many years ago, now. She suffered a minor knee injury when a particularly nasty wrestler took advantage of her inexperience and she sadly returned to modeling. Danny Darko was still trying to be a successful wrestler in his own right at the time, so it wasn't like she was getting any good guidance from her mentor about how to progress. But she's been competing in Japan for the past couple years. You see, Danny retired from the business and when he found himself with a lot more free time on his hands and a clear mind, he contacted Sabrina and inspired her to give it another shot. She was going to return to wrestling anyhow as that is part of why she went to Japan to begin with. And now here she is in Emerge, looking to make good on all that potential many saw in her all those years ago.

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Sabrina Bello - by DeviousDanny - 10-16-2018, 02:10 PM

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