Name: Zero

Alias: The Iron Dragon
Height: 5’11
Weight: 200Ibs
Age: Unknown
Town of Birth: Unknown
Picture Base: Deadpool
Body Type: Muscular Athlete.
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): He’s an anti-hero… make of that what you will lol

Entrance Music: Iron Dragon by Alliance
Wrestler Entrance:
‘Iron Dragon’ hits over the PA system, as thunder cracks through the arena, the video screen showing dark storm clouds forming. Suddenly, lightning strikes the stage, and through the smoke that is left, the silhouette of a man can be seen with his arms outstretched. He steps forwards, and stands just at the top of the ramp, crossing his arms and nodding at the crowd.
Charley: Ladies and Gentlemen, currently heading to the ring, weighing in at two hundred pounds… he is the Iron Dragon, ZEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOO
As his music continues, Zero makes his way down to the ring confidently, jumping up on the ring apron and then flipping over the top rope, landing on his feet and stepping into the middle of the ring, his arms once again outstretched. As he does, lightning strikes again, and seems to hit the palms of his hands, which seems to galvanize him even further. Jumping up and sitting on the turnbuckle, as he then waits for the bell.
Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): Like to find an excuse to interfere in any feuds, take a side or just beat everyone up… in the name of justice of course. Arrogant beyond belief because he truly believes he is indestructible.

Finishing Moves and description:

Lightening Lariat – Phenomenal Forearm.
CG Driver– Michinoku Driver
Ground Zero – Curb Stomp

Signature Moves and description:
Zig Zag
Tornado DDT – Can also be executed off the ropes or by running up the turnbuckle
Spear followed by Lionsault combo

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:

Succession of hard chops that he believes are powered by lightning strikes
Basement Drop kick
Kick to the stomach followed by a roundhouse to the face
Leg Lariat
Overhead Kick
Jumping Uppercut
Double Knee drop from the second rope
Discus Elbow strike
Diving Head-butt
Missile Drop Kick
Turnbuckle Power bomb
Double Underhook DDT
Step Up Enziguri
Rake to the eyes
Forearm low blow

Wrestler Biography: Elijah Cross was the victim of a failed, experimental plastic surgery treatment on a scar that he received when he was five years old, tripping over and cutting open his forehead on the toilet. When he woke, he thought he was even UGLIER, but found that he had superpowers and was indestructible as well as being able to control lightning. (Yeah, it happens) Or, at least that’s how he thinks as what actually happen was he fell off the treatment table and hit his head.
He is NEVER out of costume and always wears his mask and refuses to be known as anything other than… ZERO. And will always fight for the justice of EMERGE no matter what he has to do to achieve it. Because the ends ALWAYS justifies the means


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Zero - by thisisemerge - 08-01-2018, 03:51 AM

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