Maxwell St. John
Personal Details

Name: Randy
Contact Details:
Where did you find out about us?: Been here for years...
Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: @eyeofthestormpw

Character Details

Maxwell St. John.





Town of Birth:
My Imagination.

Picture Base:
Patrick Clark/Velveteen Dream

Body Type:
Same as the pic base.

Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral):

Entrance Music:
“Crystallize” by Lindsey Sterling

Wrestler Entrance:

The lights go out. The intro go “Crystallize” by Lindsey Sterling kicks in. The crowd enjoys the opening of the song. Then purple lightning fills the arena. A spotlight shines on stage. Maxwell slowly spins around a few times as golden glitter reigns down from above. He saunters down to the ring with the silk grace. Maxwell sliters under the bottom rope like a snake. Crawling to the middle of the ring, the lights come back on. He stands up, turns around. He points to his ass where you see the #KABLAM in gold lettering. He drops back to all fours, crawling over to the turnbuckle, once he reaches it, he leans against it. Maxwell rest comfortably waiting for the match to start.  

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED):
A dandy, historically, is a man who places particular importance upon physical appearance, refined language, and leisurely hobbies, pursued with the appearance of nonchalance in a cult of self. That, in essence, is Maxwell St John. He is a bit of a showman. Last bit, he’s bi-sexual... or is he? He is as affectionate with women as he is with men, due to his showman nature its never clear whether his charm is legit or a device to get inside his opponents head.

Finishing Moves and description:
DADDY’S HOME. {Running Big Boot to a corner opponent}

Signature Moves and description:
Riding Dirty (Broncobuster).

The Anaconda (The Worm instead of the chop to the throat, he comes down with an elbow)
Blue Balls. (Running low blow kick to a cornered rope hung opponent (Goldust “Shattered Dreams) -obviously only done to men-

Fa-bo-lo-us (Kisses a female on the forward before dropping them with a snap DDT) -only done to female wrestlers.  

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:
Jumping Hip Attack to an oncoming opponent.
Split-Legged Moonsault
Diving Crossbody
Sitout Jawbreaker
Snap suplex
Spinning heel kick
Splits Legdrop
Rolling cutter
Delayed Hangman’s neckbreaker
Pelvic thrust (taunt)
Slapping opponent on the ass (taunt)
Patting opponent on the head (taunt)

Wrestler Biography:

The reason why he insist his hometown is “My Imagination” is because Maxwell St John is not his real name. For reasons only known to him, he changed his name when he got the first chance to do so.  When he was younger he was given a name and was forced to act in a manner he didn’t want to. Deep down inside he always knew he was a different person, the person he envisions as Maxwell St John. His main mission is to express himself... oh... and he is an advocate of KABLAM-A-SUTRA. Take that as you will. Never say he doesn’t know how to put on a show.

Messages In This Thread
Maxwell St. John - by Maxwell - 12-17-2018, 09:51 PM

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