Zosime Le Beau
Personal Details

Name: Jon
Contact Details:
Where did you find out about us?: Somewhere
Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: @ZosimeLeBeau

Character Details

Name: Zosime Le Beau
Alias: TBD
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 224lbs
Age: 26
Town of Birth: Paris, France
Picture Base: Adam Lambert
Body Type: Athletic, Model
Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Depends on how hot his opponent is.
Entrance Music: “Don’t stop Me Now” by Queen
Wrestler Entrance:

The Opening piano to “Don’t Stop Me Now” By Queen hit’s over the Sound system of the arena.  Along with it, the song lyrics appearing on the tron so the fans can join in…

“Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time
I feel alive and the world it's turning inside out Yeah!
I'm floating around in ecstasy
So don't stop me now don't stop me
'Cause I'm having a good time having a good time”

The music then explodes along with the entrance as the Flamboyant superstar Zosime Le Beau bursts through the curtain with his arms outstretched. Wrapped in a feather boa and skin tight lycra cat suit, he leaves nothing to the imagination as he begins to strut down towards the ring.

Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, hailing from Paris France, he weighs in at two-hundred and twenty-four lbs of raw sexual charisma… HE IS ZOSIME LE BEAU!!!”

He spins mid stride like any would be model only to stop and pose for the crowd. Camera flashes go off and a few women and men can be seen fanning themselves due to his visage. He winks to the camera and blows it a kiss before continuing onward to the ring. Le Beau then walks up the stairs and steps over the middle rope only to stop for a gracious booty before fully penetrating the ring and spinning towards the middle excitedly before stopping with his arms outstretched. He soaks up the atmosphere thanks to the fans and smirks before now winking to the referee and sizing him up with a welcomed nod before removing his attire, so he is ready for the match.

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): 
Zosime Le Beau is an incredibly flamboyant individual, very proud of his sexuality and isn’t afraid to show that in public and to him nothing is more public than national television. With that said he is a very athletic individual who isn’t afraid to take risks. He is spontaneous and adventurous which leads to him performing great feats in and out of the ring. Of course, there are more layers to him than what he projects however, and only those closest to him will ever truly see that.

Finishing Moves and description:

From Paris, with Love:
This is his straightforward move, one he can do to about anyone, something he can hit from out of nowhere with the pizazz only he can and that is a Superkick to either a standing or kneeling opponent.

The French Connection:
With his opponent on the canvas, if not already he will roll them onto their stomach. He would then lock their left arm between his legs and position himself under their right arm while locking his arms around the neck of his opponent and leaning back performing the Rings of Saturn submission.

Signature Moves and description:

Pump N Thrust:
With either a hand full of hair, Zosime will then thrust his hip into the face or temple of his opponent. Depending on his mood he can do this more than once and usually does this to try and set up either From Paris, With Love or The French Connection.

Ze Ride of your life:
Zosime will throw his opponent into the nearest corner and stomp them down into a seated position. From here he runs to the middle of the ring and slides on his heels only to turn and run back and leaps into the air only to connect with a bronco buster much to the chargrin of his opponents.

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set: 
Jumping Leg Lariat
Forearm Shots
Asai Moonsault
Snap DDT
Diving Elbow
Shotgun dropkick
Running bulldog.
Half Crab
Sexy Boy Roll up
Split Leg Moonsault
Suicide dive
Top rope Crossbody/Splash
Anything springboard
Hurricanrana variations

Wrestler Biography: TBA Just want to put a bio for BR
[Image: TYqRxdI.png]

Official Host of Taking Hold of the Flame 2019
Official Host of The Worlds Best Tag Team Tournament 2020
SCW TV Champion x1
Runner up in 2020 World Tag League

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