Gwen Blair - 'Battleborn'
Personal Details

Name: Kas
Contact Details: @Merrikaz on Discord or Twitter
Where did you find out about us?: Through lurking Smile
Does your character have a twitter? If so, whats the id: @BattlebornGwen

Character Details

Name: “Battleborn” Gwen Blair

Alias:  Guinevere Samantha Blair

Height: 5’ 8”

Weight: 100lbs

Age: 23

Town of Birth: Kalispel, Montana

Picture Base: Crystal Reed

Body Type:  Lean & Light

Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Face

Entrance Music: Within Temptation “Faster”

Wrestler Entrance: As her music begins to play, Gwen bounces out onto the stage and makes her way down to the ring, interacting with the fans on the way down, before sliding into the ring under the bottom rope. She pops up to her feet, punches the air enthusiastically to a brief flare of pyro from the ring posts, and then takes up position at the side.  

Gimmick/Personality (NEEDED): Gwen is young, bright and cheerful. She’s switched on enough to know that one person can’t make the world of wrestling better, but she’s out to make her own little spot just that little bit brighter and happier.

She’s had some previous experience in Cartel Next Gen, and the wide-eyed naivete that she had has been somewhat ground away, but she can still sometimes be too optimistic for her own good.

Finishing Moves and description:

Diving hurricanrana - “The Young and the Restless”
Springboard diamond dust - “Skyhigh”

Signature Moves and description:

Handspring elbow -  “Golden Girl”
Superkick - “Mimicry”

Please list at least 15 moves in your characters move set:

High flying moves, keeping people at a distance moves. Gwen will do her best not to get trapped in a position for grappling or close range shots . 

Wrestler Biography:

The daughter of John Blair (GCW) and notquite niece of Chris Davids (GCW, former IWC/UWA), Gwen has decided it’s time to get into the ring again. Everything else is to be revealed in character development slots.

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