“Supreme Championship Wrestling...”


A shot of Syren holding the SCW Women’s Championship, followed by a shot of CHBK hitting a Bittersweet Ending on one individual, before turning a shot of Jason Zero hitting a spear on Brian Kinney from Rise to Greatness a few years ago, before turning into a shot of Jake Starr hitting the Shooting Five Star on James Exeter.


“The leading force-"




"The leading force-"




'The leading-"


'The Lead-






The feed ends in static but then it reappears with the PUNK HAZARD logo soon appearing on the screen before evaporating into smoke and the scene fades to black.


The beginning to "Esaka 98" starts to play as we see a white envelope floating in the air with a black background behind it."


Voice Over:  "On Monday, May 10th, 2016, an announcement was made. An open invitation to the wrestling world. The invitation was simple. On August 13th, 2016, to be a part of history. To be apart of the first ever...World. Hazard. Festival. The first ever all day wrestling festival to ever grace the Bay Area and everyone from Supreme Championship Wrestling


The SCW logo flashes on the screen.


Voice Over"United Wrestling Alliance......"


We then see the UWA logo flash on the screen before evaporating.


Voice Over: Cartel Nxt Generation..."


Right on cue, the Cartel Nxt Gen logo appears on the screen.


Voice Over: "Global Championship Wrestling....


The GCW appears in smoke before fading away


Voice Over: To the entire world. The invites have been passed out and the brave and the bold have accepted the challenge. The anticipation is over. The seconds of waiting has come to an end. The time has come for an event you won't see anywhere else.


Several shots are now shown of the city of San Francisco, stopping at the legendary Golden Gate Bridge.


Voice; Because you see, if you can't handle being thrown in the fray, then get out of the Bay!


The shot goes back to the floating envelope before we see a hand with finger less gloves catch it in their hands.


????: "Oi, oi, oi....Junbi....Junbi wa dekita ka? Omae, WORLD HAZARD FESTIVAL 2016~!


The black background reveals El Rudo from out the shadows before the song kicks into it's guitar riff. This is followed by a shot of Tala Longshadow with a bow and arrow in her hands before being fazed out by a shot of Alex Anarchy, looking ready to fight. This is followed by a floating mask, one that belongs to Comatose, flying across the screen before being caught by Cassidy Carter, who wears a devious grin on her face. She turns around to the camera, which transitions to a shot of Jester Funn alongside Gloria with a card in his hand that reads "Are We Having Fun yet?" The card gets zoomed in before it catches on fire and bushes to the ground, turning into ashes. Soon, the voice of Asher Hayes is heard.


Asher: Ashes to Ashes.


This is followed by a shot of a smiling Ethan Von Aaron along with both Carlos and Maximilian. We then see a transition to the knuckle of both David Miller and Josh Hudson touching, both gritting their teeth. This is followed by a quick shot of the heads of Celeste Mallory, Ricky Octavius, Selena Frost and Marina Valdvida before ending with a shot of Brittany Lohan then showing Alexis Quinne, with her hands inside her pockets.


Voice Over: "Oh...and did I mention, no DQs, no countouts, no rope breaks. No escape, nowhere to hide. Wrestling done the Bay Area way. Cheers...to one hell of a Festival."


Laughter is heard shortly after.


Voice Over: "Good luck."


The song now changes to Massive True Mix from Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and it's from there we see Brittany Lohan hitting Alexis Quinne with For Your Eyes Only. This then transitions to a shot of Jester Funn walking down to the ring with Gloria holding the C:NG Internet Championship. This is then followed by a shot of Marina Valdvida moments away winning the 2016 Last Stand Battle Royal before showing Selena Frost after winning the Shot of Adrenaline and then the Best of the Best Tournament. This is followed by a shot of Cassidy Carter attacking Axl Austin. We then see a shot of Josh Hudson battling Dillusion from Rise to Greatness 2011 before then showing a shot of Celeste Mallory and Ricky Octavius in the black background, as Celeste rubbing her hands together with a wicked smile on her face, Ricky crosses his arms together. This is followed by a slow motion of Alexis Quinne hitting Autumn Valentine with the Quinnestinal Dream. Once she lands, several shots are once again shown of the city of San Francisco. This is where the song breaks down.




The screen then explodes with a shot of David Miller hitting someone with a Backdrop Driver before showing a shot of Asher Hayes with the Commonwealth Championship. We then see a shot of Alex Anarchy, hitting someone with a clothesline before we then see a shot of Marina Valvida hitting the California Splash onto someone. This then transitions to a close up shot of her face with the black background behind her, which then leads to a shot of Tala Longshadow walking down towards the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, her eyes piercing the camera. The shot then zooms out towards the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium itself before showing a line up of every competitor for tonight's show, stopping at Brittany Lohan and Alexis Quinne. The shot shows both Brittany Lohan and Alexis in the same shot, staring at each other before the camera pans upwards and we get a quick glimpse of some of their highlights before the music stops and the final shot is a beautiful shot f the Golden Gate Bridge.


The scene then slowly fades to black.


"Flyers by BRADIO begins to play. We are then taken to the streets of San Francisco as if we were currently moving through a car. The car rapidly goes faster, passing through the Golden Gate Bridge before panning upwards toward the sky. This cuts up to a logo for the World Hazard Festival with the words "Press Start" underneath.


"And now...the city of San Francisco, CityCon and PUNK HAZARD with collaboration from Supreme Championship Wrestling presents The World Hazard Festival 2016!"


The logo stays on the screen for a while before the Press Start button is pressed and then we cut to inside the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. Immediately, the loud roar of the crowd is heard as spotlights start to circle the arena. The cameras pan around the arena, showing fan after fan, with several of them cosplaying before cutting away to the announce desk, located to the right of the ramp.


Franklin Myers: "We are finally here! Saturday, August 13th, 2016. Welcome everyone to the very first ever World Hazard Festival here at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, ere LIVE in San Francisco, California. the entire Bay Area is here tonight. Ladies and gentleman, my name is Franklin Myers and I'm one of the many local promoters here in the great Bay Area. Joining me tonight is a man who's recently started making his appearances here in the Bay Area wrestling scene, looking for talent to manage, Trevor Cash.


Trevor Cash: 'Well damn, you really short changed me with that introduction. But yes, ladies and germ, Trevor Cash here. Remember this face because one day I will be leading the brightest and the best talent to the top of pro wrestling. Until then Myers, yes I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here. This is going to be lit, Myers.


Myers: It is indeed. You know as a promoter, you always dream of a show that puts an entire scene on the map and to be apart of this or to even say I had a hand in creating this event, is special. And this event, Trevor, is more than just wrestling but this is a true Bay Area show that not only appeals to people here but everyone in the world.


Cash: Not to mention, we got people dressed up like this was one big LARP-ing party. I've seen people with furry costumes, weird things on their ears to make them look like animals. This is not the company I usually keep.


Myers: Which is a good segue way to flip it over to the Hyatt Regency Hotel....


We then see six shots of those at the CityCon convention at the Live Streaming party. We can then see those people from each other cheering once they realize they notice themselves.


Myers: Along with the wrestling, there has been an all day anime and art convention going on throughout the day.


Cash: That's right. Big props to City Con for pushing it forward a month so it could merge their event with the World Hazard Festival. I mean, for these people to be able to dress up as their favorite characters, go to their con but then step out and go to the wrestling that's been going on all day here.


Myers: But the night's not-the n-


Myers soon stops as he hears the crowd chanting along to the tune of Seven Nations Army by the White Stripes. As the opening of the song plays, the camera pans around to see several audience members jumping up and down. The camera then zooms out to capture the moment, 6,000 + chanting along.


Trevor: This is madness, Myers. This is like when you have a sugar high, but ten times that.


Myers: It's been like this all day!


The camera then cuts to a shot of the official DJ of the night, Joel Ortiz, who has a podium located on the right of the ramp. The disc jokey is jumping up and down while mixing up the song before he brings a microphone to his lips.


Ortiz: Yo, yo, yo WORLD HAZARD FESTIVAL, make some noise!


The crowd roars in approval as Joel smirks.


Ortiz: That was good. That was good but we can get a little longer don't you think? I mean, last time I checked I thought we were in San Fran.


The crowd starts to cheer.


Ortiz: I thought we were here in the Bay. And I KNOW we can get a little louder. So please, remind me and everyone watching where we at. WORLD HAZARD FESTIVAL, make some NOISE!


The crowd erupts in cheers as the camera pans all away around through the crowd, highlighting each fan. Suddenly "What's Up People" blares over the PA system, the crowd comes alive and cheers. The spotlight flashes orange and black on stage before we cut to a shot of Black Saboady Parade behind the curtain. The crowd roars when they see Jack Parker's face, talking to the camera as the Cartel Nxt Gen Glory Crown champion KIRA Nakajima and the Cartel Nxt Gen Tag Team Champions Vikki Venom and Tabula Rasa.


Jack: "Hey, hey, they're actually cheering us. They're actually cheering us! Is this the Twilight Zone?


Jack smirks as the song kicks into high gear. The camera follows the Black Saboady Parade squadron walk out to the ramp to massive cheers. The camera captures Jack extending his arms from behind, soaking in the reaction. The camera then runs in front of Black Saboady Parade, where it's revealed the Vikki Venom has a giant bakooza with World Hazard exclusive PUNK HAZARD t-shirts stuffed inside.


Cash: And look who's here to greet us!


Myers: The whole crew is here; there you see Jack Parker, Vikki Venom, Tabula Rasa and KIRA Nakajima of Black Saboady Parade. They've made quite the statement over at Cartel Nxt Gen.


Cash: They're as ruthless as you can get Myers. But I wonder what they're doing here.


Black Saboady starts walking down the ramp, with Vikki firing as many shirts as possible to both sides of the arena. Jack soon stops mid way and smirks as he looks around at everyone. Tabula and KIRA soon slide into the ring as Jack takes his sweet time soaking in the moment, walking up the steel steps as slow as possible to evoke more of a positive reaction. Vikki then slides into the ring and continues to fire off shirts to the audience. Jack soon enters the ring and proceeds to run around the ring in a celebratory fashion. A few mics are tossed into the ring and Jack proceeds to grab on as does Tabula and Vikki. The music soon fades away and the crowd cheers even louder, even going so far to chant "BSP" over and over again. Jack nudges Tabula as the two crack a smile while the camera pans around the arena. Jack tries to bring the microphone up to his lips but the crowd soon goes back to chanting the opening to Seven Nations' Army. The fans jump up and down as Jack just looks around and laughs.


Jack: Well damn, is this how we getting down tonight?


The fans roar as Jack starts to walk around a bit,


Jack: Man, this is something. You know, everyone, I must tell you. Whenever we're in New York for Nxt Gen, we get booed out of the building. And-


The crowd immediately boos to which Jack shakes his head in agreement.


Jack: Yeah, I know? Stupid New Yorkers right? Who even likes New Yorkers in 2016? No one does. But yeah, whenever we are there, they boo us because they don't know what real wrestling looks like if it slapped them in the face. They can't handle the fact that wrestling is very simple; the weak get eaten and only the strong survive. And so they boo, everyone, they boo. Now I know I like ribbing all of you on Twitter but you guys cheering us gave me goosebumps!


The crowd cheers.


Jack: No joke. It's refreshing to hear that there's people out there in this world who get it. And how ironic, in front of all of weaboos, you are the ones that get it. But or all of you that don't, let us introduce ourselves. You all know me. They call me the Bastard because of my warm and bubbly personality. The Man with a Plan, Jack Parker!


The crowd cheers as Jack smirks.


Jack: Standing right there is my guy and my friend. He may not know who he really is, but what I see and what you all see is a god damn champion! No one knew who this guy was before last year, but now, all of you know his name. He's one half of the Cartel Nxt Gen Tag Team Champions, Tabula Rasa!


Tabula hoist his championship in the air as the crowd cheers.


Jack: And over here, the other half of the Cartel Nxt Gen Tag Team Champions, the one responsible for those free World Hazard t-shirts some of you just got.  She has more venom than a snake; more poison than ivy. A one woman wrecking machine and a total badass. Ladies and gentleman, VIkki Venom!


Venom smirks as she hoist her end of the tag titles.


Jack: And we got to save the best for the last here. The one girl that could kick everyone of your asses right now without breaking a sweat. You talk about Black Saboady and what we're about, no one lives up to our mantra, our code like this girl right here. She is THE Cartel Nxt Gen Glory Crown Champion, Japan's greatest export....KIRA Nakajima!


KIRA just glares at everyone as they cheer.


Jack: Together, we are Black Saboady Parade and THIS...welcome one and all to the WORLD...HAZARD....FESTIVAL!


The crowd roars as Jack walks around the ring. He allows the crowd to get loud before he simmers them down.


Jack: And really, we do deserve that people because all four of us have chipped in 30% of our paychecks just for all of this to happen. I'm not even joking. You should thank all of us for that. Now we're not here to waste your time because we got something hot fighting about to go down. BUT, before that, we want to thank someone else for tonight. And that, ladies and gentleman, is all of you.


The crowd cheers.


Jack: Seriously, the minute tickets were on sale, you guys threw all in and throughout the entire day, whether it's been at the convention or inside this building watching the wrestling, you all have come with your costumes and you've come out in full force. You crazies have been fired up since 10:00 this morning. hell, some of you actually camped out last night so you could be the first in the building. That's serious commitment. It's a bit weird, but hey, you are our people. SO for all of that, ladies and gentleman, give yourselves a pat on the back.


The crowd soon applauds as the camera pans around to see several fans standing. Jack then brings the microphone up to his lips.


Jack: Now with that out of the way, we're about to do something that all of you might like. We're going to do something fun here. For the first match, because you are our people, we figured we would reward all of you here for making it out tonight. So, I notice some of you actually brought your kids to this event and that's perfect. Because one lucky kid is going to be able to ring the bell for the very first match. The only question is...who wants it?


Quickly, the audience members begin lobbying themselves up for nominations. Tabula Rasa and Vikki Venom exist the ring and scanning the front row, looking for that special fan.


Jack: "Who's it going to be? Disclaimer, all you soccer moms thinking this is your way to get the digits from yours truly, don't pimp out your kids for that. I'm spoken for. Trust me, you don't want Tala coming away you. Anyways...who's it going to be?


Jack slides out of the ring and joins Tabula and Vikki in looking around. Finally, he stumbles across a little kid dressed as Rey from the Force Awakens. Jack stops in his tracks before bringing the microphone to his lips.


Jack: You! You are going to be that lucky fan! Come on over.


The little girl looks at her mother and yells in excitement. Her mother looks on for a bit, a bit unsure but Jack motions for the little girl to come over the guardrail.


Jack: Hey. don't worry mom. Don't worry. She's in good hands. It's all be good. Come on buddy.


The security guard comes over and stands by the guardrail. Soon, her mother looks at her daughter and nods before helping bring the little girl over the guardrail and onto the padded floor. The crowd applauds as the little girl runs up the steel steps in excitement. Tabula helps the little girl enter the ring, where Jack, Vikki and KIRA are waiting for her. When he sees the little girl, Jack gets on one knee and smiles.


Jack: Hiya little girl. This is cute little get up you got here. Do you like Star Wars?


The little girl is seen giggling a bit before she nods her head.


Jack: Yeah? Cool. So do I. Thought the last movie was pretty good. Better than the Prequels but then again, I think anyone here could have made a better movie than the Prequels. Anyways, My name is Jack and these are my friends. What is your name?


The little girl looks at the microphone and shies away momentarily. The crowd awws as the little girl tries to hide her face.


Jack: Aw how cute? She has stage fright. Hey, don't worry, we're all your friends here. No worries. You'll be fine. it's ok. We're here for you. I promise. Now, what is your name?


The little girl continues to appear shy but finally, she does speak into the microphone.


Little Girl: My name is Lily.


The crowd roars as Lily then blushes in embarrassment. The crowd then proceeds to chant "Lily" multiple times as she looks around.


Jack: Hey, see that wasn't hard to do yeah? That was awesome. Give me a high five buddy.


Jack sticks his hand out for Lily to touch it, to which she does.


Jack: Now, how old are you?


Lily: I'm 6 and a half.


Jakc: Nice, nice. Now, are you a wrestling fan by any chance?


Lily shakes her head in approval.


Jack: Yeah? That's great! Now, tell me, who is your favorite wrestler?


Lily looks around at the crowd with an innocent look on her face before she speaks into the microphone.


Lilly: Selena Frost!


The crowd cheers as Lilly is seen giggling. Jack shrugs his shoulders a bit as does Tabula and Vikki. KIRA just stands in the corner with her Glory Crown Championship rested on her shoulders.


Jack: Alright, alright I get it. People love Frozen. i got ya. OK so who's your second favorite wrestler?


Lilly: Alexis Quinne!


The crowd erupts upon hearing the name of the leader of PUNK HAZARD. Jack and Tabula smile and allow the crowd to chant Alexis' name for a few seconds.Jack waits for them to die down before bringing the microphone to his lips.


Jack: Excellent choice I would say. Marvelous even. Alright, alright, one more question. Are you cool with that? Yeah...ok! One more question. Who is your third favorite question?


Lilly strokes her chin in a cute fashion.


Jack: Now think long and hard about this. This could very well determine a lot of things in your life. The fate of the world is resting on this answer. So pl-


Lily takes the microphone and interrupts Jack from talking.


Lily: You!


Jack fist pumps as the crowd roars. Jack takes a minute to celebrate with Tabula and Vikki before turning around back to Lily.


Jack: Third place huh? I'll take it. I mean Selena and Alexis do more merch than Black Saboady Parade so I get. Well buddy, this was fun and all and so I want to say thank you for being a great sport. You got a great future kid. Now, how about we go over to the timekeeper so you can ring the bell for us and kick off World Hazard yeah?


Lily nods her head.


Jack: Perfect. Alright then ladies and gents, you've waited long enough. We only got one rule. Before every match, we want all of you say Gambette alright? It's Japanese and it means Good Luck and don't look at me. That was Rudo's idea. Can we do that tonight?


The crowd roars,


Jack: Perfect. Let's get this party started!


Jack soon exists the ring with Lily and Black Saboady Parade. The fans then hear the tune of the Member Select Theme from the King of Fighters XIV. The attention is drawn to the SaboTron above where the screen shows a background of the World Hazard Festival with the words "Press Start" underneath. The crowd starts to slap along to the beat as the screen then takes us to a character select screen featuring an icon of every competitor competing at tonight's show; similar to a fighting game. We then see two controllers scrolling through the icons before one selects Tala Longshadow and the other selects Alex Anarchy. Both of their stills appears on the screen shortly after.


Voice Over; Opening contest! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE: World Hazard Alpha Showcase! Tala Longshadow versus Alex Anarchy!


As the camera pans to ringside, Alexandra Anarchy from GCW is already in the ring, she sits on the top turnbuckle looking out to the crowd as her music plays thanks to DJ Ortiz kicking the hits. Franklin Myers and Trevor Cash call the action.



Myers: We see Alexandra Anarchy already in the ring and what can you tell us about this young lady representing GCW Trevor?


Cash: Talented, has a mean streak and still new to the game so a lot of improvement there. She is just now starting to come to her own and tonight we will see a true test of that when she faces someone that will bring the fight to her.


Myers: Yes and we are talking about the Renegade of the Cherokee Nation herself which we all have seen quietly on Twitter and we hear in the personal lives of some wrestlers in Tala Longshadow. This is the match we are calling YOU CAN’T ESCAPE and what a way to kick off the World HAZARD Festival Trevor!



DJ Ortiz mixes the music when suddenly his own rendition of “Last of the Mohicans” by Randy Edelman as the Sabotron begins to show various clips of a Cherokee Nation Warrior in War Paint chanting before slamming a Tomahawk through the screen. Last of the Mohicans by Randy Edelman begins to play throughout the arena.


Tala Longshadow slowly walks out with a steel tomahawk in hand, wearing her leather jacket, pants, boots and tank top.


Joel Ortiz: Alright, alright! Introducing next, representing the Cherokee Nation. She's a bad you know what and check it, she holds it down for the tribe. She's one of the hottest Fee Agents. Ladies and gentleman I give you.....THE REGENAGE......TALLLLLA....LOOONGSHADOOOOW!


She sports her traditional Indian Jewelry as the woman known as The Renegade begins to slowly walk to the ring to some boos and cheers but staying totally focused at the ring, she even smirks some or look a bit over confident but the American Indian of the Cherokee Tribe continues to slowly walk to the ring until she gets to the apron and rolls in, she stands up in the middle of the ring and holds up her tomahawk in hand.


Looking around the crowd for a few moments with narrowing eyes, her belt can be seen to have strands of hair from previous opponents hanging from it.


She slowly takes off her jacket and Tomahawk and puts it in the corner, She starts putting on her fingerless gloves and gets ready for her opponent. She then turns around and looks at Jack, who's on the outside by the ring keeper area and Jack simply waves at her.



Myers: If looks could kill, Anarchy would be dead and buried. That is one determined woman and we have heard stories of just how violent she is. With the unpredictability of Anarchy this should be a humdinger Trevor.


Cash: No one says humdinger in 2016 Myers. But as you were saying, yes, Tala Longshadow, beauty, strength and determination, that is what’s written all over Tala’s face. An incredible athlete who will soon find a home in this sport and make a huge impact. GCW is happy about Anarchy representing them here and that young woman has some great skills.


Myers: She does and it’s a contrast of styles. Tala is a brawler that mixes in technical moves, a hybrid of sorts why Anarchy we have seen can also brawl but take to the air.



The referee checks out both women before turning to both Jack and Lilly. Lily grabs the hammer while Jack holds the bell and together, Lily then hits the bell with the hammer to start the match!




The crowd roars as Jack raises Lily's arm and the little girl responds by hugging Jack!


Cash: Ah look at that. She did it!


Myers: That little girl just made a memory she'll have for a lifetime. What a nice way to start off the festivities for tonight. That's what World Hazard is about.


Jack, along with Tabula, Vikki and KIRA help escort young Lily back over the guardrail and then to her mother's arms. Jack gives her a thumbs up before the Black Saboady Parade members start to walk their way up the ramp to cheers. Meanwhile, back in the ring,  Anarchy and Tala circle the ring before locking up, Tala the stronger of the two pushes Anarchy on her ass hitting the mat hard, she rolls over and gets back to her feet as the crowd cheers. The lively crowd starts chanting.


“Tala’s gonna kill you, Tala”s gonna kill you.”


Cash: Ha! Look at that. These people think Anarchy is going to be roadkill.


Myers: Tala does have a cult following amongst the fans who follow indy wrestling. We have a lot of passionate, hardcore wrestling fans here tonight who know what this woman is capable of.


The Cherokee cracks a smirk and stands there gesturing for Anarchy to come and get some more. Alex charges in with a clothesline but Tala puts up her forearms and blocks it shocking Anarchy and the crows, she kicks Alex in the gut, lifts her up for a gut wrench powerbomb and connects as the crowd roars, Anarchy rolls out of the ring and falls to the floor but Tala doesn’t relent as there are no count outs. She gets to the outside and grabs Anarchy by the hair, throws her into the side of the apron, she then clothesline her down and walks around like it’s no big deal looking at the fans who cheer.



Myers: Talk about total domination right now and Anarchy can’t get her footing, you have to be impressed with Tala Longshadow, the Cherokee Renegade hit a high impact move that has hurt Anarchy, Cash.


Cash: Oh you can tell it did and maybe Longshadow shouldn’t let up on her, she isn’t getting paid by the hour but it seems that maybe she is just toying with her Frank.



Tala grabs Anarchy by the hair and rolls her in the ring, she follows and runs against the ropes delivering a leg drop but doesn’t go for the cover, instead she waits until Anarchy gets up, she come up and goes for a scoop up slam but Anarchy falls behind her and hits a German Suplex as the crowd roars, the referee drops for the cover






Kick Out by Longshadow!


Tala gets up and goes for a knee but Anarchy hits a forearm to her face backing her up a little to the ropes before throwing her to the opposite ropes, she leaps frogs but Tala catches her in mid-air and slams her down with authority. The Cherokee picks up Anarchy by the hair and scoop slams her again before hopping on the top rope and hitting the Owl’s Cry! The crowd roars as Tala hooks the leg for the cover.






3…No! Anarchy Kicks Out!



Myers: My God! The impact of that backflip midair elbow! The crowd is absolutely loving this and how did Anarchy kick out of that!?


Cash: Too early in the match Frank! Had Tala done a little more than maybe but Anarchy is one tough lady!



Tala grabs Anarchy by the hair and lifts her up, she throws her against the turnbuckle and charges in only for Anarchy to boot her in the face, Tala stumbles back a little and Alex hits a leg lariat knocking Tala down, Anarchy quickly runs against the ropes hits a Lionsault as the crowd cheers. She doesn’t hook a leg and instead runs and does a second Lionsault on Tala but still doesn’t hook a leg instead she climbs the top rope and hits a huge Frog Splash as the crowd goes wild, she hooks the legs.






3…No! Tala Kicks Out!


Anarchy looks on wide-eyed at the referee arguing the count but he shakes his head holding up two fingers and the fans let her know it was TWO. Tala rolls to her side and slowly gets up while Anarchy continues to argue. She then turns and kicks Tala in the midsection, she grabs a front facelock but Tala turns that into a Northern Lights Suplex but she doesn’t hold the bridge and instead rolls on her knees. Anarchy gets up holding her back, she charges in and Tala goes for a clothesline but Anarchy ducks, she turns around and Anarchy quickly hits a DDT on Tala.


The crowd roars.



Myers: Tala Longshadow planted and this could be it! She’s not moving and though the Renegade has shown how much punishment she can take it doesn’t look like she may be able to get out of this one Trevor.


Cash: Anarchy needs to make the cover but as we have seen these two are just beating the hell out of each other from pillar to post. Anarchy going for the cover!



Alexandra rolls over and hooks the far leg as the referee drops for the cover






Shoulder Up!



Anarchy again can’t believe it, she slams the mat in frustration before picking up Tala and going for a suplex, she lifts her up in the air but Tala knees her in the head several times before Anarchy drops her to her feet and quickly Tala takes advantage and hits the Dust Devil, the crowd roars as Anarchy stumbles against the ropes and then is caught with a vicious running boot to her face knocking her to the ground. Longshadow grabs her legs and drags her to the turnbuckle, she then hooks a Figure Four Leg lock to the post as Anarchy starts to scream in pain the referee quickly rolls to the outside to get Tala to break it. There has to be a winner so no count outs or disqualifications!



Myers: Tala is trying to break her leg! She knows there must be a winner and the Cherokee smells blood! Anarchy is in a lot of trouble and Tala is not going to let up, here is where we see the viciousness of Longshadow!


Cash: That was the nod on Tala, her violence and mean streak and we are seeing that now! My God, she will not relent on Anarchy’s legs!



Anarchy continues to scream until Longshadow finally breaks the hold. She stands up while Anarchy is in the ring holding her leg. Tala rolls in and grabs her leg, places it between her legs and drops in a leg breaker. She then stretches it and locks in a Figure Eight Leg lock, bridging as Anarchy screams in pain, the crowd oohs and Ahs...


The referee asks Anarchy but she refuses to quit, instead she starts to drag and breaks the bridge, making it to the ropes. She reaches out and grabs them, but all the referee can do is watch.


Myers: Anarchy reaches the rope but remember, no pinfalls, no DQs, no countouts and no rope breaks.


Cash: Yeah and all Tala has to do is keep holding on to that lock for as long as she wants to. The rule states that you can so why not take advantage?


Tala won’t break the hold, instead she holds up the middle finger and smirks at Anarchy. The referee can’t disqualify her as there must be a winner by pinfall or submission, Anarchy screams for the hold to break but the referee is powerless. Longshadow continues to smile while literally almost breaking every bone in Anarchy’s leg..



Cash: This shows how bad this woman is, she refuses to break the hold and how can the referee stop her? Here at the World Hazard Festival there must be a winner and there you have it right now! Tala doesn’t care about authority or rules, she only cares about hurting Anarchy and winning at all costs!


Myers: Anarchy has shown how tough she is so far in this match but Longshadow had taken one of her wheels, the young woman needs to simply tap and end this, she has a long career ahead of her!


Cash: I’m a scout, and I look for many things, resiliency is one of them and this girl Anarchy has it, if anything she wants people to see that she doesn�t surrender, go big or go home but to the flipside, Tala has no qualms about ending your young career!



Finally, Tala eases off the hold.. The Cherokee breaks the hold and gets up, she starts to talk to the referee about her displeasure, he tries to tell her to back off while Lexi grabs on to her leg in pain. Tala says a few obscenities before going to grab Lexi who rolls her up in a small package for the pin






3�No! Kick out by Tala who looks on shocked.


She gets up and kicks repeatedly at Alexandra Anarchy who is on the ground in pain, she picks her up by the hair and forearms her a few times, throwing her against the ropes by Lexi collapses. Tala looks on with a smile on her face before picking her up again and cracking another smile before Anarchy surprises her with a swinging neckbreaker into a standing moonsault, the crowd goes wild as the referee goes for the cover.






Tala Kicks Out!


Lexi looks up at the referee who signals it off again with only a two count. Anarchy frustrated uses the ropes to get back up on her feet, She hops on one leg and picks up Tala by the hair, this time she unleashes a few hard forearm shots backing up Tala to the ropes before whipping her against the ropes and hitting a Hurricarana out of nowhere as the crowd cheers, Tala rolls out of the ring and to the floor, Anarchy hops on one leg and hits a suicide plancha as the crowd roars and Anarchy lands on Tala on the outside!



Myers: What a move by this courageous young woman who has tried to fight through the pain that Tala Longshadow has put her through and she has persevered but on one leg how much more can she stand and this is only the opening match Trevor!


Cash: If you didn’t think the World Hazard Fest was not a big deal for these superstars think AGAIN! They are putting everything on the line here tonight and we are seeing two future champions right here, you saw it first but how much longer can Alexandra Anarchy last!?



Lexi hops on one foot and grabs the dazed Longshadow, she forearms her a few more times and tries to throw her against the steps but Tala reverses and Anarchy crashes leg first grabbing her knee again, Tala pushes the referee out of the way and picks up Alex. Tala then grabs Alex by the head and then rams her head first into the steel steps! The crowd oohs as Anarchy begins to show signs of bleeding from the top of the head. Tala looks around at the crowd before she grabs the leg of Anarchy and slams it again onto the steel steps! Tala then grabs Anarchy and trows her into the ring before jumping on the apron, waiting for Anarchy to reach a vertical base.



Cash: Anarchy is in bad shape, how much more can she take!? The woman is bleeding all over the place, Her leg is obviously hurt, she needs help bad! The referee though can�t stop it, there must be a winner!


Myers: All the matches are like that and true enough, Anarchy can’t control; the situation is all Tala now and the referee is simply a void. She waits on the apron as Anarchy slowly gets up!



Anarchy can barely move, she makes it to her feet rarely only to see Tala hop on the middle ropes springboard from the apron and connects with The Scalping! The flying forearm smash connects with Alexandra who lies in the middle of the ring, she starts to stir but Tala pushes the referee out of the way, picks up Lexi Anarchy, screams in her face and bring her back toward Tala for her to hit the Broken Trail, the crowd oohs and ahhs.



Myers: What a move, Anarchy is out! I have never seen a move like that, a jumping reverse STO that just crushed her if the Forearm wasn’t enough!


Cash: This needs to end, it�s academic now. Tala going for the cover!



Tala rolls Lexi over and hooks the far leg for the pin.








The Bell sounds and Tala Longshadow rolls off and gets up holding her ribs.



Joel Ortiz: The Winner of the match, Tala Longshadow!



Tala walks over to her corner, takes out of her jacket a stainless steel black tomahawk..



Myers: Tala Longshadow is your winner and she was impressive! She was violent and these two put on a show.


Cash: She did and she is not done Frank! Tala is going toward Anarchy who is out of it and what is she doing!?


Myers: I don’t know!



Tala walks over, squats down and clips a few strands of hair from Anarchy, cutting it with her Tomahawk and clipping it on to her belt. Last of the Mohicans plays throughout the festival thanks to the DJ. Tala smirks and walks out of the ring as Anarchy begins to stir.


Myers: What a great match and we are just getting started, Tala Longshadow victorious and do not take anything away from Alexandra Anarchy, she fought with guts.


Cash: Very true, in the end, Tala wins and they both impressed, I may need to get a hold of her!


Tala continues to walk toward the back with a smirk on her face while Anarchy is being attended to.


Backstage, we see Tala Longshadow walking from the Gorilla position and down the long hallway, facing the camera. The camera is following her so currently, the point of view that we see the shot is from hers. Her boyfriend, Jack Parker, is there leaned up against the brick way. Tala walks towards him before turning around to face us.


Tala: You saw that out there? Alex Anarchy, you're a hell of a fighter, but you just became another one of those that's been scalped by me.


Tala shows the strand of hair that she took from Anarchy.


Tala: World Hazard Festival was my platform. My platform to make an impact. Alexis Quinne, you said don't "half ass' it out there? Well, how was that? And as far as I'm concerned, SCW, UWA, Cartel Nxt Gen, GCW and any other promotion out there. I hope you all just saw that out there because one day I WILL be on one of your rosters. And when I am, what you just saw, that's what going to happen to all of yo. Consider yourselves on notice.


Tala then turns around and walks away from the camera.


Jack: You're a monster.


Jack follows suit, placing her arm around the shoulder of his girlfriend.



The camera cuts back to Joel Ortiz, who's currently mixing up Akuma’s theme from Street Fighter 3:Third Strike.


Ortiz: "Hey, hey, World Hazard did you like what you just saw?"


He holds up the microphone to the crowd, who respond very loudly.


Ortiz: That was crazy. I mean, what better way to start this by watching those tow mamacitas bring it down. Real quick, let's give another hand to both Tala and Alex because they just killed it out here!


The crowd roars as Joel nods.


Ortiz; Yeah, yeah that's what I like to see. But look, if you thought that was insane, it's only just begun! It's only going to get better from here. Come on let's go!


Ortiz soon plays the hook to "Hip Hop Hooray". The crowd immediately catches on and starts to chant along while swinging their arms to the side.


Crowd: "HEY....HO....HEY...HO...HEY...HO...HEY....HO!


Ortiz: "Let's go!"


Crowd: "HEY...HO...HEY...HO...HEY...HO...HEY.....HO!"


Ortiz soon cuts off the song, but this doesn't stop the crowd from continuing the chant.  The camera pans around to show the audience on their feet, singing those two words and swinging their arms from side to side. The camera continues to pan for several moments, with the chant not ending any time soon.


Cash: These guys may be doing this all night!


Myers: This is incredible. I've never seen anything like this.


Cash: And we're only one match in.


Finally, Joel brings the microphone to his mouth and simmers the crowd down.


Ortiz: Well damn., we LIT tonight or what Bay Area?


The crowd roars.


Ortiz: Now, now, before we go on, we got to introduce to y'all our special interviews for the night. That's right; we got two beautiful chicas up for the job. So let me introduce the first one. She's a member of the PUNK HAZARD culture.. That's right; she holds it down for that green and black. But she likes to put her own little spice to things. She likes to give everything a touch of...love if you know what I mean. So everybody put your hands together for NIKKKI LOOOVE!


The crowd cheers as "Fly Me to the Moon" begins to play. The crowd then cheers louder once they hear what version of the classic Frank Sinatra song and begin to clap along with the beat. It's then where we see six security guards run out, looking around in hot pursuit for someone. They walk down the ramp a bit, looking for someone in the crowd and that's when the crowd starts to cheer! From out of the curtains, Nikki Love seductively walks out dressed as the character Bayonetta from the titular game. Wearing a black skin tight suit with her normally red hair now a dyed black and wrapped like a beehive, long white gloves, black and grey heels with two red fake guns attached to the heels, a gold Umbran Watch over her bust and two more red guns in her hands. Nikki poses as often as she can, completely playing homage to the character that she's cosplaying.


Cash: Now THIS is a costume Myers. And it fits in all the right places you know?


Myers: That's one way of putting it.


Cash: It's an observation man. I mean, am I wrong?


The security guards then try to slowly close in on Nikki, who then uses her "guns" to shoot them down. A few more step up and then Nikki gets on her hands and proceeds to do a handstand while keeping her body balanced enough for her to "shoot" with the guns on her heels. The security go down one by one and the crowd roars before Nikki jumps back to her feet and poses again. The music soon dies as soon, a staff member throws her a microphone from the ramp. Nikki paces around the ramp, posing to each camera.




Nikki smiles widely as she brings the microphone up to her lips.


Nikki: Well, well lovers you know how to make a girl blush!


The crowd roars as Nikki drops the mat on the ramp to seductively pose some more. She walks to the other side of the ramp, riling up the crowd. They continue to rain down "Bayo-Nikki" chants, to which she responds by dancing a bit before sensual grabbing the microphone.


Nikki: Seriously, seriously stop it. If you keep getting me all excited, who knows what I'll do?


The crowd roars. Nikki smiles.


Nikki: But, but as you can see, I've gotten a little into the festivities so to speak. When my friends and I were setting up this event, I figured "if I just show up as just dear old me....that wouldn't be fun." Don't get me wrong, I would stay being me, Nikki Love, is rather....erotic and EVERYONE could use some erotica n their life. But, in the spirit of World Hazard, I wanted to pick someone that I felt represented me. A girl that was strong, sexy, provocative, not to mention stylish. Oh I searched and I searched, to find the right costume until lil ol Lexi suggested Bayonetta. I don't know about you boys out there but I would say that it was a smart choice. I mean don't you guys think this costume fits ALLLL of my assets?


The crowd cheers once again.


Nikki: Ah, thanks. And I promise you this, boys and girls. I will make sure I ask everyone I interview....the hard questions so all of you can get the satisfaction you all are looking for. So, my friends, I would say we're all friends by now, are you with me?


Nikki points her mic towards the audience to hear their response, which is positive. But Nikki wags her finger.


Nikki: Oh no lovers. I think we can get a little louder than that. I said...are you guys WITH me?


The crowd gets louder to which Nikki turns to the main camera and winks.


Nikki: Alright then. Strap in to your seats boys and girls because THIS will be a ride you won't forget!


Nikki drops the microphone to cheers. DJ Ortiz can be seen mixing "Fly Me to the Moon" as Nikki poses one more time to the audience before walking to the back.


Ortiz: But wait...that's right there's more. We got a SECOND interviewer for tonight. TWO instead of one. And right now, this second interviewer? She's down at the Hyatt right now with a special interviewer. But first, let's set the table here for this second interviewer. Now she isn't a member of PUNK HAZARD, but she might as well be. Her connections are deep within PUNK HAZARD and as Alexis told me, she's the love of er life. So everyone, turn your eyes to the SaboTron and show some love to our second interviewer Miss SIOOOUXSIE....BLAAADE!


Cheers are heard as we then cut to a shot inside the Hyatt Regency inside the Main Hall, where there's a full room of people seated cheers once they see that they are on the feed. In front of them lies a platform and that's where Siouxsie Blade, who is dressed in blue overalls with the rainbowed patterned sweater and some "patchwork" around her left eye; clearly emulating the doll Chucky. Siouxsie looks at the camera when it pans over and gives it a big wide smile.


Siouxsie: Hee hee we're on? Are we on? We are? Well shiver me timbers matey's because Agent Blade is on the scene! What's up everybody?!


The fans in the room cheer loudly. Siouxsie bows in front of them before bringing the mic back to her lips.


Siouxsie: Thank, thank you, you're far too kind. Now, for those of you booger eaters that have forgotten who I am, since I'm no longer employed by the Eess...Seee.Duba....my name is Siouxsie Blade and normally, I'm out'chea, that's what the kids say you know what I man y'all?! Normally, I'm out here creepin' when you're sleepin, lurking over your shoulders to catch all of you slippin but tonight, Agent Blade is not in the building. Instead, in honor to my love Alexis, I've decided to be the one thing I know she loves the most. Chucky!


The crowd roars as Siouxsie shows off her costume.


Siouxsie: Pretty neat yeah? I know a guy who hooked me up with the threads. Don't ask me for his number. It's all private. And...he's kinda  gimp. Gimps don't have personal opinions. Gimps don't have lives. Gimps don't have anything. What goes through the mind of a gimp? I don't know and it doesn't freakin matter! HEY-OOOH!


The crowd laughs a bit, but they seemed confused.


Siouxsie: Anyways once upon a time I used toroll in this group called the Falconry..


Some of the crowd cheers a bit. Siouxsie frowns a bit.


Siouxsie: And it was all fun....until that fu...I mean that no good, two faced liar, who should not be name but his name rhymes with Bollin Bole, ruined it for everybody by sticking his D into Katelyn Buehler's large V. Let that be a listen kiddos, the D + stretched out cumbucket Vs = no bueno. And so I left and no one has seen me since...until today! It's a new day and my pal Alexis has gotten rid of te Bollin Bole problem and Rudo, Grundy, Nikki Boo,Vikko Poo, Tabula, Jacky and MY Dante have made a better unit for the world to see, PUNK HAZARD! And we're all reeping the benefits yeah?!


The crowd cheers,


Siouxsie: So when Alexis asked me to get on the mic to grill our hopefuls wrestling today, I'm jumped at the chance. Because THIS is something I can sink my teeth into. Holla! SO....I have a special guest for all of you. Ready, ready, so...please welcome at this time, Ethan Von Aaron!


The room immediately goes to booing as Ethan Voon Aaron walks into the room alongside Maxmillion. Ethan walks around the room, taking the time to mouth off to the audience. At one point, he directly steals a sign from a little boy and proceeds to rip it in front of his mother, causing the boy to cry. Ethan laughs before he and Maximillion walk past and walk up the stage. The booing doesn't stop after that but Ethan looks all smug.


Siouxsie: Well golly gee Ethan, these people don't like you that much.


Ethan: Well that's just because they're NERDS and they don't get out the house and don't have nice clothes like this. And all of you freaking STINK. You all scream like sweat, fish sticks and cat foo. Seriously, all of you are going to give Max and I Zika and I'm not here for it!


The crowd's booing only grows more intense as Ethan says a few things to the audience that aren't picked up by everyone.


Siouxsie; Well I think it's safe to say that everyone hears wants to rip your head off. So knowing that people think you're a chach, a douchebag, a pickle puffer-


Ethan: Hey, who says that? I'm married!


Siouxsie: Oh, I just added that. But anyways back to my list. So with everyone thinking that you're an oxygen thief, a slimball, a tool, a choad, that one word that's a six letters but describes what equipment the female have...down here, I could go on all night! Everyone hates you. Your mother probably hates you. So WHY would you even have an Open Invitational Battle Royal in which the winner gets to slap you silly five times?


Ethan looks a bit confused by Siouxsie's way of speaking but he eventually shrugs his shoulders.


Ethan: Well Siouxsie, tonight is a special night. It's a historic night even and I felt given my status as the best wrestling manager in the world AND my super awesome accomplishments that TONIGHT would be a perfect night to have everyone here bask in my awesomeness.


Siouxsie: So you want to do that by daring anyone to be in a match where the winner gets to slap you? Hey Ethan, what does the five fingers say to the face?


Ethan: What?


Siouxsie: SLAP, bitch!


The crowd laughs as does the crowd. Ethan looks annoyed.


Ethan: Look, all of you might find the idea of me getting slapped around to be funny. Hell. some of your weird Hentai fans are probably writing your fan fictions about it. But look, I did all of this to make sure everyone would have this false hope that they could actually lay their dirty hands on my handsome face. See because what they don't know is that I will be in the Battle Royal myself.


Ethan pauses as the crowd boos,


Ethan: Yeah, yeah I am going to compete in this Battle Royal. And for anyone brave enough to join, they are going to have an appointment with my boot when I give them a...wait for it.,...wait for it....SUPERKICK! Their epic failure will be delicious and when it's all set and done, the city of San Francisco will have no choice but to build a statue in honor of yours truly, Ethan...Von...Aaron!


The crowd boos as Ethan and Maximillon soon walk off the platform and out of the room.


Siouxsie: "WELP, there you have it. Back up to you over there! Did I do that right?"


The camera cuts back to the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, where the Member Select theme from King of Fighters XIV is playing. the crowd claps along as the screen once again goes to the Player Select screen, scrolling over the icons of all the wrestlers competing tonight until both Comatose and Cassidy Carter are chosen. Their icons then show up on the screen.


Voice Over: BE JUST OR BE DEAD: Match 2: Comatose Vs Cassidy Carter!


"The Mark" by Black Light Burns begins to play as the crowd looks up to the stage. A figure steps out fully decked out in a black trenchcoat with gloves to match with full head covering face-concealing gas mask. He glances down at the stage before looking up to peer out from one end where the audience is to the next. Raising a gloved hand he balls it into a fist before pointing his middle and index finger out. He uses them to point out toward the audience before then proceeding to run his fingers across his throat. He throws the hand down while giving them a thumb to match the downward motion before storming down the ramp as the crowd boos.


Ortiz: "Introducing first, making his way to the ring, now this chico is weighing in tonight at two-hundred-thirty-four pounds. He wants y'all to know that he would never rep the Bay Area in his life. But he is from The Father of depravity, debauchery and mindless self-indulgence, ladies and gentleman, this is....Comatose!"


The introduction doesn't do him any favors with the fans in attendance. He slides into the ring before stepping up center before throwing both arms up to his side. The referee motions for him to remove his coat. Comatose proceeds to flip him off just as the opening to "Get off easy" by Breathe Carolina begins to play throughout as the spoken intro opens up. Strobe lights begin flashing between different shades of blue, green and red in rapid succession as Cassidy Carter walks out, but with a masquerade mask and what appears to be a wig with blue hair. She smiles broadly while stepping in a rhythm around the stage to match the beat as her one woman rave show continues. She throws one arm up over her chest while thrusting the other to the side before bowing smugly before the masses, who look at bit confused. She makes her way down the ramp, now in full spirits, not really focusing on anything. Her arrogance and lack of real concern or worries showing in spades.


Ortiz: "And the challenger, now this hot little chica right here is weighing in tonight at one-hundred-sixteen pounds. If you were expecting Cassidy Carter, this girl right here just flipped the script. SO, from The Garden of Eden, the Mother of Chaos, Seduction and Sin, I give you....Eve!"


She reaches the apron before pulling herself up using the bottom rope for support. Standing along it, she raises her head up to the rafters while leaning fully into the top rope. She sways her hips seductively before flipping over it, landing on her feet inside of the ring before turning and throwing her arms up and walking toward the center of the ring, dancing a bit in a straight line to her own theme song. Her self-admiration and confidence continuing to be on full display for the world to grovel in. She proceeds to climb the turnbuckle and raises her arms up as the chorus hits, a bright light coming on to highlight her. She lowers her arms, now placing her arms behind her head, laying across the top rope, propping her legs crossed casually over the other side. She appears to be becoming slightly impatient now in her comfortable spot waiting for this ordeal to begin and be over with.


Myers: "Very odd match up here. Cassidy Carter, coming out under the moniker Eve. A GCW and CNG talent, also playing a managing role in SCW for the former SCW Champion. She pushed to accept the challenge laid out to compete here against Comatose, a man mostly unknown. Two men have wrestled under this moniker and based on the get up I would wager this is a new one. She seems to know him."


Cash: "Comatose is out dressed as the Unibomber, removes the coat and you have him equipped as a gimp or sci fi assassin. Eve we at least know is dangerous. Honing her craft between multiple promotions, initially brought in under Rachel Foxx, I like her chances here. Comatose has the size and strength advantage naturally but if he was someone worth knowing of I'd know about him and as it stands, I don't."


Comatose cranes his head to the side appearing confused while looking in her direction as the music fades. The referee motions for Eve to come forward from the corner. She ignores him. He looks to Comatose who finally decides to remove his coat. Underneath it is revealed he is in a tight rubber black gimp-like outfit with chains and spikes around the shoulders and forearms. The referee panics and tells him they have to be removed. Comatose ignores him while rubbing his nipple, appearing to be either taunting or trying to draw Eve out from the corner. She watches but otherwise ignores him. The referee appears to be getting flustered.


Cash: What the hell is going on? I'm pretty sure this is how every low rent porno starts. I'm almost certain.


Myers: I'm with you, I'm not quite sure what to make of this already. This is bizarre.


Comatose agrees silently finally to remove the spikes from around his shoulders and forearms and the referee calls for the bell.




Eve begins to check her nails. Appearing to grow impatient himself Comatose starts to approach the corner. Eve suddenly slides her legs down and stands to confront him face to face. She says something that goes unheard. He reaches a hand up and shoves her back. She shoves back harder. He goes to shove her when she suddenly reaches up and drives her forearm into his throat. He falls back and turns from the blow just as she runs forward to drive her elbow now into the back of his neck. He grasps at where she connects with the blow before turning and catching her around the shoulders. He steps forward and takes her to the ground with an STO. He leans over her, before ramming his forearm into her throat, effectively choking her. He uses his other hand to give the referee the okay sign before reaching down to pat Eve on the belly. She kicks at the mat just as Comatose releases the hold. He stands up and backs away just as Eve stands. He makes a heart symbol with his hands before pointing at her belly and nodding.


Comatose: "I am going to put a baby in there!"


Eve: "I'll abort it!"


The fans seem unsure of who to cheer for at this point, instead now choosing to boo both of them. Comatose nods and turns to bow to the crowd . Eve uses this opportunity to run up and connect with a vicious Yakuza Kick to the back of his head. Comatose falls forward hard, his neck being caught on the middle rope, now kneeling in place. He tries to get up only for Eve to charge forward and leap up, bouncing her entire body weight across his back, driving him hard into the rope. She quickly gets off of him before turning and delivering stiff kicks to the ribs. He rolls over from the final blow, getting off of the rope, now grasping his throat and midsection. He shakes it off before going to stand just as Eve charges forward and delivers a running front dropkick to the jaw. The filter on the mask cracks as he is sent falling back onto the mat. He rolls over just as Eve slides over his back, running her hands up along his hips and side before placing her hands under his chin and locking them, effectively locking him into a camel clutch. He grabs onto both of her legs before managing to muscle up. He runs toward the corner while spinning and slamming her hard into it. He turns before lifting her up and setting her on the top rope. He goes to climb to the second rope before being met with a kick to the face. He turns, the mask having been spun from its position. He fiddles with it, try to straighten it just as she climbs to a standing position on the top rope. He turns as he gets the mask straight just as she leaps, Eve connecting with a diving hurricanrana. He stands up appearing disoriented just as she runs up to him before leaping up, going for a jumping forearm smash. He catches her and slams her down hard across his knee with a fast spinning backbreaker. He drops down before throwing both of her legs up over his shoulders and leaning completely over her, attempting a very provocative pin.


1! ...

2! .


She kicks out quickly at two. Not wasting a beat he lays completely over top of her with his crotch in her face and hers in his.


1! ...

2! .


She pulls her shoulders up while in the process bringing her knee up to smash it into his skull. He rolls over while grasping at his head just as she stands and runs forward before sliding in with a knee to his face. He rolls over onto his back, disoriented from the blow. She stands up before walking over and standing just over his head. She smirks down at him just as he cranes his neck to the side, seemingly admiring the view before she then takes it upon herself to take her foot and stomp it as hard as she can into the center of his face. He cries out while rolling around on the mat, the lenses of the mask appearing ready to fall out. She runs over into the ropes just as he goes to pull himself to his feet. Springboarding herself off of the middle rope she catches an arm around his neck before spinning and dropping him into the mat with a spiked springboard tornado DDT. He stands up quickly only to flop back to the mat face first. She immediately hooks the arm back and locks on the Fabulock. She finds it difficult with the mask in the way. She reaches down and removes it to reveal Comatose's identity hidden under layers of bandage, his eyes appearing pure yellow with contact lenses, his hair jet black. The bandages around his nose are soaked with blood from where she stomped his face. He panics as the mask comes off. He rolls over and pulls her wig down over her eyes. Not taking the distraction she follows his arm and locks it before now locking on the Fabulock. He grunts, trying to fight out of it. He manages to pull them both half up before driving his leg up into her back, breaking the hold. She rolls to a standing position, now readjusting the wig. Comatose pulls himself up and turns just as she runs over and drives her shoulder hard into his midsection. He falls back from the loss of air, falling between the first and second ropes to the ground outside. He uses the barricade to pull himself up just as Eve runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes before going for a suicide dive through the ropes. She connects, driving him back hard into the barricade.


Myers: "What a high risk series of moves! Comatose with virtually no offense in at this point is taking a beating. What he has done at this stage has been a very disturbing set of in attempts and mannerisms, clearly trying to get inside of her head. Hopefully not actually hoping to get in more."


Cash: "It's clear now why she wanted this match. She is known for always being on a search for a gimp, clearly she found one."


Eve pulls herself back up, the fans seemingly supporting her at this stage. She grabs a hold of him and goes to pull him up only for him to reach up and grab her by the throat. With his other hand he grabs the ring bell beside the time keeper's table and bashes her over the head with it. It rings as she falls over onto the ground. He throws it inside of the ring before reaching over and grabbing a chair and tossing it in to. Lifting Eve back up he throws her hard spine first into the apron before running up and leaping while thrusting his arm out. He connects with a lariat that drives her head back into the apron, taking her completely off her feet as her body is briefly completely horizontal in mid air while at the same time he slides into the ring. The fans oh from the whiplash effect, the mask being ripped off. With his arm now pinning her throat to the apron, he drags her into the ring by her head. Lifting her up to her feet he picks her up and hoists her up over his shoulders before connecting with a Death Valley Driver to his knee. He has to stop at this point, appearing to be having a hard time breathing. He rips at the bandage around his mouth, the blood from his nose now completely soaked into the bottom half of his bandaged mask. Pulling his hand back he sees that it is soaked. Sighing before begrudgingly smiling he turns and goes to grab a hold of Eve to pull her up. She counters, pulling him down by his arm and using her leg to wrap it in front of his neck, slamming him into the mat while locking on The Faithbreaker. Comatose panics, literally managing to pull them both up as he gets to a standing position. Not missing a beat Eve spins around, managing to spin in his arms before pulling him down with a DDT. Rolling him over she leans up before proceeding to sit on his face for the pin cover.


Myers: "What in the world are we watching?"


1! ...

2! ..


He throws his uncovered shoulder up. Eve appears to be covered in a black substance. The black in Comatose's hair appears to be sprayed on. She grabs him by the head, slapping him on the butt to get him to stand. He goes for a standing clothesline. She ducks and leaps up going for an enziguiri. He catches her leg and delivers a dragon screw in mid-air. He grabs her by the legs and goes to catapult her into the corner. She lands on the second turnbuckle with her feet before quickly leaping over the top rope. He turns and goes forward just as she jumps over the top rope, leapfrogging over his shoulders. He bounces off the ropes before leaping up, suddenly going for a flying knee strike. Eve drops quickly to the mat as he flies over her head. He lands on his side, before pulling himself to his feet and turning into a roundhouse kick attempt to the face. He catches her leg and pulls her in before throwing her over his shoulder with a T-bone suplex. She rolls over just as he goes to pull her back up. She suddenly reaches over and grabs his testicles through the outfit before squeezing and twisting. Comatose yells out while dropping to his knees. He tries reaching out to the ropes to no avail. He shakes his head frantically before throwing his hands up, clearly calling for a time out. She shakes her head no, smiling.


Comatose: "What's the safety word?!"


Eve: "There is no safety word!"


He shakes his head in agony, trying to pull her hand back. With no luck he reaches up and grabs her nipples through her top and twists as hard as he can. She grunts and appears frustrated but determined.The referee gets awkwardly close to this bizare exchange asking if either want to submit. Eve suddenly stands while releasing Comatose's testicles before proceeding to punt them as hard as she can. He screams out before dropping face first to the mat before rolling out of the ring. He hits the padding surrounding the ring and headbutts the ground there frantically, trying to shift the pain around. He swears and curses profusely as she rolls out of the ring to kick him in the midsection while he's down. He shifts up into a kneeling position where she starts hammering away at him. With all of his might he suddenly lifts her up and throws her from several feet back into the steel steps at the corner of the ring. She bounces hard off of them, collapsing in a heap on the other side of them. Comatose falls back, still suffering from the low blow. They both get up around the same time, Comatose now charging at her going for another lariat. She jumps up and dropkicks the steps, causing them to go forward, busting Comatose in the knee cap as he is charging. He trips forward, nearly trampling her. She rolls out of the way before standing to her feet, this time connecting with an enziguiri to the side of the head. She assists in pulling him up before sliding him into the ring. She climbs up on the apron and grabs the top rope, clearly ready to springboard off of it. Comatose gets to his feet and is about to turn just as she leaps up to place her feet on the ropes. Comatose turns and suddenly drops before pulling down on the top rope. She loses her balance and ends up falling onto it between her legs. She leans up on the rope, trying to move just as he takes several steps forward before turning and charging, connecting with a big boot to the face that causes her to fall backwards, flipping from her position stuck on the top rope. He grabs her by the leg and arm and drags her center into the ring before spreading her legs and pinning her missionary style.


1! ...

2! ..


She pulls her shoulder up while wrapping her legs around his back, rolling him over. She proceeds to lock on a wrist lock into a reverse chicken lock behind his back, using his own weight to help in pinning him down with the lock on. The bandage around his face is slowly coming undone as she then spins him around before again locking on the Fabulock. He tries to fight out of it, finding he has far less energy at this stage in the match. He manages to slowly crawl toward the bottom rope. She releases the lock before standing and stepping back as he starts to pull himself up. She runs up and leaps before driving her foot down onto the back of his head, driving him face first into the mat. She immediately goes to lock on The Faithbreaker. He lunges forward, now grabbing the rope. He rolls over grasping his neck before the two of them stand. She smirks at him as he glances around appearing disoriented. His nose is bleeding again. He suddenly lunges at her. She ducks under his arms before leaping up going for a pele kick. he turns and side steps it as her back hits the mat. He grabs her by the shoulder and pulls her straight up before using his one arm to fling her backwards into the ropes. She bounces off of them and as she is coming back he goes for a tilt-a-whirl piledriver. She slides around in his arms before going for an arm drag in mid-air. He flips over, landing on his feet before grabbing her from behind and removing the wig. With it in hand he wraps it around her throat before using it to slam her hard into the corner. He leans his forehead into hers, appearing to be talking intensely. She suddenly raises her knee, low blowing him once more. He crumbles back before she dives to the mat to grab the chair he threw in earlier. She slams it over his head. He falls over just as she drops the chair before reaching down and grabbing both of his legs. She raises her foot up in between his legs before playing her boot down, giving him an evil glare. He looks at this predicament and starts waving his arms in a panic.


Comatose: " Nu-nu-nu-nu-nu-nu-nu-nu-no! No! No! No!"


She threatens to start smashing them. Just as she raises her boot back up to begin mud stomping he starts tapping out. "Get off easy" begins to play again.


Ortiz: "Your winner via submission, Eve!"


Myers: "I can't say I particularly blame him for tapping out, it's very evident she was going to take full advantage of the no disqualications in the worst way possible."


Cash: "But we made sure they weren't ANY weapons for anyone to possibility use any. There were a throughout search before the show. please tell me Myers that some of these staff members are about to get paid for being incompetent.


Myers: "That's a bit harsh and uncalled for. Regardless, somehow Eve managed to think outside the box. Perhaps this rule should be changed next year to prevent this.


Cash: In an event, I am not really sure what we just watched. There was some sort of mutual sexual assault thing going on, it was overly violent and he taps to save his nuts. Whatever it is, it happened. Only here for the World Hazard Festival!"


The two competitors turn toward the referee who walks forward to grab Eve's arm. She pulls it back, clearly annoyed. Comatose pulls himself up to his feet, still cupping his genetials. She sticks her tongue out at him, clearly amused. He shakes his head angrily and points down with one hand, clearly stating assaulting it was cheating. She rolls her eye, clearly not caring for his argument. Not amused he reaches up and unwinds the bandages. The fans cheer now, some shocked as it's now revealed to be Ace Marshall!


Cash: "The hell?!"


Myers: "Ace Marshall! The former SCW World Heavyweight Champion. He was Comatose all this time?


Cash: "It makes all the sense in the world if you follow Ace and Cass little...I don't even know what it is. Is it a friends with benefits thing? Are they an item? This is stuff that TMZ would kill to talk about.


The two turn and exit the ring together, Eve flipping back over the top rope before hopping down to the ground as he slides under the bottom rope. They continue heading up the ramp, Ace making it clear that was a horribly abusive tactic and it wasn't right.


The camera then cuts to a shot of the announce booth. Meanwhile in the background, DJ Joel Ortiz starts to mix "Blow the Whistle" by 2 Short, a Bay Area favorite.


Cash: Myers, two matches in and this show has already been crazy. I mean these people are nuts man. the action has been so crazy. I mean, I know you're on the older side but are you going to be able to make it through the show?


Myers: Well I don't exactly have one foot in the grave Trevor. But as you put it, it's already been a high octane, surreal night. And really folks, you have to be here to truly experience the energy in this building. It's absolutely electric and the wrestlers so far have fed off that energy and have already given you something different.


Cash: I still don't know what to think of that last match though.


Myers: Well, switching topics, earlier today the Bill Graham Civic Auditioirum was open for all day wrestling. From ten in the morning to just around show time for this event, the best talent the Bay Area had was on full display in front of numerous fans, scouts from all around the world and towards the end, we narrowed it down to eight wrestlers.


Cash: Eight wrestlers had a chance to win a contract to GCW and in the end, it came down to two lucky people. Al A.D. and the overall winner....Alice?


Myers: Well, we're not quite sure what her name is. When I recruited her a month ago, that's the name that stuck. But with World Hazard being he biggest platform for some of these wrestlers, we figured we would take some time and introduce all of you the Final Four of that tournament.


Cash: Yeah and wrestling fans and fans in general should pay close attention to these faces because they are the future of this area and potentially, the future of this business. Let's take a look at some of the stars of tomorrow.




We get a bit of a shaky cam feel to open this shot backstage. The theme of Bryan Fury from Tekken 3 is playing in the background as the showing of heavy breathing is heard. The camera walks us backstage, where the breathing gets louder and louder. Finally, we enter into a room in which a young man, with black hair and some eyelinder around his eyes, long black tights with lighting streaks on the sides and two sleeves which have now been thrown to the ground, sits in a chair, tired, exhausted and a bit annoyed to see the camera in his face.


???: What the [bleep] are you guys doing here? Can't you see I want some time alone?


This transitions to minutes later where the young man is now fully dressed in a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans, still very tired. The music continues to play in the background of this video as he faces the camera.


Cameraman: So tell us, what's your name?


???: My name is Samael Jones but everyone calls me Hush. Why? Because when you face me, you'll want to scream. You'll want to shout. You'll going to wish everything around you was a dream. And I'll be there to tell you....Hush Little Baby Don't Say a Word, Momma's Going to By You a Mocking Bird?...But the catch is, your mother won't be there for you. No one will.


Cameraman: What brought you into wrestling?


A smirk grows on his face.


Hush: I often wonder why I do this to myself. Why do I put my body through some much? I mean before it used to be needles and bottles and anything I could snort. I didn't care. None of you care so why should OI? You could say I learned at an early age. My parents were experts in pissing their lives away. I would momma, momma, why is dad on the floor with his face in his vomit? And she would look at and say ssshs Hush Little Baby, Don't say a Word. And I didn't and then fell into it. Then one day, at 19, I realized I was heading down a path where I would become filled with nothingness and be worthless like them. So I stopped, but I was still angry. I still wanted to let go of my anger and so I found wrestling. You could say we were made for each other.


Cameraman: How so?


That smirks continues.


Hush: I can't really explain it. Four years later and I can't really give you a true answer. But I can say it's the love of my life. But as fun as it is to hear my opponents whimper as they realize that I am going to hurt them very, very badly, you can only do it for so long, facing the same people until you need something new. Until you need a new rush. All I've wanted is a platform. A platform to release everything inside of me. To show the world what's inside me. Today was suppose to be that day. Until Alice, if that's your real name my little flower, you took beat me. That GCW contract was mine for the taking and then she just swooped in and snatched it away.


That smirk disappears.


Hush: I beat everyone in my way, one by one just to lose to her. But it's ok. It's ok. Everyone watching this, you'll see my face soon. Alice, doll face, you'll see me soon. I guarantee it. I will make it, whether it's GCW, Cartel Nxt Gen, UWA or even  SCW. One way or the other, you will see my face again. Until then, Hush...don't say a word.


We then cut to a cut of a young blonde haired woman getting tended to in her room with an ice pack on the back of her neck. She winces as the trainers tend to her wounds. The camera then cuts to a shot of the young woman, still with a pack on her neck, staring at the camera.


???: No cameras..please, get that thing out of my face.


The young woman looks down at the ground, disappointed.


Cameraman: Introduce yourself to everyone.


???: My name is Geneva Bell and you may not know me, I'm an aspiring actress. Theater and wrestling are my stage, my stage to put on a show. It's an art, something I cherish. My wrestling is the same way. That's why I became a wrestler. To compete in front of an audience with millions of people screaming your name, it's everything you could hope for. My wrestling, like my acting, like anything I do, it's aesthetically pleasing. You may not know me, but you know where I came from. Golden Gate Wrestling Academy. You know the names. Collin Cole, Joss Morrison, Caden Storm, Maddox Taylor, "Kid Ricky" Ricky Garcia, Vikki Venom, Queen Mamba, Dante McCaffery....Alexis Quinne. All those names have been forged through there and soon, I'll be next.


Cameraman: Explain your thoughts after today? Losing in the semi finals of Top 8?


She lets out a sigh.


Bell: Is that a serious question? How else would you want me to feel? Alas, my performance needs some fine tuning I suppose. I had marked this day as my grand audition to the world. A chance to win a contract to Global Championship Wrestling. This was supposed to be my big break. Instead, I had to watch from the sidelines. Disappointing but a true woman of art knows that they save the best performance for last. But like any true good story, the protagonist needs to deal with some adversary in order to have the big payoff in the end. How are all of you suppose to care if you're not hanging on every word, every detail, rooting for the hero in the end? My story isn't over. It's just begun. I'll be back. I'll find a way, somehow.


We then cut a shot of a young African American man, collapsed onto the ground in the main hallway. He repeatedly slaps the ground in frustration. This man lets out a small yell before getting back to a kneel position.


???: [Bleep] man. I had it. I thought I had it.


The shot we then see is this young man, sitting in a chair, with his dreads blocking the black banana warped around his forehead. The music in the background changes to Ryu's theme from the game Asura Wrath.


Cameraman: Ali A.D....you went to the Finals. You made it to the end. You were so close. Have you been able to process the loss?


Ali: Listen man...honestly, nah. Not really. And that's no disrespect to Alice or whatever because she was a beast today. Everyone was shook when they had to face her. You think she's quiet and shy and then in that ring, she turns loose. But nah man, I thought I had it. I'm from Oak Town so I know how it is to fight. I use to do that [BLEEP] when I was growing up. Walking downs the streets and people come to you and try to check you. Try to see if you and your boys are some punks. And then you left there having to ask yourself am I going to let these dudes clown me or are you going to fight?


Cameraman: Is it hard to always feel like you have to fight to survive?


Ali: Yeah but that's life. I've had homeboys die on the streets where we used to play ball. Over some petty stuff you know? It's not the way it should be but that's the way it is. That's why I can't get over the loss right now. That contract was going to be my ticket out of that. To show my brothers and sisters holding it down for Lowers Bottoms, Northwest, Jingletown, that they may be shooting us when we got our hands up but we can still do whatever we want.


Cameraman: Is that why you came to wrestling? To escape?


Ali: Something like that. But also, because I always grew up wrestling with my boys like we were those dudes on TV. It was fun man.


Cameraman: Why do they call you Ali A.D.? What does that stand for?


Ali smirks.


Ali: It's stands for All Day. I use to grow up wanting to be like Muhammad Ali, God rest his soul. So I'm Ali A.D. because I'm on your ass All Day. Even with this loss, that's not going to stop me grinding. That's not going to stop me for going after it. That girl is a beast and she's going to turn some heads in GCW. I'm happy for her and I respect her. But I hope we get a rematch one day in GCW? If not, I'll find my foot in one of those big companies, making some real money and making my way up to the top. Don't write me off because I'm going to be around for a while.


This then transitions to a shot behind a black haired woman walking through the curtains. This woman being "Alice". Through her eyes, we can see a young red haired woman with a blue blazer, who is Megan Pierce from Majestic Wrestling and Pro Wrestling X fame, another young blonde haired woman, who looks like she's in her teen years and an older man. The young blonde runs up to Alice and hugs her as the older man shortly does as well. The camera swings around to see the look of tamed joy on Alice's face as she has the GCW contract in her hands.


This then cuts a shot of Alice sitting next to the young blonde woman and Megan Pierce.


Cameraman: So...congratulations. You made it through today and you won yourself a GCW contract. Now, no one really knows what your name is or who you are? Would you be kind and introduce yourself to everyone?


Alice stares directly into the camera and gives it a haunting glare. Her facial expression suggests that she's a bit uncomfortable. The young blonde moves in front of Alice and waves and smiles.


??: Oh you guys have to speak to me. I'm her agent!


Alice is seen smiling while nudging the blonde.


Cameraman: Agent? You look like you're in high school?


??: Well sir, age is just a number. I'm perfectly qualified for this job.


Megan: Actually, I'm kinda her manager as of like, two hours ago.


Young blonde: And yeah, sorry, I'm her sister. Elaine Ryan. Nice to meet ya.


Cameraman: OK then...how do you feel about Alice?...yeah, her winning the tournament.


Elaine has a big wide smile on her face,


Elaine: I'm so happy for her. I was telling her all week that she would do great and she was scared and nervous. Um....I mean she's always been nervous and has always doubted herself and I just wanted her to know that dad and I love her and that she's so awesome and that she's going to do awesome. After everything she's been through, I’m just so happy for her.


Elaine hugs Alice, who has a small smile on her face.


Cameraman: Megan, you used to be with Troy Stone, who was the former World Champion in Pro Wrestling X. How did this happen? How did you become Alice's manager?


Megan: Ah geez. I mean I just came here to this Fest with my fiancée because we're big nerds and we like anime and costumes and stuff. And I love wrestling so I just checked it out. And then i just saw this girl, who's quiet and s trying to find herself and I know me personally I'm in that same boat. Ever since Troy stop wrestling, I've been focused on getting married and how my life is going to change, but I've wanted to get back into the wrestling game. And then I just saw her wrestling and I just thought you know what; I'm going to go for it. I want to manage her. And at first Elaine here was skeptical.


Elaine: Oh I was just making sure my sis here wasn't getting scammed on anything. I still have my eye on you.


Megan laughs.


Megan: Understandable. Yeah so it's exciting and also...scary? I mean, even when I was with Troy I wasn't really managing him. We have the same agent so I was assigned to be his JOAT assistant; which is Jill of all Trades. This is different. I'm actually helping someone and by proxy, they're helping me. So yeah, super weird, super scary but I'm excited and I think she is too.


Cameraman: Any words for GCW Alice now that you are officially the newest member of the roster?


Alice just looks at the camera you can see a small smile form on her face before resorting back to the shy but emotive expression. She then soon walks out of the room, not before mouthing "Thank You" to the cameraman and not the camera. Megan shortly follows.


Elaine: She's just really excited. That's all.


Elaine soon runs away Megan and Alice as the World Hazard logo appears on the screen.


We then cut back to Myers and Trevor Cash.


Myers: Where there you saw the final four that competed earlier for a GCW contract. And that's a little taste of the variety of talent and personalities that wrestle here in the Bay. It's a booming time for wrestling right now for sure.


Cash: Lots of talent out there. And as a manager, you're looking for a lot of things. For me, I look at star quality. Do they have it? Do they have that look that's going to pop and make them stand out? Then also, are they coachable? Will they listen to me? Then of course, you gotta look at skill. Are they actually good? Do they have room for improvement? What is their ceiling because people have to remember, when us managers attach ourselves to a talent, we're married to them. If they succeed, we succeed. And getting behind someone that's young, that's willing to put in the work and have the talent to keep getting behind, that's makes my job easy. Promotion is my job. That's what I do anyways. I can make anyone a star if they have those essentials down.  


Myers: And once again, I an't stress this enough but thanks to SCW for allowing some of these local talent to get some time to introduce them to a wider audience.  That's-


In the background, the Member Select theme starts to play once again and the crowd starts to clap along.


Cash: No time for talking Myers! Here we go!


The SaboTron shows the Character Select screen of all the competitors. The screen shows the scrolling before they select the icons of both Jester Funn and Asher Hayes. Their stills then appear side by side.


Voice Over: Match 3: The Return and the Jester! Jester Funn vs Asher Hayes


We quickly cut a shot to a shot of Nikki Love inside the change room and standing right next to her is Asher Hayes, in his ring gear. This draws cheers from the crowd.


Nikki: Hey lovers, look who I have right here? It's Asher Hayes everyone!


The crowd roars some more.


Nikki: I must say lover, you haven't shown your face in a while but you're looking...healthy.


Asher: The same goes for you. Nice costume.


Nikki: Oh I know, I know. So everyone wants to know, where have you been? What made you want to come here tonight for World Hazard?


Asher: Well, Nikki, as everyone knows, I've had a few injuries that I've gotten over the years of wrestling. Then that asshole Damon Cage decided to jump me from behind. There was a time the doctors thought I should never wrestle again. I tried to ask for a second opinion and got the same response. For a moment, I thought too my career was done. I even had friends and, well, people I care about, people I love tell me I shouldn't risk it. That I should accept things for what they are. They would say you've had a good run Asher. Former US Champion, former Tag champ with Rachel Foxx, which was a dark time in my life. They saw as I couldn't go a date without holding my back in pain or limping. They told me it's not worth it. You've had a good career. Let it go.


Asher pauses.


Asher: But, as often times, when you try to walk away from this business, it just pulls you back in. Because even with all the pain shooting through the veins, even with all the back surgeries and second opinions, there's nothing in the world that compares to competitng in front of all of you,


Crowd cheers as Asher smiles.


Asher: There's people that are born to do particular things in their lives. And I can honestly say that Asher Hayes is made to be a wrestling. I've been rehabbing, looking for any chance to come back, since the last time all of you seen me. And after trying and trying, recently, the lovely doctors finally gave me the thumbs up to return. So now that I saw that I could come back, it began a question of when. And that's when I heard about what PUNK HAZARD is doing here, I knew I needed to wrestle at World Hazard, here in the Bay Area!


The crowd roars.


Asher: I mean, damn I miss that! Thousands of people cheering your name? It's a rush you can't get anywhere else.


Nikki: Well we're happy you're here. And we're happy you told your doctors to screw off until they give you the green light. So...your opponent, Jester Funn. What a guy huh? He's also the current Cartel Nxt Gen Internet Champion. He's a strange fellow. You two have had quite the entertaining banter between each other. What do you want to to tell Jester before you go out there?


Asher smirks.


Asher: Ha what do I want to say to my new best friend? Well, Jester, our little chats have been entertaining that's for sure. You're an unique guy and I know about how you're doing in Cartel Nxt Gen. But you're not the only one that's won titles. I'm not planning on you spoiling my return. I've rehabbed day after day after day to get to this point tonight and Jester, you will not ran on my parade. I might be a bit rusty, but I know I can last in that ring. I've taken punishment from the best of them and have beaten the best of them in return. Let's see if you can. So whatever you do Jester, I will be ready. Open up wide Jester.


Nikki smirks as Chevelle's "Point #1" is played by DJ Joel Ortiz.


Asher: Because Asher Hayes is back....and he's coming!


Asher soon goes to leave but Nikki grabs him by the arm.


Nikki: Wait, love! One more Q. The fans want to know, is this your comeback?


Asher looks at Nikki and smiles.


Asher: We'll have to see.


A staff member soon enters the room.


Staff member: Asher it's time!


Asher: Alright let's go to work.


Asher then walks into the hallway, where the camera follow him from behind. Asher is heard letting out some inhales and exhales, jumping up and down to getting himself psyched. He turns to the camera and smiles.


Asher:  Four years. Four years of missing this. Man I wish I could do this forever you know?


Asher turns back around and his path is followed as we see him continue to jump up and down, getting ready. He approaches the curtains and takes a moment to stop and take a knee. He meditates briefly, getting his mind in the right place before he walks inside the gorilla position. He looks back at the camera and flashes a smirk.


Asher: Time to make the magic happen.


then reaches the curtain and he waits for the right moment before running out to the crowd! The Bay Area gives Asher a great reaction as the camera follows him running to one side of the ramp, pumping up the crowd and saluting the crowd. He then stops and runs to the opposite side of the crowd, jumping up and down to pump up the crowd. He also gives this section a salute before shoving his fist in the air.


Joel Ortiz: "Introducing first, he's representing Chi-Town, Chicago, Illinois. My man tonight is weighing in at two hundred and thirty seven pounds. He's a former US Champion, a former Tag Team Champion, a former Underground Champion, a former Commonwealth Champion. He hasn't wrestled in four years but he's BAAACK. So everyone, coming to YOU right now, THIS. IS.....AASHER...HAAAYES!


Asher smiles as the crowd roars in delight. He walks down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans with joy on his face. Asher stops just a few feet away from the ring, turns to his right, walks over to the fans, and leans into the crowd, but only for a few seconds, before jumping away from them and the cheers echo. He then walks up the ring steps, jogs up onto the apron, then steps in between the ropes and into the ring. Asher then slides into the ring and races to the opposite corner, stands on the top rope, slowly lifting up his fists, then crosses them, forming an "X" just as the chorus kicks in. As the chorus comes to a close, Asher lowers his fists, before jumping down into the ring. Once his music fades completely, the crowd's cheers only grow louder. Asher looks around, genuinely honored.




Myers: 6,000+ are welcoming Asher Hayes back into the wrestling world with open arms. And you can just tell by that young man's face, he's missed this.


Cash: There was a time period from 08-10 where he was one of those guys that was on the cusp to true superstardom. Always got close but just not enough. I could always help with that. But regardless, despite the injuries, despite the setbacks, it's good to see him back in that ring.


Asher just stands in the crowd, unable to let the smile leave his face as soon DJ Ortiz plays the opening chords of Wizards In Winter hit over the PA system. The fans soon cheer, but there's an equal amount of boos mixed in as well. After a short while,we then see a small San Francisco trolley car, only with purple and green colors with graffiti esue designs "Are You Having Funn Yet?" written, pull up towards the right side of the ramp. Inside of numerous "passengers", all with black and white face paint and even the bus driver also sports the same design. The trolley stops right in front of DJ Ortiz' podium. Shortly, Jester Funn pops out along with Gloria, the former having his Cartel Nxt Gen Internet Championship draped over his shoulders. Jester extends his arms and smiles, basking in the cheers as soon he jumps off the trolley along with Gloria, who has a pie in her hands with white frosting. The other "passengers" also jump out of the car, immediately throwing necklace beads and mask out to the audience.


DJ Joel Ortiz: Alright, alright, this cat right here? He's a comodín, a wild card eh? We don't know where he came from, we just know wherever he does, craziness follows him. He's a weird hombre but don't sleep on him. He can drop anyone at a drop of the hat. He's representing them boys at Cartel Nxt Gen and he's the current Cartel Nxt Gen Internet Championship. Introducing the opponent, being walked down to the ring by his ride or die Ms. Glora, ladies and gentleman, Bay Area stand up because THIS....IS...JESSSSSSTER FUNNNNN!


Jester nods his appreciation for the welcome, pointing at Joel, who simply taps his hat to him. Jester and Glorai soon walk towards the ramp and the "passengers" shortly follow.


Cash: "Well damn, the entire Freak Show decided to show up. What's with these people? How the hell did he get his own trolley? And why do these people have face paint on? The damn bus driver had face paint too!


Myers: Ladies and gentleman, for those not familiar with Cartel Nxt Gen, this is Jester Funn. He's an unique individual, a very proactive personality. You either love him or you hate him. But don't mistaken his appearance and his mannerisms for weakness because he's a very capable wrestler who has found success, whether in Motor City Wrestling, where he was a champion and was undefeated to now in Cartel Nxt Gen, where he's also the current Internet Champion.


Cash: Thing too is that title has to be defended every Nxt Gen show and he's held it for a few weeks. If he's in that dark alley and I got to go home, I'm taking the other way. Then again, I would never go down a dark alley at night.


The "passengers" can be seen continuing to toss more beads and mask towards the audience while Jester and Gloria walk down with a smirk on their faces. Jester and Gloria soon stop at the rampway, staring at Asher with smiles on their faces before walking to the ring. The passengers follow, throwing even more beads. Gloria stares directly at the camera and motions that she's about to throw the pie at the cameraman. Jester watches on before Gloria charges. The cameraman runs the other direction and the camera shakes but then he stops and captures Gloria smashing the pie into the face of the ring keeper! The crowd cheers as Gloira points at the camera man and then the ring keeper!


Cash: Did she smash a pie into this man's face? I can see why Jester thinks this woman here is a keeper. They're both loonies. Match made in heaven.


Myers: Jester Funn and Gloria are known for their pranks so to speak and unfortunately, our ring keeper just got the brunt of it.


Jester soon jumps on the apron and extends his arms again to cheers while Gloria now cheers him out from the outside. The "passengers" run around the ring in a congo line while Jester poses before they head to the back. Jester waves in their direction before entering the ring, where Asher is there to meet him with a smile. Jester returns the favor before his music fades out. Immediately, as the ref pats down jester, the crowd continues to cheer.




Jester smirks widely before the referee soon calls for the bell.




Quickly, the crowd starts chanting dueling chants, one for Asher, the other for Jester. The two look around and smirk as they start to circle the ring. They look to go for a tie up but Jester backs up and instead ascends the top turnbuckle, playing up to the crowd for cheers! Gloria jumps up and down in approval as does the fans. Jester turns around and points as Asher, motioning him to do the same time. Asher mouths something to Jester before turning to the opposite corner and scaling up the turnbuckle, to an equal amount of cheers. Asher jumps off the turnbuckle and shrugs his shoulders.


Myers: Already you're see the one up-mandship here. Both of these men like putting on a show.


Cash: And if you've seen their Twitter exchanges, they've been doing this leading up to this match. Luckily, we're going to find out who's better!


Asher and Jester soon circle the ring once again before going for a tie up but Jester pulls back. There's a mixed reaction this time as Jester walks around the ring, taunting Asher. Asher just smiles, not letting Jester's mind games get to him. The referee urges for both to move, to which both once again circle each other, trying to size the other up. Asher goes to commit and Jester backs off before sliding out of the ring entirely. Now the crowd boos Jester as she walks around the ring as Gloria watches on. Asher looks at the crowd and gives them a look while Jester causally strolls around the ring and with no countouts, all the referee can do is order Jester to enter. Jester then turns to the fans and plays to them, only this time he gets booed. In this moment, Asher runs off the opposite ropes before coming back and as he's about to soar through the middle ropes, Jester catches him with an elbow! The crowd oohs as Asher dangles on the ropes.


Myers: Jester Funn just caught Asher just as he was about to take flight with that Suicide Dive! It appears that this may have been Jester's plan all along.


Cash: He was baiting him the moment the bell started. He tried to get into Asher's head but Asher's too smart to fall for those. So he had to bait him to the outside and Jester caught him.


Gloria is heard laughing as Jester slides into the ring and brings Asher to the mat and covers him;






Asher kicks out at an early two count. Jester picks himself back up and starts to stomp away at the back of Asher. He picks Asher up using Asher's hair before whipping him into the corner. Jester meticulously walks towards him before proceeding to stomp him multiple times in the mid-section, sinking him down in a seated position. He places his boot on the throat of Asher and while the referee tries to get Jester off of him, he can't count him down because there's no DQs. Jester eventually stops before turning to the crowd.


Jester: Are we Having Funn Yet?!


The crowd mostly boos, but there's a few cheers sprinkled in. Jester picks up Asher and then whips him to the ropes. Asher runs back and ducks a clothesline attempt by Jester. Asher turns and runs to the side of Jester and when the Cartel Nxt Gen wrestler turns around, Asher is there to take him down with a Crossbody! The crowd cheers as Asher then starts raining down right hand after right hand onto Jester before stopping. Asher shows some fire to the crowd, who responds positively. Jester rolls away but is back to his feet quickly but Asher takes him down with a Dropkick!  Jester falls to the canvas but slowly gets back to his feet in a dazed fashion. Asher grabs him and soo lift him up before slaming him down with a Sitout Suplex Slam. Asher floats over for the cover;






Jester rolls the shoulder while Gloria looks on.


Cash: Asher is shaking off some of that rust. Momentum back in his favor. Who knows, if he gets doing this way, I may need to track him down afterwards and talk business.


Myers: In any event, the momentum is indeed swinging towards the direction of Asher Hayes. Jester got to a head start but Hayes is showing that perhaps there isn't as much ring rust as we would expect.


Jester starts to stir while Asher gets to his feet. Hayes places a well time stomp to the small of Jester's back before doing it again. Asher then grabs Jester to his feet, to which Funn then rakes the eyes. Asher is blinded and Jester places a kick to his mid-section. Jester starts to club the back of Asher before he scoops him up. Hayes slips behind Jester before turning him around and shoving him back first into the corner. Jester bounces off the padding and that's where Asher runs the ropes before taking Jester down with a Running Bulldog! The former United States Champion then goes to the apron where he scales the top turnbuckle. The crowd waits in anticipation as Gloria is heard yelling at Jester to get out of the way. Jester gets to his feet and Asher jumps and nails him with a Missile Dropkick! The crowd roars and Asher goes to make a cover but Jester rolls out of the ring. Asher takes a moment to gather himself but soon, he gets the crowd to clap. The 6,000+ here at World Hazard clap along as Asher soon runs to the ropes and then soars into the air and takes down Jester on the outside with a Sommersault Plancha! The crowd roars as Asher holds his back at first but then gets to his feet and plays to the crowd!


Cash: Woah, I didn't expect him to bust out that! With all of his injuries, I thought he didn't have tat in him anymore.


Myers: This is World Hazard. Everyone is already pulling out the stops. Asher Hayes is reminding everyone of how good he was as he's completely overwhelming Jester right now.


Asher turns to Gloria and winks at her, causing Gloria to yell words that can't be repeated towards him. Asher picks up Jester and rolls him back into the ring. Asher slides back into the ring and covers him;






Jester kicks out at 2. The Nxt Gen Internet Champion then goes to retreat to the corner but Asher will not give him any room. Once he catches him in the corner; Asher kicks him up and then scales up the turnbuckle. he looks at the crowd and balls up a fist to cheers. He then starts to rain down the punches and the crowd chants along.






















Once he's finished, Asher then positions his crotch directly on Jester's forehead. The crowd laughs as Asher looks at Gloria with a smile on his face.


Myers: Adding a little insult to injury there by Asher. He's clearly having fun in there. I'm along sure this is a matter of him also playing mind games with Jester given the attempts Jester tried to do the same to him earlier.


Cash: Again, if you check out Twitter, these two have been mentioning each other's...you know, package. So I'm sure Asher just wanted to show him that "mine is better than yours".


Asher then proceeds to step down but then Jester low blows him! The crowd boos as quickly, Jester then slams Asher back first into the canvas! Asher holds his back in pain as Jester then slides to the outside. He then grabs the legs of Asher as he lays right in front of the turnbuckle pole. He pauses and looks to the crowd and the crowd looks on, knowing what he's hinting at. Without a moment's notice, Jester slides Asher towards him before his crotch his the pole! The crowd oohs as Asher immediately yells in pain!


Cash: Jesus Christy! That hurt me just by looking at that and I'm not even going through that.


Myers: Asher Hayes may have showboated a bit too much because Jester has now found an opening. Taking advantage of the no DQ rules in effect here tonight, it looks like Jester is now in control.


Cash: He's a lot of things, but man, when he's on offense? He's a ruthless wrestler. This could get ugly real quick.


Gloria cheers as Jester slides back into the ring with no hint of a smile on his face. Jester grabs the legs of Asher before placing a stomp directly in his crotch region. Asher screams out in pain as Jester watches before raising up his foot and then doing it again! The crowd boos and oohs as Asher rolls around the ring in pain.


Jester: Come on Asher! Let's go crazy. Let's get nuts!


Jester laughs a bit before grabbing the legs and then sending a third stomp to his crotch area. Asher rolls around the ring, but Jester quickly covers;






Asher kicks out at an early two, but Jester is there to immediately wrap his hands around his neck. The referee advises Jester to let go, but again, he is powerless given the rules. Jester soon stops and then picks up Asher by his hair. A right hand by Jester rocks Asher and then an second one sends him to the canvas. Gloria is heard chanting as Asher retreats to the corner. Jester is there to greet him and soon, he scoops up Asher and then hangs him upside down in the Tree of Woe! Gloria soon kneels down on the apron so she can speak to Asher's ear. Jester drops down to the canvas and smiles in the face of Asher.


Gloria: Wasssup!


Jester: Wassup!


Jester and Gloria are clearly mocking Asher, as he tries to wiggle himself free from his predicament. The crowd boos as Jester then gets up and then runs to the opposite corner. He then charges full speed ahead, looking perhaps for a Basement Dropkick. But strangely, Jester stops when he's right at Asher's face before quickly scaling up the turnbuckle and then placing his foot directly onto Asher's crotch. He then looks at the crowd and laughs.


Jester: Are We Having Funn Yet?!


The crowd mostly boos as Jester steps on Asher's crotch more and more before jumping off. Asher's legs then hit the canvas with a thud and he rolls around, covering his crotch region.


Cash: I think we're learning something. Never put your private son the face of Jester Funn. Or else he is going to scramble them like eggs.


Myers: This offense is clearly bizarre but clearly, Jester is once again taking advantage of the rules tonight. Along with that, he's sending a message to Asher, mentally taunting him with these attacks. Also too, this crowd came into this match split but now it appears they're firmly behind Asher.


Jester then covers Asher again;






Asher rolls out at an early two. The crowd soon starts a "Let's Go Asher" chant. Gloria is seen on the outside mocking the crowd for chanting Asher's name. Jester watches Asher stir and he starts talking more trash to him. Asher fights back with a punch to the mid-section. He slowly gets to his feet and lands a couple more shots to the head of Jester. Jester is stunned and Asher goes for a kick but Jester catches him. Jester waves at Asher before using one of his legs to kick Asher straight in the crotch again. The crowd boos while Asher drops to his knees and that's where Jester then grabs his head and then drives him down with a DDT before then impulsively jumping up and landing on Asher's chest with a Senton! Jester then scrambles for a cover;






Asher rolls the shoulder at two. Jester shakes his head before mounting Asher and delivering right hand after right hand. He then stops and taunts the crowd yet again to boos but to the delight of Gloria. Jester then motions for the end as he picks up Asher and then scoops him up, looking for the Fun Bags Bomb but Asher slips behind him. Asher lands a few side elbows to stun Jester. Asher runs to the ropes and goes for a Big Boot but Jester catches his foot! Jester one then waves in the face of Asher and goes to kick him again in the crotch but somehow, Asher gets his leg free and catches Jester's foot! Jester starts to panic, trying to escape but Asher puts his foot down but then following with a Spinning Enzigiri that brings Jester down! The crowd roars as Asher holds his crotch region, trying to will his way back up to his feet.


Myers: BIG counter there by Asher. There's the opening he's been looking for. Can he take advantage of this?


Cash: As strange as this sounds, he's taken a lot of damage to his...well, you know. And while he's porbably never having kids again, I'm also certain that taking all those kicks must hurt.


Gloria slams the mat to get her man Jester Funn up to his feet. The crowd, meanwhile, gets behind Asher as soon both men get up right around the same time. Asher is the quicker of the two, however, bringing Jester down with a clothesline. Jester gets back to his feet and Asher takes him down with a Hip Toss. Hayes grabs Jester and whips him to the ropes but it's reversed. Asher runs off the ropes with vigor and then surprises Jester with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Jester starts to scramble on the canvas while Asher goes to the outside again and then ascends the top turnbuckle. Once again Gloria urges or Jester to get out of the way and he gets to his feet. Asher jumps into the air and this time, Jester does in fact duck under. However, Asher also lands on his feet and then catches Jester with a Pele Kick! The crowd roars. Asher gets a pinfall;






Jester rolls the shoulder at two. Asher still protects his crotch region a bit before reaching a vertical base. Jester starts to stir but Asher soon brings him to his feet. Asher soon grabs a hold of Jester and goes to lift him up for the Paralyzer but Jester slips behind him but then jumps back onto Asher's back, locking in a Piggyback Sleeper he calls the Night Nights! The crowd boos!


Myers: Jester counters Hayes and has the Night Nights locked in. He looks to be getting good traction of the hold too. The arms are in the perfect position.


Cash: Asher was mounting some offense but now he's in a bad way. And since there's no rope breaks, he must break this hold someway or he's getting choked out.


Gloria can be heard yelling at Jester.




Jester has the hold in good and starts to grapevines his legs around the wast of Asher. Asher struggles to fight it and seems to be close to falling to a kneel position. He reaches out for the ropes, but the referee reminds me that there are no rope breaks. The crowd cheers for Asher to break free and he tries but Jester has the hold in. good. Desperate, Asher back peddles until Jester's back hits the corner. But this does not break the hold. Jester can be heard laughing as Asher steps forwards before ramming Jester's back into the corner again, this time breaking the hold. Jester quickly grabs the hair of Asher but Asher turns around and lands a right hand that rocks Jester. Asher goes and places Jester onto the top turnbuckle shortly after. He goes for a Muscle Buster but Jester fights off and pushes him away with his feet. Jester jumps down and Asher charges at Jester but Jester sidesteps and Asher hits the corner back first. Jester then wraps both of Asher's legs around the adjacent middle ropes before planting a kick right to Asher's crotch! The crowd boos as Jester rapidly picks up Asher from behind and then delivers a very quick German Suplex that sends Asher land on the back of his head! Jester covers;






Asher rolls the shoulder at two!


Myers: Asher is still very much into this. Jester, once again, attacked Asher's private region but he surprised him with that German. I don't recall Jester ever using one in a match before.


Cash: And it wasn't textbook either. Just a straight toss and down Hayes goes. But this guy jester, he's always thinking. He's always looking for an angle. The wheels are always turning n his head. When you get behind the act, he's a thinking man's wrestler.


Gloria yells her support for Jester as he gives the referee a look. He then reaches grabs Asher and tries to apply the Fun Time but as he gets close to getting the Triangle Choke on, Asher rolls him up;






Jester powers out at two. Both reach their feet and Jester swings wildly at Asher, who ducks. Asher waits for Jester to turn around and goes for the Ashes to Ashes but Jester pushes him away towards the ropes. Jester charges in on Asher, who catches him with a hard clothesline! Jester goes down and Asher lets out a roar to a crowd, getting them riled up. Ash then goes to the ropes and jumps off the middle rope, landing onto Jester with the Ash-Sault;






Jester rolls the shoulder at the last moment. Gloria breaths a sigh of relief on the outside as Asher looks at the ref for a bit. He then picks himself up and looks at the crowd. They cheer him on as he plays off of them.  He then motions for Jester to reach his feet, to which he slowly does. Asher grabs him, going for the Dream Killer. However, as Asher turns around, Jester elevates Asher up in the air and then drops his crotch first onto the top rope! The crowd oohs as Asher yells in pain!


Casj: Again, going downstairs!


Myers: The different ways Jester has been able to inflict pain to that particular region has been impressive and that counter couldn't have come at a better time.


Jester is at a kneel postion, but he gets up and then grabs the top rope. He smiles at Asher before shaking the ropes, applying more pressure to Asher's crotch region. Jester then quickly scale sup to the second rope, where he then leaps and at the same time, clotheslines Asher off the top rope and onto the canvas! The crowd oohs, watching how the impact takes Asher to the ground. Gloria yells as Jester then slowly gets to his feet, bringing Asher up with him before scooping him up and then down hard with the Fun Bags Bomb! Jester holds Asher down for a cover;








Jester rolls off, smiling as Gloria slides into the ring, cheering. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as DJ Ortiz plays Wizards In Winter again.


Ortiz; The winner of this match......JEESSTER FUNN!!


Myers: An unique, odd but somehow, hard hitting encounter ends up with Jester Funn, the current Nxt Gen Internet Champion, with a HUGE win over a decorated wrestler like Asher Hayes.


Cash: And give it up for Hayes. Showing up here, wrestling for the first time in four years. He had some rust, but not that much. It's just that jester was just a little bit smarter and a little bit more dirtier. And you're right, Nxt Gen isn't as known per say like SCW or GCW or UWA, so this is a huge win for Jester and for that company. Technically, both him and Cassidy Carter, or Eve, or whatever, won their matches. Big win for Cartel Nxt Gen.


The referee goes to raise Jester's hand but Gloria slaps his hand away and does it instead. Jester smiles as the crowd gives him a bit of a mixed reaction. Jester and Gloria soon take turns bowing to the audience before waving at a stirring Asher Hayes. They then roll out of the ring and head to the back. Funn's music plays for a bit before it fades away. We then see Asher Hayes roll out of the ring with help of the referee, the crowd cheering for him. Asher has the look of exhausted and a bit of frustration, however, this is when the crowd starts to chant louder.




The chant continues to rain down and that's when we see a smile flash on Asher's face. There's a small glimmer of emotion on his face, but he then shows his fist to the crowd as a sign of appreciation.


Myers: And you have to wonder what Asher is feeling right now. Hasn't wrestled in a while only to fall short tonight. But judging by these fans here, he has nothing to be ashamed of.


Cash: These people are right. He does still have it. Now whether he wants to come back or not is still up for debate, but if he does, I'll be there to make a pitch.


As Asher is being helped to the back, the cameras then pan over to DJ Joel Ortiz.


Joel: World Hazard, how we feeling right now?


The crowd gives him a positive reaction. He smirks.


Ortiz: Yeah, yeah, that's what I like to hear. We're almost half way through and already things have been hella crazy. So, first, I want to give a shoutout to all of you in this building for representing the Bay to the fullest extent. You guys have been loud and on your feet and that's what we do. This is the birth place of the hyphy!


Crowd roars.


Ortiz: This is the birth place of getting lit and all of you have come out and showed so love so give yourselves a round of applause right now.


The crowd cheers, the camera panning over to numerous fans in the crowd in their cosplay.


Ortiz: But you see, World Hazard has been the talk of the town and the hype has been taking over the wrestling world too. And so, we got some big names, some heavy hitters out here tonight so let's see everyone that's here!


The camera soon pans around the arena until it spots wrestling manager Adam Chase, sitting front row. Chase winks to the camera as the crowd cheers when they see him.


Ortiz: We got the agent behind the legendary Vanilla Sky, Adam Chase in the house!


Chase salutes the camera before we get a shot of Amy Chastine sitting behind the ring keeper with some friends. Amy gets a rousing ovation from everyone as she stands up and waves.


Ortiz: We got former SCW World Champion Amy Chastine in the house!


The crowd chants Amy's name as she continues to smile and wave at the crowd. We then get a shot of Taylor Chase, Kelcey Wallace and Chris Cannon sitting front row towards right side of the ring. The majority of the crowd boos, to which the trio just laughs off and rolls their eyes.


Ortiz: We got wrestling royalty here. Taylor Chase, Chris Cannon and Kelcey Wallace!


Cannon proceeds to shake his head before this transitions to a shot of Dawn Lohan, sitting a few rows behind Adam Chase to cheers. Dawn playfully points to the camera while the crowd gives him a very warm reaction.


Ortiz: Speaking of wrestling royalty, we got Dawn Lohan here tonight!


Dawn draws a smile from the strong reaction she's receiving. We then get a shot of Donovan Kayl, sitting a little ways back from everyone else. Immediately, the crowd erupts in boos to which Kayl snares and laughs shortly after.


Ortiz: Haha I guess they not happy to see him tonight, but we got a wrestling legend here in Donovan Kayl!


Cash: Ha! They're actually booing him.


Myers: This is San Fran and these people know about the battles between Kayl and Alexis Quinne. Clearly, you see who the crowd is behind.


Kayl proceeds to then ignore the rest of the boos as they are relentless. luckily, the SaboTron lastly shows David Helms, alongside AJ Helms and Peyton Rice sitting to massive cheers, the loudest of the night. David smirks at the camera and looks around, soaking in the atmosphere.


Ortiz: And last but not least, how could we forget the man, the myth, the legend. The Co-Owner of UWA, the Dangerous One David Helms!


The crowd chants Helms' name as he enjoys the moment. The camera then pans around back to Ortiz. We then hear him play the Member Select theme once again, which gets the crowd clapping and on their feet once more. The SaboTron shows the Character Select screen as they scroll through the competitors. Strangely, they stop of a bunch of question marks instead of one, an icon of Ethan Von Aaron. The still of Ethan Von Aaron along numerous silhouettes behind him are shown.


Voice Over; Match 4: GO FOR BROKE: The Ethan Von Aaron Open Invitational Battle Royal!


We go to the ring where Ethan Von Aaron in the ring wearing an expensive suit. With Maximillion standing behind him, the crowd boos loudly. Ethan walks around in a very satirical manner.


Ethan: We are here at the World Hazard Festival to celebrate a man...a great man. A genius man, a pioneer in this sport. That man...is me!


Ethan smirks as the crowd boos him louder.


Ethan: We are here to celebrate my greatness; we are here to celebrate the fact that I am the greatest person pretty much ever. Look at me I am hot as hell.


The crowd boos as Ethan poses for the camera. A few chants are heard, but none stick right away. But then one prevails over the rest.




Ethan looks disgusted before bringing the microphone to his lips.


Ethan: Oh yeah I'm the ugly one. Yeah I'm the geek when all of you NERDS know how many cheats codes it takes to win a game but don't know how to get to a girl's G-Spot! Okay everyone, you're right!


This only infuriates the crowd as Ethan gives a very condescending expression. He waits for the crowd to die down, which takes a moment, before he speaks again.


Ethan: That's right. Shut up or my guy Maxmillion here will go into these stands and rip all of you limb by limb!


The camera zooms in on Maxmillion, who looks on. Ethan walks around his bodyguard before he smiles.


Ethan: As I was saying, I am married to the hottest woman in any promotion. That is a FACT! See the deal with this, this entire Battle Royal, was that I would receive a beautiful gold statue. in my awesome likeness if no one entered this battle royal. Which why would anyone want that...when you know that I will be competing this match. I'm so good, I can beat anyone's ass in this area in a god damn suit! I mean-


The crowd boos, briefly stopping Ethan.


Ethan: I mean I am essentially a wrestling God. Steph Curry as nothing on Ethan Von Aaron! Nothing! I might as well be Kyrie Irving because all I would do is cross up anyone n this city and embarrass them!


Ethan pumps his chest as the boos reach a high level.




Ethan looks around, confused.


Ethan: I don't even know what that means....


???: Wait...wait one second Ethan. See you aren't getting a statue today. Because I, for one, would love to slap you across that idiotic face of yours.


We see the unidentified voice is Gavin Taylor of the UWA emerge from the curtains in his ring gear to cheers!


Cash: Look at this! It's the All Star! It's Gavin Taylor!


Myers: Once upon a time, he and Ethan were Tag Team Champions. A top flight talent wherever he goes. This has certainly become interesting.


Taylor slowly makes his way down the ramp as Maxmillon and Ethan turn to face him. Ethan smiles.


Ethan: Gavin Taylor I KNEW you'd come. I just knew it. Because you love living in the shadow of my greatness. You love riding on the coattails of my excellence. You're SOOOO predictable my friend I mean seriously.


Gavin smirks.


Gavin: No what I am here to do is to slap you across that obnoxious mouth.


The crowd roars. Gavin looks on with approval.


Gavin:  I've wanted to slap that ugly mug of yours for a long time and now you are dumb enough to make a match where the prize is just that to slap you across the face. You really are as dumb as you look.


Ethan: NO NO THIS is my moment! I am suppose to get a statue!


???: I don't think so.


Suddenly, from out of the curtains comes Selena Frost alongside her wife Deanna to a massive ovation! Selena is cosplaying as the Joker from the Jack Nicholson era, to which she shows off her costume to the audience.


Cash: Selena Frost too?!


Myers: She's scheduled to be in the semi main event. What's she doing out here?!


Frost smiles as she brings the microphone up to her lips.


Selena: You have pissed off a lot of people over the years Ethan. And since you're so kind to make this match an open invite, I figured I would surprise my true belivers out there and make an appearance!


The crowd cheers.


Selena: See Ethan, I'm here to have fun. The last few weeks have been admittedly tough but tonight, in front of these people, I am going to do just that. I'm going to smile and I can't think of anyone else who would want to slap you across your face more....than Denna!


The camera zooms in on the smiling face of Denna! Ethan looks on with concern.


Cash: Wait what? Denna is going to be in the match? Is she even trained? Didn't she just pop out a Baby Frost?


Myers: I'm sure there's an explanation.


The two Frost soon start making their way down to the ring as Gavin Taylor slowly enters.


Frost: See, I'm not competing this match for myself. No, I'm representing my lovely wife, who would want nothing more than to slap some sense into you! Today is your judgement day, Ethan.


Ethan gives a mock worried expression.


Ethan: This is your mom's judgement day. Tell me, who speaks in such lame cliches anyways. This match is off. No one wants to see me get slapped anyways so-


Selena Frost: Face it this match is going to happen.


Selena soon steps into the ring along with Gavin. Ethan soon a level of fear in his face, but he tries to keep it cool.


Ethan; Please. You guys don't scare me. I mean, Alana and Keenie can handle either or both you anytime-....wait a second....


Ethan reaches into his pocket. He then checks his phone to see who's calling him. Ethan looks at Selena and Gavin.


Ethan: One moment please.


Selena and Gavin give him an incredulous look as Ethan goes and answers his phone.


Ethan; Hey baby...yeah I was just telling Gavin Taylor and that ninny Snow Queen that you and Keenie are going to come out here and kick their pathetic asses.....


Ethan grows a look of concern on his face.


Ethan: What do you mean your stuck in the air...port...


The crowd soon starts to roar as we then see Gabby Austin of GCW fame walk from the back in her ring gear, heading towards the ring. This is shortly followed by Luna Locke formerly of Cartel Nxt Gen, then Riku Kuninobu, then Victor Mason, who gets a small response. Then, both the Spectacular Ninja and Riot to a few cheers. Then, Mitch Doogan comes out with a garbage lid hand to cheers. Mitch raises the lid up in the air  before storming down to the ring.




After he walks down, Tempest and Jason Dillinger, students from Ante Up. We get a shot of Peyton Rice and AJ Helms in the crowd cheering on the two of them as David Helms is seen clapping. Back to the ramp, shortly after, #GingerNation member Jenni "Jinxy" Anderson walks out to cheers. The ginger poses for the audience as she walks down. Then finally, the crowd soon explodes in cheers as Manvel runs out to the ramp, jumping up and down. We then see Cookie runs away him, trying to put the finishing touches to oiling him up. Manvel looks at the camera with an excited expression.


Manvel: I'm oiled up and ready to go DADDY!


Cookies touches his body before he runs down the ramp. Cookie then walks back through the curtain.


Cash: Oh God no, this idiot. This dude is like allergic to actual success. He's a comedy wrestler. Alexis Quinne would call this man a mega clumpnugget. Why in the hell do people like this guy?!


Myers: He's got a cult following that's for sure. But look at this, all of the wrestlers are surrounding the ring!


Ethan turns and see's the entire ring is now surrounded by numerous talents from numerous promotions. Maximillion soon exists out of the ring, leaving Ethan all alone by himself.


Ethan: Well this is bad...


The numerous combatants swarm the ring as Ethan tosses the microphone to the outside. Soon, the bell is heard sounding off.




The competitors circle around Ethan, who looks for an escape. Ethan starts throwing his hands up, trying to reason with everyone. Mitch Doogan is the first to charge at him  as he swings his massive garbage can lid hand at Ethan's chest. The massive hand rips away what turns out to be a tear away suit which reveals Von Aaron's ring gear! Doogan has no chance to React further as he is nailed in the jaw with a Superkick. Doogan stumbles and falls over the top rope making him the first elimination.




Myers: Supreme Powah Mitch Doogan, a familiar face is out just as we begin courtesy of a superkick by Von Aaron. As it turns out, he had his ring gear this hod time. This guy is slicker than Judas!


Gavin Taylor tries to hit Ethan with Real Man Use Lariats but Ethan ducks and Gavins takes off the head of a nameless black masked luchador or maybe just a ring crew member that found a mask and snuck into the ring. Regardless, he goes over and out!


Myers: And another one gone...and I have no idea who that was. But UWA's Gavin Taylor was the man to do it.


Cash: Looks like during Manvel's little whatever the hell he is, some of these unknown wrestlers snuck into the ring. Did they come from the streets? Did they drop from the sky or something?


Soon, the wrestlers start to grapple with each other. The crowd cheers as it breaks down into a pier 6 brawl, the action being too fast to break down. We see Gavin and Selena trading blows in one corner and then both Tempest and Jason Dillinger working on Riku in the other corner with Ninja and Riot soon running up and fighting Tempest and Dillinger. In the corner opposite of Gavin and Selena, Jinxy and Luna Locke are double teaming Victory Mason while Manvel looks around, looking for someone to dropkick. He looks for an opening in the corners, but he gets nothing and pouts.


Manvel:; I need someone to dropkick over the top rope BABY!


Right on cue, as Locke and Jinxy let up, Victor Mason sneaks away and attacks Manvel from behind, drawing boos from the crowd. Mason smirks before he goes to work on him. In the midst of this, we see The Gambler, another one of these wrestlers that snuck in, hits Ethan with a hard left.


Myers: There you see the Gambler. An old hand in this business, famous for his er...gambling.


Cash: Right now he is taking it to Ethan. He's looking like a man that wants to slap someone silly tonight Myers.


The gambler throws a wild swing at Ethan but he ducks and superkicks the Gambler in the face, sending him over and out. The crowd boos.




Meanwhile, Taylor and Frost continue to trade blows as Dillinger and Tempest work as a team to take down both Riot and Ninja. Locke soon finds Jinxy on the ropes and and she clubs her in the club before trying to overthrow her. Then they turn their attention back to the corner, trying to throw out Riku. Mason soon picks up Mason and whips him to the ropes. When he comes back, Mason decks him with a Back Elbow. Mason then continues his attacks with a few stomps to the back of Manvel. Ethan Von Aaron somehow finds a way to sneak behind the crowd and gets behind Dillinger and turns him around. When he does, he drops him with another Superkick! Ethan then grabs Dillinger and tosses him over and out, eliminating him.


Myers: Looks like to me Ethan Von Aaron has been trading for this match, throwing superkicks left and right. Earlier this guy was talking about not being prepared. This guy is a piece of work.


Cash: He's a goof but he's still a former World Champion. His ability will never be questioned. And look who he just threw out.


Myers: Jason Dillinger, one of the students of David helm's Ante Up Academy. That's certainly one way of being introducing him into the business.


With Dillinger out, Riku manages to catch Tempest with a Tornado DDT. Gabby Austin soon clubs Riku from behind and goes to throw him over the top rope, but Riku lands on the apron. Gabby believes she's eliminated Riku, but when she turns around, Riku jumps up the top turnbuckle and lands a Springboard Forearm onto Gabby to cheers. As Riku reaches a vertical base, Gavin catches Riku by surprises and nails a hard clothesline that draws oohs from the crowd. The camera pans over to the outside, where we see Deanna Frost cheering on for her wife Selena. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Mason goes for a Suplex on Manvel but he reverses and instead takes him down with a clothesline to cheers. Manvel then gets behind Gavin Taylor and dropkicks him up and over! The crowd roars as Gavin holds on to the ropes on the outside, barely staying alive!


Cash: Dear God, that idiot almost eliminated Gavin Taylor. We wouldn't have heard the end of that if he did.


Myers; Gavin almost found himself gone because he didn't detect Manvel. That's the thing with Battle Royals. You always have to have one eye in the back of your head. you can't ease off or settle because that's where you can fall into a mistake and see your self eliminated.


Ethan soon spots Selena making her way up to her feet and Ethan smiles. He attempts to superkick Selena but she ducks! Ethan turns around just when Frost takes to attack with a thumb to the eyes. This blinds Selena and Ethan takes down Frost with a clothesline. Ethan then goes to the apron and then jumps up and hits a Springboard 450 splash to boos!


Cash: Yeah, so much for this guy not coming prepared.


Myers: Von Aaron has somehow been blazing since this match started.


Cash: It makes sense. When you know everyone in this match can slap you five times if they win, you would do whatever you could to stop that too.


Riku then attempts to take advantage of this but Von Aaron rolls out of the way and Riku instead hits Frost with a senton. Jinxy is then seen whpping Locke to the ropes before Locke takes her down with Lou Thez Press. Locke unloads with right after rights to a few cheers. Meanwhile, Spectacular Ninja and Riot take down an unsuspecting Manvel with a double clothesline. The Ninja motions to Riot to throw over Manvel. Riot picks up Manvel and he and Ninja prepare to lift up his legs in an attempt to get him out. The crowd cheers in support of Manvel as she struggles to maintain his grip of the ropes. Suddenly, as Riot and Ninja try to eliminate Manvel ,they begin to argue, dropping Manvel to the canvas.


Ninja: I am spectacular! Behold my greatness! Be a good minion and help me eliminate this Man of Vel.


Riot: No you clearly got this wrong. You're MY minion.


Ninja: No you're my minion.


Luna Locke uses this opportunity to sneak behind the two masked men and she tosses out Riot, eliminating him just as Ethan superkicks Spectacular Ninja, eliminating him and nearly kicking his face off.




Myers: You're going to keep saying that huh?


Cash: At this point, there needs to be a superkick counter and it's fun to do. So yeah.


Ethan raises his arms up to boos before he walks over towards the direction of Deanna Frost and starts talking to her. Meanwhile, Luna soon goes to work on Gavin Taylor in the corner.


Ethan: You aint touching this... You ain't slapping me. I am a legend you are a card board cut out! You're lucky your in my presence.


As Ethan says this, Gavin Taylor soon fights his way back from out of the corner against Luna. Gavin connects with a few rights but Luna lands a strong ick to the thigh that hampers Gavin. She then lands a few more before adding a few elbows to the face. Luna looks at the crowd and then goes for a Spinning Wheel Kick but Gavin ducks underneath and takes down Luna with a Backdrop. Tempest goes to attack him, sending a few chops to his chest but when she goes for another, Gavin ctahces her arm and then takes her down with a belly to belly. While Riku then charges at Selena, going for a Headscisccors but Frost reverses into a Tilt a Whirl Backbreaker, drawing oohhs from the crowd. Von Aaron is still seen talking to Deanna.


Deanna: You're a disgusting man.


Ethan: You're a more disgusting man.


Deanna: I'm not a man you moron.


Ethan: Really?


Ethan says with genuine shock. This shock is enough to distract him long enough for the insulted Deanna to slap him across the face and allows Manvel to spring up and dropkick Ethan over and out of the ring! Manvel jumps up and down, throwing his fist in the air as the crowd erupts in "cheers.




Myers: Ethan has been eliminated to from his own battle royal by Manvel! Manvel finally got to do his dropkick!


Cash: How is this oxygen thief still in this thing huh? How?


Manvel continues to celebrate in the middle of the ring. As she does, Jinxy is seen elevating up the top rope, then jumping off and jumping forward into a beautiful Leg lariat she calls the Jinxy Jack! The crowd gives the #GingerNation member a mixed reaction as Jinxy then poses for the crowd before she goes over and clubs the back of Selena Frost towards the ropes. Jinxy grabs a hold of Selena Frost and goes for the Bad Luck Cutter but Selena reverses and then catches Jinxy with an Enzigiri! Jinxy falls to the canvas, but then Victor Mason comes and attacks Frost from behind. Meanwhile, Ethan Von Aaron is seen on the outside, throwing a fit as Maxmillon tries to calm him down. He kicks the steel steps and slams the apron in frustration. He mouths off at the members of the front row before he and Maximillon walk up the ramp. But instead of heading to the back, Ethan and Maxmillion head towards the commentary table. Ethan snatches a headset and stands right next to them.


Cash: Looks like we have some company.


Ethan: That was an injustice. How was  suppose to know that Deanna Frost was a woman? I mean, is she M Night Shamaylan or something?


Myers: You can't make any excuses. You set this whole thing up and you got eliminated.


Ethan: Shut the hell up you old hag. I don't even know your name. in fact, I don't even care. i'm just going to call you Old Bastard. How about that?


Myers: That's uncalled for.


Meanwhile back in the ring, Gavin is trying to retreat on the ropes and that's when Gabby Austin spots him. Gabby charges ahead, but Gavin then elevates her up and then onto the mats on the outside, eliminating her.


Cash: Gavin looks to really want to slap you man. He's looking determined.


Ethan: He's just bitter because I carried his lard ass in IWC when we were tag champs. That's all it is. Jealously.


Luna Locke gets back to her feet and joins and attacks Selena Frost in the corner as she was fighting off Victor Mason. Luna goes for a strike but Frost grabs her arm and then STO's Locke's face first into the turn buckle. The crowd oohs as Frost then  tosses her over the top rope. to cheers!


Cash: Out goes Luna. Not a bad showing for her. I'm not sure if Theo Kruger is still in the picture, but I could see myself taking a look if she wants to come back to the ring.


Ethan: Dude, I bet she will give you easy access if you know what I mean.


Cash: I was referring to the wrestling, but thanks for your input I guess.


Riku walks over to Manvel, who was camped out in one of the corner. Riku picks up Manvel and ten without effort, elevates Manvel but some how he is able to grip the ropes like a spider! Riku tries to break his grip but Manvel clutches onto the ropes for dear life. .Victor Mason then comes up behidn Riku and takes him down. Victor smirks before he picks up Riku and places his head between his two legs. Victor then elevates Riku, who then starts to fight Victor! Riku rains in right and lefts, causing Victor to lose his balance and stumble upon the roppes, where Riku swings his legs to where Victor is brought over the top top rope and then onto the floor! The crowd roars as Riku in the process, stands on the apron as well.


Myers: What an elmination by Riku. Victor Mason was making a habit of picking his spots, but he picked the wrong spot to play and Riku reversed it.


Cash: This guy Riku, he's a strange guy but he's got the goods. He's bounced around a few promotions but he's lighting quick and he's putting on a little bit of a show here in this match.


Ethan: I bet he slaps like a pansy. He won't win though. no one will win this. i still got something up my sleeve.


Cash: Superkick?


Ethan; Cash, you are a very smart man.


Riku soon enters backinto the ring and goes back to working on Manvel, who's retreated back into the corner before Gavin Taylor is there to stop Riku. At the same time, Tempest also attacks Gavin from behind. Gavin turns around as the Tempest throws a kick his direction but Gavin catches it. Gavin smiles before elevating Tempest over and then out!


Myers: Tempest is eliminated! We're going down to the wire here. Only Riku, Selena Frost, Gavin Taylor, Manvel and Jinxy remain.


Ethan then stands on the announce table as Cash and Myers looked puzzled.


Myers: The hell are you dong?


Ethan: Carlos! Activate plan win steal!


Cash: Carlos?


A few minutes later, Carlos, known best for being the flower child of Kennedy Street, runs down to the ring. The crowd is baffled by the appearance of the little boy and once he slides into the ring, RIku, Gavin, Selena, Jinxy and Manvel look at him with confusion.


Myers: Seriously? You sent the kid down to the ring?


Ethan: Listen old bastard, it SAYS Open invitational, which means ANYONE is allowed in. Carlos and I rehearsed early this morning. This is going to be perfect.


Cash: No offense but you have a few screws loose in your head.


Ethan: Thank you.


Carlos looks around as the rest of the competitors just stare at him. Suddenly, Carlos makes a beeline towards Selena Frost and he attempts to eliminate Selena Frost. The crowd laughs as Carlos hangs on Frost's leg, trying to move her. She looks muffled by the whole experience, as does Deanna on the outside.


Ethan: Come on Carlos! You can do it! I promised you your own swing set if you can do this for me. Come on!


Myers: Ethan...


Ethan: Shut your mouth old bastard!


Selena looks down at Carlos before she she. She then leans down and scoops up Carlos.


Ethan: Child Abuse! Selena Frost is a child abuser! Child Abuse!


Selena carefully lifts Carlos up and sets him down, leaning over the top rope before setting him on the floor eliminating him.


Myers: She was getting a child out of harms way; a child you sent into a wrestling match.


Ethan: She abused Carlos old bastard. She IS a child abuser. Someone call the police!


Once he's set over, Gavin Taylor immediately attempts to lariat Riku but the smaller wrestler evades and then superkicks Gavin!


Ethan: HEY that's my move...but good work eliminating Gavin pansy. Shouldn't be hard though,Gavin's horrible anyways.


Gavin stumbles towards the rope. Meanwhile, Jinxy goes back to attacking Frost while Manvel looks around and then runs back to his corner to retreat, to cheers. Meanwhile, Riku tries to pick up Gavin, but Gavin shoves his away. Riku rolls backwards and back to his feet. He charges in on Gavin, but elevates Riku up and over, but Riku lands on the apron. Gavin turns around and goes for a punch but Riku blocks and the slides underneath his legs, back into the ring. Riku goes to run to the ropes but this time Gavin gives chase. Sensing this, Riku sidesteps and pulls the top rope, causing Gaving to go over but he still lands on the outside! Riku lands a few elbows before Gavin blocks one and lands an hard elbow that rocks Riku. Riku, however, counters with a 360 Spinning Heel Kick that sends Gavin to the outside! The crowd cheers!




Cash: The kid did it! He took out Gavin Taylor! What an upset!


Myers; Taylor was one of the favorites, but somehow, someway, this kid Riku Kuninbou is hanging in tough and he's eliminating some bodies. What a performance!


Riku reaches a vertical base and the fans in the Bill Graham are firmly chanting his name.


Crowd: Let's go Riku, Let's Go....Let's Go Riku, Let's Go!......Let's Go Riku, Let's Go!


Riku smirks as meanwhile, Jinxy is working on trying to eliminate Frost from the battle royal. She tries to lift up a leg and dump her over. Manvel then walks to the middle of the ring and points at Jinxy. The crowd roars as Manvel jumps up and down, charging ahead but Jenni turns around and nails him with a Forearm that sends Manvel down. The crowd boos as Jinxy blows a kiss before smacking her behind, motioning that the crowd can kiss her ass.


Cash: Jinxy has been quite the buzzkill has she?


Myers: She's hanging in there. A up and coming talent on the GCW roster, she has lasted this long and has made quite the impression.


Cash: I'm sure all of her buddies in hashtag Ginger Nation, don't forget the hashtag, are excited for her.


Jinxy turns back around and Frost gives Jinxy her foot before stunning her with the Paydirt. Jinxy falls to a knee and Selena goes for the Glass Shard but Jinxy gets out of the way and then pushes her chest first into the corner. Selena bounces off and then Jinxy turns her around and lands a hard right elbow that drops Selena. Jinxy poses to the crowd before she taps the nose of Selena in a mocking way. She then waits for Selena to reach a vertical base and that's when she floats over the midsection of Frost as if she was about to get Powerbombed. She goes to complete her finisher, the Adora-Bomb but Frost places her feet first onto the canvas and then drops her with the

Claim Strike. Jinxy falls to the canvas and then Frost picks up Jinxy and tosses her over and to the outside!


Myers: Frost eliminates Riku. We're down to three!


Ethan: I got to do something. I gotta do something quick.


Frost collapses onto the ground for a bit but regains herself. When she turns around, Rku is there, standing, waiting for her.The crowd gets on their feet as Frost and Riku stare off at each other, neither moving a muscle. Suddenly, Riku charges at Selena, who arm drags him down. Riku gets back up and soon arm drags Frost. They both reach a vertical base and Riku soon runs to the ropes, jumps off the middle and goes for a Springboard Dropkick but Selena ducks. Riku hits the canvas chest first and gets to a kneel position. Frost goes once again for the Forst Bite but Riku somehow rolls out of the way. RIku gets back to his feet and runs to the ropes. Frost throws a clothesline, but Riku ducks and keeps running. Selena turns around and Rku latches himself onto Selena before spinning around and driving her head first with a Tornado DDT! The crowd cheers firmly for Riku, who takes a moment to recover before he goes to pick up Selena. Riku steps back and then goes for the Humble Pie but Selena holds onto him and then runs to the ropes, where she then places him on the top rope before pushing him over. However, Riku swings his legs to the point where e brings Selena with him, but, Frost manages to keep her balance and stays on the apron with Riku!


Myers: Wow! Frost tried to eliminate Riku there and Riku almost brought her down with her.


Cash: This is getting good. Crowd loves Selena, but who doesn't love a good underdog story you know? Riku has a real chance of winning this thing!


Both Selena and Riku soon stand on the apron, trading elbows. They go back and forth, neither giving an inch. Riku creates some seperation with a kick to Frost's midsection and then he leapfrogs over the top rope to then deliver a Jumping Roundhouse onto the back of Frost's head! Frost staggers to her knees, but never lets her hands lose grip of the bottom rope! As Riku prepares to make another attack, Manvel comes from behind him and then throws him over and then out of the floor! Manvel jumps up and down as Riku soon gets up, realizing what had just happened!


Myers: Manvel! He did it again. Riku didn't take into account that he was still in the match and he just got tossed! We're down to two! Selena Frost and Manvel!


Cash: How is this guy still in this match?!


Ethan: Alright Max, time to do this.


Just then, Ethan and Maximillian leave the announce table and start heading towards the ring. Maximillian soon walks in the direction of Deanna Frost, to which Ethan wraps around the ring to corner her. Deanna begins to look very worried as Selena, still on the apron, catches wind of this.


Myers; No, No! Don't tell me he's about to superkick Deanna! She just gave birth a few months ago.


Cash: There's no low you're not willing to go in order to avoid getting slapped you know what I mean?


Myers: This is borderline criminal. All because he couldn't win a match he set up! Disgusting!


Ethan inches closer and closer to Deanna. Selena yells for Ethan to stop, but Ethan keeps moving closer. Before she gets any chance to react, Manvel then jumps up and dropkicks Selena off the apron and onto the mat! Ethan Von Aaon son jumps into the air, feeling victorious. The crowd boos but then cheers when the bells rings. Manvel immediately runs around the ring in hysteria!


Ortiz: The winner of this match....MANNNNVEL!


Cash: Is this the Twilight Zone? Manvel just actually won a battle royal.


Myers: But it's tainted. Ethan Von Aaron set up that ruse to eliminate Selena. He wanted to prevent Deanna Frost the chance of slapping him.


Manvel stands on the top rope, slapping his well oiled chest oil flying everywhere. Manvel jumps off the top rope and then leaps in the air once again doing a fist bump. He looks around as the crowd now is on their feet, celebrating alongside him. This is when both Ethan Von Aaron and Maximillan enter the ring and from behind, Maximillian decks Manvel! The crowd boos as Ethan Von Aaron quickly puts the boots to Manvel while Maximillian helps.


Myers: And now look at this? Jumping Manvel. This is highway robbery!


Cash: What a beautiful plan. Manvel wins, they take him out, which means no one can slap him. Ingenious!


Ethan mouths off at the crowd as Maximillain continues to put the boots to him. Suddenly, Riku Kuninobu runs back from the curtains and down the ramp. He jumps on the apron and waits for Maximillian to turn around, When he does, the Japanese man jumps off and lands a Flying Forearm on Maiximillian. The bodyguard then rolls out of the ring as then, all the competitors from the Battle Royal, minus Carlos, soon run into the ring just as Ethan starts his plan to escape. They circle than in the ring, blocking any path for him to exist. Meanwhile, Selena and Deanna Frost walk up the steel steps and enter the ring. Ethan gets on one knees, begging for all the competitors to let him go, but they don't budge.


Ortiz: Hey Ethan, my man! Listen, we had a deal. When you came to us to set up this match, you said the winner gets to slap your ass five times in the face! Now, while my main man Manvel won over here, we can't just ignore that you helped him out a bit.


Ortiz pauses.


Ortiz: And then you tried to get the jump on my man and try to get out of this? Nah man. We made a deal and here at World Hazard, we don't rip off our people.


The crowd roars as Ethan starts to shake his head.


Ortiz: So this is what we are going to do. Since you screwed over Selena, screwed over Deanna and tried to jump Manvel, instead of Manvel getting those five slaps, we're going to pass it around! Everyone that competed in this match with now get ONE slap on you!


The crowd explodes and Ethan immediately goes to run out of the ring but Gavin Taylor pushes him down.


Myers; Oh boy, now talk about karma. And he deserves every last bit of it!


Cash: Not even god can save Ethan right now. This is rough.


Ethan scrambles on the canvas and as he's about to move, Gavin then grabs him and holds him in a Tiger Suplex position. With his hands behind him, Gavin holds Ethan up, to which the crowd roars!


Myers: And Gavin Taylor is the one that's going to hold him for everyone. Maximillian is on the outside and there's no where for Ethan to escape.


Cash: And he has all these people who are licking their chops to smack this man.


The wrestler soon chatter among themselves, presumbly to see who will go first. That's when Mitch Doogan steps up first to cheer. Doogan looks at Ethan, who tries to fight out of this.


Ethan: I will end you Doogan! End you!


Doogan smirks before sending a hard smack across Ethan's face. The crowd cheers as Ethan shouts in pain. The Gambler then steps up. He squints at Ethan, taking a good hard look at him, before raising his hand and then slapping Ethan across the face. At this point, the crowd starts to count down;


Crowd; 2!


The Spectular Ninja is up next as the rest of he competitors watch up. The Ninja performs a few handsigns and gestures, causing Ethan to yell at him.


Ethan: This isn't Naruto you idiot! You're not going to summon a beast from the sky!


Ninja continues performing his "ritual" before closing his eyes and pressing her hands together. He just stands there for a few moments, unmoving. Ethan has nothing to say before Ninja then strikes him with a quick but powerful slap!


Crowd: 3!


The crowd cheers as Riot shoves Ninja out of the way and laps Ethan impulsively! Riot turns to the crowd and gives them a thumbs up!


Crowd: 4!


Riot flexes his muscle a bit before Jason Dillinger, still holding his jaw, steps up. Ethan smiles when he sees him.


Ethan: Aww what's wrong? Your jaw still hurts from when I SUPERKICKED you? Aww poor baby. Do you want to run to papa Helms so you can suck on his nipple? Huh? Huh?


Jason just shakes his head before slapping Ethan across his face!


Crowd: 5!


The rest of the competitors laugh as Dillinger high fives Tempest, who takes her turn. She laughs right in the face of Ethan. The camera zooms in to see a big red spot starting to form on Ethan's right cheek. Tempest takes her time, even teasing the fans with the slap to a few cheers.


Ethan: Don't look at them! Don't pander to these NERDS!


Tempest turns back around and slaps Ethan hard!


Crowd: 6!


Ethan tries to break free again but Gavin maintains a strong hold of him. Victor Mason is the next one to step forward. The young Mason clan member smirks in Ethan's face before he steps back and lands a smack that causes some spit to fly out of Ethan's mouth!


Crowd: 7!


Victory raises his arms as the crowd cheers before he steps to the back. Luna Locke then walks up towards Ethan. Ethan runs his mouth at her, saying words that are hard to pick up. Regardless, Luna proceeds to then mock Ethan by using her left hand as a mouth puppet, mimicking Ethan's mouth. As she smiles, she then suddenly drops it, donning a serious expression. She then grabs her right hand and smacks Ethan, who gets dropped to the canvas.


Crowd: 8!


Ethan holds hisface as he lays on the canvas. Luna then picks up Ethan as Gavin then motions that he wants his turn to be next. The crowd cheers Gavin on as Luna now holds Ethan's hands behind his back. Gavin mocks the routine of a baseball hitter, causing laughs to come out of the audience. Gavin soon "winds up" and then delivers an impactful slap that causes Ethan to fall again!


Crowd: 9!


At this point, the bruise on Ethan's face is beat red as Gavin then retakes his duties of holding back Ethan. Gavin brings Ethan to his feet as Jinxy is up next. Jinxy plays to the crowd, who now cheers her. Jinxy walks around both Gavin and Ethan in a playful manner before tapping the nose of Ethan mutliple times.


Ethan: Get your hands off of me! I don't know what crotch those hands have been on. Don't touch me with those hands!


Jinxy messes with Ethan's hair a bit before nailing him with a powerful slap!


Crowd: 10!


Jinxy walks behind where the rest of the competitors at when Riku steps forward. The crowd gets on their feet and cheer on the young man.




Riku looks around and cracks a small, smile on his face.


Ethan: Don't you touch me! Hey, I'm talking to you! Can you even speak English?!


Riku looks at Ethan with an indifference expression. Without any warning, Riku then slaps Ethan to massive cheers.


Crowd: 11!


And this brings Manvel up to the plate, who gets an even louder reaction. Manvel starts to flex his pecs as the crowd applauds the official winner. Manvel smiles as Ethan shakes his head.


Ethan: Don't touch me loser! Don't you touch me!


Manvel then looks at him with a face.


Manvel: Ethan, you about to get slapped daddy!


Ethan starts trying to kick Manvel away from him but to no avail. Manvel take shis time...before delivering a thunderous smack that would have sent Ethan to the ground if it wasn't for Gavin holding him. Manvel looks proud of himself and joins among the wrestlers.


Crowd: 12!


That's when finally, Selena and Deanna Frost step forward to big cheers from the crowd. Deanna goes to slap him first, but Selena stops her. The crowd boos to which Ethan smiles at first, thinking this means that they had changed their minds. Instead, Selena strikes Ethan with a rapid fire smack across the face!


Crowd: 13!


Selena then sets the stage for Deanna. The crowd gets to their feet as Deanna calmy looks into the eyes of Ethan. Ethan is mouthing off at her as the crowd chants her name, trying to pysche her out of going through with it. Deanna just shakes her head and mouths something before sending a slap so powerful, Ethan falls to the mat and is unconscious!


Cash: Well damn, Deanna Frost just knocked out Ethan Von Aaron! Who knew the other Frost packed a mean punch!


Myers: Justice has been served here tonight. That's for damn sure!


The 14 individuals stand in the ring as "Flyers" is played by DJ Joel Ortiz. The crowd roars as all 14 raise each other's hands while Ethan remains on the cans. Maximillain soon drags Ethan out of the ring from the outside and places him onto his shoulders. The big man then walks to the back with Ethan, still unconscious. Back in the ring, the 14 competitors all shake hands with each other and again raise their hands before one by one, they start to clear out. The last two to standing in the ring is Riku and Manvel, both receiving loud cheers from the crowd. Riku looks a bit shy, but not Manvel, who runs around the ring, pumping his fist yet again. Manvel jumps up and down, still in a good mood. All Riku does is awkwardly wave, which does get a nice cheer from the crowd before he walks off. Manvel then finally leaves too and starts heading to the back.


As the competitors start to walk to the back, DJ Joel Ortiz starts to mix "Ride" from Twenty One Pilots The camera soon pans over to fans signing along to the lyrics of the sing along to the words. When the chorus hits, everyone signs together all the way through. Joel soon stops afterwards, causing the crowd to cheer loudly as he brings a microphone to his lips.


Joel: "World Hazard, how we feeling?"


The crowd cheers.


Joel: WOOO!


The crowd responds with woos of their own.


Joel: WOOOO!


The crowd woos again. Joel smiles.


Joel: Yeeeah! Well damn, you guys are on fire tonight! That's what I like to see. Now, we're half through the show. We only got three matches-


Crowd immediately starts to boo.


Joel: Yeah I know, I could be out here with all of you all night. But, before we jump into it, let's check and see how everyone's holding it down at the Hyatt!


The crowd then turns to the SaboTron as it showcases six shots side by side of the six Viewing Room Parties currently going on at the Hyatt. When the fans see that they're on the feed, all six rooms, filled with SCW fans, stand up and cheer with pride. This continues for a few moments before we cut back to Joel Ortiz.


Joel: Yeah, yeah, even at CityCon, they'r eon their feet. Real talk, you all have been incredible. You guys have been loud, you guys have been on your feet and you've shown everyone that's competed tonight the love that they deserve. So all of you should pat yourselves on the back for representing the Bay to its fullest. And hey, even if you'r ehere and you're not from this area, we're glad you wanted to keep it locked here. So everyone, gives yourselves a round of applause.


The crowd cheers, the camera pans around in the crowd to see numerous fans in cosplaying clapping along.


Joel: Alright, alright, we're going to do something special for all of y'all. So please turn your attention to the stage and give it us for our interviews, Siouxsie Blade and Nikki Love!


Camera cuts to the ramp, where Nikki Love ans Siouxsie Blade emerge from the curtains to cheers. Nikki and Siouxsie smile before they pose with their backs leaned up against each other. This last a few seconds before Siouxsie brings the microphone up to her face.


Nikki: Well boys and girls, have you liked what you've seen so far?


The crowd roars.


Nikki: That's what I thought. It's been hot fighting all around and nothing gets this girl more excited than seeing hot fighting.


Siouxsie: This is my first time being out here and holy gee, there's a lot of you guys out  here! And most of you are in costumes! You guys are KILLING IT! Production peeps, show everyone these costumes though!


On cue, the camera spotlight around, capturing shots of different sections of the ground in costumes. The crowd cheers as the costumes that are captured range from Mario and Luigi, Spike Speigel from the series Cowbop Bebop. Squirrel Girl from Marvel Comics, Ryu from Street Fighter and even a few cosplaying as Alexis Quinne. This then brings up back to Siouxsie and Nikki.


Nikki: Now, as our dear DJ over there said, we only have three matches left And before these...inciting matches go down, we wanted to get their final thoughts before they go into the slaughter...I mean battle.


Siouxsie: We're going to ask the hard question. The questions that all of you have on your minds. Now, we were suppose to have David Miller and josh Hudson out here both but....


Nikki: Both gave it the handwave. They wanted me to tell you guys that neither need to talk and that they're going to let their fist do the talking for them!


Siouxsie: So you know it's about go down! But, two of the matches everyone is talking about is our Semi Main Lucha Libre Tag team Match between Ricky Octavius an Celeste Mallory...


Some cheers fill the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.


Siouxsie: And the team of Marina Valdvida and Selena Frost!


The crowd cheers nicely to the mention of those two names.


Nikki: And then the main event; The main course. You got Brittany Lohan.....


Boos are heard, though there's some cheers.


Nikki: Against that one pint sized chica you boys and girls may know...what's her name again Sioxsie?


Siouxsie: I think you mean ALEXIS QUINNE!!


The crowd erupts in cheers when they hear her name.


Siouxsie: I think they like her Nikki. I really do. But FIRST, let's bring out those guys in the Semi Main shall we? So could Ricky Octavius, Celeste Mallory, Marina Valdvida and Selena Frost come out pretty please?!


DJ Joel plays "Flyers" yet again. The crowd awaits for the arrivals of the competitors for the Semi-Main. They don't have to wait long as Selena Frost is the first one to re-appear, still in her Joker cosplay, to a great reaction from the crowd. Selena is holding the back of her head, still reeling from the Battle Royal before Ricky Octavius and Celeste Mallory walk out in their ring gear but both wearing the special black, green and silver "World Hazard Festival: Wrestling Palooza!" hoodie. Marina Valdvida is the last to appear, to a nice cheer, as she quickly walks to the side of Selena. Nikki then brings the microphone up to her lips.


Nikki: "Alright, now that we have all four of you here, I'll start with you Ricky. Now, when everyone found out that you and Celeste, two young, fit, wrestlers who have only started in their careers, were going to be thrown into the fire against two former champions like Marina and Selena, some people thought we were crazy! Because some of them felt like we were going to televise a live massacre. To which, lovers, no. If we did, you wouldn't know about it. ANYWAYS, Ricky, you're a young stallion and I would say all the ladies in here would agree. Am I right ladies?


There's a nice portion of the female audience that cheers, which causes Ricky to look a little bit shy and unconformable.


Nikki: I think you have a future in terms of selling merch to the ladies. But Ricky, everyone that has seen you have gushed about you and your abilities. Everyone believes that you are going to be one of the best wrestlers in the entire universe! So, hun, how are you holding up? Is the pressure of knowing that you have all these people watching here, watching at the Haytt, watching on Supremecw.com, looking at you, expecting you to pull through with a hell of a performance tonight?


Ricky is then tossed a microphone by one of the staff members. He looks around a bit, drawign a small cheer from the crowd,


Ricky: Well, that was a mouthful. And before I start, I just want to stay, standing out here, in front of all of you, is...it's crazy. To see all your faces, knowing that all of you paid to come out here to and to see most of you wearing your costumes, to see us wrestle it's a dream come true. This is surreal and I wanted to thank you all for that.


There's a nice reaction for the youngster as he then begins to talk.


Ricky: Now, as far as the match goes. When I signed up for this Festival, I didn't know what to expect. i just thought it could be fun to be apart of something that's groundbreaking. But when i saw that I was in the Semi-Main, against two top tier talents like you Selena and you Marina, I immediately needed to change my underwear.


The crowd laughs with Ricky and they even start to cheer a bit, perhaps slightly making fun of him in a good way. Ricky takes it all well.


Ricky: True story., But I didn't believe that anyone would put me or Celeste is this type of match this early in our careers. But, no one has pinched me yet so i guess it's real huh?


He then turns to Selena and Marina.


Ricky: Selena, Marina, I admire everything you guys have done in this business. You've been a perfect example for guys like me, trying to break into the wrestling world and it's an honor to share the ring and this moment for you. But Selena, Marina, I didn't come here to make up the numbers. I came here to compete. To show the world what i am truly capable of. And with my partner, who has become my good friend, we will not back down.


The crowd cheers as Ricky holds a firm stance.


Ricky: This match is going to be fast paced. Lucha Libre Rules only means that there's not going to be much of sitting around and waiting. And that's fine by me. I'm, ready. Celeste is ready. And Selena, I don't know what's going on with you and UWA and Marina, I don't know if you plan on ever coming back after tonight, I just know that you two are going to get the very best of me and Celeste. They're calling this Days of Future's Past. Well, win, lose or draw, we will show you why that future that everyone says it indeed bright. Thank you.


The crowd cheers a bit as Ricky steps back. Selena and Marina simply look on and clap, showing their respect for the young man. Nikki then speaks again


Nikki: "Nice, nice. Now on to you, Mrs. Pretty Little Devil herself.


Celeste smirks.


Nikki: First off, I like the nickname. It's very cheeky I must say. It fits you like a glove. Now, we all know who your mother is. Mary Beth Mallory is one of the most vicious people to ever step foot in the wrestling business. As her daughter, we're obviously expecting you to bring the bloodshed. But you're the wildcard. You haven't wrestled in two years. You graduated from KWI but now here you are. Tell us, what is the daughter of Mary Beth Mallory going to bring to the table?


Celeste smirks as she gets a mic in her hands thanks to the staff members.


Celeste: What am I going to bring huh? I think that's a question that should be asked to both Selena and Marina over there because I don't think they know what's coming their way.


This perks the attention of both Selena and Marina.


Celeste: You're right Nikki. I haven't wrestled in two years because you see, two years ago, my face was crushed by a coward who couldn't face me head on. He bashed my face in with a pipe and I had to sit in a hospital as my face l was all bandaged up!


There's a brief moment of intensity in her eyes before she rest into a smile.


Celeste: But my mother had a plan. She always has a plan. And now, I am the splitting image of my mother. My face is healed, I don't have to worry about cowards jumping me from behind and now I stand here in the Semi Main event wiith ym newfound friend Ricky here. You see World Hazard, I'm here to make a name for myself. Now, don't get me wrong, the Bay is nice but I think it could get a little bit...devilish.


Small cheers are heard.


Celeste: I'll make this simple for you two. Selena, Marina, you've accomplished a lot of things in this business. You are two of the best in the world. But Ricky and I? We have chemistry. We've trained together, preparing for this day. And Lucha Libre Rules? Where tags aren't necessarily needed? That's perfect. Make no mistake about it, I'm here to tear you two apart! And when we;re done, you'll see that the Devils in the Pretty!


Celeste smiles in the direction of Selena and Marina, who respond by saying a few words towards her.


Nikki: Haha, bringing the heat I see. I like it. So, let's switch sides and go with our Snow Queen, Selena Frost!


Selena gets a nice cheer that draws a smile on her face.


Nikki: You were just out here like...a few minutes ago. Didn't you know you match this match later?


Selena smiles.


Selena: I'm sorry. I couldn't resist jumping into that Battle Royal on behalf of my wife. I mean, who wouldn't want to get a chance to smack that morn Ethan Von Aaron in the face am I right?


Selena draws a loud reaction from the crowd.


Nikki: Be as it may hun, you were there til the very end. And now you got this match coming up. Aren't you tired? Are you going to have enough gas for these two young studs over here?


Selena looks around before speaking into the mic,


Selena: For these people? For my true believers? Never.


The crowd cheers.


Selena: As you all know, a lot has happened recently. As far as UWA goes, that's something I can't tell you guys right now. But. this event, this show, is about having fun. About celebrating pro wrestling for what it should be. That's why I'm wearing this Joker costume. Because for so long, I've had to defend titles, defend my name, defend the promotions I work for against the stables that try to take over. I haven't gotten the chance to enjoy pro wrestling in a long time and tonight, I can honestly say, all of you fans in the Bay have brought a smile back to my face.


The crowd roars.


Selena: Ricky, Celeste, you two are just starting out. There's endless possibilities for your careers. And I love how you two are here to wrestle, to use this show as a platform to show everyone what you can do. But I am not underestimating you two at all. Marina and I have had our problems in the past but tonight, we will stand united. We will work together and have fun doing it! But most importantly, we will out wrestle the both of you and take home the bragging rights. And Celeste, many people have tried to tear me to shreds. And I'm still standing. Try your best.


Celeste goes to step up to Selena, but Ricky holds her back a bit, Celeste just smirks as Selena nods and looks on. Celeste is seen trading a few words with Selena.


Nikki: Oh yes it's getting feisty! Maybe our last competitor here will add more sizzle to things. Marina, you're a TV star. Not a Kardashian, thank God, but you have a...flare for the dramatic. Last thing we saw you, you won the Last Stand Battle Royal...only for IWC to kick the bucket...kind? Well, it's not officially dead but you earned a shot at the World title and you never got a chance to have that match. We haven't seen that pretty face of yours in a while. Until now. What does this mean to you?


Marina takes her time to speak as there's crowd members cheering her a bit. She looks calm and relaxed.


Marina: This means everything. That might sound cliche but it's true. I've go through so much in this business. I've had New Eden beat me down for eight months straight. I've had to go through so many people that's tried to screw me. I've had my personal life revealed to everyone when the cameras are rolling. And like you said, I finally reached the pinnacle. I won the Last Stand Battle Royal. Just for IWC to fade into the darkness.


Marina pauses.


Marina: A few months ago, I would have never signed up for this. Mentally, I wasn't in the right place. But then I think about everyone who's ever had my back in this business. Allison Mayberry, Victoria Salinas to name a few. But the ones who's always supported me the most...were all of you.


The crowd cheers.


Marina: I'm wrestling tonight because I want to pay all of you back the support you've given me. Everyone's been asking me about my future and honestly, I don't know. i just know that i get to share this moment wit all of you here, all of you watching at home and with you two as well, Ricky and Celeste. There's no personal wars going on, there's no tension, just a straight forward match. And that has my blood boiling.


Marina pauses as she looks at both Ricky and Celeste.


Marina: I'm sure you've both felt it. There's electricity in the air. These people can feel it. I can feel it. Selena can feel it. Lucha Libre Rules is right up my alley. I have a background in Lucha. That only going to make this that much fun. But as much as I need this, I need to be in that ring to experience what i've missed for the last few months, walking away with a victory is going to make it that much sweeter. You two are young and prime to have these amazing careers. But you're not going to get that win tonight. The pressure is on you guys and I'm sure it feels like the weight on the world is on your shoulder's But guess what? The pressure is one me too? Can I still do it? Can I still help Selena here and hold my own? I don't know where this journey is taking me or if this is the end of my career after tonight. Whatever the case, my journey will not stop and if this is it for me, you best believe that I will not let my final show end in defeat. You guys are talented, you guys are the future, but that future doesn't start tonight.


Marina steps back as the crowd cheers. Celeste mouths "We'll see about that" to her as the four competitors look at each other.


Nikki: Well that was awfully nice of all of you to drop in and give us your thoughts. We'll be seeing your four latter tonight.


"Flyers" is mixed by DJ Joel as Celeste and Ricky turn to each other and share a fist pound. Celeste then turns and looks at Selena and Marina and smiles before her and Ricky walk to the back. Shortly after, Selena and Marina are there to follow. Siouxsie then steps forward as Nikki Love takes a step back.


Siouxsie: Alright, alright people! Now, onto the Main Event. That's right, the big one. The the one that you've been waiting for so long that you just can't take it anymore.


Nikki: I was about to say something but then it came came and it went. I hate when that happens.


Crowd laughs a bit.


Siouxsie: But THIS, this s the fight all of you have been DYING, maybe literally, to see! SOOOOO...let's bring out Brittany Lohan....


The crowd boos with some cheers mixed in as we see Brittany Lohan walk out of the curtains, dressed in a black hoodie with grey leggings and an Oakland Raiders. Brittany gives the crowd a very stoic expression before walking towards Siouxsie.


Siouxsie: AND....and....Alexis Quinne!


The crowd erupts once again. Emerging from the curtains first is actually El Rudo and Grundy, who gets a great reaction himself. Rudo is cosplaying as Yoshimustu from the Tekken series, the exact look being his Tekken 7 costume with the katana sword to boot. Rudo runs to one side of the ramp and plays to the crowd before running to the other. The cheers only go louder as finally, Alexis Quinne walks out, wearing a green, black and white "World Hazard Festival" hoodie with features the skulls of all nine members of the unit and a black and green PUNK HAZARD cap. The camera pans around to see crowd members standing on their feet, cheering Alexis on. Alexis looks around, almost amazed at the near rock star reaction she's receiving.




Alexis covers her face as El Rudo and Grundy soon stand right behind him, putting their hands on her shoulders. Alexis then drops her hands, before playing to the crowd a bit to make them cheer louder. Siouxsie then waits for the crowd to die down a bit before she picks up the microphone.


Siouxsie: Well holy cow! Alexis, I think these people may be a big fan of yours.


The crowd cheers as Alexis can't help but laugh.


Siouxsie: Where's Dante by the way?


Alexis then speaks into the mic.


Alexis: He's helping run the show. You know how that goes,


Siouxsie pouts.


Siouxsie: Oh come on. Everyone wants to see Dante right? Maybe if we all cheer loud enough, he'll appear!


The crowd roars.Alexis laughs


Alexis: Nah don't do that. You'll piss him off.


Siouxsie: Come on guys, let's do this! Dante! Dante! Dante! Dante!


The crowd soon supports Siouxsie's chant.


Crowd: Dante! Dante! Dante! Dante!


Siouxsie goes to speak, but Brittany Lohan snatches the microphone away from her! This causes Alexis to react but Grundy is there to restrain her. The crowd boos as Siouxsie looks muffled.


Brittany: I don't have time to listen to your pointless conversations. And as far as you fans go, I don't give a damn if you boo me,


This only causes the fans to boo louder. Brittany doesn't change her emotion.


Brittany: I'm not here to talk. Some of you wonder why I would even sign up for this event knowing how I feel about your hometown hero here. The answer is simple. I'm here to fight.


She turns to Alexis.


Brittany: This is your show. This is suppose to be the crowning achievement of PUNK HAZARD right? Well, how will you be able to celebrate when you're left laying in that ring, broken, battered and bruised? You're a lightweight Quinne. You're like the gum on the bottom of my shoe. You're that bug that flies around that just won't go away. Talk big all you want. Alexis, you should know best, I'm a Destroyer. A One Woman Wrecking Machine. So here, in front of your fellow people, and the entire world, at the event that you hand a hand in bringing to your beloved area, I will remind everyone why failure is in your DNA. You couldn't get the job done against Donovan Kayl and you don't do it tonight. You will fail like you always do. It's what you do best.


The crowd oohs but also boos as Alexis mouths off a few words in the direction of Lohan. Shen then walks to edge of the ramp, where a staff member tosses her a mic. Alexis then turns and faces Brittany with a serious gleam in her eye. She then hands up one finger from her free hand.


Alexis: First off, for snatching the microphone from my friend Siouxsie, I'm going to kick your ass even more now!


Brittany laughs as the crowd roars. Alexis then flashes a second number.


Alexis: And number two, failure is in my DNA? Look about Brittany, my friends and I created this!


The crowd roars.


Alexis; My crew and I made World Hazard happen. We brought something this city and this industry has never seen before. Everyone that's watching on the live stream right now is watching what we built so tell me again how am I such a failure?


The crowd makes noise as Alexis then steps up right in the face of Brittany. El Rudo, Grundy, Siouxsie and Nikki Love stand behind them.


Alexis: But it's ok though people. It's alright because Brittany Lohan knows a lot about failure. Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, Brittany used to actually be a badass chica. And now she's failing to even play the part. Tell me, how does your routine work when you bow down and kiss the feet of Regan Street after she kicked your ass three years ago?


The crowd oohs.


Alexis; How does it feel being a bottom [BLEEP}?


The crowd oohs again as Brittany rolls her eyes.


Brittany: maybe I should ask you because I remember when you first came to SCW, you would hang on my every word. You would cling to everything that I did. I've knocked your head off twice Alexis, one on the biggest show of the year, Rise to Greatness 2014. When it comes to me and you, you've ALWAYS been MY bottom [BLEEP]


Alexis shakes her head as her eyes never leave Brittany's. Grundy pushes Alexis back a few feet  as she tries to step closer to Brittany.


Alexis: You're right. At one point, you were one of my favorite wrestlers. I used to watch Infamous back in high school and then you were this unstoppable monster. And you're right. You've pinned me twice. But Brittany, that was two years ago. That was Pre-PUNK HAZARD, pre Rise to Greatness 2015, when I retained my Women's championship against three other people, that was before World Hazard. I'm different than I was then, even the clumpnuggets around the world know it. And Brittany, you may got that Raiders hate but take a look, these are MY people!


The crowd roars.


Alexis: Everything Bay Area I rep. Sac Town, Santa Clara, San Jose, San Fran, Oakland, I am the face. And unlike you, when I get my ass kicked, I don't run away. I don't try to play it off and say that I don;t care. Because you do something that i would NEVER do and that's purposely half ass it. Just like you're half assing this suppose retirement? Those D-list movies not working out for you? Whatever the case is, BLo, I actually care about what I do. I actually care about this. And tonight, there's no way in hell, as long I'm still breathing, that I'll let YOU beat ME in this building, in this city, in this area to MY people that I fight for every time I'm in this ring!


Alexis then turns to the crowd as they cheer her on.


Alexis: And for everyone out here. I promise you total victory tonight. I won't let any of you who bought a ticket with your money down.


Alexis then turns back to BLo.


Alexis: So get ready BLo. It's clobbering time, [BLEEP]!


Alexis slams the mic down and stares face to face with Brittany. The crowd roars as Alexis and Brittany continue to trade words with each other Brittany starts to walk away. As she does, El Rudo gets in her face, also talking trash. It's at that moment where Brittany suddenly turns around and brutally clotheslines Rudo directly in the throat! Rudo promptly rolls around the ramp, holding his throat as he starts to violently cough.


Myers: What the hell?!


Cash: BLo just damn near killed Rudo! She almost took his head off!


The crowd gives a thunderous boo as BLo then quickly grabs the head of Rudo and un mask him right before Alexis and Grundy are there to shove here away!


Cash: She got Rudo's mask! She's got Rudo's mask!


Myers: She then took Rudo's mask from him. And Alexis and Grundy are there to stop BLo from attackign Rudo any further!


Instead of going after her, Alexis and Grundy rush to Rudo's aid, covering his face with Quinne's hoodie to avoid his face from being identified. Siouxsie and Nikki are there on the ramp to attend to Rudo as Brittany faces the crowd and hoist Rudo's mask in the air to tremendous boos! She retains her stoic demeanor throughout before she walks to the back with the mask in hand!


Cash: If this wasn't already personal, now it's pretty much a blood feud!


Myers: Brittany just stole the mask of El Rudo and appears to be keeping it like it's a trophy. You KNOW that's going to make Alexis even more fired up to face her.


Cash: We might need the police here because one of them might kill each other by the end of the ring!


Alexis and Grundy quickly bring Rudo to his feet, with Quinne's hoodie still covering Rudo's face. The camera can hear Rudo coughing from underneath as Quinne talks to him, telling him he's going to be ok. They soon help him to the back with Siouxsie and Nikki trailing behind. We then cut to a shot of both Franklin Myers and Trevor Cash standing up from their seats from the announce table, looking on with concern. There's no music in the background, which lets the moment sink in with everyone, causing them to continue booing.


Cash: I mean, he did get into her face. And BLo's one of the most dangerous women this business has ever seen for a reason. But man, that was brutal.


Myers: Rudo has a tendency of being an instigator. He has a very provocative personality but like you said Trevor, BLo can snap at any moment. And unfortunately for that young man, he suffered the brunt of it.



We then cut to a quick shot backstage of Brittany Lohan storming the halls backstage, with El Rudo's mask in her hands. The camera captures her long walk down the hall. When she gets to where the cameraman is filming this, BLo forcefully shoves the cameraman down, causing the feed to immediately go black.


This scene quickly transitions back to ringside, where the crowd boos louder after seeing what just transpired on the SaboTron.


Myers; Dear God. Alexis Quinne is going to have to deal with a VERY motivated Brittany Lohan.


Cash: And anyone in BLo's way, be damned. Even if you're the cameraman I guess huh? Man, what a night. We've seen girls wearing crimson mask, gimp outfits, trolleys driven by weirdos in face paint, MANVEL actually winning a Battle Royal. What's next Myers? Strippers falling from the sky or something?


Myers: It's been a wild ride ladies and gentleman and that was only the first half!


DJ Joel Ortiz soon plays "D.O.A" from Guilty Gear X2. It's a far more aggressive song than the Member Select theme from King of Fighters XIV and once the Character Select screen appears o the SaboTron, it becomes clear that the change in music is the sign that the second half of the show. Some fans still manage to clap along as the Select screen is being scrolled through until it selects the icon of David Miller and Josh Hudson. A still of David Miller and of Josh Hudson is then shown.


Voice Over; Match 5: The King of Iron Fist! David Miller Vs Josh Hudson!


“Just When You Thought It Was Over" can be heard throughout the arena, bringing the crowd to its feet in an instant. Chants of “Hudson” ripple through the fans, growing in fervor just as the music peels off into “Something Different.” We transition to a shot of Josh Hudson Throwing the curtains open and walking to the ramp, sending the ovation into overdrive. The camera captures Hudson from behind as he stops just beyond the entrance, and looks out into the crowd, nodding his head. A quick of another camera, this time showing his face as he soaks in the reaction he's receiving. He then begins to head down to the ring. Embracing the various cheers, he stretches his arms wide, fingers egging on the hysterics as he reaches the ring steps.


Ortiz: “Now climbing into the ring, flying out here all the way from Morgantown, North Carolina, is the former SCW AND IWC Heavyweight Champion! A SCW Hall of Famer! Standing tall at 6’4, and weighing a solid 245lbs! … you know him, you love him. Boys and Girls, I give you … Josh Hudson!”


Sliding underneath the ropes, Hudson shoves to his feet and steps up onto the second turnbuckle in one smooth motion, arms opening wide once again as his focused expression offers the barest hint of a smirk at the howling crowd. Stepping back to the canvas, he turns his back to the post and squats down, sitting against the lower pad, his eyes zeroing in like lasers on the pair of curtains down the other aisle.


Myers: “A former multi-promotional World Champion is Josh Hudson. A man who claims to have all but cemented the hard-hitting ‘Strong Style’ used by many talents today, including his opponent, David Miller. Both men known for their vicious strikes, though a lot of people consider Hudson to be the superior between the two.”


Cash: “Including me. It’s just smart business, Myers. Look at the accolades. Look at the resume. Miller's no slouch, but this man Josh Hudson, he has a legacy for a reason.


Myers: And it's been a few years since we've seen this man inside a ring. One of the best to ever grace a wrestling ring is competing right now at World Hazard.


Cash: Think about it too, Asher Hayes returned tonight. Valdvida's wrestling later. Brittany Lohan's in the main event and now this man, Josh Hudson. We have some very established, top flight guys here tonight. All under one roof, one event, World Hazard. I'm getting my money's worth when it comes to scouting!


Hudson's eyes never leave the aisle, but as his music fades, that doesn't stop the crowd from cheering him.




Hudson stands up and extends his arms to the crowd, only fueling their cheers. He smirks as soon, cameras pan across the capacity crowd, the lights begin to lower, drawing a number of the fans to their feet in anticipation. Seconds pass in silence, before a single tone bleeds through the speakers, slowly leading into a hard, pounding cadence that echoes throughout the arena. As the music crescendos, becoming the marching metal chords of Damnation Plan’s “Judgment Day,” the shot slowly fade-cuts to the dark curtains just as Miller emerges from the back, the hood of his jacket pulled low over his bowed head, spurring a mixed reaction through the auditorium.


Ortiz: “And the opponent, taking his sweet time getting here after crawling his way up the coast from down in Anaheim, So-Cali in the house!! Standing 6’2, and weighing in a swole 236lbs! He calls himself “The Assassin” … “The War Machine” … David Miller!”


Obviously welcoming the mob around him, Miller turns and stares out into the crowd while raising high a single fist, earning yet another split response from the crowd. Paying no mind, Miller rolls lazily beneath the bottom rope and comes up on one knee…eyes locked on Hudson, who returns the stare, unfazed.


Myers: “Well Miller’s here now, Cash, and between you and me, he looks more than ready for the challenge ahead. From the information we got on both these men, I’m not expecting anything too fancy. Hudson’s a seasoned technical veteran, while Miller prefers a more blunt approach to competition… man’s a straight-up brawler.”


Cash: “They didn't want to do any pre match interviews. That should tell you all you need to know about both men. But with Miller, here he is competing in a match with no count outs, time outs or foul outs. Hopefully he shows me something. I like what I see, I might just reconsider …”


Reaching up to grab the middle ropes, Hudson slingshots up to his feet, coming out of the corner at speed, catching Miller off-guard and forcing him to scramble back into a corner, hands coming up balled tight. A few laughs escape the ringside crowd as Hudson slowly backs away, wagging his finger, almost scolding Miller for falling for the ruse. Scowling, Miller peels off his hoodie… and lobs it at Hudson! Both Josh’s arms come up on instinct, leaving his body open to a running tackle from Miller, driving Hudson back into the corner. A wave of jeers rises from the fans as Miller buries two hard uppercuts into Hudson’s ribs, then comes over the top with a hook. The bell shortly rings.




Myers: “Miller with a cheap shot right off the bat! Have to say that says a lot about the man’s character… or lack thereof, anyway.”


Cash: “A little temper tantrum from Davey. I remember hearing about that, but can’t see him doing much good to blow the load this early. Not off a little joke like that.”


Covering up, Hudson weathers a few more shots, but kicking out the front of Miller’s knee, then nailing a back elbow to the jaw. As Miller reels, Josh drives a knee into his gut, then snaps up a kick to his side, causing Miller to wince. Reaching out to grab his head, Josh pulls Miller down into a European uppercut, then follows it up with a second, before whipping Miller across to the ropes. As Miller bounces off, Hudson tries for a Belly-to-Belly, but Miller stops it with a head butt to the bridge of the nose, then a straight right hand that puts snaps Hudson’s head to the side. Josh answers back with a shot of his own, then a quick jab to the eye, disorienting Miller long enough for Hudson to grab his arm and wring it. Spinning behind, Hudson hoists Miller up and drops down in a back suplex onto the twisted arm, crushing it.


Myers: “There’s that sharp intelligence I mentioned about Hudson earlier, already looking for ways to keep Miller’s hands from swinging. That seems to be the most dangerous thing about the so-called “Assassin” is those heavy hands of his.”


Cash: “Hudson showed a few of those, himself, along with some crisp kicks, Myers. These two are going to throw some bombs any chance that they can.. And that means people like, recruiting, can just sit back and enjoy the show.”


Rolling Miller to his stomach, Hudson keeps the wrung arm trapped behind his shoulders, pinning it down as he kicks up and drives a knee into the triceps. Miller tries to lurch away, but Hudson holds him down and delivers a second, causing Miller to roll away, already cradling his arm. Shaking it out, Miller gets to his feet just as Hudson catches him from the side, trying to take him over with a saito suplex, but Miller elbows him in the back of the head, then forearms the side of his jaw, forcing Hudson to back up. Unloading with a heavy hook, Miller kicks out Hudson’s knee from behind, then stomps on the back of his head, sending Hudson to the mat.


Cash: “Things starting slow but intense between these two, given the kind of breakneck action we’ve seen here tonight.”


Myers: “Both these men aggressive, but methodical as well. Perhaps a bit more so in Hudson’s case, being the more technical of the two. Weakening limbs, looking for ways to break Miller down… while the latter is just concerned with throwing leather, basically.”


As Hudson pushes up to his knees, Miller pulls him up and spins him around, driving a knee into his gut, before hooking him up and snapping over with a suplex, bouncing Hudson’s spine off the canvas. Josh grits his teeth in pain, back arching as he rolls over and starts to push up, only for Miller to land a kick to his ribs. Rolling over, Hudson pushes up and moves to the ropes, coming off with an elbow strike as Miller moves in, dazing him. Hudson follows with a hard right hand, then a short lariat that sends Miller down. As the man rolls over, Josh drops a knee into the middle of his back, quickly standing in order to drop a second. Miller reaches back, grimacing in pain as Hudson grabs one of his feet and steps over, looking to sink in an STF. Immediately, Miller pushes up and claws for the ropes, grabbing the bottom.


Myers: “Hudson with the first submission attempt, looking for an STO early on, probably hoping to tear that weak knee of Miller’s wide open. Smart move, as expected from the long-time veteran.”


Cash: “Even worse when you add in the fact those ropes won’t save you. No foul outs, no breakages. Either you find a way out, or you call it an early night, Miller!”


Clutching the rope in both hands, Miller twists around to his back and drives a boot into Hudson’s gut, then kicks at his knee, finally managing to break loose and escape out to the apron. As he stands, Hudson grabs him and drops to his knees, crushing Miller’s throat against the top rope and letting the recoil throw him down to the floor. The crowd “Ooh’s,” then cheers as Hudson slides out after him. Using the rail, Miller gets to his feet as Hudson grabs him from behind, slamming his face off the fencing. He pulls Miller up and turns to throw him back into the ring, but Miller reverses it, sending Hudson chest-first into the apron. The impact sends him back into Miller, who locks him up and hits a German suplex into the barricade! The fence gives way under the impact, as Hudson lands on his head near the fans feet. A few of them stand and calls down to him, as Miller picks him up and drives a knee into his gut, followed by a hard scoop slam onto the floor mats, again focusing on the spine.


Cash: “Looks like Miller found a bulls eye of his own. The last few hits have been to Hudson’s spinal cord… not something you want to take a lot of damage to, honestly.”


Myers: “Hudson with his own Achilles’ heel, of sorts, suffering a serious injury back in ’05 that never full healed. A few more landings like that, and it’ll take away any kind of mobility he needs to avoid Miller’s grappling.”


Cash: “If he even wants to. According to Hudson, he’s the better wrestler. Hard to out-maneuver someone if you’re always playing keep-away, Myers.”


Hudson uses the apron to pull himself up, one hand reaching around to his spine. A quick look up sees Miller coming in with an overhand punch, but Hudson leans away, answering with a stiff jab. Miller swings low, landing a body shot, then trying for an uppercut, but Hudson grabs the arm and ties in a standing key lock. Miller cries out at the pain, almost falling to a knee, but shoves forward, crushing Hudson’s spine against the apron and causing him to break the hold. Shaking out his arm, Miller stomps at the front of Hudson’s knee, then does it again, dropping the man to a kneel. Backing up a step, Miller lunges in with the ‘Headshot’ Yakuza Kick, trying to smash Hudson’s skull against the ring frame, but the veteran ducks away. Miller’s knee buckles as his boot slams into the apron, causing him to collapse to the floor. A slow “Ooh” comes from the crowd as Hudson gets to his feet and pulls Miller up, ignoring the way he hobbles on one leg. Rolling Miller back into the ring, Hudson follows, grabbing the obviously injured knee and immediately dropping an elbow to it. Dragging Miller to the center of the ring, he rolls him to his stomach and drapes the leg over his shoulders, slowly standing up into a Stretch Muffler. The crowd pops for “The Angle,” as Miller again tries to drag himself towards the ropes. Ignoring that, Hudson calmly steps over Miller’s back and kneels down into a modified single leg crab, hyper-extending the wrenched knee even more. Miller just screams in pain.


Cash: “Ropes ain’t going to do nothing, Miller!”


Myers: “Pain and desperation seeming to take hold as Hudson locks in that modified muffler on Miller’s injured knee. Miller’s hanging onto the bottom rope, but the official already told him about the no breakage rule. He needs to find a way to esc—“


Cash: “Too late! He’s tapping!”


Miller’s hand slaps at the mat, first once in frustration, then repeatedly in forfeit. The bell is rung.


Ortiz: "Here's your winner...JOSH HUDSON!!!!"


Hudson rolls off of Miller and is slow to his feet but he does and the referee raises his hand.


Myers; A hard-hitting, methodical matchup that sees Josh Hudson end up the winner.


Cash: He still is Josh Hudson. Great performance by him tonight and hey, if he's thinking about coming back, I might give him my card.


Myers: How many times are you going to say that?


Cash: Look, the market is prime for new recruits. I'm trying to get into the game so yeah, I'm putting myself out there. No one is going to promote yourself more than you.


Myers; In any case, Hudson turned in a fine performance and gets the win as a result.


Hudson holds the back of his neck as the crowd stands up and cheers for him. Slowly, Miller starts to stir and eventually reaches to a kneel position. Hudson turns around and locks eye with him. He walks towards him and extends his fist out to Miller. Miller looks at Hudson before looking at the fans, who are encouraging Miller to accept. Miller trades a few words to Hudson, nothing that we can pick up before he touches knuckles with Hudson. The crowd cheers as Hudson then nods and pats Miller on the shoulder before rolling out of the ring.


Myers; Great sportsmanship there between two warriors.


Cash: They gave each other hell. Sometimes at the end you just have to dap up the other man and give them their respect. And that's what we saw there.


Hudson starts heading to the back as Miller then slides out of the ring. The crowd claps for him as Miller gingerly walks to the back as well.


We then cut inside the Hyatt Regency, where CityCon is still going on. We see hoards of fans, dressed in their costumes, watching the show from a screen inside the food court. The camera pans around the food court, where numerous fans cheer when they see that they're on camera before then transitioning to a shot outside at the San Francisco skyline. The sunset gives a rather beautiful look to the city overall.


Myers; Well, World Hazard Festival 2016 is sponsored by..


The SCW logo flashes on the screen.


Cash: The good folks at Supreme Championship Wrestling. You may have heard of them. They're the reason you're listening to me now on Supremecw.com. Make sure to catch the replay for Rise to Greatness 2016 on your PPV box. it was an amazing show that is well worth re watching. I know I have three times now.


Myers: It was a show that won't be forgotten any time soon. We're also sponsored by...


The GCW logo flashes on the screen.


Myers: Global Championship Wrestling. Catch Livewire every other Friday and Shotgun, also on every other Saturday. Bi-weekly schedule but  that doesn't make the action any less action packed.


Cash: You saw Alex Anarchy in the opening match and how much she gave her all. You saw Jinxy have a near breakout performance in the Battle Royal. These two are just two great wrestlers apart of an amazing roster on both Livewire and Shotgun. GCW represents wrestlers such as that, all looking for an opportunity to make an impact.


Myers: Indeed. AND...


The UWA logo shows up on the screen.


Myers; United Wrestling Alliance. Catch them every other Monday night. This is a young company that's being co ran by David Helms, who is here tonight, and with every show, they're building momentum, closing the gap between them and SCW.


Cash: Chaotic atmosphere that's hard not to watch. Great talent, some which will be on display soon. They got a big show coming up in a month's time, Sectioned and that'll be a show you don't want to miss.What's not to like? Finally, from the promotion stand point World Hazard is supported by


The Cartel Nxt gen logo appears,


Cash: Cartel Nxt Gen. Catch Pandemonium every other Friday night. Talk about young, hungry competitors in front of a party like crowd, it doesn't get much better than CNG.


Myers: The home of Black Sabody Parade and the Internet Champion Jester Funn, who was victorious tonight. See his antics as well as a very diverse, up and coming cast of wrestlers.


Cash: but wait, there's more.


The CityCon logo flashes on the screen.


Cash: We're proud to say that World Hazard is supported by these guys, CityCon. They are responsible for the anime/art convention of the show. Justin and Miranda host this event annually and this year, they contributed a big part of what's made World Hazard the amazing experience it's been tonight.


Myers: It can not be understated how much CityCon as well as the city of San Francisco's involvment in this show has been key to running this entire thing. Without them, this isn't possible.


We get one last shot of the San Francisco skyline before the scene fades to black.


The scene transitions back to DJ Joel Ortiz, who was mixing up "Why You Always Hatin" by YG and Drake. He then brings it to a stop and brings a microphone up to his lips.


Joel: World Hazard, before we go on I wanted to get serious for a minute. i wanted to address some things that's going on in this world. It's been a crazy year and it seems like every year, we're seeing mass shootings, bombings, people losing their lives over careless emotions, cops shooting black kids on the street when they're not even doing anything wrong. Just a month ago in Oakland, we had four people die as they were just at a funeral, supporting a lost love one. I wanted to bring this up because all of us here, we can make a difference. We can make a change. We got a lot of people here that rep different sections; Oak Tow, Sac Town, San Fran, San Jose,. But regardless of where you're from, at the end of the day, we're all people and we need to choose to love in these times rather than choose to hate.


The crowd starts to clap.


Joel: Life is too short and I know all of us have people that we love and that we care for. Just the other day, one of the best friends, his name is Charlie...nicest guy you'll never know. He'll give you the clothes off your back. He'll listen to anything you have to say. He had to go to the hospital and he's going to say there for a while. Got a stroke. He's battling though because he has hope. Hope that he'll pull through. And to see his fight, to see how he's not going to let that get him down, that gives me hope that one day all of us will pull through for our loves one, for everyone around us and stop all of the hate that's going on in this world. Life is too short ad it's not worth it if you got that negative energy inside of you. In moments like this, I think it's best to think about what the Most High has blessed us with. I mean that. So don't forget that. Together, we all can make a difference.


The crowd stands on their feet and applaud. The camera pans around, seeing multiple fans clapping with conviction. This transitions back to Joel, who looks around nodding his head. He waits for the crowd to die down before he brings the microphone up to his lips again.


Joel: Now that I've talked about that, we still having fun tonight?!


The crowd roars in approval.


Joel: Well, two matches left to go. The big ones are coming up, real quick, who do we got winning this next match right here? Huh?


The 6,000+ plus at the Bill Graham start to yell out their answers in a schattered manner. Joel moves his head to gauage a response.


Joel: OK, ok let's do it this way. Let's do it this way.


Who has Ricky Octavius and Celeste Mallory pulling out the W?


A moderate cheer is heard for a moment. Joel looks intrigued.


Joel: OK, not bad. Some of you are giving the young bulls a chance. But, how many people think Selena Frost and Marina Valdvida are going to get this victory?


Predictably, the majority of the crowd cheers in response. Joel laughs.


Joel: I saw that coming. But hey, this is why we wrestle right? Nothing is won on paper. I mean we all thought Golden State was going to go back to back right?


the crowd boos a bit.


Joel: I know, it's still a sore spot for me. Damn we were up 3-1. But like I said, that is why we play the game. So let's get into it!


DJ Joel Ortiz plays "Jet Set groove #1", which is an eight second musical clip form the game Jet Set Radio. After it's finished, the lights dim and everyone turns their attention to the big screen.


[We transition to a video that starts off with a black screen, but we hear the voice of Ricky Octavius right away.]


Ricky: Ah man World Hazard...haha.....it feels like a dream.


[This is when the video then shows Ricky Octavius, in his work out gear, in the middle of the ring that's belongs to Ante Up Academy. "Reach out to the Truth" from the Persona 4 Arena game begins to play. We see various shots of Ricky training in the ring with the likes of Connor Green, then AJ Helms as David Helms stands on the apron, instructing. This then cuts to a shot of Ricky running down a street with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.]


Voice Over: An unprecedented match, pitting two wrestlers on the beginning of their journeys against two wrestlers who have cemented themselves as two of the best in the industry.


[A shot is shown of Ricky, sitting on the apron of the ring, talking to the camera is shown.]


Ricky: I honestly didn't know what to make of seeing that I was in the Semi-Main event. I thought someone was pulling a cruel prank or something. I didn't expect it to be real.


[We then sees some highlights of Ricky competing in the ring for UWA, most notably, the finishing stretch of his match Vs Clarence Whitman II that resulted in a victory. We see his raised being raised moments later.]


Voice Over: The One that's heralded for greatness...


[We then cut to a shot of Ricky, standing in the ring with his arms crossed. The camera zooms in with a graphic in bold green letters.]


Voice Over: The Prince of Destiny...Ricky Octavius!


[We cut back to shots of Ricky training with his Ante Up friends as his voice is heard throughout.]


Ricky: Most people dream for an opportunity like this. To compete and do the one thing you love the most. That's why I try to be grateful for these opportunities. They come one in a lifetime. It's scary, yeah, because you don;t know what's coming next but but....I wouldn't trade it for the world.


[We go back to the previous shot of Ricky jogging down the street. As he runs past a crosswalk, he is joined by another person, that being Celeste Mallory. Celeste bumps Ricky to announce her presence and the two smile at each other, never losing their stride. We then cut to a shot of Celeste Mallory seductively standing in the same ring as Ricky previously, by herself, posing but with a deviously expression on her father.]


Voice Over; The daughter of the wicked. The heiress to the throne of the Devil.


[A shot of Celeste Mallory, glaring into the camera with a serious expression before fading into a smirk is then shown with the graphic]


Voice Over: The Pretty Little Devil...Celeste Mallory!


[A few shots of Celeste's days in KWI is shown.]


Voice Over: A graduate of KWI Institute, she quickly made her name apart of the unit Sisters of Sin.


[This cuts to a a few highlights of the unit that consisted of Celeste, Jania Frost and Cassidy Carter. This then transitions to shots of Celeste training along some of the Ante Up students with Ricky and Jania Frost on the outside. This then cuts to a shot of a smiling Jania Frost, sitting on the apron by herself.]


Jania: She's a beast. Not an actual beats because that means she would eat you and I don't think she likes flesh. But even back then, when the SOS was running wild, I always knew she was a shinning star ready to explode. She's waited for this shot for a while.


[Jania sticks her tongue out to the camera before we cut to a shot of a hospital room.]


Voice Over; An injury suffered by the hands of an enemy saw Celeste's face destroyed, forcing facial reconstruction surgery. At the request of her mother Mary Beth, the doctors reconstructed Celeste's face to model the one of Mary Beth herself. Two years later, the surgery was a complete success.


[We then get a shot of now Ricky and Celeste, sitting on the apron together.]


Celeste: I have never felt so liberated in my life. I have a new face, a new opportunity and a new lease on life. When I found out that I was going to be in the Semi-Main event, I couldn't stop myself from giggling.


Ricky: That's far different from the reaction I had.


[Celeste and Ricky share a laugh as her piercing eyes stare at the camera.]


Celeste: Aww poor baby. Did mommy need to change your diapers.


[Ricky playfully nudges Celeste as we transition back to the shot of Ricky and Celeste jogging together in downtown San Francisco.]


Ricky: Celeste and I didn't know each other before this. But now, we've become good friends.


Celeste: We know the odds are against us. That's what everyone else is saying. But we've trained together, getting our teamwork together. And I have to say, regardless of what anyone else thinks, I like our chances.


Ricky: I wouldn't want to have anyone else as my partner in this match other than Celeste here.


Celeste: Same here.


[We then see various shots of Ricky and Celeste training with each other, then back of their job in Downtown San Francisco. This is when the lyrics to "Reach Out To The Truth" are heard.]


Now I face out, I hold out

I reach out to the truth of my life

Seeking to seize on the whole moment to now break away!


Oh god let me out, Can you let me out?

Can you set me free from this dark inner world?

Save me now last beat in the soul


[As the last lyric is heard, we get a shot of both Ricky and Celeste pounding their fist together as a sign of unity. Then then causes the music to change to the sound of a piano. This leads to "Tears" from the King of Fighters Best Arranged Collection as a shot of Marina Valdvida is shown, standing in the middle of a darkly lit room with just a little light to show her figure; perhaps symbolic. We then hear her voice.]


Marina: This...might be the end. This might be the end for me.


[We then see several shots of Marina Valdvida in the ring as several of her highlights of her time in IWC is shown.]


Voice Over: The Media Darling...The One who can't escape the spotlight.


[This then cuts to a shot of the camera inside a hotel, standing right across  a door. When the door opens, it turns out to be Marina on the other side, with an inviting smile on her face.]


Marina: You guys are finally here. Come in!


[A shot then transitions to Marina sitting on the couch, looking at the camera as equipment is still be set up.]


Marina: It's been nice to get away from the press for once honestly. I've needed time away for my sanity.


[We then sees various photos of Marina Valdvida flash before we cut back to the previous shot of her in the dark room with the one singular ray of light that reveals her face to the light. We then see the graphic again]


Voice Over; California All Star....Marina Valvida!


[This then cuts back to more highlights of Marina, including some of the vicious beatdowns she received from the hands of New Eden, Abigail Lindsay, etc.]


Marina: I've been through so much in this business. I've seen the backstabbing, I've had New Eden come after me, I've come so close to becoming the absolute best in this business. All while maintaining a life that I allow the cameras to see. It's good to just take a step back. Especially after everything that's happened this year.


[We then cut to a shot of Marina eliminating Orlando Cruze from the Last Stand earlier in the year. We can see the triumph in her face and the crowd cheering her on.]


Voice Over: Against all odds, Marian pushed through, winning the Last Stand Battle Royal; earning herself a shot at the IWC World Heavyweight Championship at the biggest show of the IWC year.


[We then get a shot of the IWC logo with a red ? on top of it.]


Voice Over: Shortly after, after the UWA split, IWC announced that they were going on hiatus. A few months later, with no end in sight, some fear that is hiatus is a permanent one.


[We then hear Marina;s voice the same time we revisit her in her hotel room.]


Marina: It's frustrating. After months of fighting New Eden and everyone that wanted to hold me down, to finally win just for IWC to close their doors....it was heartbreaking.


[We then cut to the shot of Marina in the dark room, the light slowly start to fade away until she's in the darkness.]


Marina: With IWC gone, I'm not sure what's next for me? Do I want to go to SCW or UWA and try to start all over again? I put in a lot of time rising up the IWC ladder. Is there even a point to try to go somewhere else knowing you're going to have to do that process all over again?


[Marina is then silent for a few moments, clearly the subject is something that's emotional for her. And with this, we segue way to Selena Frost, standing outside the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. The shot stays with this visual for a few moments until we hear her voice in the background.]


Selena: You know, i just haven't had that much fun wrestling lately. I'm hoping World Hazard changes that.


[We then cut back to the shot of Selena Frost looking up at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.]


Voice Over: The One that Ferociously defends the crown of her character.......


[The graphic is shown while Frost looks up.]


Voice Over: The Snow Queen....Selena Frost!


[We then cut to Selena highlights, mainly featuring her 2016 Shot of Adrenaline Tournament victory as well as her defeating Ravyn Taylor for the 2016 Best of the Best Tournament win.]


Voice Over; A monumental year...filled with overwhelming highs.


[A shot is shown of Selena pinning Christy Matthews for the SCW Adrenaline Championship.]


Voice Over: And equally crushing defeats.


[Then this cuts to Christy Matthews viciously defeating Selena to regain the title at Supreme Saturday. This then cuts to a shot of Selena Frost, in her home wt her wife Deanna, sitting right beside her on the couch.]


Selena: No matter where I go, I always have this person questioning my character, this person accusing me of greed or this person saying that I don't have integrity. I constantly have to fight them to prove otherwise but eventually, it just saps whatever joy you could possibly gain for wrestling.


[We then cut to see Selena fighting numerous of her rivals, ranging from Dawn Lohan, to Christy Matthews, to Kennedy Street, to Chris Cannon. This thing cuts to the shot of Myra Lynwood defeating Selena for the UWA Queen of the Ring title. As Selena starts to stir, the screen turns clear before we read a news blurb that reads "Breaking- The UWA and Selena Frost have mutually agreed to terminate their contract. More when we have it.]


Voice Over; A recent demoralizing defeat has led to an exist from UWA, drawing more questions to Selena's character.


[We cut back to a shot of Deanna and Selena in their home.]


Deanna: No offense to the True Believers out there, but at this moment we're not ready to talk about that. But I will say, for those who are defaming my wife over this, you have no idea what's going on. None what so ever.


[Selena is seen calming her wife down as the scene fades and the music comes to a stop. This doesn't last long as the music then changes to "Zero Hour" from Dead or Alive 4 and we then get the World Hazard Festival 2016 logo flashing across the screen as we get a shot of the San Francisco skyline.]


Voice Over: The characters are all on stage...for one hell of a match.


[We then get a graphic that shows the icons of Celeste Mallory and Ricky Octavius on one side and then Selena Frost and Marina Valdvida on the other with on top reading; LUCHA LIBRE RULES.]


Voice Over: Lucha Libre Rules. A match designed for fast paced, high octane offensive assault. A match where if your opponent is knocked to the outside, the other can enter without a tag, creating a fever pitch in the ring.


[We then cut back to the previous shot of Ricky Octavius and Celeste Mallory sitting on the apron together.]


Ricky: I've never competed under Lucha Libre Rules but I've seen a few since the match was announced. Everyone was flying everywhere even if they didn't get a tag. it was non stop action.


Celeste: I think it's right up our alley. Ricky is strong and athletic and can last a long time in the ring and my mother trained me to be unfazed by pain or exhaustion.


Ricky: I can go as long as you can.


Celeste: i hope so or else we're going to get killed out there.


[Celeste and Ricky share a laugh as we cut back to Marina in her hotel room.]


Marina: Ricky Octavius and Celeste Mallory...they're good. They're really good even with the little amount of experience they currently have. When i first broke into the business, I wrestled on the Lucha Libre scene. It's not for those who can't keep up. I'm more than positive that both Ricky and Celeste will be able to do so.


[We then cut back to Selena, looking up at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.]


Selena: It's exciting to be apart of this. The moment  heard World Hazard was announced, I signed up as soon as I could. There's no pressure, there's no grudges or blood feuds gong on. it's just strictly competing in front of an audience who's into so many different things whether that's comics, anime, art, you name it. That's what wrestling is about and I haven't had a chance to just have fun.


[Cut back to Marina in the dark room, with the light suddenly starting to make its way back into the room.]


Marina: Selena and I have had our battles in the past. But I'm sure she'll tell you, she needs this as much as I do. I need to see if I can still do this. I've missed the opportunity in front of the fans who have supported me for so long.  I've missed out for far too long and that's why when I saw World Hazard was an open invite event, I jumped at the chance.


[We then cut back to Celeste and Ricky.]


Celeste: This is our moment. Our chance to break out and show the wrestling world what they have to look forward to. Selena and Marina are already established. They've already proven to be great wrestlers. But I'm looking to run right through them.


Ricky: We've only started in our careers. This could be the match where we can springboard ourselves towards something much greater. Selena and Marina are two of the best but Celeste and I will show everyone why you shouldn't write us off.


Celeste: This is called Days of Future's Past for a reason why? Ricky and I will show Marina and Selena why we are the future.


[Ricky and Celeste nod to the camera before this transitions back to Selena at home with her wife.]


Selena: I just want to smile again. I want to fight for the enjoyment. Ricky and Celeste are going to go out for that reason along. And it would be unfair for me to give my partner Marina any less than what's coming to us. I know Marina and I, despite our past issues, will show these guys why they're still a long way for them to go in order to get where we're at now.


[A shot of Marina in the room is now shown.The room is starting to lighten up more and more. Her voice is then heard.]


Marina: I won’t let Selena down and lose. I have to see if I can still do this.


[Celeste and Ricky's voice is then heard in the background as the shot of Ricky and Celeste on the apron is shown.]


Ricky: We will shock the world.


Celeste: This should be fun.


[We then cut back to the shot of Selena staring up at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, now with a smile on her face.]


Selena: I want the bragging rights. I want to say Marina and I won against two of the brightest stars in the business all in the name of competition. no matter what True Belivers....I will get my smile back. Believe it!


[Selena smiles before she walks away from the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium before cutting to a shot of Celeste and Ricky posing in the ring, with their backs against each other. Finally, the final shot is Marina, in the room, now fully in the light. She stares at the camera as the World Hazard logo flashes on the screen on last time.]


[We then see the screen transition to the Character Select screen where D.O.A from Guilty Gear 2 is heard playing. The screen is being scrolled until it selects the icons of Ricky Octavius, Celeste Mallory, Selena Frost and Marina Valdvida. Their stills come together on the screen.


Voice over; Semi-Main! Days of Future's Past Lucha Libre Match! Destino~! Ricky Octavius, Celeste Mallory vs Selena Frost and Marina Valdvida!


The crowd is heard clapping inside the Bill Graham. It's at tat moment where "Headstrong" is played by DJ Joel Ortiz as the crowd begins to cheer a bit. The SaboTron then takes us to a locker room backstage. We see a security guard knock on the door.


Security Guard: Ricky it's time.


Shortly after, the doors opens to reveal Ricky Octavius walking out in a long black trench coat with gold tassels on the shoulders and a few patches on the front. The crowd cheers a bit as Ricky lets out a deep exhale as then Jason Dillinger and Tempest exist the locker room along with him. Ricky turns around and Dillinger gives him a fist pound as Tempest then nods her hand and says something to Octavius. He smirks before he starts his walk down the hallways, leaving the two behind. He walks past a few security guards as he loosens up his arm joints and jumps up and down a few times. As he's approaching the curtains, Ricky pauses and takes a moment to kneel and keep his composure. After a few moments, he's back on his feet before he walks through the gorilla position and then pushes the curtains open and walks through. The crowd greets him with cheers as Ricky looks around, perhaps trying to embrace the moment. He then starts to make his way down the ring.


The fans cheer the young superstar; a few female screams are heard as well as he begins to walk down towards the ring. He slaps the hands of various fans, even stopping for a quick selfie with one woman, dressed as Harley Quin, at the bottom of the ramp. He quickly leaps up onto the apron and vaults over using the rope to launch himself and planting both feet into the canvas before quickly running across the ring and scaling the corner and looking out at the fans once again with a grin on his face. We then cut to a camera in the crowd of David Helms, AJ Helms, Scarlett Pearson and Peyton Rice standing up, cheering for Ricky.


Myers: There you see Ricky Octavius in the ring and I bet that young man right there is feeling the butterflies. His mentor is here, his Ante Up peers are here. The world's watching what this kid will do.


Cash: This is the biggest moment of his life. He wouldn't be human if he wasn't feeling something. There's a lot of pressure here and like you said, you have the guy that trained him in the audience, not to mention his boss, in David Helms supporting him. Plus, you got a lot of elite talent in this crowd too. Kelcey Wallace, Canon, Taylor Chase, Chastaine, there's a LOT of people that have an interest in this match. Let's see how Ricky handles this. He probably wants to change his underwear again I bet.


Ricky walks around the ring a bit as the arena goes dark. The pulsating sounds of the theme begin to play as the words begin to ring….


Thou Shall Not Fall….


Thou Shall Not Die….


Thou Shall Not Feel….


Thou Shall Not Kill……


“Cry Little Sister” by I Will Never Be The Same is played throughout the arena by DJ Joel as Celeste Mallory slowly walks out, wearing a long, red fur coat that looks top of the line. Celeste looks around as she smirks to the crowd, who give her a nice reaction. Her long dark brown hair is in a high ponytail and she flings it over her right shoulder before heading to the ring. She looks down to the ring and starts her way down the ring.


She stops to look around for a bit at the fans, Celeste even will approach some and rub her fingers across their faces before slowly walking up the steel steps. Celeste takes the moment to pose to the crowd, popping up her fur coat before she enters the ring. When she's inside, she walks up to Ricky and the two exchange a fist pound. Afterwards, she lays across the top rope in the corner as she waits for the match to start patiently….


Cash: Talking about looking like a star. She got that fur coat with the mink and everything. And it's a fitting choice since we all know what she's looking to do tonight. This is one of the hottest free agents around, it won't be long until she's scooped up somewhere.


Myers: For two years she was recovering from a major facial surgery. But as you've heard her say, she's back, she's 100% and she's ready to go. Don't let that smirk fool you, underneath that smile is a young lady who is extremely dangerous.


Cash: Like Mother, like daughter.


Ricky and Celeste look on as soon we hear that now trademark opening to mark the arrival of Selena Frost.




At the sound of the familiar call, the true-believers are immediately on their feet in cheers as "DJ Joel Ortiz plays What I Believe" by Skillet as it  brings forth a barrage green and purple lights in the design of snowflakes across the arena. From the back, out walks The Snow Queen, herself, Selena Frost, still in her Joker costume. Frost is still seen holding the back of her neck, but that doesn't stop her from smiling and walking down to the ring.


Looking around the arena, Selena smiles at the voice of her true-believers before walking to the side of the ring. She looks around at some of the audience members in the front row until she stops the one she's looking for. The crowd roars as Lily's mother is revealed to be that woman. Selena looks at the little girl and smiles as the mother prompts up on the guardrail. She hugs Selena too massive cheers from the crowd. Selena then grabs one of the signs she has from her mother and personally autographs it before handing it to Lilly. Selena and Lily talk for a bit before they exchange high fives.


Selena then slides into the ring. She turns her attention to both Celeste and Ricky before retreating back in her corner.


Myers; A great moment there. Selena Frost meeting one of her biggest fans in Lily there.


Cash: In one night, she's gotten the chance to ring the bell for the first match and now gets a hug and an autograph from her favorite wrestler. Next time you know, this kid is going to get an offer to be in Strangers Things Season 2, you know, when they inevitably announce Season 2.


Selena's music fades before the chorus of "Glamorous" is played to cheers. We quickly cut back to a shot backstage of Marina Valdvida, standing outside the gorilla position. The camera is located in front of Marina. She closes her eyes before she looks at the camera.


Marina: Is this the series finale or...the beginning of something new? We'll find out.


Marina smiles before she walks through the gorilla position and emerges from the curtains onto the ramp to cheers. As the camera goes down, we can see a customized purple carpet rolls down the ramp. After this, Marina pauses for a brief moment, to soak in the loud ovation and cheers she's getting from the fans as well as the flashbulbs from both the World Hazard cameras and those from the wrestling tabloids. She confidently makes her way down to the ring and quickly slides in. She stands in the center of the ring, and acknowledges her loyal fans to cheer before she gazes at Celeste and Ricky. She then turns back to Selena as her music soon fades. The referee then looks at both corners before ordering them to come to the middle of the ring. The four do and soon turn to the middle of the ring, where there's cameras outside the ring ready to take pictures. Celeste poses as Ricky puts a fist in the air, with Marina staring at the camera with a focused expression while Selena smiles widely. Numerous shots are taken before finally they're done and the crowd cheers. The four go back to their corners.


DJ Joel Ortiz: Alright THIS IS the Semi-Main event of the evening! Two on Two, Days of Future's Past LUCHA LIBRE RULES! The rules are simple, tags are allowed but when one partner is knocked to the outside, the other is allowed to jump in. And that's it!


Joel pauses.


Joel: Introducing first, he's from Los Angeles, California. He weighs in tonight at a solid one-hundred and fifty-two pounds… He's holding it down for Ante Up Academy. He's also representating the UWA as well.  Ladies and gentleman, this is...RICCCCKY...OCTAVIUS!!!


Ricky throws his arm up in the air as the crowd cheers. He then takes off his jacket and tosses it to the outside.


Joel: Introducing second, she's from The Cotswold’s, England  but she calls Laredo, Texas home. She graduated from the KWI Institute. Her mother, Mary Beth Mallory, is one of the baddest the game has ever seen. But she's out here to show that she's next in line. One of the best free agents out there and she's only twenty one years old. Everyone, this is...CEELESTE...MALLORY!


Celeste twirls around and extends her arms to the crowd, a smirk resting on her face.  She then takes off her jacket and hands it to an assistant on the outside.


Joel: Now let's switch sides to the other team. Introducing first, this chica has been everywhere. IWC, UWA,, SCW. One of the hardest working people in the business and wherever she goes, she makes things happen. 3x SCW Adrenaline Champion and she's won TWO, not one, but TWO tournaments in SCW this year. The kids love her and her opponents hate facing her. She's already wrestled tonight but that's not stopping her from throwing down right now! World Hazard, from Nome, Alaska, give it up for the coldest in the game, "The Snow Queen".. SEEELENA FROOOST!


The crowd gives her a nice pop as Selena nods and looks around.


Joel: And finally, her partner, this girl right here...she's never been afraid to be in the spotlight. But along the way, this girl has shown she can go toes with anyone in this business. She's a Cali girl; holding it down for San Diego. Her wrestling future might be unknown but EVERYONE knows who she is. She's TMZ's favorite wrestler AND the 2016 IWC Last Stand winner, this is...MAAAARINNNNA VALDVIIIIIIDA!


Marina turns to the crowd and motions for them to make some noise, to which they do. The referee goes to both sides and does some last minute padding of all four competitors. Soon, the two sides start to discuss among each other, trying to figure out who will start first. It's decided that it will be Ricky Octavius and Selena Frost that will start as their respective partners go to the outside. The referee looks at Selena and then looks at Ricky before he turns to the ringkeeper and signals for the bell to sound.




The crowd roars and immediately "Selena" chants start to echo throughout the arena. Selena and Ricky take time to look around as the crowd remain consistent before slowly, a few chants for "Ricky" are strong enough to be heard.


Cash: Here we go Myers. I've been waiting for this match all night. This crowd looks like they have been too,


Myers: There must be so many emotions running through the heads of Ricky and Celeste. While I'm sure the same could be said for Selena and Marina, those two have be apart of several high profile matches and have won their fair share. They'll be able to maintain their composure. They have the experience. This is Ricky and Celeste's first time ever in a match like this.


Cash: We'll find out really quickly how Ricky and Celeste will handle the pressure.


Selena holds the back of her neck a bit more before her and Ricky slowly circle the ring. The crowd chatters among each other, waiting for the first move to be made. Ricky and Selena meet up in the center of the ring before they finally tie up. Ricky and Selena grapple for position but it's Ricky that manages to push Selena back onto the ropes. Because there's technically no rope breaks, the referee simply watches as the two grapple. Selena then switches positions and pins Ricky against the ropes. At a complete stalemate, Selena soon slowly backs off before putting her arms up to back away, to cheers. Ricky looks around as Celeste Mallory is heard on the apron cheering him on. The two competitors circle the ring before tying up again, this time with Selena winning the exchange by applying a hammerlock onto Octavius. Octavius tries to fight out of the hold as Frost wrenches it a bit, applying more pressure. Octavius then performs a few rolls that catches the crowd's attention en route to reversing the hold and then grabbing Selena with a hammerlock. The crowd cheers a bit but Selena is quick to sweep Ricky down using her arms and then she gets on top for a pin;




Ricky quickly gets out and the two reach a vertical base. Selena is there to take him down with an Arm Drag. Both stand back up and Selena then takes down Ricky with another one. Ricky jumps back to his feet as Selena goes for a third but Ricky steps back at the last second, causing Selena to go through the Arm Drag motion with nothing to show. Ricky waits for Selena to spring to her feet, to which she does, and the the two throw dropkicks at the same time, hitting each other's feet. Once on the canvas, they turn around and face each other; at a stalemate. The crowd cheers.


Myers: Nice little building here between Octavius and Frost. You could see Frost showing us her experience edge over Octavius but ever now and then Ricky surprised Frost with some good awareness.


Cash: He and Celeste are going to need to do that. When they expect one thing, give them another. They do have the unpredictability factor to them because while Frost and Valdvida and Frost are veterans there's not much tape on both Octavius and Mallory. So whatever adjustments you see from Frost and Valdvida, it'll be purely based off real time reactions.


Frost and Ricky stare at each other, the former with a smile, clearly impressed with Ricky. Ricky turns to her partner Celeste and soon tags her in. Meanwhile, Frost does the same, tagging in Valdvida. The crowd cheers as Mallory and Valdvida enter the ring. Immediately, as Valdvida goes for a tie up, Mallory catches her with a kick to the mid-section. Mallory laughs a bit before she starts clubbing the back of Valdvida. She then picks her up and pushes her to the ropes. When Valdvida runs back, Mallory scoops her up but Valdvida reverses and snaps off a Headscissors Takedown. The crowd cheers as Mallory pops back up to her feet and charges at Valdvida. Mallory swings wild with a clothesline but Valvida ducks and gets behind Celeste. When Mallory turns back around, Valdvida stuns her with a Jawbreaker that causes Mallory to stagger until her back is on the ropes. Valdvida walks over toher, but Mallory then thumbs Valdvida right in the eyes. This draws some boos from the crowd as Mallory follows up by running to the ropes, using them as momentum to then run back and nail Valdvida in the chest with a powerful clothesline! The crowd oohs as Mallory goes for the cover;






Valdvida kicks out at an early 2. Mallory smirks before she gets back to her feet.


Cash: Oooh, Celeste is bringing the heat early on. Different approach from Ricky, who was willing to play at the pace Selena was setting. Not this girl. She's going straight from the jugular. That's what I love to see from my wrestlers.


Myers: She's got her mother's viciousness that's for sure. And she's not afraid to bend the rules a bit, as we saw with that thumb to the eyes. She said that she wanted to make a statement and right now, she's showing us that.


Mallory soon brings Valdvida up to her feet before scooping her up and then slamming her onto the canvas. Mallory looks at the crowd with a grin before she then goes to land an elbow but Valdvida moves out of the way. Mallory winces in pin, holding her elbow as Valdvida quickly rolls up Mallory in a Crucifix-esue pining maneuver;






Mallory powers out at an early 2. Both Valdvida and Mallory get back to their feet and it's Mallory that winds up and goes for another clothesline that Valdvida easily ducks underneath. When Mallory turns around, Valdvida runs up to her and then connects with a Running Enzigiri! The crowd oohs as Mallory falls to the mat.


Cash: Valdvida is making Celeste pay for going for it all. I love forcing the issue and Celeste is someone that clearly likes to put constant pressure on their opponents, but you can't go for it all right away. if I was in her corner I would tell her to take it easy. let it come to you. You're not going to beat Valdvida and Frost right off the gate, but you can certainly lose to them if you're not careful.


Myers: And you mentioned earlier, there's a different mentality between her and Ricky Octavius. You could see that Octavius was a bit timid early on in the match. Celeste does not have that problem at all, but aggressiveness can easily turn into recklessness.


Mallory starts to stir as Valdvida places a stomp onto her back. She then brings Mallory up to her feet and whips her into her corner. From there, Valdvida tags in Frost, to cheers. Frost and Valdvida soon whip Mallory off the ropes and when she comes back, they down take her down with stereo back elbows. The crowd cheers as Mallory goes down and Frost goes for the cover;






Mallory rolls the shoulder at two. Frost adjust her Joker costume before she gets to her feet. Mallory starts to stir in the ring as Ricky Octavius is heard cheering his partner on. Frost stomps on the small of Mallory's back as the latter tries to stir. Frost then goes for the right arm of Mallory but she uses her left arm to grab the middle rope. But once again, the only thing the referee can do is watch as Selena tries to yank Mallory's grip from the middle rope. Mallory uses this as an opportunity to get to a vertical base and then, with her left arm, rakes the eyes of Selena. The crowd boos a bit as Selena stumbles backwards. Mallory capitalizes by grabbing Selena's arm and pulling her closer so she can get hit with the Short Arm Clothesline. The crowd oohs as Frost goes down and Mallory shakes off a bit of the pain. Mallory then drags Frost over to her corner before tagging in Octavius. Octavius enters the ring as Mallory picks up Frost. They whip Frost to the ropes and when she comes back, then both elevate her up and then straight down with a double Flapjack! The crowd cheers a bit as Valdvida then rolls out of the ring. Ricky and Celeste high five.


Myers: Nice teamwork by Octavius and Mallory. They've been working hard together, getting their timing down and that was mighty impressive.


Cash: And you saw what led to that too; Mallory's willingness to bend the rules a bit. The rake to the eyes might piss off some wrestling purist out there but I like it. Again, I like people who will do whatever it takes to gain the upper hand. It-


Myers: Hey, look!


As Ricky and Celeste finish high fiving, Valdvida jumps from the apron onto the top rope and then into the ring, dropkicking both Octavius and Mallory at the same time! The crowd cheers as Mallory rolls to the outside.


Myers: Frost gets taken out, but Valdvida steps in with that Springboard Dropkick.


Cash: Lucha Libre Rules in full effect there. Once Frost went to the outside, Valdvida had the right to enter as the legal woman.


Octavius starts to stir as Valdvida goes to pick him up. She sends a few forearms to Octavius before she goes to whip him into the corner. Octavius soon leapfrogs over a charging Valdvida before he hits the corner. Ricky then runs to the ropes as Marina turns around. Ricky goes for a clothesline but Marina ducks and runs to the ropes herself. She comes back and Ricky picks her up and as Valdvida tries to snap off another Headscissors, Ricky counters into a Tilt a Whirl Backbreaker! The crowd oohs as Valdvida then rolls to the outside, leaving Ricky in the ring by himself. He's soon joined by Celeste, who slowly rolls back into the ring. The crowd starts to cheer and clap as Celeste and Ricky then look at each other. On the outside, Valdvida starts to crawl over to where Frost is recovering. Back in the ring, Celeste mouths for Ricky to do something. Ricky then runs to the ropes and when he bounces off with full speed, he runs right towards Celeste, who tosses him over the top rope and Ricky then sommersaults and lands onto both Frost and Valdvida! The crowd roars as Ricky is slow to get up but when he does, he plays to the crowd a bit!


Cash: Haha look at that? Celeste just launched Ricky up in the air like in a Back Body Drop way and he goes outside and lands on Selena and Marina! That's pretty creative.


Myers: You can see the training these two talked about earlier. They do have the unknown advantage and right now, they're catching Selena and Marina off guard.


Cash: It also helps too that Selena has already wrestled in a match prior to. That doesn't hurt.


Octavius later brings Valdvida up to her feet before throwing her back into the ring. Octavius slides in as Mallory goes back to the apron and then covers;






Valdvida gets the shoulder up at two. Octavius takes his time getting to his feet, thinking about what to do next. Valdvida starts to stir in the ring as Octavius then brings her up to her feet. Octavius chops Valdivda. The crowd woos. Octavius chops Valdvida yet again until she's leaning against the ropes. Octavius then leans Valdvida against the ropes before whipping her across. Valdvida runs back and slides underneath the legs of Octavius. She's fast enough to wrap around Octavius before he can do anything. A few side elbows by Octavius breaks the grip. Octavius then kicks Valdvida int he mid section before whipping her to the ropes but Valdvida reverses. As Octavius goes to the ropes, Mallory blind tags Octavius as he then runs back. Valdvida bends down and Octavius stops and kicks Valdvida in the shoulder. When she pops up, Mallory enters the ring and then takes down the California All Star with a Big Boot. The crowd oohs as Mallory scores a cover;






Marina gets the shoulder up.


Myers: Another kickout by Valdvida but the real story is both Octavius and Mallory are rolling right now, mainly because of their teamwork.


Cash: Element of surprise plus they're making the right decisions. Also too, you have to worry is Valdvida showing some ring rust here. She hasn't been as sharp as we're used to.


Myers: That could be a factor, but I wouldn't take away with what Octavius and Mallory are doing right now. Mallory was a bit over aggressive early on, but since the two have relied on each other for offense, they've been highly effective.


Octavius stands in the ring as Mallory picks Valdvida and then whips her into the corner. Octavius then pushes Mallory to the opposite corner before whipping her across. Mallory charges in and lands a Corner Clothesline onto Valdvida. Octavius then runs afterwards, landing a powerful Elbow Smash that causes Valdvida to stumble forward before collapsing to a knee. Ricky then goes to run the ropes again, but as he's about to bounce off, Selena Frost trip him up from the outside and then drags him to the outside. Ricky stands on his feet and goes for a push but Selena ducks and then pushes Ricky left shoulder first into the steel post! The crowd oohs as Octavius falls to the ground, rolling around, holding his shoulder.


Myers: Selena Frost just sent Ricky shoulder first into that ring post and it looks like she had spent a few moments, recovering from the Battle Royal earlier on the outside.


Cash: Yeah and look at Ricky, yelling and holding his shoulder. An injured shoulder against Selena Frost is like being in the water with sharks and you're bleeding. She's going to go after it.


Octavius continues to hold his shoulder in pain on the outside. Back in the ring, Mallory picks up Valdvida from the ground. Celeste mouths off a few words to her before she goes for the Stir of Echoes but Valdvida reverses by pushing her off. Valdvida then catches Mallory with a dropkick that sends Mallory through the middle rope. Valdvida stays on the canvas for a few seconds before realizing she's the only one in the ring. She looks at the crowd and ushers them to start clapping as she gets to her feet and heads towards the ropes. She waits for Mallory to reach a vertical base and when she does, Valdivda uses the top rope to jump off but instead of landing onto her, she lands on the apron. The crowd oohs as Valdvida then jumps on the middle rope and hits a beautiful Asai Moonsault onto Mallory on the outside! The crowd roars while meanwhile, at the other side of the ring, Frost tosses Octavius in the ring.


Cash: Haha what was that about ring rust?


Myers: An incredible display of athleticism there by Marina Valdvida and just like that, the control is back on the side of Frost and Valdvida.


Cash: They forgot to account for Frost. Which is understandable, you had Marina by herself and you have to make the most out of that. But neither Ricky nor Celeste thought about keeping Frost down and here we are.


Myers: Meanwhile, action back in the ring. Frost is bringing Ricky back into the ring, which makes them the legal people. You can see the pace of this match starting to increase because of the Lucha Libre Rules.


Back in the ring, Frost immediately grabs Octavius' left shoulder and slams it hard onto the canvas. We get a quick shot of David and AJ Helms, Scarlett Pearson and Peyton Rice cheering for Ricky. This quickly goes back to the ring, where Frost grabs Ricky's arm and then slams it back down once more. Ricky rolls around the ring in pain. Frost stalks Ricky until she lays down the left arm on the mat and then lands on it with her right knee. Ricky rolls around the ring in pain once more before Selena brings him to his feet. She twist the arm, causing a yelp from Ricky. He tries to fight her off with a few forearms using his right arm but Selena maintains grip and instead, yanks on the left shoulder, bringing Ricky to his knees. Selena then brings Ricky back up before twirling his shoulder again before landing a Crescent Kick that hits Ricky square in the jaw! The crowd cheers as Selena crawls to a pin;






Ricky rolls the left shoulder, to which Selena immediately grabs and then slams it right back to the canvas. Marina Valdvida is seen getting back on the apron. Selena sees her and soon brings Ricky to her corner. Selena tags in Marina. Selena twist the arm of Ricky as Marina ascends the top turnbuckle. With Selena holding his arm in place, Marina soon jumps off and hits a Double Foot Stomp onto the left shoulder of Ricky, which immediately sends him down to the canvas, rolling around in pain. Valdvida quickly covers;






Ricky kicks out at two. Marina looks at the ref as Ricky starts to stir. On the outside, Celeste Mallory starts to slowly make her way up on the apron as well. Marina sends a stomp to the left shoulder of Ricky. Celeste is heard yelling at Ricky to make a comeback. As Ricky tries to crawl to her, Marina steps on his right foot, preventing him from doing so. Marina then brings Ricky to his feet. Ricky suddenly explodes with a right hand. The crowd roars. Ricky lands another right hand that stuns Marina. He then  goes to whip Marin to the ropes but Marina reverses by twirling the left shoulder of Octavius. Ricky goes to a kneel position and that's when marina follows with a hard roundhouse kick to the left shoulder! The crowd oohs as Marina goes for another cover;






Ricky kicks out again. Crowd cheers.


Myers: Ricky kicks out but that left shoulder is taking a lot of damage. Frost and Valdvida are now in complete control.


Cash: Whole match changed when Frost pushed Octavius to that ring post. Now the poor kid is getting dissected by two of the best and one of them has one of the most deadliest submission in her arsenal, that being Selena's Frost Bite.


Mallory yells at Ricky to get up. The crowd starts to rally behind him as well.


Crowd: Let's Go Ricky, Let's Go! Let's Go Ricky, Let's Go!


Valdvida brings Ricky back to her corner before tagging in Frost. The two women soon grab Ricky and whip him to the ropes. Selena starts to run towards the adjacent ropes. When Ricky comes back, Marina trips him up with a Drop Toe Hold and then Frost meets Ricky with a basement dropkick to head of Ricky! The crowd oohs as Selena goes for a cover;






Ricky rolls the shoulder, but Selena immediately grabs it, places it down on the mat before dropping one knee down on it. Ricky screams in pain. We get another shot The Helms', Pearson and Rice looking on, with Peyton looking concerned. Back in the ring, Selena brings up Ricky by his arm. Ricky catches Selena unprepared with a right hand. Ricky then lands a few forearms shot to cheers. He then goes to run over to Celeste in the corner. Celeste goes to reach out just as Ricky does with his right arm. However, Selena pulls his left shoulder, which causes Ricky to collapse onto the mat in pain. Frustrated, Celeste goes to enter the ring anyways but the referee is there to stop her. Celeste spews venom at the referee but as she's been kept on the apron, she yells in the direction of Ricky.


Celeste: Get up Ricky! You gotta fight out of this! Come on!


Celeste's fiery words draws the crowd to once again chant for Ricky as Selena twirls the arm of Ricky before landing a Double Knee Armbreaker. Ricky rolls onto the canvas, clutching to his shoulder before Selena goes for the cover;






Ricky kicks out again. The crowd is now firmly behind Ricky, chanting his name as Frost once again tags in Valdvida. Valdvida brings Ricky to his feet and wrenches the left arm. A right hand by Ricky causes Valdvida to momentarily lose her grip, but she responds with by running towards Ricky, grabbing him by the head, elevating before planting him with a Tornado DDT. Valdvida goes for a cover;






Another kickout by Ricky. Valdvida then grabs the left arm of Ricky and stomps on it.


Cash: This is kinda getting hard to watch. This is why in the beginning when Ricky and Celeste were in control, they needed to not lose it because this is what could happen. All elite talent needs is one opening and Frost and Valdvida found it and Ricky hasn't been able to do anything since.


Myers: Ricky's been trying to fight out too however the longer he's in that ring, the longer that arm gets worked on. Celeste wants him to fight more-


Cash; And she has a point. Celeste is willing to go the extra mile to get the upper hand. Ricky isn't and I could see how that's frustrating. But at the same time, it's not like Ricky is just letting Selena and Marina dominate him.


Ricky stirs in the ring as Valdvida stalks him. Valdvida picks up Ricky and wrenches the air before whipping him to the ropes. Ricky comes back and Valdvida lands a Spinning Wheel Kick that hits Ricky right around his throat area. The crowd oohs as Valdvida then goes to the apron and uses the top rope to spirngboard herself off of and then onto Octavius with a Splash. Cover by Marina;






Ricky rolls the shoulder. Marina looks to Selena. Marina walks over and makes the tag to The Snow Queen, who enters the ring. Marina and Selena soon bring Ricky to his feet. Then lean Ricky up against the ropes before whipping him across. Ricky bounces off and runs back. Selena bends over and Ricky kicks her in the shoulder. Crowd cheers as Marina then goes to attack but Ricky ducks and then shoves right into Selena. The two collide and collapse to a kneel position. Ricky immediately swings his body towards his corner, which Mallory leans over, ready to make a tag. Ricky goes to dive but Selena catches his right foot. Some of the crowd boos as Frost then drags Ricky back to the middle of the ring. Meanwhile, Marina starts to slowly roll out of that ring.


Cash: Ha, he came so close to making the tag there. SO close. This crowd wants to see Celeste Mallory in there.


Myers: Celeste is dying to get in that ring right now. She can't bare another second on that apron.


Selena maintains hold of Ricky's foot, however, the Ante Up grad maintains to somehow stand up despite this. He turns to Selena, hopping on one leg, before using the free leg to hit Selena with an Enzigiri! The crowd cheers as Selena goes down! There's no one in the way to prevent Ricky from tagging in Celeste. Celeste jumps up and down, sensing that this is the time for Ricky to come across and make the tag. The crowd cheers on Ricky, who holds his left shoulder in agony but finally, he rolls over and tags in Celeste to massive cheers!


Myers: There's the tag! There's the tag!


Cash: Oh here we go! Let's see what you can do, Celeste!


Celeste enters the ring right as Selena stand sup and Celeste decks her with a clothesline. Selena stumbles back to her feet and Celeste takes her down with another one. Celeste then brings Selena up and whips her to the ropes but Selena reverses and sends her instead. Celeste bounces off and then jumps right on Selena, taking her down with  Lou Thesz Press! The crowd roars as Celeste rains down right hand after right hand until she gets off and roars to the crowd, who only get louder. Selena adjust her Joker costume as she crawls and scrambles to the corner. Celeste turns and looks at Selena with a devilish smirk before she runs away her. Selena gets her two feet up just in time, sending Celeste back a few steps. Selena goes to follow up, but Celeste captures her and then sends her over her head with a Sambo Suplex! The crowd cheers as Celeste gets a cover;






Selena kicks out at two. Celeste glares at the referee before she gets up. She then motions for Ricky to enter the ring, to which he does, still holding to his left shoulder. Celeste then whips Frost to the corner. Once her back is firmly into the corner, she then whips Ricky to her. Frost gets the boots up in time to force Ricky to step back a bit. Celeste then runs towards Selena, who again puts the boots up to her. Selena then gets out of the corner and then runs to the ropes. When she comes back, Celeste lift Selena off the ground for Ricky to then hit a falling Selena with an European Uppercut! This brings the crowd to their feet.


Myers: Oh my goodness! What an amazing double team by Celeste and Ricky. I'm not sure if they planned by, but my goodness, the lift by Mallory and then the uppercut by Octavius.


Cash: That was freaking incredible. These two kids man, they'll pulling it all out.


Ricky holds onto his left shoulder as Celeste covers Selena;






Marina comes in unexpectedly and breaks up the pinfall. Ricky goes and grabs her. He goes to throw her out but Marina reverses and ends up throwing him through the middle ropes and onto the outside. Marina turns her attention to Celeste, who greets her with a hard forearm. Marina is dazed as Celeste then runs to the ropes. When she comes back, Marina jumps up and snaps off a Jumping Hurricanrana that sends Celeste onto the floor and then to the outside. Frost crawls to the corner, retreating. Valdvida then kips back up and then lets out a yell to the crowd, who get energized. She looks outside and sees that bot Ricky and Celeste are on the outside, but on the opposite side of the ring. The crowd now chants for Marina, who is visually feeding off the ropes. She then runs to the ropes and the bounces off towards Ricky. Marina runs with full speed, taking down Ricky on the outside with a Suicide Dive!


Myers; Suicide Dive by Valdvida. She has shaken off that poor start early in this match and now she is rolling.


Cash: But look, it looks like she isn't done yet!


Fueled by pure adrenaline, Marina gets up and then slides back into the ring. She then runs to the direction where Celeste is on the outside. Marina runs and then, when she's in the middle of the ring, performs a handstand before then moonsault over the top rope, using no hands, onto Celeste! The crowd erupts and stands on their feet as Marina lies on top of Celeste!


Cash: Holy sh-...I man WOW! Did you just see that? Did we just see that?! Did she just do that?!


Myers: A handstand into a moonsault using no hands at all. That is absolutely ridiculous!


Cash: She talked about wanting to prove to herself that she could still do this. That she could still compete with the best of them. Earlier on, I questioned whether or not she was rusty. But now, she's going on another level right now.


The crowd can be heard chanting something that shouldn't be repeated. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Selena Frost soon exists the ring so she could pick up Ricky Octavius and roll him back in the ring. She does and then Selena slides in after her. She straights up her Joker costume a bit as she gets back to her feet, but staggers a bit, showing signs of fatigue. She goes behind Ricky and slowly picks him up. She wraps her arms around his waist but Ricky lands a side elbow using her left arm, which immediately causes him to kneel in pain as it's the arm that's been worked on the entire match. Selena is still staggering from the elbow so she can't do anything right away. The crowd makes noise throughout the ordeal as Ricky turns around and then catches Frost flush with an European Uppercut and then another. Ricky then hoist up Selena and places her on his back,perhaps going for the Death Valley Driver. Selena slips out and goes behind him. She catches him with a roll up;






Ricky kick out. Both of them reach their feet. Ricky explodes with a Discus Elbow Strike that staggers Selena. Ricky looks as if he's about to run the ropes but instead, he turns around and lands another one to oohs! Selena is barely on her feet as Ricky takes a moment, clutching his left shoulder. Ricky then hoist up Selena again in the Fireman's position. Selena doesn't fight off at fight but a few elbows lefts Ricky woozy. But he still has her on his shoulders. Frost tries to fight out as the crowd wonders what will happen next. Selena then positions her body towards the left shoulder of Ricky and with one full swoop, using her upper body strength, she then uses Ricky's weight to bring him down; transitioning into the Frost Bite! The crowd roars!


Myers: Frost Bite! Frost Bite! Selena has the Frost Bite locked in!


Cash: She someone managed to flip Ricky over in the position she was in perfectly into it. And that left shoulder has been targeted all match long. And remember, no rope breaks.


Myers; No rope breaks, which means Ricky will have to somehow find a way to survive this or hope that Celeste is there to break it up.


Ricky squirms as much as he can as Selena has the hold locked in. Ricky tries to fight it as hard as he can but Selena doesn't lose grip. We then see Celeste Mallory groggily try to slide into the ring but Marina Valdvida is there to gold her back. The crowd  reacts as Ricky puts up his right hand, thinking about tapping. Celeste manages to create some distance between her and Marina with a shove and she gingerly slides into the ring. Celeste goes to break Selena's hands from Ricky's left arm but she can't. Then, Marina slowly slides into the ring, grabs Celeste by the head and then tosses her through the middle ropes! Marina then slides back to the outside holding Celeste!


Myers: Celeste was there to save Ricky but Marina just threw her back out!


Cash: And she's holding onto Celeste for dear life. Ricky's going to have to tap. How hasn't he tapped yet?


Ricky screams in pain and comes so close to tapping. Celeste tries to fight her way back into the ring as Marina holds her. She then calls out to Ricky as she tries to fight her way in.




Ricky hears Celeste's words and he stops himself from going to tap. But that doesn't stop him from yelling in pure agony. Celeste pushes off on Marina and gets on the apron. Marina runs back to her, holding her by her waist. Celeste then leans down and bites the right hand of Marina! Marina quickly lets go, holding her hand before Celeste then enters the ring and lands and then jumps on top of Frost, finally forcing her to break free of the hold! The crowd roars!


Cash: Celeste broke it up! She just broke through!


Myers: But how much did that take out of her? And Ricky's left shoulder has to be shot by now. it just has to be.


Cash: All of them are pretty tired by now. Especially Selena. She wrestled earlier. I imagine she's feeling pretty exhausted.


Frost and Mallory are slow to get up but they do. Frost lands a forearm onto Mallory, but Celeste is seemingly unfazed, shaking her head and smiling. The crow cheers as Frost looks a bit confused. Frost then lands another forearm and Celeste shakes her head again! Frost grabs Celeste's head and lands multiple forearms shots, but none of them seem to have an effect as Celeste has a wide, wicked smirk on her face!


Celeste: COME ON!


Celeste taunts Selena and before Frost can counter, Celeste picks up Selena effortlessly in a Military Press position. The crowd stands up as Celeste then hits across the ring with Selena up high and then she tosses to the outside with her right side hitting the barricade! The crowd stands up as Celeste then collapses to the ground, the move taking a lot of energy from her.


Cash: Are you kidding me? Celeste just picked up Selena like she was a mini and then threw her out onto the barricade! Who knew she had that much power?


Myers: She took all of those strikes and laughed it off!


Cash: Similar to her mother.


Myers: And then..she just Military pressed Selena to the outside and Selena hit the barricade with a thud! Unbelievable strength shown during this stage of the match.


The crowd chants for Celeste as she's visually seen on her knees, panting afterwards. Marina slowly slides into the ring just as she gets to a kneel position. Marina charges at Celeste, but Ricky suddenly steps in and sacrifices himself, taking the clothesline onto himself. Ricky staggers backwards as Celeste falls to her knees. Marina is slow, but she eventually runs to the ropes. As she runs back, Celeste then shoves Ricky out of the way of a Forearm Smash. Celeste takes the shot, but then grabs a hold of Marina's arms and pulls her closer. Ricky rolls to the apron. Celeste then lands a Headbutt to Marina's neck region before landing another headbutt, then another headbutt, then another headbutt, and another headbutt. The crowd chants along as Celeste stops as seven as that was her max. Mallory collapses to the ground and from out of nowhere, Ricky flies off the top rope and hits the Flying Forearm Smash! The crowd roars and urges for Ricky to cover her quickly, but he ends up holding his left shoulder in pain first.


Cash: This is your chance kid! Cover her! She's down!


Myers: That shoulder though! Even springing off the ropes caused him pain!


Ricky then crawls on top of Marina as Celeste looks out for a potential Selena interruption.The crowd chants along;






Marina kicks out at two! Ricky falls to the ground, tired and exhausted but Celeste helps bring him up to his feet. Ricky and Celeste cling onto each other to stand. They then walk towards Marina and then lean Marina against the ropes and then whip her across. Marina then locks her arms around the top rope and doesn't run back. Celeste grits her teeth and charges ahead, but Marina then pulls down the top rope. Celeste goes over but lands on the apron. Ricky then charges at marina, who ducks and Ricky accidently takes out Celeste with a Yakuza Kick! Celeste falls back first into the barricade on the outside!


Myers: Mis-communication by Octavius and Mallory there. And that was costly.


Cash: Once again Celeste got too greedy. She's trying to force the issue too much. Ricky did too with that kick. You guys are RIGHT there to pulling off the biggest upset of the year. You don't not have to go for the knockout!


Ricky covers his face in regret when he sees Celeste on the outside. Marina turns him around and Ricky responds with an Elbow Strike that staggers Marina. Ricky's left arm is down to his sides, so essentially, he's fighting with one arm. Ricky fires off elbow shot after elbow shot, each shot drawing louder and louder cheers from the crowd. Ricky's face is filled with emotion as with every forearm shot, he is putting everything he has into it. He stops and lets out a roar!


Myers: Look at this kid! Look at this kid! He's showing some fire! He is giving Marina everything that she has!


Cash: So is Marina. This match means so much to her and she's still on her feet. Something has to give here. I don't know what's going to happen next, Myers.


We cut to a shot of the Helms, Scarlet Pearson and Peyton Rice up on their feet, with nervousness on their faces. We then quickly see a shot of Dawn Lohan standing up, the excitement written all over her face. We're back to the ring where Ricky lands another stinging forearm shot before landing another Discus Elbow Strike that brings Marina to her knees. Ricky stumbles backwards due to the fatigue and even he took drops to one knee. He clutches to his left shoulder before pulling himself up using the ropes. He lets out another yell to which the crowd responds by cheering him on. Ricky then runs to the ropes but Marina drills him with the Chick Kick! Ricky drops to the canvas and Marina covers him;






Ricky kicks out at an early two! The crowd is stunned as is Marina, especially when Ricky slowly but surely picks himself back up. He stumbles and he staggers but he's back on his feet! The crowd raises to their feet as Ricky then hits Marina with an European Uppercut but the strike sends him to his knees. Marina staggers against the ropes, but she bounces off and hits another Chick Kick! Ricky drops to the mat and Marina covers again;




Ricky kicks out at one! The crowd loses their mind as Marina turns and looks at the ref before looking at Ricky in pure amazement.


Cash: What in the world? This kid...just kicked out at one! At one! And he's trying to get up again! Is this guy even human?


Myers: It's adrenaline. Sometimes when the tank is empty, it's the adrenaline that keeps up going. This is unreal.


Ricky rolls over and starts to pick himself up from the mat. Marina does the same, although she's struggling due to the pain. Outside the ring, Celeste tries to enter the ring, but Selena Frost comes and grabs her by the waist, preventing her from entering. Back in the ring, Ricky does manage to get on his feet, even though he wobbles. Marina does to deliver a third one but it's sloppy thrown due to fatigue and she clearly misses the mark. She stumbles to the ground afterwards and Ricky is there to somehow roll her up;


Cash: School Boy! School Boy!






Myers: Does he has her? Does he have her?!


Marina barely moves just in time! The crowd grasp as Celeste tries to get into the ring but to no avail thanks to Selena. Ricky collapses onto the mat, holding onto his left shoulder but he starts to stir. As does Marina. Marina struggles to get to her feet but she does. Ricky once again slowly pushes himself upwards but he can only get to his knees. He tries to get up further, but he can't. Marina staggers onto her feet, but once she sees that Ricky is doing nothing, she finds a second wind and lands a Running knee to Ricky's jaw! the crowd oohs as Ricky goes down like a ton of bricks. Marina then slowly goes to the apron and then starts climbing up the top turnbuckle.


Cash: God damn, that knee by Marina was vicious! And Ricky got to a seated base first, but he stopped.


Myers: He couldn't even defend the knee. He has given all he can but I think that School Boy was a last ditch effort. That's all he could give.


Cash: Meanwhile, Marina has dug deeper and has found something. And now she's on top!


Marina takes a few moments to stabilize herself but she does and she jumps off and hits Ricky with the California Splash! Marina goes for the cover;




Celeste finds a way to slip into the bottom rope.




Frost has her foot but Celeste shakes her off.




Celeste lunges at marina, but it's too late! The bell rings and Marina immediately falls to the mat. The 6,000+ at the Bill Graham all stand up and applaud as Celeste, Marina and Ricky lay on the canvas, physically spent. Frost soon slides into the ring and attends to Marina.


Joel: The winner of this match...SEELENA FROST AND MARIINA VALDVIDA!!!!


Myers: What an unbelievable contest! An absolute incredible match. I can't think of any matches that I've seen live that will top this one.


Cash: Those kids gave it their all. They came so close but they just couldn't do it. Ricky dug deep and found some insane amounts of residence, but in the end, Marina was able to find even more inside her. That's what the difference between a good wrestler and a great wrestler. Ricky and Celeste are already so good, but Marina and Selena are great and they represent the next level for these two.


Myers: And everyone's standing up, including DJ Joel Ortiz.


Cash: I think we should join them.


We cut to a shot of both Cash and Myers standing up, clapping along with the fans. Marina slowly reaches to her feet as does Selena. The referee raises their hands as the crowd roars. Selena and Marina soon embrace in a hearty hug to the delight of the crowd. Selena has a smile on her face as does Marina, who looks to be getting a bit emotional. The two part and Selena raises the hand of Marina again as the crowd cheer.




Marina is floored by the crowd's chant, finally breaking down a bit into tears. Selena is there to comfort her. Marina take a moment to collect her emotions before she stands up and blow kisses to all four sides of the arena as a side of her appreciation. Selena and Marina roll out of the ring, gingerly but together. Selana and Marina rely on each other as they slowly walk up the ramp. Back in the ring, Celeste and Ricky are left in the ring. Ricky starts to stir but the look on Celeste's face says it all. It's one of fatigue, but one of concern. She brings Ricky to a seated position and leans onto his right shoulder. A few medical assistants slide into the ring to check on both competitors as the crowd remains on their feet, giving the duo a standing ovation. We then see quick shots of Taylor Chase, Kelcey Wallace and Chris Cannon standing up before we get a shot of Amy Chastaine doing the same.




The crowd repeats this chant as the medics check on both Celeste and Ricky. Finally, they are brought to their feet and then one by one, they exist the ring. The medical assistants help both walk up the ramp. Suddenly, we then see David Helms, AJ Helms and Peyton Rice on the ramp, waiting for Celeste and Ricky. When they reach the top of the rampway, Peyton immediately wraps her arms around both Celeste and Ricky, with tears in her eyes.


Myers; There you see Peyton Rice, fellow Ante Up grad and girlfriend of Ricky Octavius as well as good friend of Celeste Mallory....Incredibly touching moment here.


Peyton is heard talking to both of them.


Peyton: You guys were amazing out there....I'm so proud of you guys...I'm so proud. You guy did so good.


Peyton continues telling both Ricky and Celeste how proud she is of them before she then kisses Ricky on the forehead. David pats Ricky on the back before turning him around to face the crowd. The crowd gives Ricky and Celeste one big final cheer before they are helped to the back by the medical officials, with the Helms' and Rice following behind.


The camera then takes up back to DJ Joel Ortiz, who has a white towel in his hands. He brings the microphone up to his lips.


Joel: God damn...does anyone need a drink after that match?


The crowd cheers a bit as Joel takes the towel and whips his forehead with it.


Joel: I mean, damn. That was so hype, I might need to smoke.


Joel chuckles.


Joel: Seriously though, that may have been the greatest match I've ever seen. I'm not even joking. That was out of this world man! World Hazard, give it up one more time for those guys because they just killed it out there!


The crowd gives another nice ovation.


Joel: Alright, alright, well, here we are. We got one more match to go-


Crowd boos a bit.


Joel: I hear ya, I hear ya. It's been a high of a ride. But all things must come to an end. But before we do that, we have some very special guest here to talk about something that all of you that came tonight for the World Hazard Festival accomplished. So could ya welcome, the co-runners of CityCon, Justin Fields and Miranda Fields. And also, give it up for one of the major city officials responsible for putting this together, Henry Cunningham!


On cue, we see a red haired Miranda and blonde haired Justin come from the back, dressed as Jessie and James from Team Rocket. They are followed by Henry Cunningham, dressed in a white dress shirt and brown slacks and Jack Parker following behind them. The crowd gives a decent reaction as the four soon enter the ring. Jack has a microphone in his hands.


Jack: OK, ok sooo, since World Hazard's winding down, we figured we would bring out some of the people that helped put this show together. And that has some great news for all of us. Trust me, you'll love this.


Jack then hands the microphone over to Miranda.


Miranda: How is everyone going tonight?


The crowd cheers. She smiles.


Miranda: Awesome. You know, when PUNK HAZARD came to us about the idea of merging our two events together, Justin and I here were not on board right away. But these guys had a vision and they wanted to share that vision with us and with all of you. And to see the turnout tonight, seeing all of you in your costumes and your posters, this made the choice to be one that we haven't regretted. So thanks to all of you for supporting us. Without you guys, this wouldn't be possible.


The crowd cheers. Miranda then gives the mic to Justin.


Justin: So now, what we want to do is reveal to everyone just what World Hazard did. What all of you guys accomplished by coming here tonight. Henry?


Henry grabs the microphone.


Henry; Good evening everyone? Yes I know, that sounds weird for me to say good evening. I don't know if you kids say that nowadays, I'm not hip. This is something my wife and my kids remain me whenever I try.


Some laughs are heard.


Henry: But yes, tonight marked the first ever World Hazard event. There were a lot of reservations on my part when PUNK HAZARD approached the city with this idea. And I'll put it nicely when I say that Alexis and I, in particular, had our "disagreements". In any event, they kept pushing and pushing to make this happen until eventually we gave in. Seeing the amount of passion that everyone in PUNK HAZARD put into this made the decision to grant them this event much easier. This show has done the one thing that we wanted to accomplish and that was to unite the Bay Area.


Crowd cheers a bit.


Henry: And I must say, today, looking at the turnout, I was proven wrong. I thought putting together a show on this scale could end in disaster but instead, it's been nothing short. So let's get to the chase. The numbers. On average, 25,000 people bought a ticket for this event!


The crowd cheer as Jack is seen smiling widely.


Henry: 25,000 people. That's incredible. All for a first time event. You guys showed your support for this event and for that, we all in this ring thank you.


Jack leans into the mic.


Jack: But wait, there's more! See, when tickets went on sale for World Hazard, you all went crazy and scooped them up. You all went out and brought tickets like they were going out of style. And that brings us to the attendance. And let’s just say, after I give out this number, you ALL will want to give yourselves a pat on the back because….and this is an official number, tonight, in this building right now, there are 5.982 of you crazies here!


The crowd roars as Jack looks around and smiles.


Jack: We almost got to 6,000! What a time to be alive. But seriously, 5,982 in as incredible number and it all isn’t possible without all of you guys. So once again, thanks for coming to the show and buying a ticket and showing your support because we didn’t just do this for our entertainment. We did this for all of you. And before we go, Henry here is going to drop some more numbers. Henry, how much money did World Hazard have on the local economy tonight huh?


Jack then hands the microphone back to Henry.


Henry:  Well Jack, from what we’ve gathered so far, the World Hazard Festival has grossed roughly a combine total of...10.5 million dollars to the local economy!


The crowd cheers.


Henry: A number that blows away expectations. My fellow peers and I expected around $3 million, but 10.5 million is a testament to how diverse and how rich our culture is and how the Bay Area continues to thrive as a community. That you to all who showed up and showcased why the Bay Area truly is the best place to be, not just in the state of California, but in the entire world. Thank you very much.


The crowd cheers as Henry, Justin, Miranda and Jack nod their hands and wave to the crowd. They all soon exist one by one as they make their way to the back. The camera pans over to Joel.


Joel: 10.5 million. 10.5 million dollars? Everyone, do you realize how many stacks that is? How many bands that is? Put it this way, if y'all had 10.5 million dollars, we all would eat FOREVER you know what I mean?


Joel pauses.


Joel: But anyways, here we are. The end. The main event. World Hazard, you guys got one more left in you?


The crowd roars. Joel smirks.


Joel: Good. Let's rock!


DJ Joel plays "Jet Set Groove #1" once again before the lights dim and we turn to the SaboTron.


[The first image we see is a black screen that simply reads "May 9th, 2016".


[We then transition to a shot of the Grand Nightclub in San Francisco. Cameras pan around to see people all around the ground floor, cheering and having a good time. The camera then pans upwards towards Joel Ortiz, standing on the platform on the third floor.]


Joel: We're going to have a good night tonight is that right y'all?


[Camera pans back around the room, highlighting the adoring crowd of party goers cheering.]


Joel: That's what I like to hear. But before we get into the night, I got a surprise for all of you.


[The crowd collectively oohs. Camera pans over to see people chattering amongst themselves. Camera pans back upwards to Joel Ortiz.]


Joel: That's right. I got a surprise for everybody here. We got some big news dropping and the people behind it wanted to drop it here because they know what's it about. They know this is the place to do it. So let's get to it. Ladies and gentleman, she's been here before and she;s from here too. Ladies and gentleman, show some love for PUUUNK HAAAAZARD!


[Those inside the Grand Nightclub roar as sure enough, on the platform, Alexis Quinne walks out along with the entire PUNK HAZARD crew; those from both PUNK HAZARD proper and Black Saboady Parade. Alexis and Joel exchange a quick hug before the DJ hands over the microphone to Alexis. Alexis stands on the platform with PUNK HAZARD and Black Saboady Parade, looking at the crowd below as they cheer.]


Alexis: Hold up, hold up, hold up, whoa. This is San Fran right? I KNOW we can get louder than that so let;s make some [bleeping] NOISE!


[Cameras swings around to numerous people in the crowd cheering. A bit of fast motion appears and we pick up Alexis' speech a minute later.]


Alexis: 2016 was going to be the year we make sure no one ever forgets us. We've been planning this for a long time. All eight of us. We've all got our hands in this. We've been making moves, we've been expanding and getting bigger and bigger and bigger and trust me, we're only going to get bigger and bigger and bigger, And now's the time for everyone to know why 2016 is our year.




Alexis: August 13th, 2016, we make history. On behalf of SCW, who allowed us to go through with this, Golden Gate Wrestling Academy, PUNK HAZARD, Black Saboady Parade and most importantly, the city of San Francisco, who gave us the blessing, the green light and the literally the green.....I mean money, not weed guys.....


[Crowd is heard laughing., The camera captures a few people laughing looking upward,


Alexis: But like I said, the city of San Fran, who gave us the thumbs up and the approval to do this, we are going to host an all day wrestling festival......The WORLD HAZARD FESTIVAL!


The crowd roars at the huge announcement. Alexis looks around as does everyone else, letting the crowd savor in this moment. The noise in the room reaches a level of boisterous that causes a smile on their faces. It's at that moment where "Magical Mystery Tour" by the Beatles and the screen flashes a picture of an eight year old Alexis, placed on the shoulders of her father, wearing a San Fran Giants hat while attending a game. This is followed by another picture of a young Alexis donning a San Jose Sharks jersey outside the Shark tank as her mother and older sister are posing for the camera. This is then followed by another picture of Alexis, this time of her as a freshman in high school, where Alexis is standing with a group of friends dressed in dark, punk clothing where she's wearing a Golden State shirt. We then cut to a shot of the Golden Gate Bridge.


Roll up!

Roll up for the magical mystery tour!

Step right this way!


[We then cut back to that night of the announcement to the part where Tabula, Nikki Love, and El Rudo reveal a massive green, black and silver banner that reads "WORLD HAZARD FESTIVAL 2016" in bold green letters with a logo of a modified PUNK HAZARD logo only with the world globe in the middle instead of the normal silver skull.]


Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour

Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour


Voice Over: The World Hazard Festival 2016.....


[We then cut to a few shots of a local convention with fans dressed as their favorite anime, cartoon or movie characters from a widescreen. Fast motion shows the hoards of people moving and leaving.]


Voice Over: PUNK HAZARD's passion project. An one of a kind idea that combines wrestling, art and anime together into one event.


[We then hear Alexis Quinne's voice. Her name pops up as a graphic in bold green letters.]


Alexis: After going to OVO Fest, me and Rudo were talking and we were like, why doesn't wrestling have something like this? Why is no one throwing a festival that happens every year you know? And we were just talking like, this would be this super awesome thing. And eventually we got to the point where we was just like, PUNK HAZARD could do this. We could be the ones that makes this happen. And on that night, flying home from Canada when Rudo, that's when it started.


[We then cut to a shot inside Alexis and El Rudo's warehouse loft, the Mera Mera no Casa De Quinne. Camera pans around the walls to see them covered with paintings that either Alexis and Rudo have bought or ones that Alexis has made, along with tons of anime posters. We then cut to Alexis and Quinne in the living room, with Quinne pointing to one particular sketch that is framed. Alexis then looks to the camera.]


Alexis: I just got this framed the other day. If you look at it, it's the first sketch I made for World Hazard. I did it last November; I date everything I draw that way I remember when I did stuff. But it was November when I started drawing how I think the whole thing would look like, how it would be set up, what would it look like. I framed it because now it's happening and when i made this, that's when everything went to motion. So I want to keep it up here and look at it and just be like, we made this happen.


[We then see a series of highlights involving PUNK HAZARD; the key ones being Alexis Quinne's stunning Interim Women's title win at Under Attack 2013 to her Women's title win at Taking Hold of the Flame 2015. We then see a shot of Alexis, sitting down inside the Hyatt Regency Hotel where behind her, equipment for CityCon is being set up. She is sporting a black and green PUNK HAZARD hat with a black, silver and green World Hazard shirt.]


Alexis: People don't understand really how much we all put into everything we do. Everyone sees the finished product. No one sees what ll goes into that.They just see us having fun and think for some reason we don't put work into this. I mean really, PUNK HAZARD is just nine people hanging out, arguing and yelling at each other until something sticks, we all step back and are like 'yeah, let's do that' and that we do it.


[Quinne laughs. We then cut to a few more shots of Alexis, sporting Bay Area related gear. in a few photographs.]


Alexis: World Hazard is the definition of how committed all of us are to this. I grew up watching Infamous and Foxx Global you know. And..and they made something special happen and with PUNK HAZARD, we want to do the same. I mean obviously we do things a lot different. We have colors and a logo and criteria for who joins us and that's what we want. We want to take it to a level where we're with Infamous and Foxx Global but while doing our thing and basing off things no one has done. I mean, 95% of people wouldn't have the guts to even try to do something like World Hazard. We're actually making what we dream happen.


[We then cut to a shot of Alexis driving down the road with the top down and with Rudo in the passenger seat. It's morning time as the sun has just risen up. The car is a 2012 Green Mustang, to which Alexis has replaced any Mustang logos with PUNK HAZARD logos. There is a cameraman in the back, as Alexis and Rudo are jamming out to "Crazy" by former K-Pop band 4Minute. We then hear Alexis turn to the camera and talks.]


Alexis: Long day ahead of us today. Lot of work to do. Gotta set up everything so it's ready to go when the big day comes. It's still crazy to think that this is actually happening you know? I haven't gotten time to sit back and just enjoy that yet. Probably won't until the show's over.


[The background music smoothly transitions to "Crazy" in entirely as Alexis looks back at the camera, as does Rudo, and the two nod their head to whatever music they're listening to. This then cuts to a shot of Rudo, Quinne alongside both PUNK HAZARD and Black Saboady Parade, standing from afar as staff members work on building up sets for CityCon.]


Alexis: I saw this commercial one day about something like we're all a kid from somewhere. Think it was like a Derrick Rose commercial or something. Yeah, that guy. But it's the truth. We're all from somewhere. I'm from here, San Fran. Bay Area. Growing up I actually hated living here because I didn't have many friends, a lot of kids didn't want to sit with me and thought I was weird. When I got older and I started wrestling and going other places, they're look "oh you're Alexis from San Fran right?" That's what people see you as. And sure, growing up as an outcast is whatever but that's what made me who I am. This city made me. This is home and the more I go to other cities around the world, it just doesn't compare to the vibe, the culture, the lingo, that the Bay has.


[More shots of Alexis wearing Bay Area related clothing.]


Alexis: Nowadays, when I'm at a show around here, people are wearing that black and green or the orange and black. People are wearing our stuff and they look us to us to be represent the best in the area. Jack is from here, Vikki is from here, Tabula is from here, Dante has lived her and trained here, Rudo now lives here and I'm from here. So most of us have put roots in this city. And it's hard not to take that personally. I mean, this is where I'm from, this is where my heart is at, this is where all the good and bad [BLEEP] in my life has happened and looking back, i wouldn't have wanted to experience any of it anywhere else. That's why World Hazard had to be here in San Fran. It's our way of showing the people here that we're going to represent you guys and we're going to bring this thing that no one has ever done here. It had to be done in the Bay and I wouldn't have done it if my crew wasn't behind me on it.


[We then cut to a shot of Alexis standing outside Oracle Arena, the home of where the Golden State Warriors play. She's donning a black PUNK HAZARD shirt with a black and green PUNK HAZARD hat and black jeans. This then cuts to a recent picture of the entire PUNK HAZARD crew from their trip to Mexico two weeks after Rise to Greatness. All of them are standing in front of a ring, all wearing sombreros, except Dante McCaffery and KIRA Nakajima. The image holds for a bit before then;]




[The picture starts to distort.]




[A few shots of Alexis Quinne holding the SCW Women's Championship are shown as the static continues, eventually fading away; as does the music. It is then sharply replaced by a quick feet to head scale up of the imposing, menacing frame of Brittany Lohan. The music takes a darker turn, changing to "Fallen Garden" from Tekken Tag Tournament 2. We then cut to a few moments of Brittany Lohan at a local gym  lifting weights, punching the speed bag and doing a few curls. We then hear Brittany Lohan's voice in the background.]


Brittany: To be quite honest, talking is the most overrated part of pro wrestling. I didn't sign up for World Hazard to entertain anyone. I came to fight, nothing more, nothing less.


[We then cut to several highlights of Brittany Lohan in the ring, all of them showcasing her trademark brutality.]


Voice Over: The One Built for war....an unstoppable machine that will stop at nothing until she's dishes out her brand of violence. The predator who hungers to catch their next prey.


[We get a close up to Brittany Lohan's stoic face as her name appears in a graphic below.]


Voice Over: "The Final Solution to Pro Wrestling....Brittany Lohan!"


[More highlights of Brittany Lohan is seen.]


Brittany: People like to talk about me. They want to say this, say that. No one can deny my impact in this business. I birthed a new level of violence that other people have carried on. That's my legacy and anyone who disagrees with that,  don't care.


[We then see Brittany started to do deadlifts before we get shots of her pushing a tire forward.]


Brittany: When I'm in the ring, people get hurt. People wish they didn't decide to come down to the ring that night. I put the fear of God into them. Even now, I've changed my look. I've slimmed down a bit. But even with my new look, I'm the same unstoppable force now that I was then.


[We cut a shot of Brittany sitting on the rest after lighting a few weights. She speaks into the camera.]


Brittany: I'm a prizefighter. I make sure I'm in shape. Whenever I wrestle, it's the main event. It's the match everyone wants to see. It's not rocket science. My matches draw in people's interest. And so, I'm only going to wrestle when there's money to be made. When there's an opponent worth my time.  When there's something I can sink my teeth in.


[We then hear Alexis Quinne's voice.]


Alexis: "Brittany Lohan....what's there to say? I think she's [BLEEP] trash. How's that? Does that work for you guys?


[We cut to Brittany sitting on a bench inside the gym.]


Brittany: "You think I really care about what Alexis says about me? Does anyone take what she says seriously?


[A picture of Brittany Lohan and Alexis Quinne standing together, smiling is then shown. We then cut to one Breakdown in December of 2013 where Alexis Quinne stands in the middle of the ring with Brittany Lohan, giving her a Falconry t-shirt. When BLo accepts the shirt, Alexis hugs her tightly.]]


Voice Over: The conflict between Alexis Quinne and Brittany Lohan started as a friendship. Alexis latched herself onto one of her heroes growing up in Brittany when she first arrived in SCW in 2013. We then cut to a shot of Alexis back at the Hyatt Regency, almost looking disgusted.]


Alexis: "I don't even want to think about that. I mean, in the moment, it was cool. I grew up thinking she was this badass that didn't give a damn about anything. I was still in that fan mentality and I think I missed the fact that she's completely fake. I'm real. What you see is what you get. She doesn't even know if she likes to carpet munch or be with guys. There's nothing real about her.


[We then see a few highlights of End of the Year Special 2013 where Alexis Quinne and Brittany Lohan teamed up against Liberation. When then see Alexis get pinned as Brittany looks on, disappointed. We then cut back to a shot of Brittany back on the bench.]


Brittany: She was annoying then like she is now. I tolerated her back then, maybe because I thought she could be something. But like usual with her, she talked herself up only to fail every single time. I wasn't going to let a failure talk down to my sister Dawn the way she did. She's held a grudge against me since then but I don't care that I didn't boost her low self esteem.


[This transitions to more shots of Brittany working out. Her voice is heard.]


Brittany: Alexis is just a little girl, begging for people to like her. That's what this Festival is about. This isn't about the Bay. This is about her wanting to look like some type of hero. That's the narrative she wants to play.


[A shot of Brittany standing crossed armed by the weights is then shown.]


Brittany: She wants this to be this big homecoming of sorts. She wants to use me to come across as this conquering hero. Funny thing is that she thinks it's going to happen. Please. She's not in my league. She never has been.


[When then cut back to a shot of the Hyatt Regency as the PUNK HAZARD crew is helping out with setting up the equipment for the show. We then cut to see a brief hug exchange between Alexis and Siouxsie Blade before we cut back to a shot inside the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium where Alexis and El Rudo are on the apron; watching seven individuals perform drills. We can see the animated Quinne yelling at them.]


Alexis: This match.....this match is the biggest ever for me. I wasn't even going to wrestle. That's the crazy thing about it. I wasn't going to take part. But once I saw Brittany's name on the sign up sheets, I pulled Franklin Myers to the side and I told him, I'm wrestling her. I'm going to be in that ring against her in front of my people.


[We then see a shot of Brittany hitting Alexis with For Your Eyes Only at Rise to Greatness 2014 and then pinning her afterwards. We then cut to a month later, Apocalypse 2014, where Brittany nails Alexis with the same move and then pinning her again.]


Alexis: Brittany's out there doing D-List movies these days. She isn't a full timer. And I remember two years ago her pinning me twice and in the back of my head, I've always hoped for an opportunity to kick her ass and make things even. She's always thought that she was better than me and that I was nothing to her. And I've wanted to show her how wrong she is. I've become something. PUNK HAZARD has become something and quite frankly, unlike her, we're going to last.


[We cut to a shot of Alexis outside AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants. Brittany's voice is heard.]


Brittany: This match is going to go exactly how everyone should think it's going to go. I'm going to grab her by her throat and she's going to drop within seconds. You know how Mike Tyson would destroy his opponents by the first round, making everyone wonder why they spent their hard earned money to see a first round KO? That's what going to happen here. Everyone that brought a ticket is going to wonder why they would even think that Alexis has a [BLEEP] chance against me.


[We cut back to Alexis sitting down at the Hyatt.]


Alexis: She thinks I'm losing in front of everyone in the Bay? No [BLEEP] way. No way. This is too important. I'm not just wrestling for me or PUNK HAZARD for once. I'm wrestling, representating everyone here. Brittany thinks just because she wears her Raiders hat everywhere that she can rep the Bay. What the [BLEEP] does she know? She didn't grow up here. She's from San Diego. She doesn't get this community. There's a lot of people here that work their assess off to get notice. The artists that sell their stuff underground to make a few bucks. All the wrestlers that wrestle locally, looking for a big break. Bay Area is built on hard work. What does BLo know about that? She throws away matches. I can't respect that. It's like get off the [BLEEP] pot and either wrestle or don't. But don't [BLEEP} on people like me who put time into what we do while you get your ass kicked by Regan Street and Blitzkrieg and then try to cover and say that you didn't care. If you don't care, then why are you here?


[The camera holds to capture Alexis' annoyed expression. We then cut to a fast motion shot of the Bill Graham Auditorium where staff members work on setting up the stage for the event. At the end, we see that the ring and the stage is completely built. We then cut to a shot of the Hyatt Regency, where everything is also in place. "Magical Mystery Tour" comes back into the background. As the camera takes a tour around the Hyatt, we hear Brittany's voice.]


Brittany: I am going to hurt her. I'm going to enjoy every second of pain that Alexis feels. I'm going to enjoy her people pleading for her to do something about what I'm going to do to her, only to be heartbroken when they realize that she can't.


Alexis: I'm not losing this match. I just can't think that. Losing to Kayl drained me, this would absolutely kill me. This would undo everything this event is suppose to stand for. As a unit, PUNK HAZARD is at a point where we can take things to the next level. If I lose here, then we can't. And I can't let the people down, or my students or my teammates or most importantly, me. I asked for this match because I want to put my foot so far up BLo's ass. That's what I'm going to do.


[We cut to a shot of Brittany lifting weights as her voice is heard.]


Brittany: She will get no mercy from me. If she thought what I did to her two years ago was bad, just watch and see what I do to her. You won't recognize her after I'm done.


[More work out shots of Brittany is shown. Alexis' voice is then heard.]


Alexis: I'm used to her tough girl talk. It doesn't faze me. I'm better now than I was two years ago. I won't let her beat me. Not in this city. I can;t let that happen.


[A shot of Alexis' face at the Hyatt is then shown. She intenstly looks at the camera.]


Alexis: I won't let that happen.


[We then cut to a shot of Downtown San Francisco during sunset.]


The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away

Dying to take you away,

The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away

Dying to take you away,

Take you today


Voice Over: The Dreamer....


[A shot of Alexis is shown, looking at the finished product at the Bill Graham alongside PUNK HAZARD.]


Voice Over: The One Woman Machine


[We see a shot of BLo staring at the camera intensely, sweat pouring down her face. We then cut back to the sunset in downtown San Francisco.]


Voice Over: The Story Awaits....


["D.O.A." is then heard as the screen transitions to the Character Select menu. We then see the menu being scrolled until it lands on both Alexis Quinne and Brittany Lohan. Their two stills are then shown.]


Voice Over: Main Event: Battle of the Bay!: Brittany Lohan Vs Alexis Quinne!

This brings us back to the Bill Graham where the fans applaud. The lights then go dark and the crowd immediately cheers. A few seconds go by and the crowd start to anticipate what's coming next. We then hear the sound of Suddenly, DJ Joel plays the opening to the iconic Terminator 2: Judgement Day is then heard to cheers. The lights start to flash silver and white with every sound of the military drum. Slowly, the stage starts to become filled with smoke as the music kicks into gear. This is when we then see a figure emerge from an elevator lift; the figure being illuminated by the smoke. The figure also has something in her hands, which can't be seen right away. The crowd starts to boo, realizing who this figure is. The main beat to the theme is played, now without the background music. It's at that moment where the music then stops; leaving the woman still in the smoke.


The crowd boos but there's some cheers there as the figure stands in the smoke for a bit moments longer. Soon, the SaboTron displays a shot that simply reads "Wanted" with Brittany Lohan's face on the picture. The bottom of the picture reads "WANTED DEAD or ALIVE". The lights then quickly switch to yellow and black as DJ Joel plays "Ironside" from Kill Bill Vol 1. They flash continuously until the snip ends with the smoke fading away and we get a shot of Brittany Lohan, donning a black Military jacket with black studded shoulder pads, posing with El Rudo's mask in her hands, like a king who has beheadedd an enemy. The crowd boos heavily as "I Am Machine" by Three Days Grace is played by DJ Joel. Brittany looks at the crowd with her icy glare. She looks everything but relaxed, looking like she’s ready to strike at the drop of a dime like a coiled cobra.


With clenched fists, Rudo's mask, gritted teeth, and glaring icy eyes… Lohan starts to make her way down to the ring methodically. Lohan is taking slow, calculated, but powerful steps towards the ring. The camera gets a close up on her icy eyes as she pan around the arena. Camera zooms out to see the fans closest to the ramp yelling at her and she snarls at a few of them get a little too vocal with her. Once her eyes turn to the ring, she shuts out the noise from the fans. As she nears the squared circle, Lohan slows down to a snails pace as she proceeds to walk around the perimeter of the ring with her eyes closed. This gives the crowd more time to boo her venomously. When she’s satisfied she opens her eyes and reaches up to grab the bottom rope with her right hand and pulls herself up onto the apron only allowing one knee to touch before she rolls into the ring.


With Lohan in the ring she stands up and walks to the middle of the ring, where she hoist up Rudo's mask to more intense boos from the crowd. Brittany looks unbothered and settles towards walking to a nearby corner and begins to stretch. Her music starts to fade, with Brittany's eyes looking at the curtains.


Cash: One of the most intimidating glares you will ever see. When you're in this woman's way, in most cases, it's curtains for you.


Myers: Brittany Lohan's career can be defined in a few words. Carnage everywhere. And she's always done things her way.


Cash: And look, she still has Rudo's mask in her hands. She's keeping it as an example to everyone about how deadly she can be. As if we needed any reminders.


Brittany's eyes never leave the curtains as she drowns out the crowd booing her. She takes some time to look around every now and then, but her main focus remains the curtain. This is when the lights soon go out again and the crowd cheers.




The chant grows louder and louder as the arena continues to be engulfed in darkness. A few moments go by before the spotlight shows two kids, one boy and one girl, walk out to the ramp. The boy is dressed in a black dress shirt with black pants. The girl is dressed in a black summer dress. The noticeable thing, though, is the fact that both have black and white skull face paint on and have baskets in their hands. The two kids soon reach inside their basket, pulling out black rose pedals. They start to throw them in the air as we then hear a slow, melancholy rhythm begin to play thanks to DJ Joel.




This sound is repeated in a somber, haunting fashion as the two kids walk down the ramp, throwing the black rose pedals on the ground. The kids smile at the fans in the front row, giving a somewhat uneasy vibe about the manner. Once they reach ringside, the sound stops before we hear a loud, piercing, scream pierce through the loudspeakers. "Village of Whispers" from the Xbox One Killer Instinct game is then heard thanks to DJ Joel as all eyes then turn to the SaboTron. We cut to a shot outside the Bill Graham, where there's a slew of people grunting and walking slowly inside the arena. The crowd roars when the camera captures the macabre appearance of these people; wearing nothing but grey, wore out cloths over their bodies with grey face paint on and disheveled hair, almost like ghost or zombies. We see several of these people slowly walk past the camera, with some showing their teeth. The shot also shows Grundy, Nikki Love and Siouxsie Blade in the crowd of people as well.


The camera then zooms out, showing the hoards of people from an airbourne position. When they zoom in just a little, we can then see in the crowd of people, someone in a wore out red kimono carrying a sticky with a blade on the edge. Her head is twisted to the side as she marches alongside the crowd, the crowd soon erupting when they realize the girl in red is Alexis Quinne, cosplaying as Hisako from the Killer Instinct game.


We then cut back to the arena, where he lights are now flashing green and silver as the song kicks into gear. The crowd soon claps along to the beat as we then see some of the hoard of "ghost/zombies" push their way through the curtains. One by one, they slowly file out, walking down the ramp as slowly as they can. The cameras picks up the sounds of grunting from these "ghost/zombies" as more start to come out from the curtains. Soon, Grundy, Siouxsie Blade and Nikki Love emerge with a few others to cheers. They don't react, instead walking down to the ring slowly along with the others. The hoards of people soon form two lines, leaving the middle of the ramp open for Alexis, who slowly pushes through the curtains to massive cheers. Alexis tilts her head to the side of the blade, before then pushing her knees inwards.


Alexis soon stands up and walks slowly with her blade. The ghost/zombies" all gaze at her as she walks to the ring. We then fade into an image of Brittany Lohan in the ring, looking stone faced. Alexis soon reaches ringside and starts to walk up the steel steps with her stick. She looks out at the crowd and extends her arms before crouching to her knees on the apron to cheers. Alexis then rolls into the ring and when she looks up, she looks directly at Brittany. Brittany glares at her before Alexis looks up at the ceiling and belts out a haunting yell to cheers. Alexis screams as long as she can before she stops and then crawls to the corner opposite of Brittany. When the lights come back up, we see Alexis' grey face paint, her white, pupiless eyes and huge black shadows around her eyes. The crowd goes crazy as Alexis stares daggers at Brittany, who never lets her gaze leave Alexis. The "ghost/zombies" soon start heading to the back.


Cash: You feel that Myers? This is going to be a showdown. These two just do not like each other. You can just feel the energy in the arena right now.


Myers: You know, I remember booking Alexis when she first graduated from Golden Gate Wrestling Academy. She was young, wet behind the ears and had an attitude that rubbed people the wrong way. But even then she wanted to be great. Despite her weaknesses in the ring, she believed she would be something in this business. Four years later, she is. And while there is a lot of people that do not like this young lady, to which personally I can understand as her and I have had a few encounters, you can not deny her passion for this.


Cash: You said it best. Most people don't like her because of her personality and the things that she does. But this is home for her and she LOVES where she comes from. These people seem to be returning the favor.


Alexis and Brittany stare at each other as DJ Joel Ortiz starts to speak.


DJ Joel: Yo, yo, check it! THIS...this right here? This is the....MAAAAAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! This is what you've all been waiting to see! Are y'all ready?


The crowd cheers.


DJ Joel: Nah, nah, I said, are y'all REAADY?


The crowd cheers louder.


DJ Joel: Alright. Introducing first, holding it down from San Diego.


The crowd immediately boos.


DJ Joel: This girl is one of the most dangerous, one of the most vicious and one of the hottest females in the game today. Everywhere she goes, she's putting a hurtin' on people. 2x time SCW Underground Champion, 2x World Tag Team Champion, and she was apart of the 2013 Trios Tournament Winning team. She's representating herself and honestly, that's how she likes it. World Hazard, I give to you, the War Machine, the Destroyer, the Final Solution to Pro Wrestling, BRITTTANY....LOHAN!!!


The crowd boos as Brittany hoist up El Rudo's mask to the masses once more. She then turns around and places the mask onto the ring post. She takes off her jacket and tosses it to the outside.


DJ Joel: And introducing her opponent....


The crowd erupts in cheers.


DJ Joel: Y'all know what it is. 5'3, 110 pounds of Pint Sized Awesomeness. If you tell her she can't do something, she'll look at you dead in the eye and then go out and do it. Everyting she does, she puts all of her soul into it. She's the leader of the PUNK HAZARD culture, the founder of the group. She's one of the reasons why this show is going on. But most importantly, she would like y'all to know that she is born and raised in SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA!


The crowd erupts in cheers.


DJ Joel: Ladies and gentleman, some of y'all love her...some of y'all hate her...ALEXXISSSS QUINNNNNE!


Quinne doesn't react, instead keeping her attention on Brittany. The crowd chatters in anticipation as the referee then walks over to both Brittany and Alexis, giving each a final pat down. Once he's finished, he then walks towards the direction of the ringkeeper and signals for the bell. The bell then sounds.




Myers: Here we go!


Cash: Ah, Alexis isn't wasting time!


Alexis quickly charges to Brittany, but only meets a stiff clothesline by the arm of Brittany. The crowd boos but Alexis gets back to her feet and charges at Brittany again. Brittany, once again, takes her down with a hard clothesline. Alexis hits the mat hard, holding her chest before Brittany drags her up by the hair and then tosses her through the middle roped and to the outside. BLo quickly rolls out of the ring before picking Alexis and then sending her back first into the corner barricade! Alexis falls to the floor, holding her back before BLo picks up Alexis and then tosses her over the guardrail and into the lap of a few lucky fans.


Myers: This is quickly spilling out into the crowd.


Cash: BLo promised no remorse. Alexis tried to come in hot but Brittany put the brakes to that from the get go.


Brittany then comes over the guardrail before grabbing Alexis. Some of the fan members in the arena crowd the two as Brittany picks Alexis up the stairs before slamming her head into the arm post. Quinne collaspes onto the pole but Brittany grabs her and then orders a fan to get out of the way. The fan does and then BLo drives Quinne face first into the seat. The crowd oohs as BLo turns around and throws her arms up to boos. Quinne tries to crawl down the aisle of fans but Brittany grabs her by the back of her kimono and brings her to her feet. Blo puts Alexis in a side headlock as they walk out of the aisle and then up some more steps. Blo then throws Alexis violently into a few fans to oohs. Quinne rolls off and lands on the feet of those fans as BLo then grabs Alexis again. Quinne fires off a few shots to the midsection of BLo but Lohan stops her offense with a knee that causes Alexis to take a tumble down the flight of stairs.


Cash: Quinne is rolling down the stairs like in those cartoons where they throw the rock down the hill. This is getting ugly.


Myers: Lohan is all business and she has Quinne in her sights.


Quinne lands on a few stairs as BLo stalks her. The fans continue to crowd the two as BLo then pushes Quinne down a few stairs until she's at the end. BLo then grabs Quinne by the hair and then grabs her back to the guardrail, where she launches Alexis over. Alexis lands back first onto the mat as BLo then climbs back over the guardrail and back towards ringside. She grabs Alexis and then tosses her back into the ring. BLo takes a moment to gather herself before she slowly slides into the ring. As she does, Alexis crawls to the other side until she goes underneath the bottom rope and safety goes to the outside before crawling underneath the ring. BLo goes after her, but when she looks to the outside, she realizes that Alexis is nowhere to be found. BLo sports an annoyed expression before she rolls out of the ring. She then lift up the ring curtains to see if she can find Alexis underneath. The crowd soon roars as the camera cut to Alexis emerging from the right of BLo. Quinne then jumps on the apron and walks until she's standing above a kneel down BLo. When BLo gets back up, Alexis runs off the apron and then drills Lohan with a Front Dropkick to the chest! Quinne's back hits the padded floor hard and while the fans roar, Quinne holds her back in pain.


Myers: Dropkick by Alexis! She used some trickery to confuse BLo. A desperate move by someone who's made a living for these survival tactics.


Cash: Crawling under the ring is a classic Alexis move. It somehow works just about every time.


Quinne picks herself up slowly, shaking off the assault by BLo a bit before as BLo starts to stir. Quinne slides into the ring, and waits for BLo to enter the ring. When BLo rest her head on the apron, Alexis charges and knocks her back down with a Baseball Slide! Quinne drops to the canvas, holding her back as BLo remains on the ground, holding her face. Quinne then uses the ropes to pick herself up before she looks around at the crowd. The crowd cheers when they see Alexis ascend up the top rope and then turns to BLo on the outside. The crowd stands up as BLo is slow to make her feet but when she does, Alexis jumps off and hits a Shooting Star Press onto a standing BLo! The crowd roars as Quinne lands on top of BLo!


Cash: Was that the Quinnestinal Dream?


Myers: It sure looks like it! Normally, she hits that move when the opponent is on the ground, but Alexis is going all out right here! What a sensational move!


The crowd chants Alexis' name as she slowly gets up and then slowly has to work to bring BLo to her feet before shoving her inside. Quinne holds her back and then the back of her head before gingerly sliding into the ring and scoring the first pinfall of the night;






BLo literally powers out at two; tossing her to the side. The crowd oohs as Quinne immediately runs back to Brittany, nailing her with right hand after right hand to cheers. Quinne puts a stomp to the back of BLo for good measure as BLo gets to seated position. Quinne turns to the ropes and starts to run in their direction. Quinne comes back with a full head of steam and goes for a Shinning Wizard with her exposed knees but Brittany catches her! The crowd oohs as Brittany then gets to her feet, with Alexis in a Powerbomb position, before running and then slamming Quinne violently into the corner. The crowd boos as Quinne falls to the mat in a heap!


Cash: Ouch! Quinne is going to feel that in the morning.


Myers: That corner powerbomb was nasty. The whiplash that Quinne's neck took when it hit the corner did not look good. And she's currently down on the mat,


Cash: And BLo is just smiling, knowing she has her right where she wants her.


Quinne starts to stir as BLo stands above her, smiling. BLo grabs Quinne before whipping her to the corner. BLo takes a step back before charging ahead, nailing Alexis with a Corner Clothesline. Alexis slumps in the corner a bit as BLo then walks to the opposite corner before turning and looking at Alexis again. BLo then charges once again, landing an even stiffer clothesline to the chest of Alexis as she drops to the mat. BLo then turns to the crowd and taunts them.


BLo: This is your hero right? This is your girl right?!


The crowd boos as Alexis starts to crawl for safety. BLo is there to stop her, bringing her up to her knees just to knee her in the chest. Alexis slumps on the mat and BLo then sends another vicious knee to the chest, sending Alexis to the mat. BLo smiles as she circles around Alexis, who starts to crawl around the ring. BLo then steps back and places a punt kick to the gut of Alexis, who then rolls around the ring and yells in pain. As she rolls to her back, BLo then walks on Alexis' back as a sign of disrespect.


Myers: Brittany Lohan is methodically ripping Alexis apart here. Everything she's doing is calculated and everything is being handled with a level of viciousness that you would come to expect from Brittany Lohan.


Cash: There's not that many people who are as dominant on offense as Brittany Lohan. She's just toying with Alexis and if she isn't careful, Brittany is going to put her on the shelf.


Alexis starts to get to a kneel position. BLo then runs to the front in front of Alexis. BLo runs back and then drills Alexis in the face with a Yakuza Kick! The crowd boos as Alexis rolls around the ring, holding her face. BLo stands up and taunts the crowd once more, to boos. The fans soon start to chant Alexis' name as they try to rally the leader of PUNK HAZARD. BLo grabs Alexis by the hair and brings her slowly to her feet. Alexis then suddenly steps on the foot of Brittany, which causes BLo to wince in pain a bit. BLo steps back a bit as Alexis retreats to the corner. BLo charges in but Alexis sidesteps and BLo hits the corner hard. Alexis holds the back of her head and her back before she sees BLo stumbling on her feet and then gets behind her and rolls her up;






Brittany powers out. Both competitors get to their feet. Alexis runs to Brittany in a Wheelbarrow manner before rolling under and holding up BLo's legs while having her in a pinning position;






Britt powers out at two! Both women reach their feet yet again. Brittany swings but Alexis ducks. When Britt turns around, Alexis greets her with a hard smack to the face!


Cash: Damn, you could hear that slap from LA all the way to here.


Myers: This is getting personal quickly.You saw in the video package, these two don't like each other. Alexis' unique offense normally draws the ire of her opponents and in this case, it looks like she's relishing in that fact with BLo.


Cash: She wants to piss her off for some reason. BLo spent the first part of this match dismantling her but yet she wants to anger her even more. Alexis might have a death wish.


Quinne sticks her tongue out and smirks and goes for another strike but BLo slacks her arm down and then strikes her with a sickening headbutt! Alexis immediately drops to the mat as BLo is taken aback by the blow. The crowd oohs as now, some blood begins to trickle from BLo's head.


Myers: Dear god, did you hear that sound?


Cash: That's what happens when one skull bashes into another one. God that sound is already echoing through my head, Myers. And I can't help but cringe.


Myers: That was disturbing to watch and to hear, but that just shows how personal this is and how much these two want to hurt each other,


The referee checks on a fallen Alexis to see if she can . Alexis moves a bit, showing some life as Brittany falls back onto the ropes, holding her head a bit. Alexis continues to move around the ring as Brittany looks around in disgust.




Alexis continue to stir as the referee checks on her. As he backs off, Brittany shoves the referee out of the way and violently brings Alexis to her feet. Brittany grabs one of Alexis' arms before pulling Alexis closer to her, dropping her with a Short Arm Clothesline. Alexis falls to the mat but BLo picks up Alexis before hitting her with another. BLo mouths out to the crowd to boos before picking up Alexis a third time before clotheslining her to the ground. Alexis falls to the mat and starts rolling around.


Myers: The ruthlessness of Brittany Lohan is uncanny. She isn't letting up an inch. She's making sure she puts constant pressure onto Alexis, giving her little to no room at all.


Cash: And have you noticed? She hasn't attempted one pin fall all match. She hasn't even bothered to try. She's more interested in trying to cripple Alexis than win this match. And look, no DQs, no countouts so anything she wants to do to Alexis, she can. And the only thing the ref can do is stop Brittany from committing murder. Everything else is legal.


Alexis stirs as BLo watches her crawl. She smiles before she brings Alexis to her feet one more. She then hoist up Alexis and places her onto her shoulder. Quinne then starts to struggle, elbowing BLo in the ground trying to break free but Brittany seems largely unfazed. Alexis then directs her hands towards Brittany's eyes and she starts to rakes them. BLo staggers a bit on her feet as Quinne pushes it further, deciding to actually try to gouge BLo's eyes. It's enough to cause BLo to drop Alexis onto the canvas. Alexis is slow to recover before she uses the ropes to get to her feet. Alexis staggers, however, and when BLo has shaken off the attack on her eyes, she runs and tries to tackle Alexis. Quinne sidesteps and BLo goes through the corner and her right shoulder goes first into the post. The crowd roars as BLo is seen yelling in pain, the small line of blood still visible, before slumping into a seated position in the corner. Alexis holds her head a bit before she struggles to her feet. She turns around and sees the position BLo is currently in and the crowd cheers her own. Alexis gives BLo a gun gesture before she runs in and drills BLo in the mouth with a basement dropkick! The crowd roars as Alexis is quick to get on top of BLo and make a cover;






Brittany rolls the shoulder at two. Alexis looks at the ref before falling to the mat in pain. The crowd chants for Alexis as BLo starts to stir and even make her way up to her feet as Alexis stays on the ground. Alexis starts to get up but BLo is there to check her with a knee to Alexis' chest. BLo picks up Alexis and scoops her. Alexis slips through the back. She wraps her arms around BLo's waist but BLo elbows her in the side of the head to break free. Alexis staggers and BLo charges. Alexis kicks out BLo's legs and her chest lands on the middle rope. Alexis holds her head before she gets to her feet and starts to run the ropes. She comes back and places her knee to the back of Brittany's head! The crowd roars as Alexis falls onto BLo:






BLo powers out at two, launching Alexis off her again!


Cash: Even with the punishment that she's been given, BLo can still just throw Quinne off her like it's nothing.


Myers: You see the urgency in Quinne's eyes here. She's taken a lot of damage and you know that she wants to win this match more than anything. The only pinfalls in this match have come from her.


Cash: And that's the thing. BLo wants to knock out Alexis but she keeps coming back. Alexis wants to win this, hook or crook, but BLo has so much in her tank that she's going to have to do more to even leave a dent.


Myers: Quinne is driven by the mindset that winning and losing means everything in life. It's this principle that motivates everything that she does.  It's this mentality that pushes her forward.


Alexis turns and looks at BLo, who slowly starts to reach a vertical base. Alexis grits her teeth and gets to her feet. Alexis repeatedly clubs the back of BLo until Lohan shoves Alexis off. Alexis rolls backwards and charges at BLo. BLo goes for a clothesline but Alexis slides underneath. BLo turns around and grabs Quinne. She scoops her up once again but Alexis slides through once more and then time, uses her strength to shove BLo chest first into the corner. BLo bounces off and Alexis soon runs to the ropes in front of her. Alexis bounces off and then goes low, rolling up BLo with the Jack in a Box Cradle!


Cash: Jack in a Box Cradle! Jack in a Box Cradle!


Myers: She has her!


The crowd chants in unison.






The crowd gasp but then boos as Brittany powers out at the last second. Alexis looks at the referee and mouths off to him as he confirms to her that it was a two count. Alexis holds her head and and her back as she gets to her feet. the crowd is on theirs, cheering on for Alexis while BLo is stirring. Alexis goes and runs to the ropes. When she doesn't know is when she turned her back, Brittany gets up and runs to the adjacent ropes. When Alexis runs back, she stops realizing BLo isn't in front of her. And that's when BLo comes to Alexis' side full speed and sends her across the ring with a Pounce! The crowd oohs but then boos as Alexis underneath the bottom turnbuckle.


Myers: Brittany Lohan just sent Alexis across the ring with the Pounce. She nearly sent her out of the ring!


Cash: That's pure, 100% power right there. That's like a linebacker tackling you from your blindside at full speed. Quinne is down and out right now.


Brittany soon stands up and her face tells the story. The rage that's boiling over is evident as she waste no time dragging Alexis to the middle of the ring and surprisingly everyone by pinning her;






Alexis rolls the shoulder at two!


Cash: Woah, BLo finally attempted a pin there. She went this long without going for one. I wonder what changed.


Myers: She senses that the match is getting intense. Quinne almost got her with the Jack in the Box Cradle. I think her aim was to maim Quinne and just go for a stoppage but Quinne has been so relentless and came close to beating her with that Jack in the Box Cradle. One thing's for certain, BLo does NOT want to lose to Alexis and so now, I think she's done playing games.


Cash: Yup, looking at her face, I would agree with that.


The anger in BLo's face is shown on her face as the crowd cheers Alexis on. BLo yanks Alexis to her feet. Quinne wildly punches away at BLo's chest to no avail. Blo then tosses Quinne like a rag doll. Quinne gets a kneel position and Lohan kicks her straight in the face. Lohan then lowers down and then lands a knee to the top of Quinne's head. Quinne covers up as Lohan lands another knee and then another knee. Lohan soon stops and the small trickle of blood comes down as Lohan starts to seethe. Lohan then drags Alexis towards the apron as Lohan exists the ring. BLo then places Quinne's neck back first on the apron. Quinne remains hung as Lohan stomps her way up the steel steps and looks at the crowd. They boo her before she runs off and then lands on top of Quinne with a Leg Drop! The crowd oohs as Quinne rolls around in pain as BLo rolls back into the ring and covers;






Alexis rolls the shoulder at two! Lohan slaps the mat in frustration before she turns around and looks at Alexis. The crowd chants Alexis once more as Brittany shoves Alexis back to the canvas. We get a shot of Britt's face as she stalks Alexis. BLo waits for Alexis to reach a vertical base and when she does, she charges in. Alexis suddenly charges at the same time and meets her with an Elbow Smash. BLo staggers towards the ropes as Alexis hits the canvas but she slowly gets back up. Quinne then goes up to Lohan and then delivers multiple forearm, with every shot drawing a cheer from the crowd. Quinne then turns to the ropes but Lohan grabs her before she can run. Quinne desperately tries to fight off Lohan's grip with elbows but an elbow by Lohan sends Quinne to her knees. Lohan then drapes one of Quinne's arms over her head. She lifts her up up, ready to bring her down with a Side Slam Backbreaker but in mid air, Quinne swings her legs over to Lohan's free arm and then uses Lohan's body weight to slam her on the back of her neck in a Crucifix pin!


Cash: Quinne reverses! Quinne reverses into a Crcuicix!


Myers: Here's the cover;






Quinne then lets go to transition for the Dreadnaught Plata! The crowd roars. Lohan tries to fight out of it by denying Quinne her arm as Quinne moves her right foot behin Lohan's head. Quinne lets out a fiery roar as she inches closer and closer until she has the Dreadnaught Plata locked it!


Cash: New Lexi Pain Trip! She's got in locked in!


Myers: She actually changed the name after the trip to Mexico. That's the Dreadnaught Plata now.


Cash: I have no idea what the hell that means!


Quinne wrenches back on the shoulder as BLo screams in pain. The crowd cheer on Alexis, hoping for a tapeout from BLo. Quinne wrenches backwards, but this causes her to lose grip on the hold. She then quickly scranbles forward, trying to recapture the arm of BLo. This allows BLo to slowly rise to her feet with Alexis now on her shoulders.


Myers: Look at the strength by BLo!


Cash: Qunne's small, I know, but she just got up with Quinne on her back!


Quinne fights to break free but BLo drops her to mat feet first and then drills her with a closed fist! The crowd oohs as Quinne drops to her knees and then Lohanrams her right knee into the temple of Quinne. Quinne falls backwards and Lohan covers;






Alexis kicks out at two again! Lohan snaps at the referee as the crowd chants for Alexis. These chants start to grow louder as El Rudo soon emerges from the curtain and runs down to the ring, still in his cosplay, but now with a Kylo Ren mask.


Cash: Rudo! Rudo! Rudo is here! Rudo is here! I thought BLo took him out?


Myers: I guess she didn't. And look at him, he's getting the crowd on their feet!


Rudo runs til he's at ringside where from there, he slaps the apron continuously to rile up Alexis and the crowd. Lohan turns and sees Rudo and gives him a death look. That doesn't break her focus from Alexis, who she slowly picks up. She places Alexis' head between her legs. At first, it looks like she might go for the Final Solution but instead, she lifts her up, looking for a traditional Powerbomb. Quinne once again starts landing right and left hands out of desperation, but nothing breaks Brittany's grip. Quinne looks around, panciking, before leaning down and biting Brittany on the top of the head. She continues this until Lohan lets go of her. Quieen then positions herself in a position where one could hit a Electric Chair Drop. Quinne then leans backwards, driving Lohan head to the mat with a Reverse Frankensteiner! The crowd jumps to their feet as does Rudo, who jumps on the apron, yelling for Alexis to get a cover. Quinne slowly does so;






Lohan kicks out at the last second! The crowd ohs as Quinne argues with the ref before clutching her head and back. The crowd chants for Alexis yet again as does Rudo. Alexis turns and looks at him for the first time. Rudo then gives Alexis her trademark thumbs down gesture, to which the crowd roars, Quinne nods before she does the gesture herself. She picks herself up as Lohan starts to retreat to the corner. The fire in Alexis' eyes is on display as she responds by kicking Lohan in the face, then by slapping her across the face! This seems to anger BLo as Alexis slaps BLo on the top of her head and sends a knee to BLo's jaw. This causes BLo to suddenly stand  up! Alexis slaps her head as Brittany grabs her by the throat. Alexis responds by spiting in her face! She then does it again, followed by landing a hard shot to BLo's jaw. BLo pushes her back a couple feet before turning an 180 and then blasting Alexis with a Discus Clothesline that turns Alexis inside out! The crowd oohs as both are both!


Cash: Discus clothesline and Jesus Christ, did that have some mustard to it!


Myers: You just saw that exchange. There's nothing but hatred between these two. Neither wants to lose to the other. Neither wants to be the one that loses here!


Both women start to stir. Rudo slaps the apron, cheering for Alexis to reach a vertical base. BLo is the first to her feet. She staggers when she's up there, but she gradually brings Alexis to her feet. She then lift up Alexis and places her on the top rope. The crowd oohs as Brittany then slowly ascends. Brittany bends Alexis over and clubs her in the back a few times. Brittany then looks down at the mat before back to Alexis. Brittany than underhooks both of Alexis' arms; causing the crowd to immediately panic!


Myers: No...there's no way. There's just no way,


Cash: Is she looking for the Final Solution.,..from the top? She would break Alexis' neck!


Myers: Brittany is looking to put Alexis down once and for all!


Rudo urges for Alexis to fight out as does the crowd. Alexis fights off by moving her body and not standing still. This causes BLo to temporarily lose her grip and then land back onto the mat. Brittany looks frustrated as she then climbs back up the turnbuckles, this time to the top. BLo lands a hard forearm that dazes Alexis and then another one. Alexis wobbles on the top rope but she fires back with a forearm of her own. BLo is a bit woozy but responds with another hard forearm shot that rocks Alexis. Alexis teeters on the top, but she grabs Lohan's head and brings her closer. Quinne then bites the top of BLo's head again to cheers! Lohan soon breaks free, but holds the top of her head. Out of desperation, Alexis lunges her head onto Brittany's, causing another thud to be heard. The crowd oohs as Lohan watches her legs get tangled on the top ropes as she hangs upside down in the Tree of Woe! The crowd roars, realizing this is a golden opportunity for Quinne, who doesn't capitalize right away because of the headbutt and the pain she's currently in. BLo tries to wiggle out of this. In fact, she even starts to using her leg strength to swing her body back upwards. Quinne then stands on the top turnbuckle and then jumps off, driving her two feet into the chest of BLo as her head and shoulder hit the canvas hard! The crowd roars!


Myers: Oh my goodness! Quinne just jumped up and landed on Lohan's chest as she was trying to pull herself up.


Cash: Shades of Taking Hold of the Flame 2015! Can she follow up though?


Lohan remains on the mat, unmoving as Quinne is seen holding her back and head. Rudo yells at her to get up as does the crowd. Quinne soon uses the ropes as a way to pick herself up. She then turns and sees BLo, who's starting to stir. Alexis uses all of her strength to drag BLo away from the corner. Alexis then climbs up the turnbuckle gingerly. She gets to the top and takes some time to balance herself. Once she does, she jumps off and lands with the Thousand Sunny! The 5,982 in the Bill Graham stand up onto their feet as Quinne stands on top of BLo as the referee makes the count;








The crowd collectively cheers as the bell rings as Quinne rolls off of Lohan! Rudo runs into the ring and tends to Alexis!


DJ Joel: The winner of this match....ALEXXIS QUINNNE!


Rudo pours some water onto the face of Alexis while a few of the medical staff slides into the ring to check on BLo. "S Stranger I Remain" is played by DJ Joel.


Myers; What an absolute war. Not your typical main event match. There was nothing pretty about this match. These two were looking for a fight. BLo gave that young lady the fight of her life and in return, BLo made Alexis resort to her basics instincts to survive and later, to win. A gusty performance by Alexis here.


Cash: That';s been the theme of the night. You saw Ricky Octavius and Celeste Mallory dig deep. You saw Jester Funn do the same. You could even say that about Riku Kinuobu. These guys that are considered the future of this business were put in an environment to sink or swim. That goes for Alexis herself. And like all of those names, Alexis floated tonight.


Alexis soon gets to a seated position and with the help of Rudo, gets to her feet. The crowd remains on their feet as the referee goes and raises the arm of Alexis to massive cheers. Alexis then turns to Rudo, the latter hugging her. The two longtime friends stand in the middle of the ring, embracing each other before Quinne slumps back to the ground, bruised and exhausted. Quinne's music shortly starts to fade as a microphone is then passed in the ring to her. Meanwhile, Brittany Lohan is able to get to a seated position. She shoves off help from the medical team. This is when Rudo comes from behind her and starts to stomp her in the back. Rudo goes to continue the assault but BLo slowly gets to her feet, causing the 22 year old to immediately run to the outside to laughs from the crowd. BLo looks at Rudo with annoyance before she turns to Alexis, who has a cocky grin on her face. Quinne mouths a few words to BLo, who responds by simply shoving Quinne down to the canvas! The crowd boos and BLo gives them the middle finger before sliding out of the ring and walking to the back, holding her neck and back in pain. This leaves Alexis and El Rudo in the ring by themselves.


The crowd remains on their feet, applauding Alexis as she starts to loosen up her red kimono, revealing a black tanktop and black jeans shorts underneath. Alexis kneels on the canvas as Rudo then motions for a staff member to toss in an ice pack. The young man does and Rudo grabs it from the canvas and hands it to Alexis. Alexis places it on her neck with her left hand as her right hands as the mic in her hands.


Alexis: It's all good guys, it's all good. Don't get mad at Brittany for being a sore loser. It's ok if she doesn't want to admit it. That I'm better than her because all of you here and everyone watching around the world just saw me kick her ass!


The crowd roars as Alexis starts to cough a bit in pain. She smirks though.


Alexis: Brittany just learned a valuable lesson and it's simple.....no one messes with my friends!


The crowd cheers some more. Alexis then points to Rudo.


Alexis: This guy right here, this guy...if there's anyone responsibility for PUNK HAZARD's success, it's this dude right here. You all don't see the work he puts in behind the scenes. You all don't see how this guy right here has been one of the key people in the culture. This guy doesn't get the credit he deserves and so when someone goes and rips off his mask, then that means I'm coming for your ass!


The crowd roars as Rudo looks around.


Alexis: This guy is my best friend, the best roomie I've ever had and Black Saboady Parade? yeah Black Saboady Parade?...Guys, guys...Black Saboady Parade doesn't happen without this guy. Now, I know we have lot of different types of people here and I believe we got some people all the way from Japan here. Real quick, if you're from Japan, make some noise!


We hear a few sections of the crowd cheering.


Alexis: Good, well this is where I hand it off to Rudo to say a little message for all of you guys. Rudo?


Alexis then hands the mic to Rudo, to the cheers of the crowd.




Cash: has Rudo ever been cheered in his life? This HAS to be a first?


Rudo allows the crowd to chant his name, even doing a little gyrating before he brings the microphone up to his lips.


Rudo: Oi, oi, oi, sora, sora, sora, sora, omae!


The crowd cheers.


Rudo: Hey everyoen! What is up because El Rudo is in the house!


Crowd roars. Rudo smirks.


Rudo: Hey, hey, hey, listen. That's not all. North Tribe is in the house!


Rudo and Quinne share a fist pound as the crowd cheers.


Rudo: Watashi...watashi wa El Rudo ga iitai koto o motte irunode appu kiku tame ni mina ga hitsuyōdesu!


Rudo pauses.


Rudo: Watashi... wa 2-nen mae ni Nihon o sarimashita. Watashi wa hidari no mae ni watashi ga hoka no doko ni sunde ita koto ga arimasen. Shikashi, watashi no Nihon no kyōdai to soko shimai, tatoe no tame ni ima, San Francisco wa watashinoiedesu. Kono Ni~Tsu Goma, watashi wa hokkaidō o daihyō shi, daremoga Kitachōsen-gawa no daun de hoji shimasu!


The Japanese fans in attendance cheer.


Rudo: Oi, Watashi ga satta toki, watashi wa jibun no ashi de kurushinde imashita. Watashi no torēnā no ōku wa, watashi ga imamade puroresu ni narudarou to wa omoimasendeshita. Karera wa dotanba no doryoku to shite, koko de watashi o okurimashita. Imakoko rekishī, PUNK HAZARD de, watashi wa karera ga watashi o koko ni sōshin shi, kore made watashi ni okoru tame no saizen no kotodatta to iu koto ga dekimasu. Ima kara? Watashi wa karera ga machigatte shōmei shite imasu. Watashi wa ima, hijō ni yūmeidesu!


The Japanese fans laugh.


Rudo: Shinji nasai! Sore wa hontōdesu. Anata wa sore ga wakatte imasu.


More laughter as does Rudo.


Rudo: Shinken ni.... Shinken ni.... Shinken El Rudo no yakusoku wa, nō, nō,


Rudo wags his finger,


Rudo:  Harada, Tasuku wa subete watashi no tamashī to Hokkaidō, Nihon o daihyō shimasu!


Japanese fans cheer.


Rudo: Oi, madda madda, Okāsan...otōsan.....aishite imasu....SOSHITE,.. min'na no tame ni kimashita, Thank You! ARIGATO!


The fans cheer as Rudo then hands the mic over to Alexis. Soon, we then see Nikki Love, Jack Parker, Grundy, Tabula Rasa, Vikki Venom and KIRA Nakajima walk from the curtain. They soon walk down to the ramp and one by one they enter the ring. Alexis looks around.


Alexis: I also know that we got some Mexican and Puerto Ricans in the house. Boricua! Where you guys at huh?


A nice portion of the Hispanic crowd cheers. Alexis coughs a bit more, still reeling from the match.


Alexis: Nice, nice. Well, since I know a little Spanish, though I've forgotten a lot. My message to you is going to be simple. So here goes.


Alexis prepares herself.


Alexis: A mis niños y niñas que han traído ese fuego latino...Gracias por venir a apoyarnos .Ustedes saben cómo matarlo! Y aprecio el amor que me y PUNK HAZARD has dado . Una vez más , gracias.


The crowd claps as Alexis looks around. She remains on her knees, still selling her injuries.


Alexis: Now that we got that out of the way, World Hazard, did you guys enjoy the show?


A rousing "YES" is heard.


Alexis: Good, good because I remember when i first came up with this idea and I had all these crazy thoughts about how it could go down and what would happen. But this...this exceeds even what i thought would happen. Seriously, 25,000 of you guys buying tickets. 5,982 people here right now. That's..beyond what I thought would happen. But it goes to show that no other city, no other country, no other place can measure up to the Bay!


The crowd roars as Alexis nods.


Alexis: There's not one cit in this country that could tune out like you guys have. And that's why this show needed to be here. Because we're apart of this community and you guys look to us to represent all of you. So, it's only fair that we return the favor by giving you guys a celebration.


The crowd cheers.


Alexis: I mean really, this is our championship parade since the Sharks and Warriors couldn't give us one.


Crowd boos a bit.


Alexis: I know, I know, but next year. Next year we got this. Plus, we got the Giants. They've won every other year and this year is that other year! Just saying. But, everywhere we go, all we hear is boos. There's a lot of clumpnuggets out there that don't like what they're seeing. And there are a lot of people that boo us because they don't want us to succeed. But there's no boos tonight. Because we're here, surrounded by our friends, our families, our people.


The crowd roars.


Alexis: All of us here, standing in this ring, is going to put the Bay Area wrestling scene on its back. We got all these teams to cheer for. We got the Warriors, the Sharks, the Niners, the Raiders, the Sacremento Kings, the Giants, the A's; well, you guys have two more teams to cheer for....Black Saboady Parade..


Jack throws his arms up in the air as Tabula and Vikki raise up their championship belts. KIRA just holds onto her championship title.


Alexis: And PUNK HAZARD!


The crowd roars. Alexis takes another moment to cough before she looks around.


Alexis: That reminds me, Dante is still not out here. Is she still out there refusing to come out?


Alexis talks to Nikki Love off the mic. Alexis then turns to the audience.


Alexis: You guys want to see Dante come out?


The crowd roars! It doesn't take long for them to chant his name.




The chant before thunderous as Nikki Love and Alexis Quinne encourage the cheers. This goes on for a while before finally, Dante McCaffery pushes through the curtains to massive cheers. Donning a black suit jacket with black slacks, Dante looks around at the crowd with an indifference reaction. He soon makes his way down the ramp as the crowd chants his name. Dante walks up the steel steps and then enters the ring. He turns and glares at Alexis with an indifference look on his face. Alexis gives him a sly smile before he grabs the microphone. Dante turns and faces the crowd. He waits for them to die down before he brings the microphone to his lips.


Dante: You guys wanted to see me?


The crowd roars in approval. Dante starts to walk around the ring.


Dante: You guys wanted to hear from me?


The crowd continues to cheer as Dante's face remains unchanged.


Dante: Fine.


Dante turns about face, staring into the main camera straight ahead.


Dante: Hey! I'm Dante McCaffery. Goodbye!


Dante slams the microphone down and then exists the ring. The crowd laughs and roars as everyone in PUNK HAZARD looks at each other in confusion as Dante starts to make his up the ramp.


Cash: He did say that he would celebrate after the show.....


Dante doesn't turn back to look at the crowd that's chanting for him, choosing to walk through the curtains. Alexis then gets a vertical base, still holding her back and neck, but she gives the crowd an incredulous look.


Alexis: Well, I didn't see that happening.


The crowd laughs.


Alexis: But Dante McCaffery, everyone!


Crowd cheers along.


Alexis: Alright, alright, we got time cues to make here so we gotta wrap it up soon. So before we close, we got a surprise for everyone in the back! That's right, a surprise!


The crowd oohs.


Alexis: Now, disclaimer, this wasn't my idea. This idea is all Rudo here. But throughout the show, Trevor Cash, Franklin Myers over there and Siouxsie Siouxs have been keeping tabs on everyone's performance tonight for this moment. The first ever...World Hazard Awards! Bring them down guys!


The crowd turns to the curtains, where four staff members soon bring out four big, golden trophies. All of them resembling the Stanley Cup Trophy in terms of size, with one being better than the rest. The four staff members bring them down to ringside, where from there, Grundy brings all of them over the top rope and then into the ring. the four trophies sit in a row as PUNK HAZARD stands behind them


Alexis: Thanks guys. So yeah, we got four trophies here, which mean there are only four winners. Before my match took place, all four of these trophies were locked up and voted on. Now what exactly are these trophies you ask? Well, I'm going to tell you. Our first trophy is...the Mera  Mera no mi Breakout Wrestler Award!


The camera pans over to the trophy that has the plague on the bottom that reads exactly that.


Alexis: It's exactly how it sounds. This one goes to the one person that was so under the radar that that person surprised everyone when they came into this ring and killed it. Now, we saw some of these guys that everyone may not know of, make everyone take notice. But in the end, a decision was made. It was tough but the winner of the Mera Mera no m Breakout Wrestler Award goes to....you guys can be the drum roll;


The crowd does just that, making the sound of a drum roll as Alexis looks on.




The crowd roars as they go and chant his name once more. It takes a few moments but the young Riku steps out in front of everyone to cheers. He's still in his ring gear. He looks around a bit in an awkward manner but he slowly makes his way down to the ring. He slides underneath and everyone from PUNK HAZARD steps aside as Alexis shakes hands with Riku before Rudo picks up his trophy and hands it to Riku. Riku looks at it, not believing what's happening, before he raises it up to the audience! The crowd roars as Riku then stands in the middle of the ring with his trophy. Numerous photographers emerge at ringside, taking pictures of Riku with the trophy. This last a few seconds before they're done. Riku then goes to the side as Grundy then holds up another trophy behind Alexis.


Alexis: The next trophy right here is called the Mera Mera no Mi Fighting Spirit Award!


Crowd cheers a bit.


Alexis: This is for the one person that was the most gustiest, the most balliest, the toughest person tonight.The one person that was so determined, that they showed everyone here just how strong they are. And really, everyone, if you think about it, there was only ONE man that deserved this award after their match. Granted, if there was two trophies, we would split this ward and give Celeste Mallory one but..we only have one and draws are for [BLEEP].


The crowd laughs,


Alexis; I'll probably get fined for that. That's fine with me. But yeah, in the end, we can only give this award to one person and that person is.......RICKY OCTAVIUS!


The crowd cheers as slowly, Ricky Octavius makes his way to the ramp, still in his ring gear only with a sky blue "World Hazard Festival" shirt on. He's still reeling from his match and has an ice pack on the back of his neck but he gingerly makes his way down to the ring. He elects to walk up the stairs, where Nikki Love and Jack Parker are there to hold the middle rope for him to enter. When he does, he shakes the hand of El Rudo before Grundy then walks over and holds him his trophy. The crowd chants his name as Ricky smiles and holds his trophy up high! Ricky sports a very humbled expression as he gets on one knee and starts to pose with his trophy to the photographers on the outside. The crowd dies down a bit to allow Ricky to have his moment. Once Ricky is done, they cheer again and he joins Riku to the side of the ring. Tabula Rasa is then seen with a trophy in his hands as Alexis goes to speak.


Alexis:  For the third trophy of the night, honestly, is still undetermined.


The crowd goes to a hushed tone.


Alexis; I know I said that ever away was already determined but..I kinda lied. See because for this trophy, we're going to need your help.


The crowd oohs.


Alexis: Because this next trophy is the Mera Mera no mi Most Popular. Which means that the one person that you guys love the most, gets to have this trophy here. Every single person that competed tonight is in the running except for me. I'm counted out of these awards. And to save all of you guys from running down the list of everyone that wrestled tonight. Instead, we're going to give you gives the floor. You guys shout out who you want to win and whoever starts to get the majority, that person will win. So who'sit going to be?


The crowd starts to chatter among themselves as everyone in PUNK HAZARD awaits an answer. Soon, "We Believe" chants are heard from a portion of the crowd. There's also a few "Asher Hayes" chants sprinkled in as well. These chants don't have much momentum as soon, a "Are We Having Funn" chant emerges along with "Marin" chants. Ricky Octavius gets a few cheers, the camera cuts to a shot of Ricky, looking at the crowd in amazement. We get more small chants for various wrestlers before we get a small "Manvel" chant to start. All of a sudden, it appears that once other members of the crowd hears this, they can behind. Soon, the majority of the crowd is chanting for Manvel. This last for a few seconds, but the chants remain strong. Alexis then brings the microphone up to her lips.


Alexis: Well, looks like we got a winner huh?


Crowd cheers.


Alexis: Alright then. You guys picked him. So that's the way it is. The Mera Mera no mi Most Popular Award goes to....MANVELLLL!


The crowd roars as all eyes dart towards the curtains. Shortly after, Manvel runs out to the ramp, jumping up and down to match the crowd's chants. He pumps his fist in the air as he gallops down to the ring, downright giddy. He chooses to slide into the ring, where Alexis at first goes for a hand shake, but when she sees how oily he is, she steps back and simply leads Tabula hand him the trophy. Manvel jumps up and down when the trophy is in his hands, smiling from ear to ear. His attention is then being forced to the middle of the ring, where the photographers are there to snap a few pictures of him.




Manvel continues to pose with the trophy until the photo session is over. Manvel excitedly walks to the side where Riku and Ricky stand. We then see Vikki Venom pick up the biggest trophy of them all and the crowd oohs when they see its size. Alexis goes to speak again.


Alexis: OK, one more trophy to go. And if you can see, this is the biggest of them all. Because this trophy right here is the most important trophy of the night. This trophy is for that one person that rose above the rest. The one person who's performance was better than everyone. This is...the Mera mera no mi Best Performance Award.


Crowd oohs,.


Alexis: Yeah...yeah I know. It's a big deal and the person who wins this gets to say that they were the best wrestler on this show tonight. Everyone brought it, everyone went all out, but this person stood among them all. Now that you guys know how important this trophy is, let's just get down to it. The winner of this award goes to.....


Alexis pauses, creating anticipation from the crowd. She goes to speak but holds off, further teasing the result. Finally, Alexis speaks into the microphone.


Alexis: The winner is...MARINA VALDVIDA!


The crowd jumps to their feet and cheer as shortly, Marina Valdvida walks out. She takes a moment to soak in the reaction she's receiving as she makes a slow walk down to the ring. She looks speechless as she gets on the apron and then into the ring. Vikki soon hands Marina the trophy and Marina just looks at it for a moment.




Marina starts to tear up again as the crowd showers with chants. She takes a moment to gather herself before she turns to the photographers and begins to pose with the trophy. Marina smiles as she clutches onto the trophy with pride. Once she's finished, she then raises the trophy up for the people to see. They applaud her before she walks to the side of the ring, joining Riku, Ricky and Manvel.


Alexis: There you have it folks. Real quick, I want to say thank you to Justin and Miranda for teaming up with us and making this possible. I want to thank everyone that's watching this at the Hyatt. I want to give a shoutout to the coolest chico in the house, Mister Joel Ortiz.


The crowd cheers as Ortiz tips his cap to Alexis.


Alexis: I want to thank SCW for letting us run this show on their dime and giving up the equipment to do it. Also, for streaming this live to everyone around the world. Thanks to David Helms , Michael Windsor, Tiffany Manning, everyone that runs GCW for giving us the green light to allow their talent to come and wrestle here. And, I want to thank all of you here. I needed this. After the Rise to Greatness Pre-Show, I was heated. But this, this right here reminds me of how far PUNK HAZARD has come and how far we're going to take it. This makes us officially, the number one unit in the Triad and that's something no one can take away from us.


Alexis pauses.


Alexis: Hey, does everyone want to do this again next year?


The crowd roars. Alexis looks around.


Alexis: Well, cheer loud enough because it's up to the city to do that. But until then, once again, thank you all for coming. Remember, at 10, there's gong to be a massive rave being thrown at the Hyatt so if you want to party with us, be there. We'll be up til 3 in the morning. So don't miss it!


Alexis looks around before she speaks yet again.


Alexis: One more thing....when it comes down to it, in case anyone ever forgets, remember that Black Saboady Parade, PUNK HAZARD...and the Bay Area will always....and forever be..


Alexis offers the mic to the crowd, who knows what to say,




Alexis smirks as she speaks on last time.


Alexis: Killing it!


Green, silver and black confetti soon falls from the ceiling as "Flyers" is played by DJ Joel Ortiz. Alexis looks around and smiles widely before Nikki Love comes and hugs her from behind. Alexis laughs as Jack Parker and Tabula shake hands before in general the entire PUNK HAZARD unit celebrates among each other. The four trophy winners holding their trophies up in the air as more confetti starts to fall.


Myers: What a tremendous sight this is. What an incredible night this was where history was made. The first World Hazard Festival is now in the books and I am honored to say I got to be apart of.


Cash: This is a show no one will forget anything soon. And hey, I got some free press because of this. the whole world now knows this face, which means t won't be long until wrestlers start lining up for my services.


Myers: Well, whether that's true or not, ladies and gentleman, this has been the World Hazard Festival. I'm Franklin Myers.


Cash: Trevor Cash here.


Myers: And thank you for tuning in! Until next time!


El Rudo is seen on the top turnbuckle, leading the crowd to move their arms to the left and to the right to the hook of Flyers as the final image is one of Alexis looking at all the confetti dropping, with a look of accomplishment on her face. The SCW logo flashes onto the scene until it slowly fades to black.