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Glory Braddock vs. Abigail Lindsay - Printable Version

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Glory Braddock vs. Abigail Lindsay - Konrad Raab - 09-14-2019

3 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 21, 2019

RE: Glory Braddock vs. Abigail Lindsay - Braddock - 09-18-2019

1 of 2 for this.

Good luck, Randy.

RE: Glory Braddock vs. Abigail Lindsay - Serenity - 09-20-2019

Quote:1 of 2. CD Only. Good luck to you as well, Matt.

                                                                                                                                                                   July 27th, 2019

It has been two days since Abigail went to a bar, drugged, kidnapped, possibly let a random woman to die in an abandoned warehouse. None of that bothers her. She needed an emotional release after the betrayal of Jordan Majors.  With her borderline murderous thoughts out of her system, she sat at home enjoying a nice cooling down period. Abigail, wearing a white silk robe, was sitting at the kitchen table, her Kindle laid out in front of her. “Be A People Person” by John Maxwell was her book of choice. An odd choice for a sociopath to read. Abigail does love reading books of the self-help variety. It is 2 pm in the afternoon. She has kept to herself since the incident at the bar. Not like her and Ravyn Taylor are best friends forever, they kept in touch via text. They had their respective lives. Simple. Clean. Not complicated. Abigail appreciates that, unlike her previous dynamic with Jordan Majors. Abigail's moment of solitude was immediately broken up by a thunderous pounding at the front door. At first, Abigail didn’t care about the knocking, she didn’t dismiss the person on the outside being someone of importance, no one casually knocks that loud on another person's door at 2 in the afternoon. A list of candidates came to mind. She opted to make whoever wants her attention to sweet it out a little while longer. 

The pounding continued for another five minutes. Their dedication was cute at first, almost admirable. As the minutes ticked by, Abigail grew more and more annoyed, it became harder for her to concentrate on reading her book. Unable to take it anymore, Abigail pushes herself from the table, stands up. Storms to the front door like a woman on a mission. She swings the door open, immediately she is greeted with a thunderous slap. Abi closed her eyes. The slap sent her into shock. 

“What’s wrong with you?!” the female voice screamed. 

Now knowing for certain who the slap belonged to, Abigail coldly says. “Took you long enough--” Abigail smirks.  “-- cousin.” Opening her eyes, she looks at Aphrodite Noel. She has her arms crossed. Her eyes give Abigail the impression she wants to kill her. Predictable. 

“Glad this is funny.” Aphrodite scoffs. 

Abigail steps to the side. “Would you like a drink dear cousin of mine?”

“I’d prefer to choke your ass out.” 


“Go to hell.”

“Hell doesn’t exist. We’ve been over this.”

Aphrodite storms inside Abigail’s home. Abi slams the door behind her. It was taking all the self control she had to not strike her cousin. Aphrodite does not wish to make herself comfortable. Instead, she stands not to far from the couch in the living room. With her hands resting on her hips, Aphrodite continues to stare daggers at her own cousin. “Why the hell would you screw Glory out of becoming World Champion. She’s my friend. Our friend. Does any of that matter?”

Bored, Abigail sighs. “Worked up over someone you’re not sleeping with? Latent feeling you’re hiding dear cousin of mine?”

“Would that had made any difference?”

“Well--” Abigail taps her chin. “--no. No it wouldn’t.”

Aphrodite storms at Abigail. She could have moved out of the way. Instead, Abigail allowed Aphrodite to pin her against the wall. Aphrodite’s elbow now rests on her throat. Abi felt goosebumps run up and down her spine, the thrill of being pinned with little escape made her feel, alive. She isn’t bored anymore. Aphrodite on the other hand, clearly, still angry. “There is nothing stopping me from kicking your ass right now.”

“Do it.”

Aphrodite raises her eyebrows. “Don’t tempt me.”

“Ask yourself dear cousin of mine, why are you going to kick my tush for a woman who flat out rejected being apart of your family.” Telling Aphrodite this forced her cousin to loosen the pressure she had applied to her throat. 

Unable to pull her attention from her, Aphrodite says, “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Abi.” 

“Like I said, I don’t believe in goddesses or queens. I don’t believe in fairy tales. I operate in reality. You said; but, insert frowning emoji. She said, Sorry, we’ll always be best friends. But there’s something very important that I need to do. Remember now.”

Aphrodite fully removed her elbow from Abigail’s throat. She does remember. Abigail knows her cousin and Glory have a complicated relationship. Short version. Her cousin managed to convince Glory Braddock to accept her as her mother. For a couple years they had managed to keep up the premise of a mother-daughter type relationship, until Glory Braddock reclaimed her last name of Braddock, dropping Noel, attempting to become the hero SCW deserves. Needs. Doesn’t want? Abi didn’t care about that part. 

“I do” Aphrodite relented.

“How did you feel when Glory rejected your last name? Why didn’t you pin her against a wall?”

“You are not going to turn me against, Glory.” 

“Too late, she turned her back on you first.” Abigail shrugs.  “I always found your need to make a makeshift family, interesting. Taking on Chasity and Glory as daughters, fascinating cousin, and smart. Having grown kids is less of a hassle then small ones. Katelyn’s kids are great. Most are brats I can do without. I should adopt one day, pregnancy pains? No real benefit in that. Your kink for taking on adults as children aside, here are the facts. You--” Abigail boops Aphrodite on the nose “--let go of Glory casting the Noel name aside. She doesn’t see you as a Queen anymore. All that effort so she can run around in  SCW being the selfish bitch she is. All to become World Champion and to be a hero. Chasity has every right to hate her own blood sister. It is about time you accept your real family, lil ole me.” Abigail grabs Aphrodite’s hand. “Dite, you don’t need to approve of me trying to keep the World Championship on Syren. I could care less. Please, defend your betrayer. Remember who your family is. Me. Not Glory. Hey, if you still want to kick my ass--” Abigail places her arms behind her back. “--do it. I won’t fight back. Scouts honor.”

Abigail closes her eyes, preparing herself for the punishment she assumed Aphrodite was going to reign down on her. The seconds continue to pass, she doesn’t mind the wait. She was craving it. Unable to surrender to the anticipation, Abi opens her eyes to see that Aphrodite hasn’t budged an inch. Her cousin rolls her eyes.

“Your impossible!” Aphrodite shakes her head. 

“Admit it, you wuv me.” Abigail smiles. 

Aphrodite shrugs. “I guess.” She looks off to the side. “Abi--”  

Abigail tilts her head to the side. “Yes Dite.”

Aphrodite clenches her fist. “Your right... Glory rejecting my last name hurt, more than she could imagine. I told her it was fine. I didn’t want to make a huge deal about it. She was my daughter--” A tear flows down Aphrodite’s cheek. “---yeah. Whatever right?”

Abigail walks over to Aphrodite. She hugs her. “Remember who your real family is. Never forget, I’ll never turn my back on you. Promise.” The cousins continue the hug. Abigail was relieved Aphrodite didn’t kick her ass.

“I can’t condone what you’ve done. Promise you’ll be careful.”   

“Always cousin, always.”


August 28th, 2019

Jordan Majors got away. Meh. She was set to compete against Christy Mathews. Prior to the match, her former friends with benefits decided to drop a pipe bomb of her own. She spared no expense pouring salt in the wound of the woman she claimed to love at one point. Pissed off Abigail more than she was expecting, Jordan taunted her. She acted like is above consequences. Gave Abigail the impression she didn’t fear the storm her former lover wanted more than anything to unleash upon her. Abigail felt, how did we get this far? Why was a woman who hasn’t accomplished anything in the world of professional wrestling talking down to a woman who has won two World Championships, main evented IWC’s biggest pay per view of the year. Won a tag title in SCW. The nerve of that girl Abigail kept thinking, her escaping a beating, especially by the hands of Glory Braddock who should have minded her own business, Abigail was wound up more than any words could express. She needed to act. Soon. Since Jordan wasn’t around to play with, she would find someone who would... 

By any means necessary.

Once again, she puts on her hunting attire. Black wig. Black leather pants. Black shirt. The same jacket sent to her with the spot that had her nickname “Serenity” carved out the jacket. A mentor from her past told her the places in Boston that were prime to pick up a hooker. Abigail didn’t occupy a bar this time. She went straight in the heart of Downtown Boston. The Boston Common to be exact. She sat on a park bench watching on as complete strangers walked to their desired destination, unaware that a woman in black was on the prowl to claim her next victim. Someone takes a seat next Abigail. She was initially excited to see who her next victim would be... this wasn’t what she expected. 

“Hello there, Tamara. Long time, no see.” Abigail says with a smirk. 

Tamara [Todd] crossed her arms. “Wish we could have this conversation under better circumstances. Here we are.”

“Stalking is a crime in every state, Tamara. Not that I am complaining. Todd women are blessed in the genes department.”

Tamara shakes her head. “Hitting on me is not going to work.”

“Who says I was hitting on you?” Abigail raises an eyebrow. “Your cute. Fact. The only Todd who makes me moist is Cindy. Shame I can’t do anything that.” Abigail frowns. She does quickly switch gears before Tamara can comment on what she just said. “Speaking of your lovely sister, I was impressed by the big reveal on Emerge, Monday. Showing her and Willow are on the same page? Beating the crap out of Vanilla. I would have preferred it if Gracie wasn’t a victim, too--”

“She knew what she was doing. Shame.” Tamara sighs. “We figured she was smarter than that. Guess not.”

Abigail said matter of factly. “Emotions are a weakness.”

“They don’t need to be.” 

Abigail lingered into the eyes of Tamara. “Enlighten me, why are you here?”

“My sister is worried about you, always has been. We wouldn’t want you to go to jail for something stupid like torturing random girls. Would be tragedy, don’t you agree?”

Abigail tilts her head to the side. She didn’t know whether Tamara knew for certain about that random girl she left in the warehouse or was Cindy expecting her darkness to drive her to act pretty recklessly. The way Tamara was looking at her, she had to know something. Being aware that they were in a public place with random people passing by, Abigail says to Tamara. “I plead the 5th.”

“I’m not looking to incriminate you, Abigail. Or should I call you, Serenity?”

“We’re like family, Abigail will do.”

“My sister asked me to make sure you didn’t do anything reckless.” Tamara rested her hand on Abigail’s knee. “It has to be frustrating watching your prey get away. Cindy spent years obsessing over the low life who tried to end her existence. Being unable to exact your revenge can be taxing. Don’t let it come at the expense of your freedom.”

“What else am I supposed to do, Tamara?”

“You want to tortune people? Fine. Come home. Come back to Cindy. You can be made whole again.”

Abigail’s eyes widen. There have been times over the years where Abigail wanted to go back home to Las Vegas. To be in the comfort of a woman she would give her life for.  New Eden was a lifetime ago. She wanted to prove to herself that she could make it on her own. From her perspective she was doing ok, until Jordan humiliated her on national television. The time since has been spent trying to make sense of it all. Nothing she has done has given her any clarity whatever. Abigail took a deep breath. She looks at Tamara’s hand. Then back into her eyes. “Can’t imagine she’ll approve of my association with Ravyn. I am tired of the people closest to me getting on my case about my choice of friends. Getting tiring. Accept my choices or leave me again!”

Flashing a warming smile, Tamara tells Abigail. “I wouldn’t be here if Cindy didn’t want you to come back, Abi.”

“I--” Abigail pauses, remembering the good times she completes her thought. “--do miss her. Cindy will always be my Queen.” 

“I am not just here to stop you from being reckless. Part of the reason I’m here. Not the complete story. For years I have stayed in the background, watching my sister, studying how she operates, getting a feel for how her mind works. Being in the background has gotten boring. I want to step into the light. I want to show my sister and the world what I can do. My sister and my father aren’t the only Todd’s who can make an impact in the wrestling business.”

Abigail was taken aback by Tamara’s ambition. She half smirks. “Very admirable. Maybe I can help?”

Tamara tilts her head to the side. “How?”

“Supreme Championship Wrestling won’t hire your sister. They wouldn’t know how to handle her brilliance. Lil ole me they don’t fear. SCW would fear you even less. When the time is right, come to SCW. I need someone to have my back should the day come my alliance with Infamous run its course. All good things come to an end, sadly. With you in SCW, we could make a killing.” 

“Interesting. I’ll take that under advisement.” Tamara stands up. She extends her hand to Abigail. “Lets get out of here. Already dark. To your room?”

“Sure.” Abigail grabs Tamara’s hand. Standing up, she says. “The mini bar is calling our name.”

With that both women leave. Crisis averted. For now.

RE: Glory Braddock vs. Abigail Lindsay - Braddock - 09-21-2019

2 of 2

RE: Glory Braddock vs. Abigail Lindsay - Serenity - 09-21-2019

Quote:2/2? Yours eyes don't deceive ya, I actually posted 2 for a match.Enjoy.

September 11th, 2019

Abigail had been looking forward to this moment for months. Since Rise to Greatness back in July, she has fantasied about hurting Jordan Majors. In her eyes she was a liar, betrayer, backstabber. Take your pick of descriptions for a person who did not do as they said they were going to do. Worst of all? Jordan made Abigail look bad to Ravyn Taylor. Can’t have that. For two months, Abigail had been imagining ways Jordan would pay the ultimate price. Didn’t help one of those months SCW was on hiatus. Two shows in, Jordan managed to avoid the wrath of Abigail and Infamous. On September the 11st of all days, Abigail tried to make sure Jordan paid for her sins. Thanks to Glory, Abi didn’t land the fatal blow, that was ok, Glory couldn’t stave off the numbers game of Infamous for long. Ravyn applied a ringpost figure hour. Hearing Jordan scream in pain brought music to Abigail’s ears. Finally, Jordan Majors judgement day had arrived. Shame that Glory had to stop Ravyn from doing anymore damage, the work had been done, Jordan needed to be helped to the back by officials, who knew how long she was going to be out. Abigail expects Jordan Majors to return at some point. She hoped so. When she does, Abigail planned on getting her pound of flesh. For the time being, Abigail was over the moon, justice had been served. Nothing could quite equal the euphoria of the person who wronged her suffering due to the mistakes she made.   

Abi went to her locker room. Took a shower. Enjoyed a few minutes to herself. 

She couldn’t leave the Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse without thanking the person responsible for all this. Ravyn Taylor. Abigail stood outside the Infamous locker room, taking a deep breath, she knocks on the door. “Ravyn, it’s me. Do you have a minute?”

The door swings open. It wasn’t Ravyn storming out the room, Christy Mathews did. Abigail watched on as Christy was walking to god knows where. None of that mattered to her. She laid eyes on the woman she came to see. Ravyn. Abigail stepped inside the locker room, closing the door behind her, Abigail said, “Who pissed in her cereal?”

“Don’t worry about Christy; I’ll handle it.” Ravyn said nonchalantly. 

“Of course. You are Ravyn FN Taylor, nothing slips by you.” Abigail smiled. 

“Your faith in me is, admirable. Nothing ever goes one hundred percent to plan. Tonight we did manage to send a message to Jordan that crossing us comes with consequences. If your ex girlfriend--”

“Ex friends with benefits.” Abigail interrupts. 

“Right.” Ravyn shrugs. “She is still technically an ex, one you made the mistake of developing feelings for. Not how friends with benefits work. What did you see in her anyway?.”

“Irrelevant.” Abigail protest. 

“Not entirely true; your association with Jordan is the reason why our tag team match did not go down as planned.”

“Fair enough, sweetie.” Abigail nods. “”My feelings for that woman doesn’t interest you at all. Why talk about it? I’m sorry about Rise to Greatness. Tonight, you made it right.”

“Somewhat. Jordan will be back. Troglodytes like her aren’t smart enough to accept when they are way in over their head. She wants to be famous? She wants to make a name for herself at my express? I’ll be waiting when she comes back. And when she does, I’ll leave enough of Jordan for you, if that is what you still want.” 

“You have my blessing to drive Jordan out of Supreme Championship Wrestling. I’m not selfish, I’m willing to share. Tonight,  I got what I wanted, Jordan suffered, thanks to you..” 

Abigail couldn’t hold in her excitement any longer. She pulls Ravyn in, without thinking about the consequences, she kisses Ravyn as passionately as possible. Caught up in the moment, Abigail didn’t care about what would come next. Her lips pressed against Ravyn’s was all that mattered. The adrenaline subsided. Abigail caught herself. She pulled away, saw the shock on Ravyn’s face. She could tell Ravyn didn’t know how to process what had just happened. Neither could Abigail. She felt her own lips in disbelief that she kissed a woman she had long admired forever. Catching her breath, Abigail said, “Um, yeah, I-- should go. Whatever you need from me for next week, send a text. Yeah-- ta-ta.”

Without giving Ravyn a chance to respond, Abigail ran out the Infamous locker room. Once outside, Abigail clutched her heart. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. She muttered under her breath “Did I just do it?”  Knowing that she probably should go, Abigail skipped down the hall. Does it get any better than this she wondered. 


Took Abigail a half hour to arrive back to her hotel, still on a euphoric high from the kiss of a lifetime, the moment she stepped in the room she closed the door, dropped her bag. Running to the bed she performs a swan dive. Staring at the ceiling, she thought no one could bring her down from the high that she’s feeling. Her cellphone rang. Mz Hyde played. It was Dawn. The ringtone never lies. She gave serious thought to putting her phone on silent, delay talking to her sister until the next day. Dawn is just as stubborn as she is. Knew putting off the inevitable was not the smart play. Abigail removed the phone from the leather jacket she failed to pull off. She hit the speaker button, resting the phone on her stomach, 

“Hello Dawnie.” Abigail casually says.

No mistaking the sigh coming from the phone. “Trying to end Jordan’s career isn’t going to solve anything. I don’t give a damn about her, come on. Putting her on the shelf is not going to change the fact she betrayed you.”

Abigail rolls her eyes. “Come on, Dawnie. I wasn’t the one who wrapped her legs around the ring post.”

“Doesn’t matter. You and Ravyn had a plan to compromise her livelihood. Continuing the go down this road will only escalate to more violence. You don’t need that.”

Abigail smirks. “Does this mean you are ready to come back?”


“Come back to Supreme Championship Wrestling, I’ll stop. I need an angel on my shoulder now, more than ever. Who knows who will get hurt next. Might be Glory. Could be someone else mutually close to you and Britt. The possibilities are endless. What if I hurt a person you don’t care for? Wouldn’t SCW be a better place without Bree Lancaster?”

“Yes...” there is a momentary silence on the other line. “I wouldn’t wish injury on her.”

Not believing her sister, Abigail shakes her head. “It is just you and me talking, drop the Captain America routine. Promise I’ll keep your deepest, darkest secret. Admit you wouldn’t shed a tear if I slipped something in Bree’s drink.”

Dawn doesn’t immediately respond. A few seconds pass, “I am not you.”

“Please, Dawnie, you were in Blood Grove. The darkness you let inside you will never come out. Blood Grove Dawnie would have easily relished at the thought of submerging Bree in a bathtub full of blood--”

“Abi.” Dawn shouts admimately. 

“Serenity, sweetie.”

“Fine. Serenity.” Dawn sighs. “Look. When I was younger, Brittany told me a story about the good and bad wolf. A grandfather told his grandson, all of us have two wolves battling for control, one good, one bad one. The little boy asked his granddad what wolf will win. His grandfather replied, the one you feed most. The more you continue to feed the bad wolf, the more that wolf will win. Might not be any coming back from what you’re doing. Serenity, I don’t expect you to be an angel, I can accept that. Injuring people? Burning bridges you can’t repair? None of this is going to end well. I’m asking you to feed the good wolf. Do the right thing.”

“I’m not budging on this Dawnie. Call Sasha. Tell her your coming back--” Abigail stops herself, mid sentence. Taking a moment to process everything that was said, she broke the silence. “On second thought. Forget it. Stay home.” 

“What?” Dawn said confused by the turn of events. 

“Stay home. Live your wonderful life with Daisy; I’ll survive without you, sis.”

“So you don’t want me to come back?”

“I do.” Abigail smiles. “It’s lonely being on the road; Jordan made it easier to forget you weren’t around, Dawnie.  Earlier, Ravyn asked me what I saw in Jordan. The main thing? She was there. She gave me the impression that she worshipped the ground I walked on. All the attention was addictive. A girl can get used to that. Come on, anyone who worships Bree--” Abigail makes a gagging noise “--should have their sanity checked. Jordan didn’t love me, she doesn’t understand the concept of love, Dawnie. She will bend the knee to anyone who caters to her wishes. I’m not that girl. I am a grown woman in a world full of children. Jordan is still a child who is not worthy of me.” Abigail pauses, allowing that to sink in, moreso for her. That is the first time she uttered that sentence out loud. “Jordan never was. Sucked I allowed myself to get too close. I bet she is latching on to some other poor girl, that is the story of Jordan Majors. Professional groupie. I am over her. Not over the betrayal, I am over who she is.” Abigail breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Anyway, I want you back, can’t be through manipulation. Not with you. I’m a big girl, you should only come back to SCW if you want to, not out of obligation, I may be a monster these days. Family should matter. You matter. I’ll stop trying to pull your strings.”

“Thank you. I am glad you came to this realization about Jordan. Knew you would. By the way, it was going to take more than you trying to manipulate me to force me to come back.”  Wasn’t going to work.”

Abigail chuckles. “I know, us Lohan’s are a stubborn bunch. “I won’t stop, with or without you, sweetie. I am who I am. No turning back.”

“I wish you would. I trust you can handle yourself.”

“Thank you.”

“Love you, Seren--.”

Dawn is cut off by her sister. “Abi... call me Abi.”

“Ok. Love you, Abi.”

“Love you too, Dawnie. Night.”


Abigail presses the button to end the call. The conversation was more productive than she counted on. Her feelings for Jordan are in the past. Done. Finished. Onward to bigger, better things. 


<Promo Time>

The scene initially opens on the gorgeous, devilish face of Abigail “Serenity” Lindsay. 

“Choices Glory? Choices? Lets talk about yours Mrs. Sim Semper Tyrannis.”

It's clear the words Glory spoke on Breakdown about teaching Abigail to stay out of her way are on Abigail’s mind. The camera pans out for the viewer to see Abigail Lindsay, wearing a white button up shirt and plaid skirt, sitting on top of a mahogany desk. In the background is a chalkboard, the indiciation is Abigail has decided to shoot her promotional video from inside a classroom.  

“Not that it matters to you Glory, I wasn’t expecting your forgiveness when I laid you out with Serenity Now at Rise to Greatness. I expected you to launch a crusade to teach little ole me a lesson. But there are several ways you could have gone about trying to teach me that lesson. What did you do? You choose to protect Jordan Majors of all people?” Abigail wags her finger. “

“I can hear everyone saying, Abigail, please don’t go into another speech about how she betrayed you, blah blah blah. Don’t worry. No quote un quote victim speech from lil ole me. I am going to present a different litany of evidence. April 14th, Seattle Washington. Aaron Blackbourne’s hometown. He was looking forward to giving his hometown fans a good show. Jordan Major didn’t let that happen. She paid off The Network to ruin everyones party, including Peyton Rice’s. Pey Pey wasn’t thrilled by Jordan’s actions. Let her have it the next time they crossed paths. Quite hot as a matter of fact. For months, Jordan paid off a bunch of goons to assist her, tried to pay off officials to secure victories. The most egregious of these offenses? Linked up with Bree Lancaster. BreeMerica, BreeMerica, go-go-go..” It takes everything in Abigail to stop herself from vomiting. "This is the woman you tried to prevent me and Infamous from punishing for her life choices. Was your quest for revenge so short sighted you attempted to protect one tyrant to teach another one a lesson? I missed that part of the heroes handbook. You are just as short sighted as the fans who believe she is a different person. Do I need to say it again...” 

“Bree Lancaster.” 

“No decent human being is friends with Bree Lancaster.”

Abigail points to the camera.  “You made the choice to protect a liar. A con artist. All in a short sighted effort to get involved in my business. The only person who needs to be taught a lesson between us, if you.” Abigail slides off the desk. She walks over to the chalkboard. She takes a piece of chalk, starts writing “Lessons.” Under that, she writes the number one, followed by “Don’t Protect The Wrong People.” 

“Lesson one, don’t protect the wrong people.” 

She writes under that, the number two, followed by “Stay In Your Lane.” She turns back to the camera.  

“Lesson two, stay in your lane. Normally, I am not one to flaunt status. Overall, you do hold more World Championships to your name than lil ole me. I can’t compete with that. However, I am apart of a little wrasslin family called the Lohan’s, maybe you know them, my sister Britt especially, Twisted and Sadistic, woooo. Dawnie and Britt didn’t think I listened to them when they bored me to death about wrasslin tradition. I managed to retain some knowledge. Part of the old school philosophy that they subscribed to, whatever happens outside of the company you work in, holds little appeal. It’s how you perform inside the company you are wrestling in that matters. Check my year plus SCW tenure Glowworm. I rarely, if ever, give off the sense that I believe the championships I won outside these walls holds any relevance. They don’t. With one simple phrase, you believe that your shit don’t stink. What do you vainly call yourself Glo... right, the Best in the World.” Abigail rolls her eyes. “I remember your Twitter rants about Syren. You were so offended she called herself The Best. Factually, SCW speaking, for years, no one has done it better than Syren. Call me an Infamous homer all you want, facts don’t lie. She has done it in this company. What have you done? Won a Trios Contract. That’s about it. I have won more gold in SCW than you, do you hear me calling myself the best ever? No Glo. It’s called humility, a concept you have seemed to forget along the way. You truly believe you are exactly what you claim to be, there is no evidence in SCW to suggest otherwise, to be frank, you are still a rookie in S C Dubbya. Until you go to war against the likes of Regan Street, have to fend off Selena Frost, go toe to toe with Sienna, until you actually stand in the same ring with James Evans, Chris Cannon, the list goes on of men and women in this company who have gone out there, proven themselves, fought wars, put on pay per view classics, you don’t hold a one percent claim to the mantle of being the best at anything in this company. Sweetie,  I hold more tenure than you do, you, being a wrestling historian, a woman who was trained by her legendary father, you of all people should respect wrestling tradition. Think about that, a sociopath is reminding you, the so called Best in the World, you can’t just walk into another company believing you are untouchable. I am in a generous mood, here is one final lesson.”

Abigail turns back to the chalkboard, writes the number 3, followed by, “Know Your Opponent.”  

“Know who your opponents are. I expected better, Glo. Every time you face someone these days, it is the same copy-paste threat, tap or get choked out. Ooooo, scary.  When is the last time in SCW you made anyone tap or choke out? Been a while, has it? I made someone tap out more recently than you if memory serves me correct. A couple weeks ago I might add. I get it. Sounds cute and all. Tap or get choked out, can put that on a t-shirt, would sell pretty well. Here is the caveat about lil ole me. I don’t dread the thought of being choked out, Glory. I’m the type of woman who embraces the adrenaline rush that comes from getting the hell beat out of her. I like it rough, especially in the bedroom, dually inside a wrestling ring. Getting roughed up means nothing to lil ole me. The only thing you managed to accomplish with your threats is turn me on. You really don’t want that, trust me, you don’t want to excite me more than I already am. I can see now why my sister [Britt] likes you. So full of anger. Rage. Ambition. Makes a girl feel special, Glo. Makes a girl want to fall in love. Stop playing games with this lil black of heart of mine.”  Abigail points to her heart.    

“I would like to clear up a long running misconception. This upcoming war between us may have started because I tried doing everything in my power to ensure Syren walked out of Rise to Greatness the World Champion. Make no mistake, Glory, at Apocalypse, I am not under any direct marching orders from Ravyn, Syren, CHBK. Would it benefit them if I roughed you up a little bit, quite possibly, we can’t rule that out. I am not a mindless goon, or cannon fodder as you eloquently tweeted after Rise to Greatness. Cannon fodder would imply I have no direct goals of my own, all I do is bow down to my master without a second thought. I hope I showed loud and clear on Breakdown the other day, that I do have the drive to want to make things happen for myself. Admittedly, I did come up short against the world champion. I pushed Ali to his limits. I had him on the ropes, he wasn’t expecting me to come out swinging the way I did. I gave as good as I took, our World Champion was forced to dig deep, resorting to using a small package to transition to Sins of the Father. That is the respect Ali showed lil ole me. Cannon fodder does not compete as hard as I did. Cannon fodder goes down easily. I will never, ever, go down easy Glo. You will NOT be able to treat me as a minor inconvenience on your road to another World Championship match. My goals for this week aren’t completely out of reach. I wanted to shake up the World Title picture, Ali got me, I can’t deny that. But, what I can do tomorrow is beat the woman who has been running around begging, pleading, as we saw on Breakdown this week, trying to bully her way into getting a rematch she is not even entitled to, so what if lil ole me, the woman who screwed you over, scores a pinfall victory over you this Sunday? Are you going to ignore that? You might. Sasha won’t. Most of the time she is a fair person. Syren should get her rematch, that aside, she does reward performance. Me beating one third of the Rise to Greatness main event should put me in line for a sweet reward down the line. What would it do for you, Glo? Been awhile since you even won a singles match. Hey, some Best in the World you are, eh?” Abigail shrugs. 

“To borrow a phrase my dear sister made famous, clocks ticking. Speaking of time, it would be a nice feather in my cap to accomplish the one thing Britt failed to do, beat you Glory. I have promises to keep. I told Britt after she retired, I would do better. Uphold the Lohan name. I fully intend on keeping my promise. Speaking of promises, we come back to your copy and paste mantra. Tapout or choke out? Heh. Not me. Not Sunday. I am going to make a liar out of you. There. Quote fulfilled. Ta-ta.”

Abigail forms her hands so they look like a heart as the scene fades to black.