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Las Bandidas de Gata Negra vs. Infamous - Printable Version

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Las Bandidas de Gata Negra vs. Infamous - Konrad Raab - 01-18-2020

SCW Tag Team Championship

Tag team: 4 RP Limit

Deadline: 5 pm ET Saturday, January 25, 2020

RE: Las Bandidas de Gata Negra vs. Infamous - Ruby - 01-25-2020

<Anything between these signs is considered to be spoken in Spanish and translated into English for the benefit of the viewer>

Sometimes Valeria had to question her stance on relationships.

It was nothing to do with anything romantic, but just the mere idea of having to cooperate with another human being for any reason. Up to this point as she made her way through the waters of SCW, she had always had a partner in crime in some capacity, which could easily be chalked up the belief that she simply had a patsy right there waiting if necessary for some convoluted scheme. After all, many parallels had been drawn between her and SCW's “most devious” schemer in Ravyn Taylor, so what was one more to add further fuel to the fire?

The more she thought about it, though, the more she realized her case extended far beyond the borders of a simple wrestling company.

What she had with Maria was something that existed long before she ever found herself in the realm of wrestling, the two of them making for a very effective duo in ways she would've never imagine when she first skipped on down to Mexico to start her life anew again. Even when things finally fell apart and the tandem had to split to better their odds of avoiding capture, she found herself once again embracing life with someone else when she took on the name Ruby and ended up gaining an interest in the Red Empire passion project of one Scarlet Grey. Even tracing her origins back to before Valeria first came into existence, what she was willing to remember made it clear that no matter how much she tried to go solo, she always found herself involved in some fashion with someone else, and it almost always spelled disaster even when she wasn't asking for it. Even something as simple as one little attempt to coerce someone into doing something she needed was a small enough spark of a relationship that it ignited an entire powder keg, leaving her to ponder how in the hell she'd actually gotten out of her life as Ruby without Scarlet having an absolute meltdown after all.

She always made it clear to those in SCW that emotions were something she simply didn't care for, but she couldn't help but wonder how much truth there actually was to that statement. Had she simply convinced herself that she was everything she wanted to be with how often she found herself tying a thread around someone else no matter what name she went by?

Vencejo: Hey chica, I know you tend to get lost in your own thoughts like most geniuses supposedly do, but could you please not zone out while we're getting armed here?

Valeria snapped out of it at Maria's insistence, just in time to adjust her grip on the heavy bag the two were carrying so it didn't end up dropping and causing any unnecessary damage to her partner. The two of them were already a bit banged up after having to deal with Giovanni's wonderland goons and their misguided beliefs about what a few pounds of gold represent, so at Maria's suggestion they had decided to make sure to “level the playing field” before Sunday so Ravyn and Christy weren't getting out of this without a scratch. They'd probably gotten more supplies than they realistically needed as they stuffed the bag into the back of their rental car, but some of it could easily serve as a backup for Day of Infamy when the title match rolled around. Even if it was possible for them to be disqualified, that didn't mean it couldn't work by turning the numbers game that Infamous was so proud of into an advantage for them if need be, or simply making sure they were prepared to take said numbers game out of the equation. It was a more direct and “street' sort of answer to the problem, but Valeria was willing to go with it to keep Ravyn on her toes. Sometimes you needed simple solutions to complicated problems, after all.

Vencejo: What's got you so lost in the clouds anyway? I know this isn't as in-depth as you would've liked, but even you don't tune out like this when you're in the middle of planning. It's a little scary, to be honest.

Garcia: You're going to think it sounds stupid.

Vencejo: And since when have you actually cared about what anyone else has thought? I know I've gotten through to you more than pretty much anyone else, but even you usually shrug off what I think unless it's sound advice.

Valeria couldn't help but snicker at that thought, knowing it to be true. Then again, for all of Maria's street smarts from the life she's lived up until now, sound advice was usually pretty hard to come by, which was what made it so amusing to her, and it did help to cheer her up a bit.

Garcia: If you really care that much, I've been pondering the idea of relationships...

Vencejo: <What!?> Don't tell me someone actually caught your eye!

Garcia: Not exactly, even if I have a few painful memories of the topic now that you mention it. I was thinking more about how every time I find myself going through life with someone else involved in some way, it tends to fall apart and cause me to start over.

Maria sighed as she trudged her way back to the storage unit they had parked themselves in front of. It was one of several rentals in a false name she'd given as a means of covering her tracks and keeping things tucked away until they were needed again, hence why they were digging out potential supplies to deal with their Infamous issue if necessary. She struggled for a moment to dislodge a length of chain she'd bolted into the roof of the unit for whatever reason before prying it loose, taking pride in something she felt comfortable wielding.

Vencejo: I get it, you're not good with the whole 'emotional attachment' thing. But not everything has ended in disaster. Don't go blaming yourself because we had to split for a while since last I checked, you escaped by changing identities again while I did what I do best and stuck to the shadows and well out of reach of those buffoons, and here we are again. And things between you and Scarlet ended pretty amicably, so I don't get what's got you so tied up on that old subject.

Valeria eyed Maria carefully as she pondered over whether or not to voice the actual reason why. After a moment, she shook her head as she moved past her partner to dig a little further into the unit while Maria contended herself with trying to figure out how much of the chain she held would actually be needed.

Garcia: It's because of Scarlet, a bit. I know we split and she's doing her own thing now, but part of me couldn't resist checking up on her after she went and got herself injured dealing with that Lee woman. When I tried calling, though, I got no response, which in this scenario usually means something's up. The last time something like this happened she did have a nuclear meltdown and had me concerned she was actually going to take her own life, or perhaps worse.

Vencejo: Then maybe we can go pay her a visit at some point? I don't know how well the thought of us being tag champions where you and her kind of failed will go over, but maybe a visit from her old friend will be just the pick-me-up she needs?

Valeria rolled her eyes at some of the blissful ignorance in Maria's statement, knowing full well that line of thinking may make things worse. Still, perhaps a visit wasn't a bad idea, just to make sure everything was alright. There was a small part of her that was concerned about something else that fell into this, but she tried to put it out of her mind. Thankfully, she got some help in that regard when she managed to unearth something from the junk collection in the storage unit that had her eyes widen.

Garcia: <What the hell?> Is this what I think it is?

Her confusion naturally got Maria's attention, and the next thing she knew, the small black and gold case she's found was plucked from her hands as Maria opened it up like a kid on Christmas morning, her smile threatening to split her face in half as she eyed the small figure inside. Between being made of solid gold and decorated with various gems, the item had to be worth a fortune to the right buyer, which made finding it buried away in here all the more confusing.

Vencejo: I've been wondering where I stashed this! Oh, this brings back so many memories.

Garcia: Are you telling me that you still have this thing that ultimately had us risking our lives trying to get away and seeing us take different paths in order to avoid getting caught?

Vencejo: I still have plenty of treasures we've taken possession of hidden away in a lot of the units I've been renting. Why do you think I got so many under different names all across America? I can't exactly turn a profit when we have most of Mexico's underworld trying to track us down, especially because of this.

She couldn't resist pulling the little figure out and cracking it open, revealing that it was meant to open up like this to reveal a secret compartment where something could be kept. Valeria remembered it vividly... this overly pricey piece had been meant to become the new cane tip for one of the drug lords they had constantly been plucking valuables from, meant to flaunt his ego and wealth while simultaneously allowing him a way to secretly smuggle and sell small doses of his product to potential new customers without detection. While they did manage to steal it, Maria had been spotted on the way out, and before they knew it the two had found themselves on the run from a very powerful man who had a good chunk of the drug-peddling world south of the border at his beck and call to reclaim a small but very valuable piece of their operation.

While Maria seemed to gush over this find and contemplated that enough time had passed they might be able to actually start selling some of their old treasures once they unearthed them, considering most of their enemies and pursuers had long since been arrested or killed that she'd been able to resume solo operations in her homeland before SCW became a factor in her life, Valeria began to ponder the thought that had plagued her mind ever since her failed attempts to contact Scarlet. A lot of those she'd been involved with in past lives had done her wrong, and many were wealthy or powerful in their own right either at the time or well after the fact. She had never considered the possibility of trying to exact any semblance of payback for past transgressions, but maybe...

Garcia: Maria! I just had a thought I wanted to run by you.

Vencejo: A new thought regarding how else we can upend the plans of Infamous?

Garcia: I think we're well covered in that regard already. But, I know from bumping into you before that you've gotten back to your old ways.

Vencejo: I try to limit my actions, though... even if it wasn't for SCW, I'm still not entirely sure who all in Mexico is still after me, especially because of this alone.

Maria holds up the object in question before putting it back in its case and hiding it beneath her seat in the car before the two woman close up shop and get in, ready to get on the road for the week that would determine whether gold was finally in their future or not. But Valeria had another future she wanted to put on the table as well...

Garcia: In many of my past lives, I realize that the reason the relationships I had were my undoing was because I allowed myself to plot my way into a predictable pattern and allowed myself to be exploited, much like Ravyn has done without realizing it. I never did get a sense of closure from any of that, though, and I do believe it might be worth our while to look into a few of these valuable individuals now.

Vencejo: Are you suggestion a proper return of Las Bandidas de Gata Negra outside of what we are in SCW?

Garcia: Well, we weren't exactly being subtle with our choice of name, now were we?

Maria can't help but eagerly nod her head as the two of them drove off, ready to roll into Breakdown to remind Infamous that they weren't exactly eliminated from this little game of chess quite yet with the main event still to come just days later when gold was on the line. But beyond the possibility of becoming tag team champions at last? Maybe there was a future just as valuable to be found in willingly indulging in old habits, especially if it meant a sense of finality in a way that would actually be satisfying to Valeria after all these years.

And if someone in particular had anything to do with Scarlet's silence like Valeria felt may possibly be the case, considering it was what she felt was her personal biggest mistake of any past life, then she knew the perfect place to start.


Our shot opens up in a place that might seem a bit unusual considering who we're here to see, but perahsp it makes perfect sense if you're the women who felt their wrath just a few nights ago. The streets of any major city are always considered dangerous because of how easy it is to lose track of who's doing what and trying to catch anyone who knows how to use the environment to their advantage, and Chicago is no different. Which is why it's oddly appropriate perhaps that we find who we're looking for deep in one of the many alleyways of the Windy City. Maria certainly looks the part, foregoing her usual look for street clothes and a half-mask that covers her nose and mouth designed to resemble a hissing cat about ready to attack. Valeria, on the other hand, is in her usual attire along with a jacket to protect against the cold, and while she's wearing a bandana like she was on Breakdown it's pulled down to rest around her throat at the moment. She's calmly leaning up against the wall while Maria is playing with the chain in her hands, no doubt the same one she used in Las Bandidas' attack.

Garcia: Do we have your attention now?

Garcia: I wouldn't be surprised if the answer to that question is a resounding no, considering who stands across from us. It would be easy to argue that Maria and I do not deserve what we have been given, considering the team we supposedly had to go through to get here was taken out of commission beforehand. Of course, there is also the question of whether or not we would even be a hundred percent for this contest given the unsurprisingly rash actions of the deluded followers of a madman who has lost all perception of the reality that will ultimately be his undoing. It's always in scenarios like these were the puppet masters shine, being able to benefit the most while doing the least amount of work, and in that regard I suppose that regardless of how intended everything was or not, I should applaud one individual in particular, even in the face of likely condemnation for our actions just a few short nights ago.

Garcia: Then again... sometimes the answer is a lot more simple than some overly complex plan that relies far too heavily on whatever pieces remain on the chessboard. Wouldn't you agree Ravyn?

Maria chuckles a bit as she watches Valeria push off the wall and cross her arms, coldly looking directly into the camera. It's no secret that for quite some time many have compared the two women, and up until now there hasn't been a clear chance to prove who was superior other than falling back on past accomplishments where Ravyn had the edge due to her longevity within the company. Of course, it should never be ruled out there somewhere there exists a person who may be your equal or even your better in regards to the games you play, and maybe the chance for SCW to see that is long overdue.

Garcia: Tell me Ravyn, has it been euphoric these past few weeks, believing that your actions while holding on to tag team gold have put you in a position where you are untouchable? Being able to hide behind Sasha's declaration of a clean slate while trying to purposely create a game of 52 pick up with the reshuffled deck of tag teams by doing as you see fit with any match that may create the slightest idea of who may be next in line now that you've survived yet another round of chaos created by your own scheming? I'm sure it has no matter how much you may attempt to be modest about it, considering you will no doubt take credit for the fact that Maria and I are even here to begin with. After all, you handed a disqualification victory to a team that you and Christy yourselves were unable to defeat not too long afterwards, and if it wasn't for one of your little pawns we wouldn't have even gotten a free pass to this Sunday night, now would we? It's so easy to get caught up in how much you've controlled this situation to feel as though nothing could go wrong, but for as much as you will likely criticize me for such a simple attack in Detroit, it did it's job, did it not?

Garcia: After all, you're roughed up just as we were by Giovanni's blind worshippers, and now we have your undivided attention. And all we needed to accomplish this was something simple and straightforward that you never expected in that moment.

Maria can't resist rattling the chain in her hands as a reminder of what happened, though once Valeria glances over to her she proceeds to toss it out of the shot, letting it clatter to the concrete before she hoists herself up into a seat on a nearby dumpster without a care in the world, no read on her expression due to the mask she's donned. Still, despite the slight muffle in her speech, it's not hard to hear the familiar spanish language flow from her lips once she's comfortable.

Vencejo: <That's the problem sometimes with people who get so caught up in their own intelligence: they waste too much time on making plans that they forget a more direct solution is often the easiest to any problem. No matter how much you want to wax poetic about the similarities and differences between Ravyn and Valeria, the real difference here is between Christy and myself. We all know that she is a desperate woman trying to make her success about her family when I think it's painfully clear she just missed being considered one of the biggest threats anyone could find standing across from them. I mean, at one point in time she did stand atop the mountain, but how many actually care about that in this day and age? Desperate people resort to desperate tactics... like, say, Christy willingly becoming Ravyn's pawn no matter how much frustration she's shown because her partner's games always have to take priority when she just wants to be a champion to remind everyone of how great she used to be and believes she still is.>

Vencejo: <I, on the other hand, am a different breed of cat. I'm no pawn to Valeria... if anything, I help to keep her grounded so she doesn't have to resort to anything needlessly complex if we don't actually need it. I don't just blindly go along with her schemes without question, I play my part while also making sure she knows that if there's a much easier path to take then it should be considered. Thus, we get situations like Breakdown, where with one little attack we've reset the entire board going into Sunday night and forced even the 'almighty' Ravyn Taylor to reconsider how she approaches this. Even she has to know by now that we are willing to do whatever it takes in order to steal those titles, and we've accounted for the obvious possibility in her planning that this may not be a simple two-on-two affair... even if they should be wary about dividing their precious resources trying to help Syren save face.>

Maria shakes her head as we can almost perceive the grin she's no doubt wearing beneath her mask. Valeria slightly smirks and nods to her partner for her input on the situation before she walks over and carefully picks up the discarded chain, holding it out and examining it as she resumes.

Garcia: There are so many ways I know you wish to address me Ravyn, no doubt hoping that Christy will cover whatever you don't so you have a perfectly painted picture of the woman I know you feel isn't worth your time in a battle of wits because you believe no one can play this game better than you. And yet... that's not entirely true, is it? To ignore the fact that history has several examples where you have, in fact, failed despite all your planning to cover every single base and all possibilities is like looking over a chain and believing you've found the weak link while overlooking the one with very obvious cracks and rust. Perhaps all I really need to do is mention the name Jordan Majors and see what kind of tangent you go off on trying to justify your lack of success against that one individual. I think, if there was any real difference between us, it would be the fact that for as much as both hate to fail despite all that planning, at least I'm willing to learn from my missteps and adapt for the future.

Garcia: Consider this: how many parallels were drawn between us when we were both attached to partners obsessed with grandiose desires and prone to getting sidetracked with more petty endeavors that meant nothing in the grand scheme of things? For as much as you could say to me about the woman named Scarlet Grey, I could just as easily point out how a lot of your focus has gone entirely into making sure Syren is happy and gets what she wants by any means necessary. You and Christy may be champions, but how much of your focus is actually on this match compared to trying to figure out how Syren can find her way into being a trios captain? You remain attached to Syren despite all the headaches she seems to have provided you, while I have let Scarlet pursue her own ambitions and started anew with a partner who is more... respectful, shall we say, of my own desires.

Vencejo: And before you go claiming that you've done the same, ignoring how much Infamous tends to mobilize in full force mostly when Syren is doing anything over all else, how much does Christy truly agree with how you've gotten to this point? Even if she could care less about the 'how' compared to many others obsessed with morality that could be standing in your way, what about how long it took to justify your promise of getting gold around her waist again? And what exactly does the tag titles do for her, anyway? For every other title she's held that she no doubt considers a prouder achievement, here Valeria and I stand questioning whether she's truly fine with being just another tool to fix the Infamous machine that primarily revolves around someone not even in this match at the end of the day, or if she should remember that she was a world champion in her own right and should be at the core of that contraption as opposed to someone who's already had their time in the spotlight several times over. We shouldn't even be needing to bring any of that up, and yet, here we are, and all because of how you've played this game up until now hoping that nobody would notice the trail you tried so desperately to erase.

Maria hops off the dumpster as Valeria lets the chain drop to the ground again, moving to stand beside her partner as she rips off her mask to make her huge grin painfully clear to everyone watching.

Vencejo: No matter what language I say it in, I think it's clear that for all of Ravyn's proud planning, she's trying to compensate for a threat she doesn't fully comprehend. It's one thing to talk a big game about someone you think you know despite evidence to the contrary, but when you aren't prepared for any sort of retaliation and think it can be written off for how simple it might seem by comparison to whatever you can think of, I think it's safe to figure out who's in whose head here. There's no use hiding it ladies... cats are always good at tracking down things you hide no matter how much you think you've buried them.

Garcia: And with that, the game begins. I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got planned Ravyn, although I think I have a pretty good idea compared to how little you understand about what I am capable of. I'm far more than just a 'Ravyn clone' after all, but you and Christy can keep convincing yourselves otherwise in the meantime. That will make Day of Infamy truly a fun night to remember for weeks to come, though how fondly you may reflect back on the night of January 26 may be subject for speculation.

The two ladies proceed to take their leave of the alley, with Maria stopping briefly to reclaim the chain before they are out of sight and our scene cuts to black, leaving behind this sense that there may truly be a greater chessmaster in SCW than Ravyn Taylor after all. Perhaps only time will tell, but considering how prepared one seems for this game, it's hard not to picture the possibility that Infamous may have finally met their match in a source they never even considered a threat until it was too late.

RE: Las Bandidas de Gata Negra vs. Infamous - Syren - 01-25-2020

Lots of really fun references to Christy's past in this, including a few from before SCW. It's the beginning of the story I was tempted to do for the EOYS before I elected to go with Syren instead.

Speaking of whom... err... I was really hoping Olek would give us a little more time this week but he didn't, so... sorry about that!!


Ebdon Entertainment Presents
Christy Matthews Uncensored
Part Fifteen: My Cottage [Part One]

RE: Las Bandidas de Gata Negra vs. Infamous - Syren - 01-25-2020

And a new chapter in a story that I've had going for so long now that it's now set two calendars years in the past. Got to do something about that soon!


[Image: thediary.png]

Ravyn Taylor's Diary
December 10th, 2018