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Void vs. Sammy Thomas Davies - Printable Version

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Void vs. Sammy Thomas Davies - Konrad Raab - 04-25-2020

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Tuesday, April 28, 2020

RE: Void vs. Sammy Thomas Davies - Da Queen - 04-28-2020

So far, things seemed to be working, and that was all the mysterious entity who referred to herself as Angel truly wanted.

With SCW's Cold Blooded PPV playing on the TV before her in the darkened room she'd tucked herself away in, Angel observed everything that was going on as many on the roster continued to try and jockey for position. In her eyes, it was all irrelevant and meaningless so long as she got her way, but whatever served as entertainment for the mindless masses would appease them for now.

All it gave her was fodder for her own plans when the time came.

The four way match was just finishing up, and Angel couldn't help but be amused at how things broke down with that one. Considering half of the match involved people Scarlet had once dealt with and felt wronged by, she felt it was enough reason to warrant her interest.

Angel: Hmm... perhaps I could introduce them both to Void at some point. If she's able to draw from anger from Scarlet's past mishaps, she would have a reason to put Datura on the shelf once more, or perhaps counter a broken heart with broken limbs in the case of Blackbourne.

The idea was certainly intriguing, but she wasn't going to rush anything. Slowly building Void up while letting her midnlessly tear apart the lower dregs of the SCW roster was a perfect starting point, especially after pitching to Sasha the belief that this was only going to help Scarlet in the long run. To that end, she wasn't exactly lying, but she had also felt that the full truth was not necessary. Scarlet had no clue of Void's existence, and for this to continue to work it would need to stay that way. There were a few problems lingering on the roster that could become an issue, but those would be dealt with in due time.

Angel: They told me that Sammy Thomas Davies is next... perfect journeyman fodder for Void to continue to show what kind of threat she can be.

Another lamb to the slaughter as far as she was concerned, but that was all the guy with the unfortunate initials needed to be. If Void was satisfied with her destruction, then Angel could keep things working in her favor even longer. Her attention would soon leave the match on the horizon once she saw somehting unfold before her on the TV.

Angel: What is she doing?

Thankfully, her plan was still intact as Void was not present, for now, but seeing Scarlet just casually waltz up to this new guy who signed with SCW recently and try to flirt with him as she would pretty much anything else that could walk and talk did catch her by surprise. She'd heard there was some kind of interaction recently but paid it no mind, but as she watched it unfold before her now, even in spite of the security trying to take her away, Angel was intrigued.

Angel: Just more fodder in the long run... but... if it keeps Scarlet distracted and occupied for the time being, then let her pursue a new plaything. It keeps my path forward with Void wide open for when things begin to heat up for her eventually.

She knew that Void would inevitably have to end up facing competition she couldn't steamroll as easily, which was where the true test would come. Until then, though, she needed things to stay the course. As long as that was the case, all would work out perfectly.

For Scarlet, whether she knew it or not, and especially for her.