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Vengeance vs. The Golden Boys - Printable Version

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Vengeance vs. The Golden Boys - Konrad Raab - 06-28-2021

2 RP Limit for tag

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Thursday, July 1, 2021

RE: Vengeance vs. The Golden Boys - The Matt - 06-30-2021

June 28th, 2021
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

“This is insane…”

These are the words of Jessica Lasiewicz as she follows her half-sister down a long, dark corridor of a building. Jessica wasn’t quite sure what to make when her half-sister, the deranged Kimberly Williams, showed her this building; it appeared rather well kept and nice on the outside, rather plain looking with little to no decor. But as soon as the sibling duo known as Vengeance entered this building red flags went up in the mind of Lasiewicz. Primarily among them was the lack of people. For a place that looks to be well kept, it is decidedly empty. Is this the headquarters of some business? If so, why haven’t any alarms been set off? Knowing Kimberly, she could easily have avoided such alarms. Unless this building truly is abandoned. Then the question remains, who does own this place and does Kim and Jessica have permission to be here? If not, they are trespassing.

Jessica wouldn’t be here to begin with were it not for her sister’s insistence. It was backstage at a wrestling event when The Woman Scorned pretty much told The Archangel point blank that Jessica needed to “liven up”, “loosen up”, and “learn to live.” As far as Jessica is concerned she doesn’t need to do any of that. Kimberly has plenty of liveliness for the both of them. Jessica is concerned about one thing and one thing only; doing her job and winning matches. Lasiewicz and Williams, together known as Vengeance, have had a slow start since becoming a team in Supreme Championship Wrestling. But now with new champions crowned in the form of Ace Marshall and Autumn Valentine there is an opening to make an impact and insert themselves into the championship discussion. And Jessica wants that for herself and Kim. But walking down the dark hallways and corridors of an empty and seemingly abandoned building in the middle of the night is not what Jessica had in mind for a Monday night excursion.

“Explain to me again why we’re doing this.” Jessica says, glaring angrily at her half-sister who skips happily down the hall wearing an American Revolution style blue and white soldiers uniform. Jessica is dressed in a yellow poofy 1700s style era dress and is carrying an American flag over her shoulder. “And for that matter, why the hell are we in these stupid getups?!”

“Patience you need. Answers you will have later, young padawan.”

“Shut the fuck up, Yoda.”

“Awwww you didn’t cuss in Polish!” Kim says pouting, seemingly disappointed.

“To jest strata czasu.”

“It is NOT a waste of time!” Kimberly exclaims. “Face facts, research has been done that proves that you need to loosen up, live a little, and be more exciting! Even the fans find you boring!”

“What?! What the hell kind of research shows this?!”



“Fine! It wasn’t exactly a professionally done study, it was a poll done by Leviticus…”

“Leviticus?! You can’t trust him!”

“No, I can’t trust him. But I can trust research and research doesn’t lie! Face it, Jess, you need to show a bit more personality. You need to start enjoying yourself and that’s what I am here for! I am here to help you enjoy life! And that’s what we’re going to do, starting with this adventurous evening courtesy of The Maharajah of Marketing!”

“Did Levi pay you to say that?”

“Yes.” Kim answers. Jessica rolls her eyes. The two siblings continue their march down the hallway until they reach a door. The door has a sign on it that reads “Danger! Don’t Come In! (Please don’t kill me, Jessica, Kim threatened my life!)” Jessica reads this and then turns and glares questioningly at Kim who just shrugs her shoulders.

“What’s that about?”

“The sign? Nothing. Probably some kid.”

“A kid named...Leviticus, perhaps?”

“Maybe. I can’t remember. But this is the room.”

“What room?”

“The Escape Room.”

“Are you serious? An escape room? We’re facing The Golden Boys, the former SCW World Tag Team Champions, and we’re facing them this week on Breakdown. And you want to come here for this escape room?”

“Of course! This is a great team building exercise! At least, that’s what Ace told me.”

“Oh so this was Ace’s idea?”

“Yeah. He said I should’ve kidnapped you, though. But I told him you would happily and readily agree to this idea and that kidnapping was completely unnecessary!”

“Oh, so you lied to him?”

“Pretty much. All warfare is based on deception...Sun Tzu said that, not Ace. And by deception I got you here to this escape room where we will have a team building exercise that will help prepare us for The Golden Boys AND it will help you learn to enjoy yourself a little! So its a win-win situation!”

Jessica rolls her eyes and sighs out of frustration. “I don’t see how this is a win-win situation.”

“I suppose you’re right. There is one instance where it could be a lose situation.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well you see, I spoke to some of my foster mother’s contacts within the criminal underworld and I had them set up some really dangerous and downright deadly traps in this room. This is as deadly as you get, Jess! I figure if we want to be the best team in SCW then we need to overcome the most difficult of challenges!”

“What?!” Lasiewicz exclaims in shock. Before Jessica can protest further, Kimberly throws the door open and shoves her half-sister inside. Kimberly steps inside after her and shuts the door behind her. Jessica stands back up and regains her composure. She turns and glares at Kim.

“What have you done?”

“You’ll see! And you’ll thank me later!”

Jessica turns her angry attention forward, towards the sound of approaching footsteps. What she sees is a large, muscular, Hell’s Angel’s style biker wearing a powdered wig. Lasiewicz mouths the words “what the fuck”...Kim chuckles.

“Amazing what you can pay people to do these days! Too bad he wouldn’t put on the outfit I wanted him to wear. These biker types are sensitive about their biker gear.”

“Here ye, here ye, by decree of King George the Third, the American colonies who have rebelled against his majesty will be brought to their knees by deadly force if necessary! Beginning with these two...PATRICK HENRY AND BETSY ROSS!”

“You’re Betsy Ross.” Kim says, whispering into Jessica’s ear. Lasiewicz rolls her eyes.

“I never would have guessed.”


And with that the biker in the powdered wig immediately runs over Jessica, knocking her down with his massive body. He drops a leg across her throat. The entire time this is happening Kim is watching, cackling to herself. But The Archangel finds none of this entertaining.

“Why are you laughing?! Get him off me!”

“No can do, Jess! I need to find the clues to escape this room! You should soon as you defend the Lizard Title from King George’s messenger there. Oh and by the way, I told him you were the Lizard Champion.”

Kimberly walks away from the fight and begins studying over a map of the thirteen original colonies. Meanwhile the biker has Jessica in a choke hold. Lasiewicz pokes him in his eyes, forcing a break. Jessica then takes the American flag that she had over her shoulder and uses it to choke him. Slowly but surely he goes down until he falls flat on the floor. Lasiewicz then approaches Kimberly who is still studying the map.

“Thanks for nothing…”

“I was busy!” Kim points at the map, specifically at the South Carolina colony. “See? South Carolina is in the wrong place! It has to be a clue!” Kimberly turns the map over and underneath the map, where South Carolina is, there is a key. Jessica immediately takes the key from Kim’s hand.

“Hopefully this is the key out of here…” Jessica takes it to the front door and tries it. Unfortunately it doesn’t work. Lasiewicz sighs. “ such luck.”

“There’s another door!” Kim says, pointing to the far side of the room. Jessica walks over and uses the key on the door. She opens it and immediately is met with a hard boot to the face from Abigail Lindsey, who is standing there dressed in a Revolutionary War attire similar to Kim’s. Jessica slowly tries to pull herself up and looks up to see Abi.

“What the…” she sighs “...of course Kim talked you into this. Who are you supposed to be?”

“Benedict Arnold. Kim also said the Lizard Title was on the line. So…” Abi knocks Jessica down with a kick to the ribcage and then covers. Kim runs over and counts the pin…

“1...2...3!” Kim shouts. “Congratulations to the new Lizard Champion, Abigail Lindsey!”

“Great! Now I’m out of here…” Realizing that the Sanctioned Lizard Unsanctioned Title is on the line 24/7 Abi tries to escape the room. But she finds that the door is still locked and she, like Kim and Jessica, need to get out. “...well shit.”

Before Abi can do much else she is tackled to the ground by The Archangel. Jessica and Abi begin to wrestle on the ground. Kimberly smirks as she enters the new room that Abi just exited from, hoping to find a clue there. Inside this room The Woman Scorned spots two portraits of King Goerge and a statue of King George. Kimberly chuckles.

“This George dude was certainly high on himself! Guess you get that way when everyone calls you a king. Anyway, now to finding that clue. If I was a clue, where would I hide?” Kimberly approaches the first of the two portraits and studies it closely, almost as if she were an art critic. She goes to the second portrait and again inspects it closely but finds nothing. Then Williams moves on to the statue of King George. She puts her hands on her hips and focuses closely and intensely on the statue. A sly grin spreads across her face.

“Hey! George is holding a key in his right hand!” Sure enough, there is a key contained in the right hand of the statue. Kimberly reaches out and takes it. Kim turns and rushes out of the room. She walks past Jessica and Abi who are both still wrestling on the floor.

“Get up you two! I think I got our way outta here!” Kimberly takes the key and places it in the door. She turns the knob and the door opens. Unfortunately as she does this a large bag of sand falls from the ceiling and hits both Abi and Jessica, knocking them down. Williams turns to face the pair.

“Get up! We won!” Kim shouts encouragement as they both slowly begin to move. Jessica, though, is faster and throws an arm across Abi.

“Count the pin…


“Policz do trzech!”

Kim shrugs and does as she is told, dropping to the floor. “1...2...3!”

Kim gets back up and helps Jessica back to her feet. “I’m champion again…”

“I thought you didn’t want to be Lizard Champion?”

“I don’t! I just know it means something to you and…” Jessica says quickly, though Kimberly isn’t convinced, not in the slightest. She smirks knowingly.

“See? This can be fun!”

“Yeah, a barrel of laughs.” Abi says as she pushes herself up. She stares at Kim. “I hope I get the payment you promised.”

“Of course. I always keep my promises.” Kim leans her head over. Abi then takes a staple gun out of her coat pocket and uses it against Kim’s forehead. “Damn! Fuck!”

“Thanks, Kim! I owed you that from a couple years ago!”

“Don’t mention it! Thanks for helping, Abi!”

Abi walks out of the room. “No problem. I’d stay and chat but if I recall that explosive you told me to plant will go off within the hour so I’m gonna leave.”

“Explosive?!” Jessica exclaims as Abi is walking off. Lasiewicz turns and looks incredulously at her half-sister. “Tell me she was joking?”

“I dunno...wanted her and that Hell’s Angel biker guy to make this as dangerous as possible. So maybe there is a bomb. But maybe not? I don’t know, so maybe we should leave just in case there is.”

“Good idea…” Jessica says with a sigh as she walks out first. Kimberly follows her closely behind. The walk back down the hallways and corridors of this building is a quick one and not very difficult, despite feeling like she was in a war having to fend off both a Hell’s Angel biker and Abigail Lindsey. Kimberly, who had the much easier task of just finding the clues to escape the locked room, has a broad grin on her face. This was her master plan and she believes it to be a success. But what exactly was she hoping to gain other than to help Jessica “loosen up” a bit?

“Kim, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, Betsy!”


“Your ellipses are showing.”

Jessica rolls her eyes. “Whatever. I’m just curious how you managed to get this permission to use this building for your little deathtrap. Surely someone you know owns this and let you do this. So who is it?”

“I’m not sure you wanna know.”

“Kim, we started this team to build our bond as sisters and build up trust in one another, right?”


“So trust me enough to tell me who you got this building from?”

“Do you promise not to murder her if I tell you?”

“It was Sorinah wasn’t it?” Jessica asks demandingly. Kim shrugs her shoulders.

“I plead the fifth.”

“As much as she claims to like me and want the best for me, I’m surprised she let you use this knowing what you were going to do. I mean, you did tell her what you were planning didn’t you?”

“I plead the fifth.”

“My God, Kim! Do you have any idea what kind of disaster this could have been? Did you even think this through or were you like ‘oh, this sounds fun, lets do it!’”

“Mostly the latter.” Kim says smiling wryly.

“That’s not a good way to live your life.”

“It works for me. And while I’m not asking you to live your life exactly like me, I do think being a little spontaneous and trying to enjoy yourself a little bit can be good for you. And despite this rough and tough Lasiewicz exterior that you and your dad have, I think I am getting through to you.”

“No way…” Jessica says, denying it completely.

“Oh really? Jess, a couple weeks ago when I forfeited the Lizard Title to you, you were pissed.”

“Yes, I was pissed because you manipulated me again. You tricked me into making a bet in which I didn’t know what I would get if I won the bet. I would have never made the damn bet if I knew becoming Lizard Champion was part of the bet.”

“Yeah, you were mad at me then. But I saw how you reacted when Abi took the Lizard Title from you. In fact, I told her to take the Lizard Title from you because I wanted to see how you would react. And you saw red.”

“Abi hitting me with a boot had something to do with that.”

“Maybe, but you gotta admit that you did take the time to cover her and made me take the time to count the pin. You could have been done with this…” Kim reaches into her coat jacket and produces the Lizard title belt. Jessica reaches out and snatches it out of Kim’s hands.


“Yeah, yours.” Kim winks. “And you can be done with it any time you want. It isn’t like SCW recognizes it as a legitimate title. They probably never will. So who cares? Dump it in the garbage for all I care.”

“I can’t…” Jessica says, looking at the title belt.

“Why not?”

“…because you care too much about it!” Jessica storms away. Kimberly snickers.

“I win round one, Jess. Just wait and see what I have planned for round two. You’re gonna be more fun in no time.” With that, Kimberly rushes off to catch up with Jessica.

June 29th, 2021
On Camera

We open in what appears to be an old style New England meeting hall. There is a podium near the front. A few moments later and we see “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams stepping into the scene wearing her Revolutionary War soldier attire and a powdered wig. She is carrying a musket over her shoulder. Williams approaches the podium and clears her throat as she prepares to speak before

“Four score and seven years ago...whatever the hell that means...some dude, a dude named Patrick Henry, rose up and said to the vile King George GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! And you know what made King George so vile, you ask? It wasn’t the fact that he was an alcoholic or a womanizer like Adam Allocco. It wasn’t the fact that he was a clown and a buffoon like Adam Allocco. It wasn’t even because he used and manipulated the colonists the way Adam Allocco uses and manipulates Bison Jones. King George was vile for all of those reasons but also because he refused to watch Supreme Championship Wrestling!”

A loud booing can be heard...which is obviously from a tape recorded since this room is empty. Kimberly shakes her head in defiance. “But just as the American colonists took up arms against King George, so shall myself and Jessica Lasiewicz take up arms against King Adam of Allocco and Sir Bison of Jones!” Kim hoists up the musket and it suddenly goes off, a loud pop can be heard as a result. Kim drops the musket and gasps.

“Sorry if that hit any small animal...or bad! I’m pretty sure that was just a dart gun anyway!” Kim smiles sheepishly. “Ok, so maybe our game plan will come from Jessica, since obviously I cannot be trusted with any weapons, but believe me when I say that King Adam of Allocco and his tyranny against the colonies of SCW will end! Now how shall we bring down King Adam, the King of Shit?”

Williams reaches underneath the podium and produces several bottles of an unknown alcoholic beverage. “TAKE AWAY THE THING HE HOLDS NEAR AND DEAR! Behold, my fellow patriots, the Boston Beer Party!” Kim randomly starts throwing the bottles of alcohol all over the room, causing them to shatter upon impact. “Take your bottles of alcohol, wherever they may be, and throw them! Heave them against the wall! Or better yet, find someone you don’t like, pretend its Adam, and throw them at his ugly mug!” Kim smirks devilishly.

“Another way we can target Adam is by eliminating his backup.” Kim reaches back under the podium and produces a sign that says “Free Bison”.

“This nation was founded upon the principles of freedom to protest! And I protest King Adam of Shit’s treatment of Mr. Bison Jones! Clearly Adam does not appreciate what Bison is capable of! Adam does not appreciate Bison’s talents! Bison, King Adam of Allocco is USING YOU! Tell him that you are mad as hell and you will not take this anymore!”

Kim tosses the sign aside and shakes her head.

“But if all else fails, then Jess and I will just take matters into our own hands. I may be a bit eccentric, I may be a bit crazy, but deep down inside my demented little mind is a smart individual. And deep down in my heart is a soul of a woman who cares for her sister. Now I’ve had my fun with the Lizard Championship. I’ve had fun trying to murder Giovanni Aries. It’s all been a blast and Jessica has supported me throughout. Now I return the favor. Jessica wants the tag team championship for Vengeance and I will do everything I can make sure that comes to pass. Adam, Bison, you two should know by now that there is almost nothing I won’t do to hurt my opponents. Hell, I will even sacrifice my own body in order to hurt the pair of you. So on Breakdown, come for war because Vengeance is bringing a REVOLUTIONARY WAR to your doorstep!”

RE: Vengeance vs. The Golden Boys - The Matt - 06-30-2021

June 29th, 2021
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Taking your best friend out to a party or for a night of dancing and listening to great music, those are good ways to help your best friend “loosen up” but Kimberly Williams is not a normal person. In fact, her methods are more than just merely unorthodox and Kim’s half-sister, “The Archangel” Jessica Lasiewicz, has felt the full brunt of her unorthodox methods ever since reluctantly agreeing to let Kimberly “work her magic” so to speak in an attempt to teach Jessica how to “live a little” as Kimberly and some others would put it. But putting both of them in serious danger in the form of a deadly escape room was certainly not what Jessica expected.

It has been less than twenty four hours since The Archangel’s time in the escape room with her demented half-sister and she still cannot fathom just what Kimberly was expecting to accomplish. Kimberly made the two of them dress in period clothing, try to escape a Revolutionary War themed escape room, all the while being assaulted by paid thugs; one of whom being none other than former SCW wrestler Abigail Lindsey. All this to help Jessica loosen up because, in Kimberly’s own words, Jessica was “boring”.

Jessica didn’t let on that it hurt but in a way it did. Is she boring? Jessica had always assumed that Kimberly’s personality was just so over the top that she naturally overshadowed anyone and everyone she was paired with. But is there truth to Kimberly’s words? Is Jessica a little dull? Does she need to learn to live a little? Since this question bothers The Archangel so much, she is going to find answers in the one place she thinks that she can find answers; from her mother, the former thirteen time world champion and now retired Angelica Jones.

Currently Jessica finds herself in the familial home where she spent most of her time as a child. She notices that little about the exterior or interior of the home has changed, and that is due to how traditional and nostalgic her mother tends to be. Angelica Jones never has been one to embrace change with great enthusiasm. Thus returning here and sitting down in this living room on this sofa is like taking a time machine back to her childhood years. Memories of her formative years growing up are flooding back into Jessica’s mind.

Even then she tended to be a bit dull, Jessica realizes as she thinks back to her childhood. She always just assumed that she matured quicker than most children her age, not that she was dull or never had fun. But while her sisters were always out doing childish things, Jessica was typically busy studying, learning, and educating herself. It paid off later when she was able to finish college early but did it come with the cost of having a fun, normal childhood? Plus there was the added pressure of having two famous wrestling parents. Kim and Marie only have Angelica as a famous wrestling parent. Jessica has not only a famous mother but a famous father in the form of “The Silver Eagle” Andreas Lasiewicz. Jessica always felt pressured to make both of her parents proud, to live up to the legacy both left behind.

“Wine?” The voice of her mother startles Jessica back to attention. She turns and spots Angelica Jones walking into the room carrying two glasses full of red wine. Jessica cannot stifle a grin from her face as she nods her head.

“Sometimes I wonder if you enjoy visits from your children because you love us or simply because it gives you an excuse to drink.”

“What can I say? I am a functioning alcoholic and I love my red wine.”

“You can say that again.” Jessica says as she takes one of the glasses offered by her mother. Angelica then sits down next to her on the sofa. Mother and daughter clink their glasses together in a wordless, soundless toast before taking a sip of their wine. Jessica breaks the ice after that first initial sip. “So how is retirement?”

“I admit that I was afraid at first. Three things have dominated my whole life; church, wrestling, and music. Church led me to meeting Sean Williams who became the father of your sisters Marie and Kim. Wrestling led me to meeting Andreas, your father, who gave me you. When your father and I split up wrestling led me to Sean McBride, who gave me your other sister, Kelly. Wrestling also gave the opportunity to live in the kind of luxury I live in today. I owe so much to wrestling and I didn’t know what I would do without it.”

“But you still have your music career?” Jessica asks. Angelica nods her head.

“Yes, I do. And I think that’s what Marie was trying to tell me, even if she went about it the wrong way. I have other parts of my life I can focus on. Wrestling doesn’t have to be my end all be all. I can finally retire on my own terms and focus on my music career. In fact, my next album should be released soon.”

“That’s great news. So is that what you’ve been doing on your retirement? Just making music?”

“That and some introspection. Heavy thinking.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” Jessica says flatly. “Things don’t always work well when you do ‘heavy thinking’, mom.”

“Trust me, Jess, I’ll be fine.” Angelica says as she takes another sip of her wine. “But what about you? How have you and your sister been handling yourselves in SCW as Vengeance?”

Lasiewicz doesn’t like the dodge from her mother. Her words and the dodge, it’s just too cryptic for Jessica’s taste. She does want to know what her mother is up to but that is a concern for another time. Jessica takes another sip of her wine before answering.

“We’ve been more or less treading water. When we weren’t fighting off Giovanni Aries and his Wonderland we were chasing Datura and the Unsanctioned Title.”

“Don’t you mean Lizard Title?” Angelica says with a playful wink. Jessica rolls her eyes.

“Don’t remind me.”

“Sorry, Jess, I just wanted to mess with you. I know almost everything that’s been going on; well, at least on camera, anyway. I have been watching Breakdown regularly to see how you girls have done. I heard you’re facing The Golden Boys on Breakdown.”

Jessica nods her head. “Yes, it is quite an opportunity for Kim and I. I hope we can beat them and put ourselves into the tag title conversation. But…” The Archangel’s voice trails off. Angelica studies her curiously.

“But what?”

“I have a small problem.”

“With Kim?”

“No...well kind of…yes…”

“Which is it?” Angelica asks with her eyebrows arched out of curiosity.

“It’s complicated.”

“Uncomplicate it for me.” Angelica says dryly. “I am your mother and I am here to help.”

“Is ‘uncomplicate’ even a word?”

“Don’t change the subject. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

“Fine.” Jessica sighs. “It’s just something Kim said yesterday. She said I need to learn to enjoy myself more. She says I need to loosen up. But the thing that really got me was she said I was boring.”

“She said you were boring?” Angelica asks for clarification purposes. Jessica shrugs her shoulders.

“Technically no, she claimed a bogus poll took by that idiot sleaze Leviticus says I was boring.”

“You can’t trust anything from Leviticus, you know that. What matters is what do you think? Do you think you’re boring?”

“At first I said bullshit to the whole thing. I may not be the most exciting person in the world, I may not even be the most exciting wrestler, but I get the job done when it matters. Wins and losses matter more than ratings. At least that’s what I have always believed. But…” Jessica sighs as she takes a pause to sip her wine “...I got to thinking about me and Kim. I got to thinking about our crowd reaction.”

“The fans seem to love you two.” Angelica says. Jessica nods her head.

“Yeah, when Kim and Datura were trying to staple each other’s asses. When Kim uses that damned penguin, or the Freddy Krueger glove, or the infinity gauntlet as weapons. When Kim drags that stupid Dalek with us. When Kim is fighting over an imaginative, unsanctioned Lizard title...we get cheers when that kind of insanity happens. Hell, when Kim attempted to murder Giovanni on Breakdown we were cheered. And I realized that was all Kim. All of it was her eccentric personality.”

“I think I see where this is going now.”

“Do I need more of a personality?”

“You have plenty of personality, Jess. You just have trouble showing it. But you weren’t always like this. I remember your first stint in SCW. You used my last name instead of your father’s and you used your middle name instead of your first. And your ring gear was a cheerleading uniform.”

“Don’t remind me.” Jessica says blushing. “And don’t tell Kim, otherwise she’ll try to get me back in that stupid getup.”

Angelica chuckles. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay silent. But still, talking about your time as ‘Cheerleader’ Corey Jones, you seemed to show plenty of personality.”

“It was all forced, mom. Most of it, at least.”

“Most of it? So maybe some of you enjoyed it?”

“I don’t know.” Jessica sighs out of frustration. “I really don’t know, mom.”

“I think I do.” Angelica wraps an arm around her shoulder. “You are too much like me and your father. You want to be respected, you want to be taken seriously. And I think a part of you believes that even though Kim is getting cheered that she is NOT necessarily taken seriously.”

“Oh I know she’s not taken serious! How can you take anyone with a penguin as a weapon seriously?”

“It has lead weights in it, to be fair.”

“And its name is Wasley!” Jessica growls. “She isn’t taken seriously but she doesn’t mind one iota. In fact, it is all part of her master plan. She doesn’t want people to take her seriously. She thinks her enemies will underestimate her if they think she’s just a simple lunatic.”

“It is a rather creative plan.”

“That’s not the point. The point is Kim is trying to change me. Now she doesn’t want to be exactly like her, because thankfully she realizes that there can only be one Kimberly Williams and really, the world can only handle one Kimberly Williams. But she does think that I need to enjoy myself more. Do you think she’s right? Do I need to enjoy myself?”

“Now that’s a loaded question, Jess.” Angelica finishes off her wine and then sets the glass down on a nearby table. “Listen, you are a lot like I was; very serious, deadly serious even. And when I was that serious I won world championships. But if you try to take things too seriously you could miss out on a lot of fun. I admit that I do regret not taking the time to enjoy myself a little. So maybe you should let Kim try to show you how to have fun. What could it hurt?”

“What could it hurt? Seriously?”

“Yeah. What could it hurt?”

“Last night she led me to a so-called ‘escape room’ where we were assaulted by a Hell’s Angel biker and Abigail Lindsay.”

Angelica’s eyes grow wide. “She did?”

“Yes. In revolutionary war attire.”

“Ok then…” Angelica gets up and starts to walk away.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to get another drink.”

June 30th, 2021
On Camera

We open in a dark, dimly lit room. It is so dark that we cannot tell exactly where we are or what is going on. Then a figure steps into the dimly lit room. The feminine silhouette indicates that this is a female and whoever she is, she is wearing dark clothing, making even harder to see her. But when she speaks we hear the unmistakable voice of “The Archangel” Jessica Lasiewicz.

“I don’t need to listen to other people to find my voice. I have always had strong opinions and have never been afraid to voice those opinions. And I have never once needed to or cared to listen to what other people said about me. I always let my in ring performance do most of my talking. But something told me I should listen to what my sister Kimberly said about our match on Breakdown against The Golden Boys.”

A spotlight turns on, shining down Jessica Lasiewicz. She is wearing dark denim pants, a black top, and a black hooded leather jacket. Lasiewicz removes the hood, letting her long strawberry blonde hair flow freely down past the shoulders. She smirks at the camera devilishly.

“I admit, I enjoyed what you said, Kim. It was a real appropriate feel, especially with the Fourth of July rapidly approaching. But I have to point out one tiny error on your part. Well, at least I consider it an error. You speak of the tyranny of ‘King Adam’...” Lasiewicz rolls her eyes “...but what exactly is he king of, anyway? He is certainly not the king of the tag team division anymore, because he and Bison lost the tag team championships at Taking Hold of the Flame. But at least the old broken down drunk had Bison’s Television Title to fall back on…”

Jessica chuckles “...oh, but wait! Kandis took that away. Now Adam and his throng of lackeys and thugs are left with nothing. He is the king of a fallen and dead empire. He has lost everything that made him feel important, everything that made him feel special. So as far as his so-called tyranny goes, that’s already over and done with. But to say he is King of Shit? Well, that’s a fair point.”

“Poor, Adam. How does it feel to fall from grace? How does it feel to have had so much power and to lose it all within such a quick span of time? You had it all and then within a month you lost everything. The people in the SCW locker room had already ridiculed you for being a clown, a schmuck, and a drunk but they at least respected you for what you were capable of. You brought the tag titles and the television title into your little group. But now you lost the gold. You lost what made you lot the golden boys. And now the people of the SCW locker room no longer respect you, they just ridicule you.”

Jessica shakes her head. “Don’t worry, though. You do still serve a purpose. I mean, the other tag teams in this division, myself and Kim included, still view you as a stepping stone to earning a tag team championship opportunity. What’s the best way to earn a title shot against the newly crowned Lexy’s Angels? The best way to earn that title shot is to defeat the former champions. And that is your purpose now, Adam; you are a stepping stone and nothing more.”

“But Bison? You’re different. You and I went toe to toe and I experienced what you were capable of. I tried to end your Television Title reign before Kandis but I couldn’t get the job done. You beat me and despite anything that is said now or in the future you do have my respect. But bouncing again off what Kimberly already said, I must ask, do you really believe that Adam Allocco respects you?”

The Archangel shakes her head. “No, he doesn’t. You are his muscle. You are a powerhouse whom Adam sees as his ticket to regaining whatever former glory that drunk thought he had. He only cares about what you can do for him. Everything within the Golden Boys is all about Adam Allocco. The sooner you realize that, the better. And while I know you will one day taste championship gold again, the simple fact is that yes, you and Adam are a stepping stone; a stepping stone for Vengeance. We are going to defeat you and then step to the front of the line and earn a shot at the SCW World Tag Team Championship.”
