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8 Person Tag Match - Printable Version

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8 Person Tag Match - Konrad Raab - 09-19-2021

Kennedy Street, lich house (Lilith Morgan & KEZ) & Kimberly Williams vs. The Golden Boys (Adam Allocco & Bison Jones), Gianni “G” Money & Jessica Tremor

4 RP Limit for tag (No word limits for any match)

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 25, 2021

RE: 8 person tag match - The Matt - 09-22-2021

September 16th, 2021
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Off Camera

Kimberly Williams has always been unhinged. Lately she has been absolutely out of control. A large part of her unhinged state of mind and string of violent behavior can be attributed to the fact that no one is currently around to keep The Woman Scorned “on a leash” so to speak. In the past she had her sisters, Marie Jones and Jessica Lasiewiz, to rein in her psychotic behavior. But now, with Kimberly on her own for the first time in a long time, The Woman Scorned is free to do whatever she wants with no one there to stop her, without any restrictions or restraints.

The Woman Scorned thrives in an environment with no restrictions nor any restraints. This is why she is excited about the Underground Rules Match tonight on Breakdown against Jordan Majors. Kimberly certainly understands her role; she is there to put up a good fight yet at the end of the day lose to Jordan. Jordan is on a collision course with Nicole Kinnick and Brittany Lohan and Kimberly is just there to make Jordan look good, to make her look as if she is ready for the violence. But Williams isn’t ready to play along with that narrative. The Woman Scorned is prepared to write her own narrative and that means mopping the floor with Jordan’s blood. Does Kimberly hold a grudge against Jordan? Not at all. In fact, Kimberly likes Jordan. But Kimberly is tired of being overlooked. She is going to make an example out of Jordan Majors tonight and make certain that no one else in SCW overlooks her again.

Currently Kimberly Williams finds herself seated on the floor backstage at the Rogers Arena. The eccentric ginger has her sack of weapons in front of her. Williams is sifting through the weapons, taking one out at a time. Kim reaches into the bag and produces the knife glove.

“Betty White...good for slicing and dicing my prey. I’m pretty sure that is legal with Underground Rules.” Kimberly tosses it aside and reaches back inside the sack. She produces her staple gun. “And yes, my trusty staple gun. Jordan and Datura could have something in common after tonight if I staple her ass like I said Datura’s!” Kim tosses the staple gun aside. She reaches back into the sack and produces the infinity gauntlet. She looks at it curiously. “Y’know, I always try to use this to wipe half of my opposition out of existence but it never works. If that doesn’t work tonight I can always just use it to punch Jordan in the face.” Kim tosses the infinity gauntlet aside. She reaches back inside and produces the penguin named Wasley that has lead weights inside. “And one of my all time favorites...WASLEY!” She kisses the penguin and then sets it on the ground. Kimberly pushes herself up and takes stock of her weaponry. She smirks knowingly. “I think I’m ready. Jordan won’t know what hit her.”

“It looks like you’re preparing for war.” A familiar voice is heard from not too far away. Kim spins around and spots her mother, Angelica Jones, approaching. Williams furrows her brow out of curiosity.

“Mom? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Seriously, Kim?” Angelica asks. Kim nods her head. Angelica sighs and pulls out an envelop that has already been opened. “You invited me. You sent me this letter with a backstage pass for tonight’s show. You wanted to talk.”

“Oh, yeah! I remember now! See, my mind tends to go off into a million different places and that means its easy for me to forget things. As a matter of fact, I forgot who I am fighting tonight.”

Angelica chuckles. “You’re fighting Jordan Majors in an Underground Rules Match.”

“That’s right! Underground Rules is my domain and I am going to prove that to her tonight!” Kim still looks confused as she points at Angelica. “But that still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”

“We’ve already been through that. You invited me, remember?”

“See what I mean about how I forget things easily?” Kim says with a noticeable grin on her face. Williams may find all of this rather fun and entertaining but Angelica Jones, who came up here from Boston, Massachusetts, isn’t finding any of it entertaining in the least. Jones sighs out of frustration.

“Kim, can we cut the jokes and just tell me what you need? I mean, I don’t mind hanging out with you or even joking around with you but what you wrote it all sounded very cryptic. And your latest string of promos, you sound different. I’m worried about you. So if there’s anything I can do to help you, then just let me know.”

“So you want to cut to the quick, huh?” Kimberly chuckles. “Yeah, I suppose that’s for the best.” Kimberly walks over and embraces her mother in a tight hug. “I am glad you came, mom. I mean that.”

“I will always be there for you and your sisters. All you have to do is ask.”

“Good. That’s good to hear because I have a question for you and you may not like it.”

“What is it?”

“You know how Emma kept me locked away in the wilderness, raising me off the grid; I had little to no encounters with society until I turned eighteen at which point I was on my own, I prepared for my career in wrestling. And even then it was many years later until I made peace with you, with my sisters, and I finally got to know all of you. It took a long time before I finally knew the truth about what Emma had been doing to me.”

“I remember.” Angelica says, nodding her head. “And I wish I could have done more but…”

“Don’t mom. What was done is done and we’re past that, ok?”


“But there is one thing about my past I never did find out. I never learned it from Emma because she intentionally kept my past hidden from me. I found out about half of my past from you, getting to know your family. But my other family, namely dad’s family, I never got to know him or his family. Half of what makes me, me comes from him but I don’t even know who he is...well, other than his name. I know my dad’s name was Sean Williams. Other than that I know nothing.”

“So you want me to tell you about your father?”

“Yeah.” Kim answers, nodding her head.

“Didn’t Marie ever tell you about him?”

“She told me what she knew, which wasn’t much. We were going to look into this together but then she decided to give up on it and go on her own way. So here I am, all on my own, trying to find out about my past. And I would think that you would know more about dad than Marie.”

Angelica laughs lightly and nods her head. “You’re right about that. Though I am probably going to be a disappointment because I can probably only tell you what Marie already told you.”

“Just start with where you met him.”

“Your father was attending a seminary nearby to the convent where I lived when I was a nun.”

“So dad was studying to be a priest?”

“That was his plan, at least it was until we met and fell in love.”

Kimberly bursts into laughter. “So I am the product of a priest and a nun getting it on?”

“I suppose so, if you want to put it that way.”

“I love it!” Kim is cackling like a hyena at this point. “But uh, if you two were so in love, what led you to breaking up? Was it the whole taboo the church has against priests and nuns doing the nasty?”

“Kind of, indirectly I suppose.” Angelica sighs deeply as the painful memories rush back into her mind. “Your father and I made love to each other frequently, and we knew what were doing went against church rules. We knew we were breaking our vows. But we didn’t care. Then I found I was pregnant and that is when the reality of what I was doing finally hit me like a ton of bricks. I was panicking because I didn’t know what I would do. Would Sean be ok with being a father? Would Sean be able to provide for all of us? I knew I would need him because if the church found about the pregnancy, there was a chance I would get kicked out of the convent. And the convent was my only place to stay. That’s when Emma came into the picture.”

“Say no more.” Kim responds stoically. “I know the rest of the story.” Kimberly does recall the rest of the bitter story. She recalls how Emma used a vulnerable, emotional, and panicking Angelica Jones to her advantage, manipulating her into giving up her children in hopes of retaining her religious life. Instead Angelica lost her religious life and she even lost Sean when Emma lied to him and convinced him that Angelica had an abortion to get rid of the pregnancy.

“Your father hated me because he thought I had aborted the pregnancy. He believed Emma’s lies. I am sorry, Kim. I am sorry for everything that happened. If I could take it all back, I would but…”

Kim hugs her mother tightly. “There is no need to apologize to me, mom. Like I said, we’ve already been through this. As far as I’m concerned, we’re all good now. Ok?”

“Ok…” Angelica says, wiping a few tears from her eyes.

“But uh, I do have one more question about my dad.”


“Did he have any relatives? Anyone that may still be living?”

“Your father did have a sister Cynthia and a brother Douglas. Unfortunately that’s all I can tell you about them. Sean never spoke much about them.”

September 21st, 2021
Wilderness of Massachusetts
Off Camera

Nighttime has fallen deep in the wilderness somewhere in Massachusetts. These woods are deep and thick, the perfect place to hide or to stay hidden from the rest of the world. In the case of Emma Storm, it was the perfect place to take the infant Kimberly Williams and raise her off the grid away from society until she was eighteen. But now Emma is gone. The original cabin that Kimberly spent eighteen years of her life living in has since been burned to the ground. Taking its place is a run down rickety shack built by none other than Kimberly Williams herself. And sitting there in complete and utter darkness on this night is Kimberly’s current captive, Emma’s sister and last living relative, Sorinah Floreschu.

The Romanian has been finding it harder and harder to maintain her sanity. She has had no contact with anyone in the outside world. Kimberly only stops by once every week or so to resupply her with food and supplies. But Sorinah is still chained and shackled to a wall to ensure that she cannot get away. And the lack of lighting in this place adds to the mental torture. Sorinah has already lost track of what day it is. She knows that it won’t be long until she completely loses her mind.

A light can be seen shining in through the window. It isn’t natural light; it is clearly from a flashlight. Sorinah can only assume that her captor has returned. This return is unexpected because she still has leftover supplies. She doesn’t need anything right now and Kimberly has typically waited until Sorinah was completely out of supplies before she stopped by with more to sustain her. What brings Kimberly back here so early?

The door to the shack swings open and The Woman Scorned steps in with flashlight in hand and bags of food and more supplies. “Surprise!” Kim shouts excitedly. “I know, Sorry, it is a wee earlier than expected, but you and I have some important things to discuss and I figured why not bring some supplies by while I’m here?”

Kim places the bags on the floor. She reaches into one of the bags and produces a slice of bologna and tosses it at Sorinah. The Romanian woman instinctively leaps at the bologna and starts shoving it into her mouth, hungrily devouring it like a wild animal. She knows that this is further cementing her identity as more animalistic, and further symbolizes her downfall, but she doesn’t care. She is grateful for the food. Kimberly cackles nastily as she watches the scene unfold.

“Just look at you. You were once so powerful. You have so many contacts and so much wealth at your fingertips. You were an elegant lady who manipulated others. You manipulated my half-sister Jessica into doing your bidding once. And when she abandoned your ass you tried to get her committed. And you thought you could worm your way back into not her life but mine and do it without any consequences for your previous actions?” Kim kneels down next to Sorinah and pats her on the head. “These are the consequences of your actions. You are currently paying for your sins as well as the sins of your entire family, namely your sister who ruined my entire childhood.”

Williams slaps Sorinah across the face. “Do you want to blame someone for being locked away here and treated like an animal? Don’t blame me. I didn’t want to be a psychopath. Do you think I wanted to be the deranged lunatic who tries to maim anyone and everyone who gets in her path?” Kim laughs sarcastically. “Please. I look at some of these people I work with in SCW...Kennedy Street, Holly Adams...I would kill to be normal like them. But that’s impossible. See, your sister turned me into a monster. From my infancy I was raised to be a monster and that is your sister’s fault. So don’t blame me for your torture right now, Sorinah, blame your dead sister who is probably burning in hell right now!”

“I...I’m sorry…” Sorinah manages to say. Kim snickers nastily.

“I’m sure you are. But apologizing won’t fix anything. However, you can do something to help me and if you do help me then maybe, just maybe, I will be merciful. How does that sound?”

“Kimberly...I told you, I would do anything to fix the sins of my sister. What do you want?”

“Well you could start by being honest with me. That’s something you and your sister never could figure out. Honestly is the best policy, Sorry, so if I were you I would start by being honest because I have already learned a great deal about my past. But there are several blanks I need to have filled in. Emma could have filled in but she’s dead. So that leaves you. What can you tell me about my father’s family?”

“I…” Sorinah hesitate and then shakes her head “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

This was not the answer Kimberly wanted. She doesn’t slap, this time she punches Sorinah with a straight right hand. Blood starts trickling from Sorinah’s nose. “As important as I was to you and your sister, I know that you had to have kept tabs on my family. Obviously I don’t need you for my mom’s family. They’re still around. But my father’s family? Where the hell are they? Where is Sean Williams?”

“He’s dead.”

“See? Was it so hard to be honest? Though I knew that part already. What I want to know is where are his siblings? Mom told me that Sean had a brother named Douglas and a sister named Cynthia. So tell me what you know about them and you had better be honest because I am losing my patience.”

Sorinah sighs and finally nods her head. “You’re right, I did keep track of your paternal family. I did so just in case they were needed for anything.”

So where are they? Where are Cynthia and Douglas?”

“Cynthia Williams briefly went off the grid. I could not find her until I learned that she changed her name to Cynthia Johnston. She is currently living in Alaska. She did not want to be connected to the Williams family name after the scandal brought on by your uncle.”

“And what about my uncle?”

“Your uncle is in prison, serving time for multiple counts of murder.”

September 25th, 2021
Denver, Colorado
On Camera

It’s deja vu all over again! Once again yours truly, The Woman Scorned, finds herself in a tag team match against The Golden Boys!

Adam, Bison, it seems like I can never get rid of you! Quite honestly, it seems as if SCW itself cannot get rid of you. No matter many times you lose, you keep trying. Some may find that honorable but I find it pathetic. I find it pathetic because of how foolish you look. Look at you, Adam; you are an alcoholic, a fool, and while you have already lost the respect of your peers you are now slowly but surely losing the respect of your own allies. I know, I know, I have tried this song and dance before, but I think I am starting to get through that thick skull of Bison Jones where eventually that big oaf will come to realize that what I have been saying all this time is true. In fact, I am confident that our boy Bison will come to his senses. After all, he has something you don’t.

He has common sense. He won’t be fooled by your games for much longer, Adam. Eventually he will realize that you are just using him to prop yourself up. You are using Bison like a crutch to keep yourself relevant. But even that now has failed. The Golden Boys are no longer the tag team champions. Hell, you’re relegated to eight person tag working with people who probably don’t even like you. I mean, if Jessica Tremor and Gianni have even half a brain up that head of theirs, then they would know that you are not worth two damn cents.

Tremor, G-Money, I do pity you. I honestly and truly do pity you. You drew the short end of the straw so to speak. You were dealt a very bad hand because not only do you have the worst possible tag team partners in the form of Adam Allocco and Bison Jones, a couple of has-beens who cannot be trusted. But your other problem is the collective standing in front of you.

Kennedy Street...or Kennie as she calls herself, I hope she don’t mind I’m calling her Kennie...but Kennie is a former multiple time World Champion here in SCW, which is definitely more than what any of you will ever achieve during your stint with this company. And Lilith Morgan and KEZ may be new but they are on a roll since joining SCW. Our team has greatness and momentum on our side and your team has what?

A drunk? Delusional fools? Ignorant goons?

But let’s forget about the wild card in this scenario, namely me, The Woman Scorned. You never know what to expect from a psychopath except mayhem, carnage, and chaos galore. Now carnage without any guidance or direction just equals catastrophe everywhere. But with Kennie and lich House as my guide, I will be able to direct my carnage right where it needs to… the little newcomer Jessica Tremor, G-Money the dumbass failing miserably at sounding hip, and the poster child for alcoholics anonymous and his ignorant goon Bison Jones. My carnage will be directed right at you and I will cut you up, I will slice you up, and I will make you regret the day you agreed to step into the ring with me. I mean, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. Some may think that appearing at Apocalypse, wrestling in a pay per view match, is a big opportunity. But for you four this is not an opportunity. This is the night you need to fight for your very survival.

If I let you survive...

RE: 8 person tag match - Jessica Tremor - 09-22-2021

Altogether Now...
[Image: click2.png]

RE: 8 person tag match - Jessica Tremor - 09-25-2021

"The Party Begins...."
[Image: CLICK23.png]

RE: 8 Person Tag Match - lich house - 09-25-2021

"Does anybody else see the ghost standing in my door?
Waiting in the dark like a lion, what's he waiting for?
We talk about it like it's better
But this will never go away"
[Image: 8.jpg]

RE: 8 Person Tag Match - HARDStyle - 09-25-2021

RE: 8 Person Tag Match - Corner G - 09-25-2021

PRE-RP NOTE: For all intents and purposes, treat everything present in a G-Money Production as on-camera and public knowledge. Whether or not your character actually WATCHES his YouTube Channel, however…

Pay MORE money to see G-Money make that money, fam!
© 2021, G-Money Enterprises, yo!

09/24/2021 [REC.] 

The camera rises up inside the airport. The location: Denver, Colorado - the Mile-High City in a state where marijuana really is legal. 

“Heh… I guess this really is the Mile… HIGH… state, right baby?”

The handheld, held by Gianni “G” Money, moves away from the baggage claim. G-Money’s best gal, C-Honey, isn’t paying too much attention, too busy typing away on her own cell phone to give her man much more than a token gesture, a dry grin, and her attention returning to where it had been previously. But G doesn’t take it to heart. Instead, carrying the camera beside him, he positions it in front of him so he can keep walking as he speaks to the camera.

“Hey, what’s up fam? It’s your boy, G…”

One clapping sound effect is edited in through the magic of post-production.


It was followed up by two post-production claps. Clearly, as G-Money has at least one hand occupied, his doing the claps live and in person wasn’t going to happen. 

“Me and my best girl, C-Honey… say hi, babe…”

The camera moves towards Honey, who gives a small smile before again returning to the world inside her phone. G-Money thinks nothing of it and continues. 

“...are out here in Denver, Colorado! Why? Well, it’s not because G-Money is a fan of the ganja. Oh, I have nothing against those who do. You do you, fam. But the only taste G-Money longs for is C-Honey!”

He turns the camera to her again, hoping for a reaction. There is none. 

“We’re here because SC-dub has a pay per view broadcast, Apocalypse, coming out of here Sunday night! Ain’t that wild? That means that if you want to see me wrestle for the first time since that “loss” a couple weeks ago, this here… this is your chance.  You just gotta put some green out there to do it. But that’s okay… because you know your boy is gonna hook you up throughout the night. I’ll be live on my Twitch stream after my match so we can do live reactions to the rest of the show. I ain’t gonna leave you guys out in the dark, after all. Of course, when we do that, I can’t actually show you the feed I’m watching, but if you buy the show, we’ll be able to react together. Old school. But right now, G and C gotta get to the hotel, unpack, get our business on…”

He holds the camera back to C-Honey, who again chooses not to react. G points the camera back to himself. 

“And get ready for this Apocalypse party! See you on the flip side, fam!”

And G-Money actually turns his camera off. The scene cuts…



THE G-MONEY VLOG - Party, Bitches!
G-Money attends an SCW roster party because a party ain’t a party without G-Money!
© 2021, G-Money Enterprises, yo!

09/25/2021 [REC.] 

G-Money’s Uber drops him off at an unspecified location. After all, the information on the invitation G had received was very coy not to provide an address - after all, with the very public nature of the party invitation, he assumed the host didn’t want a bunch of normals crashing the party like a bunch of party crashers (G-Money also wasn’t very good as his similes). Still, as he gets out of the Uber, providing payment through the app on his phone, he begins talking to his again-running camera. 

“What’s up, fam… it’s G-Money here at the SCW talent party. I’m about 85% sure this is an official company function so, like a good team player, I figured I’d chip in a bit. C-Honey wasn’t able to make it for this party - said she got a bit of jetlag after our flight out here and wanted to just hang back at the hotel, so G-Money is flying stag tonight, baby!”

G almost howls at the moon, but the moon has not yet risen. 

“Oh… so without C-Honey coming out for the party, she gave me her blessing to bring…”

He reaches down beside him.

“Her case of White Claws. You know, it ain’t exactly my kind of drink. I’m usually more of a Smirnoff Ice kinda guy. But if it’s got alcohol, it’s a good thing, you know what I mean?”

G-Money fist-bumps his camera. Or punches you through it. You can decide which. 

“But yeah, G-Money is gonna get LIT tonight, fam! You know what I’m saying? I don’t mean I’m gonna wake up with another lady beside me. G-Money is totally loyal. But this is my chance to get to rub elbows with some of the greats in the company, yaknow? And more than that, it’s THEIR chance to get to rub elbows with one of the future greats of the company and the internet… G…”

He sets his phone aside and claps once.


He claps twice after hollering the rest of his name from his position. He bends over and picks the phone up. 

“Alright… let’s check this shindig out… mother-fu…”

G-Money looks through the window of the place, seeing Chicago rapper C-Money. His eyes become awash of… envy? Star-struckedness? Hunger? G-Money wouldn’t figure out what it means until he went inside... 



THE G-MONEY VLOG - The Morning After
G-Money attended an SCW roster party and now has a headache on the day of the big match… oops?
© 2021, G-Money Enterprises, yo!

09/26/2021 [REC.] 

The camera turns on, focused on the unconscious body of Gianni “G” Money. Wielded by G’s girlfriend Candy “C” Honey, it’s her hand that comes from behind the camera, pushing G’s shoulder. 

He groans. 


She pushes him again. 

“I don’t want to go to school…”

“G, it’s Sunday.”

He rolls over, trying to go back to bed. 


“No… Sunday as in the day of your match. Your PPV debut?”

G-Money springs to his feet.

“Well shit!”

But as soon as he popped up, G-Money falls back onto the bed. 

“I feel like a long-ass blackened nail just ripped through my sternum… how much did I have to drink last night?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t there, remember? But knowing you, this is probably about three Smirnoff Ice’s.”

“Good night…”

G smiles, nodding his head as drool slips out of the corner of his mouth. C takes a new tact… jumping onto the bed and mounting on top of G-Money, the camera pointed right down at him. G rolls onto his back, looking up at the camera. 

“We doing some OF content today?”

He gives a wry smile, but her fist comes from behind the camera, punching his shoulder. He lets out an audible “Ow”, rubbing his shoulder. And, as quickly as this short started, it cuts out… 

Probably for the OF content. High five? High five!



Apocalypse Edition
© 2021, G-Money Enterprises, yo!

The camera comes on with the chatroom that you’re in off to the right. In front of the camera, a weathered but no longer hungover G-Money sits in the locker-room at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. With the camera trained on him, he begins speaking to his live internet audience. 

“Hey, what’s up fam? It’s your boy, G…”

He claps once.


He claps twice in rapid succession. 

“And this is it! In a few hours, I’m gonna be strapping up the boots and getting to the ring for SCW Apocalypse. I’m feeling better after last night. I went and had a Denver omelet… seemed appropriate. Do you know that if you ask for jalapenos in your Denver, they’ll fucking DO it!? Blew my mind! Of course, I regretted the decision a few hours later, but I’m past that now thank God, and what a ride it was! But you know what else is gonna be a ride? Apocalypse! 

Again, fam, if you haven’t paid for the show yet what’re you waiting for? This ain’t like one of those shows that we encourage each other to find streams for. You KNOW that the shit on THIS show is worth the money. Otherwise we would’ve just tried to find a big mainstream company to buy the rights to air all SCW PPVs from one streaming service. I mean who the F does that, am I right? Of course I’m right. 

But even though I have this HUGE match tonight… and really, look who I’m gonna be around. Kennedy Street? That chick’s been in HOLLYWOOD MOVIES. Adam Allocco is gonna be my partner and I’m about 64% certain he invented Brazzers. Or at least was an early subscriber. Bison Jones… Jessica Tremor… Kimberly Williams. There’s a lot of star power in this match, and that kind of power is only gonna rub off on G-Money! I don’t know what kind of vendettas are out there among my partners and opponents, but for me it’s all about the shine of the spotlight and the green that comes with greater exposure. G-Money is well on his way, fam! Gonna be a big timer soon enough! 

But even though I have this HUGE match tonight, I wanted to come on here and do a quick Live to let you guys know that you ARE my fam! You were there from the beginning of G-Money, and I hope that you’ll stay through until the end of G-Money. And don’t become those snobby “Well I was a fan from the very beginning” types of fam. There’s room on the G-Money Train for everyone! And get ready, cuz this train is a bullet train and we’re about to get moving fast! Woo-woo!”

He pumps his arm like a train conductor pulling the whistle. As he does that, G leans forward and shuts off his camera, bringing the live stream to an end. 



RE: 8 Person Tag Match - HARDStyle - 09-25-2021

RE: 8 Person Tag Match - Kennedy Street - 09-25-2021

The Views Expressed by Your Sexy Flawless Diva Are That of Her Own and Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

[Image: Kennedy-Sig2021.png]

(Click Title)