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Crystal Zdunich vs. Konrad Raab vs. Holly Adams - Printable Version

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Crystal Zdunich vs. Konrad Raab vs. Holly Adams - Konrad Raab - 09-19-2021

SCW Adrenaline Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

(No word limits for any match)

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 25, 2021

RE: Crystal Zdunich vs. Konrad Raab vs. Holly Adams - Holly Adams - 09-25-2021

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OOC: Good luck everyone! 

RE: Crystal Zdunich vs. Konrad Raab vs. Holly Adams - Konrad Raab - 09-25-2021

What have Luiza and Konrad been up to since their two and a half weeks away from each other? Chicago, Illinois. Wednesday 11th August. (Off-Camera)

If there's one thing Konrad did look forward to when he came back home, it was seeing his other girlfriend in his life, Luiza Doe. However, Konrad was surprised to see Luiza stand on his doorstep when he opened the door, hugging her before kissing her right on her lips. However, Konrad put his second finger up at Luiza, stating to give him one minute. He quickly closed the door before going to his bedroom as he hadn't fully unpacked his case, apart from placing his dirty clothes in the washing machine. 

Konrad grabbed a couple of things from his bag with separate carrier bags. Konrad grabbed one of the carrier bags along with his wallet, mobile phone and keys before he rushed down the stairs. As Konrad makes sure he has everything he needs, he opens and closes the front door. As they left Konrad's apartment, Konrad held Luiza's hand and walked down the neighbourhood of Chicago. As they do, Konrad consistently looks at Luiza while looking where he's walking at the same time.

Konrad Raab: "It's wonderful to see you, especially unexpected as well."

Luiza Doe: "Well, I wanted to know what my man in my life got up to in Germany instead of a boring phone call. Besides, I couldn't wait any longer to see you as well."

Konrad Raab: "It's a nice surprise. I thought about you and Minnie a lot when I wasn't doing things or seeing people, more when I had time to myself at night. You both keep me happy and calm, that's for sure."

Luiza Doe: "Oh, I got so many plans for you when we get back, you won't believe it. Anyway, where are we going?"

Konrad Raab: "That's for me to know and you to find out."

Luiza has a sparkle in her eyes, clearly, with Konrad remembering the surprise date deal they agreed upon before Rise To Greatness. However, Luiza was concerned, mainly with Konrad's explosive anger with multiple things creeping upon him. Little does she know what Konrad got up to, other than thinking about Luiza during his free time he had. They reached the streets of Chicago, being reasonably busy. Suddenly, she saw Konrad holding something in his right hand.

Luiza Doe: "What you got in that bag?"

Konrad Raab: "Oh, you have to wait and see on that as well. Who knows what could be inside?"

Luiza Doe: "Mysterious you are. I love my surprises."

Konrad Raab: "Just like the surprise of you turning up on my doorstep, although I'm thankful you gave me a day to rest in my home. We'll talk all about our travels when we arrive at something you'll love."

As they walked together, Luiza laid her head on Konrad's shoulder for a brief minute before quickly getting off from him. It took a bit before Luiza realised where he and Konrad were, somewhere with bright lights outside of a modern building, recently rebuilt with a telephone box, with W wording in the circle in the middle. Then states Waveland Bowl.

Luiza Doe: "You're taking me bowling? I love bowling."

Konrad Raab: "Yes. I told you we'd do more fun things together when I returned from Germany, and this is one of those times. Since you're too young for nightclubs, we can certainly do this."

Luiza Doe: "Although one of these days, I'd like to go to a metal concert with you."

Konrad Raab: "I can do that as I'm also a fan of metal music myself, well country is my favourite type of music, but metal is my second favourite type of music."

Luiza gave Konrad a massive hug before they kissed each other on the cheek while outside of the bowling rink; they held hands again to go inside. Konrad goes to the desk and asks for a lane while holding Luiza's hand. Only things turn out for the better. The man at the desk was in his early twenties with long blonde hair with tracksuit trousers, and a wrestling shirt nods his head.

Male Wrestling bowling rink staff: "I know you're a professional wrestler, Konrad. You're all over this town. Would you please allow me to take you and your friend to the VIP bowling area? Get your shoes, and I'll take you both there."

Luiza Doe: "We get our lane, alone?"

Konrad Raab: "That's what you heard."

Luiza Doe: "That's fantastic because I only want to be alone with you."

Konrad nods straight at Luiza, wanting the same thing as well, but with this bowling rink, it was all brand new, recently just opened nearby as they grabbed their shoes and the male bowling rink staff guided Konrad and Luiza to their particular area. Luckily, they were the only ones in there.

Male Wrestling bowling rink staff: "This place is all yours today; enjoy the game you two will play."

Konrad Raab: “Thank you, sir. I'll see you soon."

The male staff walked away, leaving Konrad and Luiza alone in a quiet secluded place away from the public to bowl by themselves as Konrad went on the machine and sets things up before placing his bowling shoes on his feet. Konrad saw that Luiza was waiting for him.

Konrad Raab: "Want me to tie your shoes for you?"

Luiza Doe: "Do you think I would've tied them if I didn't want you to do it?"

Konrad chuckled as he gently kissed Luiza's left foot before tieing her shoelace, and then, he did the same for the other one as, before Luiza bowls, he patted the chair as Luiza sat next to him, looking directly in her eyes with a smile on his face. He places the bag gently on the table to pull out a couple of things.

Konrad Raab: "I got you a couple of gifts while I was over in Germany."

Luiza Doe: "Oh wow, I love these snowglobe shakers. It states where it's from too."

Konrad Raab: "Do you also like the teddy bear as well?"

Luiza notices the red and white bear with Cologne logos and colours as she hugs the bear and gently kisses Konrad on his cheek. It opened a new world with Luiza, discovering just from the items alone where Konrad came from, regarding his whereabouts in Germany.

Luiza Doe: "The bear is adorable. Thank you so much for these gifts."

Konrad Raab: “What can I say? We got so much to talk about while we bowl together. Let's begin."

Luiza Doe: "I'm going to win."

Konrad Raab: "Ah, is that how it's going to be? Damn, you've got the competitive streak in you to be a professional wrestler one day."

Konrad smirked as, in a way, he had been training Luiza to be a wrestler as well as Sebastian, his adopted son and Minnie as well. They hadn't spoken much yet; more, Konrad wanted to give gifts first to Luiza. He selected Luiza to bowl first with a smile on his face, something he hadn't had since one day in Germany.

Luiza Doe: "So, how did the donating money go?"

Konrad Raab: "It was a massive success. The day I got to Germany, I went straight to Angela Merkel's office in Berlin as she's the chancellor of Germany, leading the country instead of the president. Took all the money, children's toys and clothes that we raised together for the waistbands and my own money for giving something back for the floods."

Luiza Doe: "What happened?"

Konrad Raab: "She said thank you for all the help you've given us, and there was one thing I did promise Angela I would do, and I'm finding ways to make everyone take this seriously, Climate Change. Going there open my eyes to how we must take Climate Change seriously. Some of the buildings were very badly damaged, and I saw dead bodies killed from the flooding. I helped to remove debris from buildings ripped apart. I still wished I could've done more."

For the first time since his change to be a vicious monster, tears drip down Konrad's face, still feeling struck by the moment of the buildings and dead bodies. Luiza gave Konrad a hug and a short kiss on his cheek, reassuring Konrad.

Luiza Doe: "I understand. I'm sure Angela and everyone in Germany appreciate all you did to help them get money, toys and clothes they need, along with helping to remove the debris from buildings. I guess that's why you wanted to take me here as well, having some fun. Oh, and it's your turn."

Konrad Raab: "Yes, and that's only half of the worst on my trip. Let me take my shot."

Konrad wiped tears from his face before getting up to roll a ball to knock down all the pins he could, which he did. Konrad breathed heavily, making a fist, jaws tensing up before walking back to Luiza, only he released the grip of his fist, breathing normally. Luiza did see the body movements of Konrad just now, changing his moods rapidly.

Luiza Doe: "You alright?"

Konrad Raab: "I just had a moment to think about what my auntie said about Minerva. I'm still angry about it."

Luiza Doe: "What did she say about my sister?"

Konrad Raab: "I let you bowl first."

Luiza nodded as it was clear Konrad needed her full attention as Konrad made a fist again, tensing up his fist and lips. Konrad breathes heavily, shaking his entire body as Luiza manages to get a strike as Konrad applauds, releasing his fist into a smile on his face.

Luiza Doe: "See, I told you I can beat you already."

Konrad Raab: "You are leading so far. Good shot."

Konrad then pulls Luiza closer before they kiss for a little while, more of a celebration of Luiza getting a strike, but then Konrad's mood changed once again, seeing a massive rise in his mood swings. However, he hadn't forgotten what Luiza asked Konrad earlier, and he didn't want to say it. But because it's Luiza's sister, he had to.

Konrad Raab: "My auntie said not only Minerva was ugly but also went into depth of her being a whore and a homeless diseased ridden cunt. According to her, I shouldn't ever be happy with anyone unless it's with Fizz, but I want nothing to do with her anymore. I held my auntie against the wall and choked her. Even beat her as well."

Luiza Doe: "What a horrible cow, saying that about my sister. I'm glad you stood up for my sister. Thank god she doesn't know about us."

Konrad Raab: "She'll never know because we're fucking done for good. She let me get beaten by my dad also and did nothing to stop me. She even compared me to him, but you've seen me with Sebastian. I'd never hurt or beat any of my kids up, unlike my dad."

Luiza Doe: "I know, and you don't with Minerva or me either. I'm going to tell Minerva about that with what your auntie said. What does your mum think?"

Konrad Raab: "I want you to, yes, because Minerva needs to understand what a piece of shit my auntie was, saying what she said about her. My mum understands as my twin brother does, but she doesn't like me dating Minerva or, if she ever found out, you as well, but she cares about me being happy. I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks, even my family. My mum still loves me, and we went to dinner together."

Luiza nodded, putting her thumb up at Konrad. They let that sink in for a while on everything Konrad had said, playing a few levels together with them getting a couple of spares; Luiza was confident in beating Konrad, which she's doing. Konrad did manage to catch up to her with a couple of strikes. They were praising each other. For a moment, they were all joyful and supporting one another. There was still one thing Konrad hadn't asked.

Konrad Raab: "What did you get up to when I was in Germany?"

Luiza Doe: "Mainly been with Minerva in Florida, talking about the future of The Jackals, what we have plans to do and also, I spoke about you. How wonderful, caring, and respectful you are to me. You're a great lover. We went to play arcades and watched films at the cinema. You know general stuff."

Konrad Raab: "That means a lot, and I think you're the most beautiful minx I've ever seen. The truth is, I've never been happier with you and Minerva. I'm never angry with you two. It's more my anger stems from work and my life. Remembering how much I was being treated like a piece of shit both in work and outside of it. On top of me still not getting what I fucking want."

Luiza Doe: "That's what we spoke about, how angry you are. At times I admit, your anger does scare me, but we spoke a lot about you and I being together a lot more, alone. So you can calm down and talk about every feeling you have about things."

Konrad nodded, still interested in what Luiza had said on her adventures away from him, and they continued with the game as they were having a ton of fun, full of good things that barely had anything wrestling related at all. It's clearly what Konrad and Luiza needed, time alone, getting used to one another. 

They were at the last set now, where both had a final go as Luiza was leading by two points from Konrad. They both missed their second shot with one pin standing, the game ended with a tie with sixty-eight points.

Luiza Doe: "Damn it, I had the game won. Stupid pin."

Konrad Raab: "At least you didn't lose. I think I can be happy that we tied, but I would've been happy you beat me too."

Luiza Doe: "That's so sweet. Now we've completed this game; I think we should go back to your place and order pizza."

Konrad Raab: "I agree with that idea. Well, I got something to tell you about myself that also happened a few times in Germany and even last night here, but I'll talk about that at home."

Luiza gave Konrad a big hug and a kiss to one another before they release from each other.

Luiza Doe: "Can you undo my shoelaces and kiss my feet?"

Konrad nodded as he went down to one knee and undid her shoelaces from her bowling shoes as he kissed her left foot before doing the same with the other foot as well. Konrad took his bowling shoes off, too. Luiza and Konrad take their bowling shoes to the desk to get the shoes they came in with back. They place their shoes back on before Konrad placing his arm around Luiza's shoulder to walk to his apartment. 

As they got back, they ordered pizza with Luiza, ordering a salami, ham peppers and sweetcorn pizza, while Konrad ordered a vegetarian pizza with no cheese. Now they were alone together, waiting for the pizza to arrive; he sat in the living room with Luiza.

Konrad Raab: "What happened in Germany is something that will benefit us so much with our lovemaking sessions."

Luiza Doe: "Getting more sex toys?"

Konrad Raab: "Well, I did get some, but not what I want to talk about. You see, one morning in Germany, I woke up, and my sheets were sticky, which was weird for me, considering I hadn't had anything like that in years, but I had a boner too. It happened a few times in Germany after that and last night too. Now, when you touch me down there, I don't need tablets to get things going anymore."

Luiza Doe: "That's amazing. So why did you need to take them?"

Konrad Raab: "Because of the lovemaking I did with Fizz, I didn't get a single boner. I had to use these tablets to get one. Now, I don't need them anymore because I get them daily again, and it felt like a relief to get them again. After pizza, we could, you know, make love when we watch a movie together."

Luiza Doe: "I'd like that."

It only took the pizza man twenty minutes to get to Konrad's apartment as Konrad paid the driver while handing Konrad two pizzas. After that, the pizza man takes off as Konrad takes them to his apartment and closes the door behind him. He took the pizza boxes to the kitchen table, and they ate pizza. They also had something to drink as well. Konrad drinks orange juice, while Luiza drinks coke. 

They took their drinks to the living room after they finished eating pizza. Konrad closes the curtains with a special button, along with dim lights, and they watch a movie before the lights go off, with them making noises for quite some time before they go straight off to sleep.


Konrad meets his sister for the first time in years. Chicago, Illinois. Tuesday 21st September. (Off-Camera)

Konrad's sitting on the sofa, watching some television after coming back with a brutal workout he always plans for himself when he has title matches upcoming, along with the severe training he had with Drake on Thursday. Konrad didn't expect anything else to happen today as his girlfriends aren't due to come over until tomorrow. 

While on his own, Konrad had tense muscles, shaking, grinding his teeth, and having his fist out as his other hand rubbed his fist. It's the only emotion since SCW came back from a break Konrad has shown. As he sat watching TV, a squeaky ping pong sound came from the gate outside his apartment. Konrad shrugs and ignores it, thinking nothing of it. But the sound got more consistent, non-stop.

Konrad Raab: “Oh for fuck sake.”

Konrad stood up, not impressed with the disturbance of the quiet time he wanted to have since he had trained in the local gym and at home and went over to the door. He's got a mini-monitor on the phone to see who it was. It was his sister, Renate, so Konrad pressed the button to let her in.

Konrad Raab: "Oh great, I could have another family member arguing with me. How wonderful."

The very sarcastic tone of voice in the manner that he wasn't in the mood for family members, but he wasn't about to reject his sister, driving a hired car into Konrad's driveway. She walks to the door and rings the doorbell as Konrad sighs before opening it.

Renate sat down on Konrad's living room sofa, watching some film on TV before Konrad picked up the remote to turn the television off. She sat there with her arms crossed directly at Konrad and shaking her head. Konrad took a seat opposite his sister.

Konrad Raab: "Let me guess, you're going to argue with me about my decisions in wrestling as of late as well. Go ahead, say I'm a piece of shit."

Renate Raab: "No, not at all. More to do with your relationship decisions. I don't care what you do in wrestling, but I'm concerned about you playing with a little girl who is just as old as your eldest daughters are. That's disgusting."

Konrad Raab: "Oh right, you expect me to be fucking happy with the fact Fi............"

Renate Raab: "I know she did, and you made the right call there to leave her. I think the age gap is far too big. Your better off finding someone more your age to go out with."

Konrad scoffs and shakes his head. Although thankfully, it wasn't the wrestling side of things she wanted to have a word with Konrad about; his romantic relationship decisions were going the wrong way.

Konrad Raab: "I don't want to date some fucking random woman. I want Minerva in my life, and I've never been happier. She has turned my life around for the better because she gave me a wake-up call on things I was too stupid to not realise at the time."

Renate Raab: "Oh, like you were training her back a few years ago to be a professional wrestler and how you've always been there for her. I know all about that, your mother told me. I just don't want you to feel guilty afterwards. I know what you and Minerva have done have crossed the line at times, but at the same time, after the shit, you went through with your dad, I can shrug that off."

Konrad Raab: “You fucking better. Yes, I was training her, but the fact is I always fancied Minerva. I always wanted her to be my girlfriend. When Fizz cheated on me way before I did with Minerva, I needed to hit Fizz where it fucking hurts. So you have some understanding why I had to change, but I can't help who I fall in love with."

Renate Raab: "No, but you can help who you should be dating. I don't like this one bit. Sure, I see pictures of you and Minerva together, but what are your eldest daughters are going to think when they find out your dating someone just a few years older than them?"

She had a valid point; his eldest daughters of Aldetruda and Christa knew nothing of Konrad's relationships. Most likely, they would find out eventually and would be like Renate was, sickened.

Konrad Raab: "I don't care what they think or anyone else. Fuck sake, can't anyone be happy with who I'll be with. Are you going to call Minerva a whore, as well as my auntie, did?"

Renate Raab: "No, because I don't know Minerva. I'm just concerned, and it's clear you're not in the mood to talk about it. You've got so many anger issues. How your responding to me is a major sign. I agree with mum; you are psychotic like dad was, but I know you don't beat your kids like he used to do."

Konrad Raab: "I had to go through all of my fucking life, feeling unwanted in this world, and the only people who wanted to know me were people wanting me to join a gang. I've always felt angry about what dad did to me, but I kept it bottled up for many years that now, I fucking exploded because Minerva gave me the confidence to do so."

It was certainly worse than what Renate was told, mainly because while his mother was too old to get into arguments with Konrad, although they loved one another after their meal out together in Germany. Renate was the right age for talking about Konrad's relationship decisions.

Renate Raab: "I also agree with what mum said as well; you need help with your anger because this isn't usually like you, the way you speak to your family. How dare you."

Konrad Raab: "Oh, and me pretending to be happy and bottle every ounce of anger was benefitting me? No, I was being treated like a fucking doormat each time I got picked on. I'm doing something about it. The only way I get my anger out is what I'm doing now and fighting. I want to make everyone else suffer and see them drip blood and cause pain in their bodies."

Renate Raab: "Oh goodness, that's not something you say about anyone. I know your mother told me about your anger with work, especially you go on consistently about you not having any Pay Per View title shots since two thousand and sixteen. I wish you stop going on about it."

Konrad shook his head at what his sister said. Sure she wasn't as bad as his auntie was, but still bad nevertheless. Renate was shocked at how explosive Konrad was with his anger, a side she had never seen with her brother before. Konrad breathes in and out rapidly, shaking his fist out.

Konrad Raab: "No, I will never stop because keeping my mouth shut solved nothing. I saw every fucker get a PPV title shot; even Dylan Howell, my former manager, got a PPV title shot before I ever did again. Made me sick. I'm pissed off about not having a one on one solos title shot at PPV's now, come to think of it. It's fucking justified. Waiting for five whole years to get a PPV title shot was ridiculous. I had enough of waiting."

Renate Raab: "I understand you needed to get more creative in your work to change things around, but I can't say I like the stuff you're doing when it comes to destroying people's property and ruining people's relationships in that manner."

Konrad Raab: "What do you expect? I wanted to be violent; I wanted to let out every emotion I had with my past in and out of the ring, and it will continue for the rest of my life. To do that, I need to hurt and make others suffer. When they are covered in blood by me, screaming in pain, it makes me happy, just like I am with Minerva. I had no choice but to break the rules; it was the only way to get me farther as a wrestler. Being a good guy didn't do that for me."

Although  Konrad trusts his sister way more than his auntie, who was calling Minerva all sorts of disgusting names, he was going to tell her about another person in his life. However, before he could bring the subject up, Renate had more to say.

Renate Raab: "I may disagree with your violent, anger and blood behaviour, I certainly understand it. I'm concerned about other people judging your relationship with Minerva."

Konrad Raab: "I already told you, I don't give a shit what other people say with Minerva and me. I certainly don't give a shit what you and my mum if she were to find out that I'm also dating a lovely lady called Luiza Doe as well. She's also a guardian of light, being a girl that I go to when I'm pissed off."

Renate Raab: "What? Do you seriously want to cross the fucking line with two women? Konrad, what is wrong with you? Does Minerva know about this?"

Konrad Raab: "Of course she fucking does, she was the one who set me up with Luiza, and they are sisters. I will always protect and take care of them with my life. They never had a proper father role because their dad, especially as of late, is a fucking asshole."

Renate nodded, remembering what his mother said about how alike Minerva's and Konrad's dads were to each other, neglecting their kids and treating their bullies in higher regard than themselves. Renate saw Konrad shaking everywhere, rubbing his hand on his fist.

Renate Raab: "Are you going to punch me?"

Konrad Raab: "No, because I have no reason to. You're just concerned, and that's fine, but I'm able to handle my problems like a big boy. I want to be happy with my girlfriends and friends I made myself committed to and angry at everyone else. You need to leave; I want to mentally prepare for the title match I have coming up against Crystal Zdunich and Holly Adams."

Renate Raab: "I get it. I'm on your side, don't worry because I understand you on Minerva's side; I didn't realise you had two girlfriends. I hope you don't regret being with them when things go to total shit."

Konrad Raab: "I don't see that happening."

Renate saw the changes in Konrad and seems to be another member of the family that understood him. The question was if his friends in Germany of Elton and Thomas were angry with him as well. Renate hugs her brother, even if she doesn't like his anger or attitude towards her. Konrad lets Renate out of his home, and she goes back in the car to drive back to the airport to go home to Germany. Konrad continued watching TV the rest of the day before heading off to bed.


Konrad's quest of getting a PPV title match is completed, but he still got to push his opponents to their limits. Chicago, Illinois. Friday 24th September. (On-Camera)

You hear chuckling from the background as you see Konrad Raab, wearing his leather overalls with his gimp mask, sitting in a chair with red paint in front of him inside of the abandoned home with skeletons of the stench of people who've died in the house and blood, splattered all over the wall. Now there's dim lighting where you barely could see Konrad now, but you know he's there with breathing heavily.

Konrad Raab: "Finally, after waiting for five fucking years that was sending me fucking nuts, I got a title shot at a PPV event. I was fucking desperate to get here, and it took me talking to Holly Adams to get a PPV title match. If things were that easy, I would've had it happen years ago. Instead, all the PPV matches I've had until now have been against opponents in singles or regular tag matches or rumble matches that haven't meant a damn thing, other than resolving fucking issues I had with wrestlers. Still have issues with that disrespectful asshole Lucas who can't keep things I've said to him off the keyboard. Maybe I'll snap his fingers so he wouldn't type online ever again."

A growl is heard in the abandoned home, already exhausted with the anger he's letting out.

Konrad Raab: "Fuck sake, even my former manager got a PPV title shot over me a year ago, and that makes me fucking sick. It shows how much I've been held back from such a PPV title opportunity, and I've only had two PPV title matches. Fucking two, and both happened in two thousand and sixteen. My anger is fucking justified, and if anyone who doesn't understand me can be the next person in line to get fucked so badly in the ring. It would make anyone mentally fucking break, and that's the case with me; I fucking broke to the point that my anger grew, and I let everything I've held in out for years both in and out of the ring."

Konrad breathes in and out rapidly, making a fist that he rubbed with his other hand, cackling.

Konrad Raab: "You know Crystal, there's a reason why Holly keeps calling you out on social media, and I've noticed this problem myself; you don't fucking promote anything to do with SupremeCW. You promote so much on the SinCW bullshit with the company going down the drain with no competition, but here, you give no fucks about your upcoming matches, and you're meant to talk shit to people on there. But it's fine when SinCW guys talk shit, but when Holly does, you tell her to shut the fuck up. Fucking hell Crystal, the only time you ever step up your game is when a title contention or a title match is on the line. That's it; nobody gives a fuck about you."

Konrad takes a moment to rethink as he growls once again.

Konrad Raab: "If Holly weren't champion, nobody would've given a fuck about that title match; everyone would go for a piss break because that's how redundant you are as a wrestler. Holly and I are always featured on screen, but you haven't done a damn thing. The other thing that went against you, you don't give a fuck about winning the Adrenaline title; you said it yourself during your video against Holly. Because it's personal. This company made things personal with me by holding me back from ever having PPV title matches; you've had lots of them since I've been around, and it's that on why I want to win the title way more than you, disrespectful cunt."

There was no stopping Konrad once he got going as he listened to the hunted screams of the ghosts happening in the home as Konrad chuckled more.

Konrad Raab: "The sound of these screams, that's what you're going to experience so much with me. Thinking I'm just a guy who's made a few changes with red paint on my face. That's all; you didn't talk about how I'm making everyone see the real Konrad. You didn't think to mention me being a part of The Jackals, the most violent type of people you don't ever want to face? Yet, people say I don't pay attention? Jesus Crystal, you don't fucking want to be here. Being in other companies is no fucking excuse. I wrestle in other companies as well, but I still show up to wrestle or appear on the shows."

Rocking on the chair like a crazed dog, seething from his breath, growling like he's already ready to wrestle. No signs of relaxing here at all from Konrad.

Konrad Raab: "Here's another thing going against you. How the fuck are you able to wrestle two matches in one night? Because I know damn well you're wrestling in Florida on that Sunday night as well as this title match. Tell Holly and I how you'll plan to travel from Florida to Denver, Colorado and do two matches in one day? It's fucking stupid, and from what I've seen, you're way more focused on the SinCW title contention match than you are on the SupremeCW Adrenaline title match."

You hear a spit on the ground as Konrad picks up the red paint bucket and pours it all over him before putting the bucket to the ground.

Konrad Raab: "It seems now that Holly has poked the bear into you, and all of a sudden, you started to care so much that you cost yourself to win the title. You are fucking pathetic, especially since Holly got to your head, and if you wanted to win, you wouldn't have gotten yourself disqualified. But what will happen when you lose yet another title match? Will you fuck off from this company until you get another title match or opportunity since that's all you give a fuck about with wrestling, or will you have the tits to wrestle still and show what you got without titles or title contentions being on the line? You can claim all you fucking want about Holly not beating you, but it's like saying you never beat me with the Fatal Four Way Match at Rise To Greatness. You are a weak-minded hypocritical bitch."

There's still drips of paint from Konrad's entire body as he has an evil laugh, embracing the screams of the ghosts in the building. He also turned his attention to the blood all over the walls and windows.

Konrad Raab: "You see all the blood here, Crystal? You hear the screams from the ghosts. That's all I think about is violence and causing you so much pain. I always imagined a stupid little girl being covered in blood when I fuck you up and making your bones snap; maybe I go farther and spike your head on the floor. That's what I'll fucking do to you if you think I'm incapable of beating you. I can beat you psychically and mentally. Also, the lack of interaction between us shows how fucking scared you are of me. This match means more to me than it does with you because waiting for five years makes me fucking crave for winning and not only winning the Adrenaline title but beating you to a bloody pulp. I will prove to SCW staff that they should never have held me back and never ignore me for PPV title opportunities ever again."

Although Konrad quickly moved on to someone he considered a friend, the only girl apart from Minerva and Kandis he got along with. He relaxes as he gets straight to her.

Konrad Raab: "Something Holly Adams noticed as well, despite how much work I've done for this company since I've been around. I have the utmost respect for Holly; although I disapprove of you saying I'm your favourite lady, that only goes to Minerva because I talk a lot of stuff to her that nobody knows about, not even you. However, despite that part, you aren't bad, and I've seen your stuff from the good old days. Ignore what a silly dyed hair bitch says because if she paid any fucking attention, you are way better now as a wrestler than you were back in two thousand nine until you left in two thousand and thirteen. Way fucking better."

Konrad took a bit of a break as he picked up a bottle of water and drank most of it before he got excited, knowing Konrad's very thankful for the title opportunity on a PPV event.

Konrad Raab: "Last we fought, it was before I reconnected with Minerva, who had given me a wake-up call about certain things that were a major problem in my life. I regret most of the things I said to you. I even regret what I said with Kandis too a lot. That was the old Konrad who was too fucking weak and lived in denial of things he didn't have the guts to do. Now I do, and it only took me to talk to you to get one, so yes, I thank you wholeheartedly for giving me an opportunity I should've had more of."

Konrad applauded Holly with his hands before looking dead serious at the camera, focusing intensely on his face.

Konrad Raab: "But I'm still going to fuck your ass up as well because it's all about pure competition. I can't say I won't make you bleed because I sure fucking will take huge risks to become champion around here, especially on a PPV event. Not so much damage, but I will do it, regardless, and Crystal will see what a slobber knocker this match will be because nobody wants to see Crystal winning the title or careless about her taking part. Seeing we're in different stables, dominant ones too, we're making the headlines and giving people something they give a fuck about."

Konrad still breathing heavily, sniffing the dead bodies and the blood-covered wall, hearing screams from the ghosts.

Konrad Raab: "Nothing, not even you, Holly, can stop me from wreaking everyone because the only thing that makes me happy is causing pain, suffering and hearing people scream. It also makes me happy when people bleed from any part of their bodies. I'm addicted to being angry and addicted to violence and fighting. So much so that I've thought nothing but those things. Also, winning the Adrenaline title, bringing it home to The Jackals. Nobody will stop me from causing so much hell on Crystal and yourself. Damage will be a little less on Holly because of the respect, but I still got to win for myself and The Jackals. I will make you tap out, screaming like a little bitch you are Crystal because you're easy pickings for me. Prepare to be Iceinated by The Iced Gimp."

Konrad has an evil laugh on camera before the cameras go-to black.