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Glory Braddock vs. Drake Hemingway - Konrad Raab - 09-19-2021

2 RP Limit for singles

(No word limits for any match)

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 25, 2021

RE: Glory Braddock vs. Drake Hemingway - Braddock - 09-20-2021

September 18th, 2021
London, England
Off Camera

Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. It a wise old saying that has been passed down from generation to generation and it holds true in the case of “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock. She wanted to compete, she wanted a match and issued an open challenge, one accepted by Konrad Raab, member of The Jackals. What was supposed to be a simple match against the brutish thug precipitated into an all out war pitting Glory Braddock, Chris Cannon, Lucas Knight, and Christy Matthews against four members of The Jackals. Now The British Bombshell finds herself dragged into a war she initially was not part of; she now finds herself scheduled to face Drake Hemmingway of The Jackals at Apocalypse.

Most people would not appreciate being dragged into a war like this. Glory Braddock is not like most people. The British Bombshell thrives upon more than just competition, she thrives upon fighting to protect the dignity of the sport she loves. The Jackals represent a threat to the dignity and honor of professional wrestling. If there ever was a true tyrant in Supreme Championship Wrestling, it would be The Jackals, and just like Glory Braddock loves to say; ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis’, thus always to tyrants. Therefore her match against Drake Hemmingway at Apocalypse represents more than just an opportunity to compete, it is an opportunity to help overthrow an existential threat to professional wrestling.

Fighting tyrants and lovers-of-chaos isn’t the only way Glory Braddock serves to protect the integrity of professional wrestling. The British Bombshell is the owner of a wrestling school in London that helps train the future generation of wrestlers. It is impossible for Braddock to be there every day to personally train each and every person who sets foot into her school but she has made certain to hire only trainers who share her vision, view, and respect towards professional wrestling. Those trainers will drill into those students principles of respect, honor, and tradition. This way Glory can focus on her active career as an in-ring competitor herself.

Still, every once in awhile she feels the need to stop by her school and make an appearance. She always puts in an appearance on graduation day so that she can give all graduating students the final speech. And there are also some occasions when Braddock finds a special student that she wants to keep track of. This is why The British Bombshell finds herself in London, England at her wrestling school on this Saturday afternoon.

Glory is sitting at her desk dressed in a pink knee length skirt, black t-shirt, and sandals. Her long blonde hair is straight and is pulled back behind the head. Sunglasses sit atop her head. Standing up looking rather nervous is one of the Braddock Wrestling Newcomers, a young lady named Fiona Osbourne whom Glory met months earlier when she was helping Kayla Jones-Snow with her then floundering modeling agency. Fiona was a model at the time and Glory helped get the agency back on its feet. But Fiona didn’t want to be a model, she wanted to use modeling as a springboard into professional wrestling. Now Glory Braddock is helping to make this young lady’s dream into a reality.

“I read Randal’s [Williams] report on your progress. He seems impressed.” Braddock says smiling warmly at Fiona.

“I suppose. There is so much to learn, though, Ms. Braddock.”

The British Bombshell scoffs and shakes her head. “Oh please, don’t be so bloody formal around me. We’re mates, alright? I’m Glory. Call me that ok?”

“Ok, Glory.”

“And please, don’t be so nervous. Have a seat.” Glory instructs, motioning to one of the seats in front of her at the desk. Fiona nods and sits down.

“So tell me, what exactly have you been learning so far?”

“Well I started with technical wrestling and submission moves with Mr. Randall Williams. Mr. Williams says that should be the basis, the starting point for any professional wrestler so that’s where I started and spent the majority of my time. Next week Mr. Williams informed me I will add striking to my training regimen.”

“Is Mark O’Brian still teaching the striking?” Glory asks. Fiona nods her head in affirmative.

“Yeah. He seems a bit...uh…”

“Frightening?” Glory asks with a knowing smirk. Fiona nods her head and Glory chuckles. “Don’t worry about his appearance, mate. He can be as gentle and cuddly as a teddy bear. Just don’t let him know I told you.”

“Sure thing, Ms. Bra...I mean Glory…”

“Just be sure to listen to what he says. He does have a bit of a temper.”

“Oh…” Fiona’s voice trails off as her nerves return. Glory is about to speak up when the door opens. Fiona and Glory turn their attention to the arriving visitor, who happens to be none other than Sophie O’Brian. Sophie is Glory’s childhood best friend and another trainer at the school. Sophie rolls her eyes upon entering the room.

“Forgive me but I couldn’t help but overhear what was just said. My brother may be a ‘cuddly teddy bear’ at times but he is also a stupid bear.”

“Fiona, have you met the wonderful human being that is my best friend Sophie O’Brian?” Glory says with a smile and sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“Uh, I see her around but I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.”

“You will get to me very well soon enough. If I am perfectly honest, I should be the one teaching you proper striking technique instead of my ignorant brother. But fear not, I will improve your technique and much more when you get to me.”

“What do you teach?” Fiona asks curiously.

“Arguably the most important aspect of this sport.”

“Huh?” Fiona is confused. She looks back over at Glory for answers.

“Strategy, Fiona. Sophie here teaches strategy. There is no better strategist in this sport than Sophie. She’s even better at strategy than I am. I can get emotionally invested in my matches. Sophie is able to turn that emotion off and focus only on the task at hand. That makes her the perfect strategist.”

Sophie nods her head. “I appreciate the sentiment, Gloria.” Sophie places a hand on Fiona. “Now, Fiona, if you do not mind I need to speak with Gloria alone for a moment.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Fiona stands up. “Thanks, Glory. See you later, Ms. O’Brian.”

Glory and Sophie nod their heads. Fiona turns around and walks off. She opens the door and exits, shutting the door behind her. As soon as Fiona is gone and safely out of hearing range, Sophie turns back to her best friend Glory and sighs. “You give me too much credit.”

“No, I don’t. You really and truly are a better strategist than I am. Like I said, you can turn the emotions off and focus only on the plan. I get too emotionally invested. It doesn’t happen often but if my buttons are pushed then I can get emotional. And I end up making mistakes.”

“Really? You managed to masterfully negotiate your way into total control over your business empire, eliminating all of your enemies on the Board of Directors. You did that without getting emotionally invested.”

“You’re right, I did,” The British Bombshell sighs “but that wasn’t me, that wasn’t Glory Braddock. That was someone else and I have been trying very hard to leave that person and that memory of what I did behind. Besides, look at the problems that my actions caused; my family was in jeopardy multiple times when rivals tried to gun us down. And Archie…” Braddock shakes her head “...poor Archie…”

“Don’t blame yourself for that one, Gloria. There is no evidence that any of your old rivals targeted you.”

“It makes sense though. Why else would my home be the target of a random home invasion?”

“Maybe those were just some punk kids looking to score a big heist?” Sophie suggests as she shrugs her shoulders. “It happens all the time, mate. Kids get some guns, pick out a home that they think belongs to someone very wealthy, and they rob the place. You have to admit, your Miami home is a very upscale, wealthy place, far better than your humble upbringing here in London when you were a child.”

Braddock nods her head. “I know, and I didn’t used to be like that. I always preferred to live on the bare necessities just like dad did...that is, until Aphrodite Noel came into my life. She taught me about the finer things in life. That’s one of many things I picked up from her that I will be passing down to Dawn.”

“You sound somewhat regretful.”

“It’s tough because I know Dawn will lack for nothing and that is good. Still, not having all of that luxury in your life, being forced to learn how to do without and make it on your own guts and fortitude, it can do a person some good. In that sense, I am grateful Melinda was raised before I got caught up in the lap of luxury. I am also grateful for Melinda spending time in London on her own. It forces her to figure things out on her own, it teaches her self-reliance. I want her to have that.”

“Funny you should mention young Melinda, because she is the reason I wanted to speak with you.”

“Oh? Is anything wrong? She didn’t get hurt in any of her matches did she?”

“Far from it.” Sophie says with a grin on her face. “Your young prodigy is still undefeated on the European circuits. Her aggressive style reminds me of her grandfather.”

“Oh…” Braddock frowns “...well if she isn’t hurt then what’s wrong?”

“It is nothing wrong with her directly. It is more...indirectly.”

Glory rolls her. “Quit being so damned cryptic, especially when my daughter is involved. What’s wrong?”

“Well we here at the school had a rather disturbing visit two days before you arrived back in London.”

“A visit from who?”


Glory Braddock’s eyes grow wide in shock. This was not welcome news for The British Bombshell. The ‘Tommy’ Sophie is referring to is Tommy Gage, Melinda Braddock’s biological father. Melinda’s biological father was brought up at an interview Glory gave for Forbes magazine recently. Glory informed the journalist that she would rather not discuss Melinda’s father because he ran out on her and Glory the moment he learned of Glory’s pregnancy. Tommy has not been a part of Melinda’s life ever since. And now coincidentally he shows up at the Braddock Wrestling School?

“What did he want?”

“He wanted to speak with you. He was disappointed when I informed him that you were not present and that you really did not wish to speak to him.” Sophie reaches into her pocket and produces a small envelope. She hands it to Glory. “He did, however, leave a letter for you. He asked that I give it to you.”

Braddock takes the envelop out of Sophie’s hand. Immediately she tears into the envelop and opens up its contents; a small letter. Sophie watches and studies Glory’s expression as she reads the letter. Glory’s eyes are still wide eyed in surprise at this sudden revelation. But Sophie also notices tears form in the eyes of The British Bombshell as well.

“What does it say?” Sophie asks.

“He wants to meet me.”


“Our special spot.”

“What the bloody is a ‘special spot’?”

“It’s a place in East Park. We would always meet there as kids.”

“Is that where you made Melinda?”

“Sophie!” Glory exclaims loudly and angrily.

“I think it’s a fair question, all things considered.”

“Sophie…” Glory sighs deeply with a sense of frustration “...we had a lot of memories there.”

“So you DID…”

Braddock rolls here eyes. “I did not say that.”

“You don’t have to. My question is, are you going to take him up on the offer? Are you going to go see him?”

September 19th, 2021
Southampton, England
Off Camera

It was a tough question asked by Sophie O’Brian. Glory didn’t have much time to think about it, either. Tommy Gage wanted to meet with her in East Park in Southampton the next day. Upon receiving this disturbing news, The British Bombshell took the rest of the day off and spent it at her familial home in London to think about her next move. Should she meet with Tommy at their old ‘special spot’ in East Park or should she just ignore the note and hope he goes away? Her instincts tell her to just ignore it and hope that the problem will disappear, that Tommy will just forget about her. But Glory knows that she won’t be so lucky. She recalls how deeply involved she was with Tommy. The two were deeply in love; or more accurately, in lust. They were inseparable. And if that spark has returned to Tommy, then it is unlikely he will give up so easily. Thus Glory Braddock finally decided that the next day she would go meet with her old ex-boyfriend, the father of her oldest daughter, and find out what he wants.

Glory Braddock finds herself in East Park at dusk. She is dressed in denim jeans, black boots, and a purple blouse. The British Bombshell is sitting underneath a tree, a tree that she recalls from her childhood, a tree that still has so many precious memories; but painful memories as well. The blonde haired beauty is anxiously awaiting on the arrival of Tommy Gage. She has already been here several minutes, but then again, she got here earlier than the note told her to arrive. Braddock wanted to arrive early. Whatever may happen, she wants to see it coming.

The British Bombshell checks the watch on her wrist. It is growing closer and closer to time. Tommy has always been punctual; not early, not late. So she expects him to arrive at any moment. Sure enough, she looks up to see a man who appears to be about her age, perhaps a little older but not much, with brown hair approaching. The man is dressed nicely in black dress pants and a white button up shirt. His facial features do bear a striking resemblence to Tommy but if this is indeed the same Tommy Gage then he has certainly changed a great deal.

Braddock stands up in preparation to greet him as he approaches. Tommy, assuming that this is him, smiles from ear to ear as he looks over Glory Braddock. “Gloria, my beautiful Gloria…”

“Tommy, is that you?”

He holds out his arms for a hug. Braddock is reluctant at first. She is married, after all. She cheated on Kurt once and was lucky that their marriage survived. This is now Glory’s ex-boyfriend. This is potentially a bigger threat. Glory is beginning to question her decision to meet Tommy but she is here now. There is no backing out. Still, just a hug won’t hurt. They may not be romantically involved any longer but there is still hope for a possible friendship. Glory accepts the embrace. They hug each other tightly. The embrace of Tommy Gage is enough to convince Glory Braddock that this is indeed her ex-boyfriend. After breaking the hug Tommy nods his head.

“Yes, but please, call me Thomas. It is a little more formal, which is the way I prefer things now. As you can see I have settled down into a much calmer and stable lifestyle than the one you may recall.”

“I gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting to see you like this, mate. The last time I remembered you, you were…”

“Crazy? A party animal?” Thomas chuckles. “Yes, I was indeed a wildman when I was younger. But then again, we both were quite wild back in the day, were we not?” Thomas brushes some of Glory’s blonde hair out of her face. “If I recall you were quite the prankster. You even turned it into a lucrative business.”

“Glory’s Prankster Service you mean?” Braddock can’t help but laugh out loud at Thomas reminding her of this nostalgic point in her past. “I played mean, nasty pranks but I played them on people who deserved it, people who were mean, people who bullied others just because they could, those were the ones I played pranks on. And it was hardly a lucrative business, mate, because I did not charge anything.”

“Yes, this is true. You always were an angel of justice.” Thomas looks around at his surroundings. He places a hand on the tree. He breathes in all of the fresh air. “And I am gladd you remembered our special spot. We have many memories of this spot. If my memory serves, this is where we first met.”

Braddock nods her head. “Yeah, you’re right. When you and I were kids, things were so different. Not just how we acted but how we looked. I mean, look at you now, all spiffy and nice. And me? I was a tomboy. I was more like my dad’s only son that his oldest daughter. And because of that I stuck out like a bloody sore thumb. Many in my class didn’t like me because of it. I put up a good front, I was strong in front of everyone but I was lonely. And somehow you could tell. Somehow you were the only one who knew that deep down inside I was hurting. That’s when you first approached me, and it was right here at this very spot at this tree.”

“I am astonished that this tree is still here.” Thomas remarks.

“You treated me like a princess. You filled that void in my heart and for that I am eternally grateful.” Glory kisses him on the cheek. “And Thomas, while I am happy to finally hear from you again, before we go any further you must first understand that I have moved on.” Braddock flashes her wedding ring. “I am married now.”

Thoms nods his head. “Yes, I know.”

“You do?” Glory asks, somewhat startled by this.

“You seem upset? Don’t be. I admit I have been keeping up with your career but then again, you are in quite a public limelight. You put yourself there, my little angel of justice. You are an active professional wrestler. You run a major company. And of course you are still extremely popular over here in your native homeland where I myself still live.”

“Fair enough.” Glory’s nerves ease up. Thomas brings up a good point. Glory Braddock has put herself in the spotlight. It is hard to avoid people finding out about her.

“Many here have kept up with your career and your sister’s for that matter. The Braddock family, after all, is popular here in England. I recall watching you debut in 2008. You had such quick success, I was astonished. I was disheartened yet happy for you when you married Randall Williams.” He smirks. “I admit, a part of me was somewhat happy to hear of your divorce to Mr. Williams. I even considered a return to your life at that point but my fear,” Thomas shakes his head out of frustration “I was too damned afraid to try. I thought…” he sighs and lowers his head in shame “...I thought you would still hate me.”

“Hate you? Why would I hate you?”

“You know.” Thomas says pointedly. “For walking out on you, for running away and abandoning you when you needed me the most, when you became pregnant with our daughter.”

“Oh…” Glory’s voice trails off. The nostalgia of being here in this favorite spot with her ex-boyfriend brought back so many fonds memories that she almost forgot about that. But now that she remembers she also remembers why she cannot fully trust him. Thomas Gage ran out on her when she needed him the most. She can never fully trust him again.

“But then I heard about how our daughter was shot. Then I knew I just had to suck it up and try. I had to set my fears aside and confront you. You may hate me, and your hate would be justified, but she is my child as well, and I worry for her safety.”

“So is this what this is about, Thomas? Do you want a second chance to be a father after throwing away your opportunity to be a father when you first got me pregnant?”

Thomas sighs and nods his head. “Yes.”

“Unbelievable.” Glory frowns. “Do you even know her name?”


“Of course you knew. You knew I had two daughters and my youngest was too young to be yours. It was an educated guess by process of elimination.”

“Yes, you are correct. But…”

“But nothing!” Glory shouts with rage and anger entering into her soul as she spouts out venom “You had a chance to be her father but you ran off. You threw away any rights you had to be her father when you abandoned me.” Braddock glares hatred and vile back at Thomas. “You say you have been following my career. Then you should know people love to debate my greatest achievement. Some say my greatest achievement is being a fifteen time world champion. Others say my greatest achievement is running a successful company while at the same time being an active wrestler. But my greatest achievement is Melinda Braddock. My greatest achievement is succeeding as a single mother.” She pokes a finger at Thomas. “You had your chance and you blew it.”

There is an awkward pause as tears flow down her cheeks. The anger is still there, however. Thomas sighs and finally breaks the awkward silence. “All of that is true and I deserve all of that anger directed at me. But will you at least tell me how Melinda is doing?”

“Melinda is strong. She has had to overcome so much in her life but she has come out stronger than ever and a better person because of it. She is a beautiful young lady and a strong independent woman, no thanks to you.”

“Gloria, I admit that I messaged things up. Everything you speak is the truth, I did abandon my responsibilities. I abandoned you and if I could take it all back I would. If I could make it all right I would. But hearing about how our daughter was nearly killed and I never even got the chance to meet her…” a tear begins to form in his own eyes “ shook me to my very core, Gloria. And I just ask, please, just give me one chance. Give me one chance to be a father to Melinda.”

“I don’t think you deserve a chance. And definitely not with Melinda.”

“Ok, then not with Melinda, but how about one more meeting with you?”

“What?” Glory is stunned by this request. “Are you kidding me?!”

“You misunderstand me, Gloria. I ask only for one more meeting and I mean that in the literal sense. Give me one chance at a later date to convince you that I should get one more chance to make things up to you and Melinda for what I did wrong. Meet me one last time so that I can try and convince you to let me try and make amends for my past. And if I cannot convince you in that last meeting then I will leave once again and this time you will never ever hear from me.”

Glory is intrigued by this. She arches her brow out of curiosity. “One meeting?”

“Just one.”

“And if I’m not convinced you will leave me and my daughter alone?”

“I promise.”

The British Bombshell nods her head. “Fine. You will get more chance, one final meeting with me. And after that meeting I do not want to see you ever again. Are we clear?”

“Yes, although I believe that I can change your mind. I am banking on it.”

RE: Glory Braddock vs. Drake Hemingway - Braddock - 09-25-2021

Ooc: here’s my second rp. Good luck.

September 20th, 2021
London, England
Off Camera

What a difference a day makes; or in the case of ‘The British Bombshell’ Glory Braddock, what a difference two days makes. Two days ago, everything made sense for the beautiful blonde. She was a successful part time business woman, a very active professional wrestler, but most importantly a happy and proud wife and mother, member of a happy family alongside her husband Kurt and their children, Melinda and Dawn. Two days ago that was the reality Glory Braddock lived in and it all made sense.

Her reality was rocked to its very core when she was hit with the sudden revelation that a ghost from her past had returned. Tommy Gage, now known as Thomas Gage, was Glory’s childhood sweetheart. They were young lovers, wild and unrestrained with no cares in the world. It was their carefree lifestyle that ultimately led to The British Bombshell getting pregnant with her first child, Melinda Braddock. Glory was prepared to buckle down and deal with the consequences of what had happened and at the time she was hoping that her lover, Tommy, would be there to support her. Unfortunately Tommy would run away, abandoning his responsibilities and abandoning a pregnant Glory Braddock to her own devices. Lucky for Braddock, she had a mountain of resources at her disposal to help her through the trying times of pregnancy and then motherhood. She had a strong support system full of family members willing to help. She survived and thrived and for the twenty years of her daughter’s life, Thomas Gage never once resurfaced. Glory lived on for twenty plus years without ever hearing from Thomas and she never once expected to hear from him again.

Thus in the span of two days the life of Glory Braddock went to making sense to being unbelievable. Braddock went from feeling in total control to feeling completely out of control with her current situation. Glory Braddock went from having everything figured out to not being sure about anything anymore. Ordinarily Glory Braddock would not want to be around Thomas Gage. He abandoned her. He ran away and left her when she needed him the most. She would rather he not be back in her life but not only is he trying to get back into her life, he is also trying to get back into the life of their daughter, Melinda Braddock. He wants to see Melinda. He wants to see his daughter. Glory’s maternal instincts tell her that this is a mistake. But at the same time, he is Melinda’s biological father. Does he not have a right to see her?

These are the questions plaguing The British Bombshell as she sits outside on the open patio area of a small cafe in London. This is a tiny cafe that has been around seemingly forever. It has been a staple for this area of London. Braddock recalls this cafe from her childhood as this was yet another favorite spot for her and Thomas when they were dating as children. As a matter of fact, this particular spot that she sits in right now, this is almost the exact same spot, even though it is not the same table. On this lovely day Braddock is wearing a floral print yellow sun dress and sandals. Her long blonde hair hangs straight to past the shoulders. A cup of coffee, black, sits in front of her that she has been sipping on for quite some time. Just like with their last visit, Braddock arrived early in order to get a jump on Gage; to prepare for him. She sits here at this table waiting for the arrival of Thomas Gage, for this is where he told her he wanted to see her. At first Braddock was insistent that she wanted nothing to do with Gage any longer. She did not want to hear anything he had to say. But he swore that if she just heard him out this one time, if she just gave him one chance to hear him out, then he would leave her alone for good.

Her gut tells her that this is probably a mistake but Glory Braddock is willing to take this risk if it means potentially getting rid of Thomas Gage once and for all. She just must wait here upon his arrival. The British Bombshell checks her watch. The time for his arrival has just now arrived. Being as how punctual Thomas typically is, Glory expects him to arrive at any moment. And sure enough, she looks up and finds Thomas approaching. Gage is wearing khaki shorts, brown loafers, and a plain white polo shirt. Glory doesn’t bother to flag him down. She remembers that this was their special cafe, their special spot, and she is certain that he recalls as well. Braddock watches as Thomas makes his approach. He stops at the table and gazes at Glory, smiling politely.

“Is this seat taken?”

“You should know the answer to that, mate.” Braddock answers flatly, unimpressed by his attempt at flattery. “You were the one who set up this bloody meeting.”

“This is true. I am merely trying to be a gentleman. So, may I sit down?”

“Sure. Unless you prefer to stand up the entire time.”

Thomas chuckles. He pulls a chair up and then sits down. “I always loved your humor, Gloria. That is one thing about you that never should change. I must also compliment you on that exquisite dress. You look stunning, my dear. My eyes are blind as they behold your beauty. In this case change can truly be a good thing. I do not recall you ever wearing a dress as lovely as this when we were dating.”

“That’s because I didn’t wear dresses when we were dating. Back then I dressed as a bloke but you didn’t mind. You still thought I was beautiful. So what is it? Was I not beautiful then but I am beautiful now?”

Gage shakes his head. “You misunderstand me, my dear. You WERE beautiful then. Your newfound fashion sense has only multiplied your beauty ten thousand fold.”

“Bloody hell…” Glory rolls her eyes. She is about to go off on Thomas when the server arrives. She refills Glory’s coffee mug with some coffee. She looks over Thomas.

“Is there anything you would like?”

“I will have what this lovely creature is having.”

“Coming right up.” The server turns and walks off to fill the order. Braddock sighs deeply out of frustration.

“What is it with this whole routine, Tommy? Huh? If this is your attempt to try and win me back or win my favor even then it is not going to work. I told you yesterday that we were through and I meant it.”

“But you also promised to hear what I had to say and I do have quite a lot to say to you, Gloria. If you do not know, O most beautiful among women...I compare you, my love, to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots, your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, your neck with a string of jewels.”

“Since when did you start quoting the damn Bible?” Braddock growls.

“Yes, it is the Song of Solomon that I quote, and while I am not overly religious myself, I do find this particular book of scripture as among the most poetic due to its nature of celebrating love itself and in particular King Solomon’s praise of his beloved.” The server returns with a cup of coffee, black, for Thomas. He nods in thanks before turning his attention back to Glory, waving his hands emphatically in front of her.

“Behold you are beautiful, my love, your eyes are doves. Your lips are like a scarlet thread, your mouth is lovely. Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate and your neck is like the tower of David, built in rows of stone. Your breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle that graze among the lilies. Until the day breathes and the shadows flee I will go away to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense. You are altogether beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you.”

These words flow effortlessly and smoothly out of the lips of Thomas Gage. Glory knows that she should still be angry and upset with him, she knows she should be even more infatuated with him now that he is saying these things trying to win her over, but despite herself she finds herself in a way hypnotized by these poetic lyrics from her ex-boyfriend. A warm, genuine smile cross her face as she leans over towards Thomas. Thomas in turn gently rubs her cheek with his hand.

“Turn away your eyes from me, for they overwhelm me. Your hair is like a flock of goats leaping down the slopes of Gilead. My dove, my perfect one is the only one, the only one of her mother pure to her who bore her. The young women saw her and called her blessed. The queens also praised her saying ‘who is this who looks down like the dawn, beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun, awesome as an army with banners?’”

Braddock is downright swooning at this point. She cannot help herself as she leans closer towards Thomas. Sensing an opportunity he leans in closer as well, but as he goes in for a kiss Braddock quickly pulls back and shakes her head vehemently.

“No, no, absolutely not going to happen.” Glory says while shaking her head. “Not going to happen.”

“What’s wrong, Gloria?”

“I told you yesterday that things cannot be the same. We both made choices. And in your case, you made a bad choice, the choice to abandon me. Now if you haven’t moved on from me, I am sorry. I really and truly am sorry but I have moved on from you.” She flashes her wedding ring at Thomas. “In case you forgot, I am a married woman. I love Kurt Logan, my husband, who has never once abandoned me.”

“Still hung up on that I see…” Thomas sighs as he leans back and sips on his coffee.

“Am I still hung up on the fact that you got me pregnant and then ran away? Yeah, damn right I am hung up on that, mate!”

“Well this Kurt Logan seems to be a good enough man. I assume he is as committed to you as you are to him.”

“Yes, yes he is.” Braddock sighs deeply. “Probably more so. God knows I have made mistakes myself but Kurt forgave me, Kurt was there to help me through the consequences of the mistakes I made. Unlike you. You made a mistake and your answer was to run away.”

“Now I wish to make things right.”

“Ah yes, now here you are conveniently returning to stick your nose into our daughter’s life now that she has already grown up. Here is a newsflash, Tommy; you cannot make things right. The only way you could have made things right was to help me raise her but instead you ran away. My father had to step up and help me raise her. Randall Williams even helped raise her for a time. And now Kurt is helping to raise her. She is a grown woman now and is off to a fantastic start to what I am sure will be a great wrestling career. She will be a success in life, just like her mother, just like her grandfather, and just like her father figures Kurt and Randall.”

“Kurt is NOT her father!” Thomas growls.

“Maybe not biologically but he had more to do with her becoming who she is than you ever did. All you did was donate a chromosome.”

Glory can tell that she is getting under the skin of her ex-boyfriend. She takes great pride in that. Thomas sighs deeply out of frustration as he tries to calm himself before continuing. “So if Mr. Logan is such a wonderful husband and...ahem, step-father to MY daughter Melinda, then why are you not Gloria Logan?”

“Does that really matter?” Glory shrugs her shoulders. “I just prefer to use my maiden name. Many wives do that.”

“That didn’t stop you from taking the Noel surname from none other than Aphrodite Noel.” Glory’s eyes grow wide, stunned that Thomas knows this, and now curious about what else he might know. Thomas nods his head. “Yes, I know quite a bit about you. Remember that I have been following your career very closely. I watched in 2014 when an overbearing egomaniac known as Aphrodite Noel did what I did not think possible; she broke you mentally, emotionally, and made you voluntarily agree to symbolically become her daughter. Yes, that relationship formally ended and you may legally go by Glory Braddock but I also know that you and Lindsey Noel, the owner and sole financier of a modeling agency run by Kayla Jones-Snow, are in fact one and the same.”

Thomas reaches into his pocket and produces a picture. He slides it across the table to Glory. She takes it and looks at it; it is a picture of herself when she was younger, much younger, in her teenage years, alongside a teenage Tommy Gage. She turns it over and on the back in her handwriting it says ‘Mrs. Gloria Gage’. She looks back up at Thomas who is grinning from ear to ear.

“See, Gloria? You committed yourself to your husband. You committed yourself to Aphrodite Noel. And at one time, you were willing to commit yourself to me.”

Braddock is still stunned that he knows so much about her. She breaks her silent reverie and shakes her head. “There is a difference, Tommy. I committed myself to them because they were committed and loyal to me. Aphrodite treats me like a daughter and would do anything for me. Kurt loves me as any husband should love his wife and would do anything to help me. But here again, when I needed you you ran away. How can I possibly trust you to help me when you would not help me back then? How can I commit to you when you would not commit to me? And now this…” Glory’s voice trails off “...bloody hell, you have been stalking me.” Glory shakes her head in disbelief. “You have been stalking me and now you expect me to believe that you want what is best for our daughter and to let you back into her life?”

“I may have kept close eyes on you, closer than you may have liked, but I only did so because I cared about you and wanted to help you and our daughter.” He nods his head. “But you are right not to trust me. I was careless back when we were younger. We were reckless and did whatever we wanted without a care in the world for the consequences of our actions. We did make love and it was good, it was a beautiful thing, but the consequences were frightening.”

“Yeah, they were.” Glory nods her head. “I went from being a carefree teenager to an expectant mother. I had to grow up practically overnight.”

“And that is your strength. You tackled those consequences head on. But I let the fear get in my head and I ran from the consequences. I realize that I cannot take back what I did but I can assure that I am a changed man. And that is what this meeting is about. I wish to prove to you that I am not that same careless, reckless, frightened boy who abandoned you. I have grown and matured into a man who wishes only to make up for his past sins by helping his daughter and the mother of his daughter.”

Glory arches her brow. “So you’re not trying to win me back?”

“I understand that things will never be the way they once were, Gloria. I will not lie; I wish that things could be the same. But I know I can never have you. Instead I want to help make things better for you and our daughter.” He chuckles. “Consider it some very overdue child support.”

“Fine, I’m listening.” Glory is still reluctant and still doubts his story but she is willing to hear him out.

“First of all I have indeed changed. I changed a great deal, not just in how I act but also in the direction my life took. If you recall I had to real path when we were dating. I was what they called a party animal. But now I have settled down and much like you, I am a businessman; only my business is insurance.”

“Insurance? Do you operate out in England?”

“Heavens no! While I do live in England my operation is primarily in the United States. And I would love to help you. I understand that while your business is quite strong that you are unable to provide a full health coverage for your employees.”

“True but they do have health insurance. It is a strong program.”

“But not full coverage.” He smiles. “I should be able to do some magic within my own company, if I have to even pull some strings with some friends I have in the health insurance business, and I can negotiate it so that every single employee working for your company, even those who are employed by the modeling agency that you are trying to keep at a distance from yourself, full health coverage. And you would get it for a much better price than what you are getting now for the issuance coverage your company has, coverage that is not full that does not cover everything.”

The deal sounds almost too good to be true. Her employees would have full coverage for everything. They would have to pay practically nothing for their health care. This is amazing. But Braddock wonders if there is a cost. “What would you want in return, Thomas?”

“Nothing in return. This is not blackmail, nor is it a bribe. This is merely my way to try and make up for the mistake I made in abandoning you and our daughter.”

The deal still sounds too good to be true. But Glory realizes that she can always have her attorneys go over his contracts thoroughly to ensure there are no hidden loopholes or hidden deals there to try and screw her over. And having full health coverage for her employees wo uld be great. Feeling confident Braddock nods her head.

“You have a deal, then.”

“Excellent.” He takes a sip of his coffee. “But, uh, Gloria, may I ask just one little thing of you?”

“I figured that there might be a catch.” She sighs. “What is it?”

“There is no catch. I promised you full health coverage and you will get it regardless of your answer to my question. All I ask is this...may I see Melinda? May I please see my daughter?”

“That’s all you want? That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You just want to see Melinda?”

“Gloria, I know I made a mistake. I regret that mistake every waking hour. To this day I have nightmares of regret, regret of what could have been.”

“Exactly, what COULD HAVE BEEN…” she shakes her head “...but it cannot and never will be the same again.”

“I understand. But at least give me the chance to be a father. Give me the chance to see my daughter. And doesn’t young Melinda deserve to meet her biological father? I swear I will not try to get in between you and Kurt. I swear I will not get in between you and Melinda. I just want to meet her. That is all I ask.”

Braddock sighs and nods her head. “Fine, you can meet her. I will let you meet Melinda.”

September 23rd, 2021
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

It has been several days since Glory Braddock met with Thomas Gage twice in England, once at their favorite park and a second time at a cafe that they both enjoyed when they were teenagers. For Glory Braddock these meetings brought back old memories and old feelings and emotions that she thought were long gone and long dead. These meetings have also left The British Bombshell with a great deal to think about. Initially she had planned to distance herself from Gage, she had planned to keep him out of her life for good. But after these two meetings she has surprisingly agreed to let him see their daughter, Melinda Braddock. That may not have been the plan but plans change based on the circumstances. In the case of Thomas Gage, Glory did not anticipate how sincere he would sound about wanting to right his wrongs and fix the mistakes of his past. She also did not anticipate the incredible offer he made to provide her company’s employees with full health coverage, no strings attached and no questions asked. But as good an offer as that is, Glory cannot help but ask herself if she is just being bought off? Did she allow her trust to get bought and paid for by a conniving Thomas Gage? Or has he really and truly changed?

Melinda meeting her biological father will be a big moment in her young life. And it is something that the British Bombshell cannot keep from her husband, Melinda’s step-father Kurt Logan. Braddock finds herself sitting on the cream colored plush leather sofa in the living room of her and Kurt’s Miami home. Glory is wearing purple pajama bottoms and a purple t-shirt. Sitting next to her still in his denim jeans and a red t-shirt is her husband, Kurt Logan. His arm is wrapped around her shoulders.

“So all he wants is to see Melinda?”

“That’s what he told me.”

“And he is giving your company full health insurance coverage for practically no charge in exchange for you letting him see Mel?”

Braddock shakes her head. “No, he said he was going to give Glorious Golden Enterprise the insurance deal regardless of whether or not I let him see Melinda. He said it was his way to apologize for running out on me when I got pregnant with Melinda.”

Kurt sighs out of frustration and shakes his head. “Sorry, babe, but I just don’t buy it. I don’t trust him and I am honestly surprised that you do trust him.”

“I don’t exactly trust him, either.”

“Then why did you agree to let him see her?”

“He seems sincere. He seems genuine. I do not fully trust him but he sounds like he has changed. Besides, he is Melinda’s father.”

“He may be her biological father but I spent more time raising here than anyone else outside of you or your father and as far as I am concerned that makes me her father and as her father I do not like the idea of this guy seeing my daughter. But…” Kurt’s voice trails off. There is notable doubt in his voice, maybe even a hint of pain. Glory notices it and wrinkles her nose.

“What’s wrong?” Glory watches as Kurt gets up and approaches a small mini-fridge. He reaches inside and produces a bottle of wine. Glory can see what is on his mind and finds two glasses on the table. Kurt pours wine into the two glasses and then puts the bottle on the table. He takes one glass and Glory takes the other. They clink glasses together and drink. Kurt then answers surprisingly...

“’re right.”

“I am?”

“You are right. I mean, I am not Melinda’s father. Biologically, I am not her father. That man, Thomas Gage, is her father. Does he have a right to see her? I’m not sure about that. But does Melinda have a right to know who her real biological father is? Yes, she does. And if you think she should know who her father was then I support it one hundred percent.”

“Are you sure, Kurt?” Glory asks. She is worried about her husband but he nods his head emphatically.

“I just think if the shoe were on the other foot, if this were happening between me and you instead of you and Thomas, I would want you to let me see Dawn.”

“Dawn is a different case.” Glory remarks. “You never ran away. When I got pregnant with Dawn, with your daughter, you embraced the prospects of being a father. Thomas ran away like a coward.”

“But what if I had run away? Thomas claims he has changed and wants a chance to redeem himself. If I had been the one to run away then I would want the chance to redeem myself. I would want to see my daughter.”

“The problem is that I still don’t know if I can trust him.” Glory says as she sips on her wine. “How can I trust him?”

“You tend to be a good judge of character, Glory. So you tell me, you saw him twice in the past few days. What did you think? What did you feel?”

“Honestly?” Braddock sighs. “Being around him made me feel like a teenage girl again. I felt like I was young and carefree again. I think Thomas felt the same way. But I managed to bring myself back into reality. I was able to remind myself that those days are over and that things cannot and never will be the same again. I’m not sure Thomas has managed to do that. I think seeing me again has brought the old wild and carefree Tommy back. I kept telling him and trying to remind him that things are different now and that if he hopes to have any kind of relationship with his daughter and a friendship with me that he would have to understand that but…” her voice trails off and she shakes her head “...I’m not sure he understood that.”

“You still think he lusts after you?”

“He says he doesn’t but...” she shrugs her shoulders “...I don’t know.”

“Well like I said, I don’t care about his rights because he did abandon you and Mel. But for Mel’s sake, she deserves to know who her biological father really is; so let her see him.”

Glory leans in and kisses Kurt on his cheek. “But Kurt, you are her father. You raised her, you taught her so much, you cared for her and loved her. You protected her. That’s what a father is.”

“I love Melinda as if she were my daughter and I would be proud if she were my daughter.” He shakes his head as a sadness washes across his face. “But I’m not her father. Thomas is.”

Glory can sense a sadness in Kurt’s voice. She wants to comfort him but doesn’t know how. She just leans over and cuddles next to him. Being with him is the only thing she can think of to do right now.

September 25th, 2021
Denver, Colorado
On Camera

It is dusk out in a park on the outskirts of Denver, Colorado. A very brightly, stunningly lit moon along with a few lights from the camera crew in attendance provides the source of light for this evening. A few moments into the recording and then ‘The British Bombshell’ Glory Braddock steps into the scene from stage right. She is wearing denim jeans, black boots, a royal purple blouse and a black dress blazer. Her long blonde hair hangs straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders. The camera focuses in on the confident gaze that is etched across her lovely facial features.

“Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. That’s they say, anyway. And me? What did The British Bombshell want? Well I asked for one simple thing,” she holds up a finger “just one tiny request; I wanted a match. I did not care who it was against, I just wanted a match against someone, anyone, who was gutsy enough to step forward. Instead of getting someone who was gutsy I got someone who was stupid in the form of the brown stain on The Jackals’ underwear known as Konrad Raab. Now Konrad has definitely proven himself to be such a raging fool that even his pathetic little pals in The Jackals can barely keep him on a leash…” she chuckles “...literally. But you know, there was one person who I thought was better than that, who I thought was better than to get involved with that pack of dogs.”

She shakes her head. “Drake Hemmingway, you always find a new way to surprise me. I saw promise with you and took a chance on you when others thought you were too unbalanced and unhinged to let you compete, I let you compete in my company. Like I told Konrad, there is a reason that you don’t work for me any longer and it’s because you screwed that up. Then you had that whole Purity shtick and tried it here in SCW. I thought it was a good idea. There is nothing wrong with the purity of professional wrestling. That’s what I am all about; purity and the tradition of professional wrestling. I can respect that. Maybe you took things a little too far but so did I from time to time. But you threw purity away in exchange for siding with folks who prefer carnage, mayhem, and cheap softcore porn?” Braddock furrows her brow

“You surprised me again, Drake. I would think of all people you would know that this softcore porn of certain Jackals members isn’t what this business is about. And violence for the sake of violence and hurting people isn’t what this business is about, either. I thought you would respect that. But your ignorance surprised me again. Still, despite surprising me twice first with your failure and then with your ignorance I thought that at the very least you still were a very clever and intelligent human being.” Glory smirks knowingly.

“I was wrong again. See, a smart man would not allow himself to get pulled into a fight that he knows he cannot finish. Your allegiance with Konrad and The Jackals, your decision to fight this battle against me has now created a problem that you know deep down in your heart and soul you cannot fix. You are in a fight at Apocalypse against a very determined Glory Braddock, a pretty damn good Glory Braddock, and you know that as good and capable as you are that you will never be good enough to take me down. I know that you’re not good enough to take me down because you don’t have confidence in yourself. Why else would you run with The Jackals? Why else would you have a pack of dogs like them watch your back?”

“And that’s the real sad part, honestly. There were those who believed in you. Some may still believe in you, but as time passes those numbers dwindle. The number of believe who still believe in you fade away because they see your association with The Jackals. What they see is a man who does not think he can do it on his own, that he needs outside help to get ahead. When you doubt yourself, you have already lost. But you have a chance to shine at Apocalypse. And maybe that’s by design. Am I right, Drake? Is that you wished for, Drake? Did you want this match at Apocalypse? Did you want a fight with The British Bombshell? If you did then that old saying definitely applies to you so I will say it again in case you didn’t hear me. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. You want a fight with Glory Braddock? You are going to get one. Here in Denver it will be you against me, and if you still have any balls left then you will be gutsy enough to tell your ass buddies to stay in the back and settle things yourself.”

“Think about it, Drake, Apocalypse could be your chance to shine, it could be your opportunity to prove that you are not just a random face in the Jackals crowd, it could be your opportunity to prove that you are not just The Jackal du jour...which is to say literally ‘Jackal of the day’, the random Jackal member chosen to face me because everyone else in your worthless little band of mongrels was busy. Apocalypse could have been your chance to prove that there was more to you than just being another Jackal thug.”

Glory shakes her head. “Unfortunately for you that’s not going to happen. It won’t happen because you have to face The British Bombshell and you definitely will not be able to take me down with the mood I am currently in. You see mate, you and your Jackals have poked an angry grizzly bear with a sharp stick and that bear is going to tear you apart at Apocalypse. All I ever wanted was a match, just one match. And you ruined that. I did not have to be part of this bloody war against The Jackals, I didn’t even want to be initially, but you brought me in. You chose to provoke me and now you are going to pay the price at Apocalypse. So do you want to know what I will do to you at Apocalypse? Ask Gavin Taylor. Ask your gimp pal Konrad Raab. Ask anyone who has had the unfortunate task of facing me and they will tell you what will happen.”

Glory smirks nastily. “I will choke you out or I will make you tap out like a little bitch.” Braddock points a finger at the camera. “That right there is what you and I are going to prove at Apocalypse, Drake. We are going to prove that you are my little bitch.”

RE: Glory Braddock vs. Drake Hemingway - Purity - 09-25-2021

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