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Where’s the Beef? vs. Deanna Frost - Printable Version

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Where’s the Beef? vs. Deanna Frost - Konrad Raab - 07-02-2022

SCW Television Championship

Where’s the Beef? has had some recent struggles thanks to the attempts of Holly Adams and the Brand to prevent the certain death of the Happy Farmstead Friends. Where’s the Beef? now will be standing up for the honour of Samuel Davis in a different way by facing the TV Champion, title on the line, and going after Selena Frost’s wife. Davis claims the Frosts bullied him. Where’s the Beef? may be coming for revenge!

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP


RE: Where’s the Beef? vs. Deanna Frost - Cid - 07-03-2022

RE: Where’s the Beef? vs. Deanna Frost - QueensGuardSCW - 07-05-2022

Project: Black Ice

”And the daughter is…”

The Shakespeare
New York City, New York
July 4th, 2022

They had all been sitting there for the better part of an hour. Their food had long since arrived at their table (at least twenty minutes ago) and while Deanna’s stomach had growled a little at the sight of her fish and chips, the beer-battered cod creating an almost irresistible, crisp smell that wafted into her nostrils, and while she worried about everyone else’s food (as well as her own) growing cold, the redhead, like everyone else, had not touched the array of food before them. Of course, she, along with the two oldest people sitting at the table with her, had had to quickly assure the waiting staff that everything was fine, and she did feel guilty for worrying them.

Still, no one had begun eating. They were waiting on Selena.

Guiltily, Deanna admitted to herself, she had let her mind wander to and from the present company of her wife and her in-laws – Alejandra and Jonathan VanHohenheim. Damn ADHD… the thought grumbled through her mind – allowed it to wander to, always inevitably, SCW.

Winning the Television title had been an incredible moment for the redhead, and one she would always cherish. However, it was a hell of a title to be the first to win. And she would be lying if she wasn’t already starting to feel the pressure. Not only did she desire to conform to the title’s rules of weekly defences, keeping her in a constant state/mix of worry and excitement, but every challenge seemed to get harder and harder.

With her challenge against Allocco, hell, the number one contender had stated it as arrogantly as he could. No one had expected Deanna to beat the former promoter. He was ‘too hot’ or whatever term people wanted to currently use for ‘having momentum’. Not only that, her title had not been on the line – so the pressure had been off Deanna as a ‘champion’ and more on her as a fighter to show her grit and desire to compete on a level ‘higher’ than what had been associated with the Television title in recent history (with Kimberly Williams and Jenni Anderson being prime examples of how the title had fallen in integrity in the eyes of many, including Shaun Cruze) and what, as Adam had put it, been “expected” of her.

To go from that loss, and all the highs and lows that came with it, facing Ace Sky, while a definite challenge and a worthwhile one at that, had been something that Deanna had been so driven to ‘just do’. She didn’t want to give Adam Allocco more to ‘brag about’ in his war with Deanna’s wife, Selena. It would be easy for the man to falsely claim – as he often did – that he had ‘broke Deanna’ or ‘embarrassed her’ or whatever else to ‘bury her’ in his attempt to make himself as ‘untouchable’ as possible. And she, additionally, refused to let him think he had ‘encouraged her’ or whatever. No, she had fought like hell against Sky on her own for the purpose of retaining her championship and to prove that one loss would not define her or stop her – only push her to be better. That drive had made it ‘easier’ to enter her first title defence with less ‘nerves’, as it were.

But now? She was facing – she had sighed multiple times today in just ‘thinking’ about her opponent’s current name - ‘Where’s the Beef?’. She often skipped that part in her mental ramblings, not wanting to address it just yet. What mattered was what the member of The Brand – and wife of Samuel Davis – could do in the ring…

And Deanna could not just block out her nervousness this time around every time she thought of the upcoming match in Pittsburgh. Because she was nervous. For Odin’s sake, she was facing The Brand!

First of all, the wars Selena had had with them were still fresh in the minds of everyone in SCW – wars that had, at more than a few points, included Deanna. The Brand hated Selena, hated the Frost family. And that was fine, Deanna wasn’t particularly fond of them or their juvenile antics against them, like trying to ‘bug’ the World Championship, running their ‘anti-Selena’ ad campaigns on Breakdown, trying to make the platinum-blonde out to be some kind of bully, and manipulating their way to countless title opportunities…

But that was sort of the reason why she was nervous. For all their faults, The Brand was extremely powerful. Giovanni Aries had pushed Selena to her limit at Taking Hold of the Flame, Holly Adams had almost dragged Selena’s good-name into the dirt to the point of never being able to recover, and Cid Turner had beaten the Snow Queen in the past. However, what made Deanna nervous was the fact that Clamydia/Beef DIDN’T necessarily fit that build of ‘powerful’. She was part of the ‘members’ – being as used and manipulated as Samuel Davis – with the same level of ‘success’, which wasn’t much considering all of The Brand’s lofty guarantees and promises.

But, as a whole? The Brand was nigh unstoppable and when they worked together? When they attacked together? Selena had almost lost her title twice over thanks to their ‘tactics’… and she was Selena! What if, to help Beef, they came out in droves? The redhead had been dreading that. She wasn’t ready to take on The Brand by herself, and she had to believe she would be alone because Selena needed to focus on Rise to Greatness and Allocco. What if Samuel came out to ‘get even’ over his humiliating loss to Selena? What if Holly came out because of her three failed attempts to steal the world championship? What if Giovanni came out just to give his “Nirvana” a semblance of credibility back after Selena had outright silenced it last Pay-Per-View?

And then to lose to… Deanna groaned very silently… to lose to “Where’s the Beef?”. The woman had been a jobber, for lack of a better word for decades, and Deanna didn’t wish to disrespect anyone but that was the truth. Her losing streak was long – hell, she had only managed a win in her last match because Sarah Wolf had gone nutzo (and yes, that was the technical term) and disqualified herself after winning the match. If Deanna lost… she could bounce back maybe, but what would that say about the integrity of the Television title? What would that say about its worth in SCW, after Shaun had asked her to rise its stock up within the federation?

So, yeah, she was definitely more nervous than even when she had faced Allocco. The stakes for losing were so much damn higher! Screw her ego and ‘standing’ in ‘SCW’s ranks’! A loss to someone like ‘Beef’ would ruin everything she wanted to do for the Television title! And she couldn’t stop thinking about that, which she hated herself for.

Because while she was thinking these thoughts, her wife’s eyes hadn’t left the sight of the white envelope that was on the table amidst the plates of food. While Deanna was worrying about her mission and being screwed out of the title she had just won, her wife beside her (Deanna saw) couldn’t stop her pale hands from shaking.

Mentally cursing herself, Deanna yanked her focus back to the immediate and reached out to take Selena’s trembling hands into her own. Immediately, Selena’s hands latched onto hers, holding tight, though the sapphire eyes did not stray from the letter. It had been in their mailbox as the Frosts had returned from last week’s Breakdown, immediately taking the focus off Allocco’s ‘games’ towards Selena and Kimberly Williams’ ‘tweets’ towards Deanna.

Because inside the envelope were the test results for Selena’s paternity tests to Alejandra and Jonathan – or, rather, the test that would state whether or not she was really their daughter. Really Selena Frost.

Another shaky breath came from Selena, one of many, as she continued to stare a hole through the letter.

“I say we rip it up.”

The voice came from Jonathan as he sat to the left of Deanna, at the longer side of the table. It was a strong voice – full of determination, and it surprised the three women sitting there as well.

“Jonathan…” Alejandra tried but the older man cast a glare at his wife, not angry at her but at the situation.

“No, I mean it.” He pressed, a slight growl in his voice. “Who cares?! Who cares if that killer is telling the truth or not?!” he gestured to Selena. “Selena, right there – her! – she’s our daughter. End of story. No paper or test is going to make me think or believe or otherwise!” He saw the world champion bit her lower lip at his proclamation, his voice immediately lowering. “Why are we even entertaining this? Why are we giving this any power? We should just rip that paper to shreds, throw it in the trash and just forget the notion even exists.”

“It’s…” Alejandra tried gently, grasping his forearm with her dark-skinned hands. “It’s not that simple, sweetheart. You…” she chose her words carefully. “You don’t remember what it’s like. Selena grew up cherishing being who she was – sharing your name, sharing your legacy – being of ‘Frost blood’.”

“In a life where she was alone, abused, driven nearly insane…” Deanna tried to add. “Being a Frost was all she had that she could be proud of.”

“But the clan were nutcases!” Jonathan tried. “Didn’t she disavow, uh, or renounce them-“

“It wasn’t because of them.” Deanna shook her head slowly. “It was because of you. She was proud to be YOUR daughter. Proud to be the daughter of Donovan Frost. That’s how much you meant to her – what you STILL mean to her.”

Before their eyes, Jonathan’s expression shifted, as if he had been struck. Sitting back in his seat in the booth, he looked away towards the ‘old tavern’ décor of ‘The Shakespeare’, the pub Selena’s favourite place to dine in, either by herself or with her family – an escape for the Snow Queen if only for a few hours. “I…” his dark eyes flew back to the platinum-blonde, still staring at that damn envelope. “I didn’t mean it like that.” He tried, almost desperately. “It’s just… you mean more to me than that. Family… it’s more than just genetics…”

“She knows.” Alejandra gently shushed her husband by patting his forearm.

“But part of who she is is her name – her identity…” Deanna sighed sadly, returning her eyes towards her wife. She wanted to embrace the older woman but she was too scared such an act would shatter her already fragile lover. Throughout the eight years she had known Selena – nearly seven as her wife – Deanna had watched her wage wars over her identity. Putting her name on the line against the clan, wagering her iconic hair against the likes of Dawn Lohan and then Vixen Cain, Selena had defied so much merely on the belief of who she was and who she believed ‘Selena Frost’ to be. It was a foundation that had, till Killjoy, been the strongest thing about Selena (save for her love for her family).

For the redhead, it had made the idea of being her wife all the more a treasure. That Selena would share that name with her – allow her to be part of the ‘Frost’ family – Deanna’s foundation, she would be lying if she denied it, had been built in part to make her worthy of such a gift. To make Selena proud that Deanna was her wife and a member of the ‘House of Frost’. It was partly why Deanna hadn’t backed down from becoming Television Champion and why she was so beyond scared of losing the title now. She didn’t want to fail. She didn’t want to disappoint anyone, especially her wife and family.

People in SCW looked up to the Frosts, believed in them so strongly. How would that last if Selena believed her very existence was a lie? If her very identity she had spent three decades living for was, from a biological perspective, untrue? 

“Open it.”

The voice came from Selena, stunning everyone as the platinum-blonde held the envelope towards Deanna, just above the Snow Queen’s ‘Shakespeare Burger’ (“The best burger in New York” as Selena had said). Emerald eyes went wide as Deanna beheld the paper.

“Are…are you sure?” her voice shook as she met Selena’s sapphire orbs.
“I’m not strong enough to do it.” Selena admitted. “But I need to know.”
“But I…” Deanna tried, but her voice died in her throat.

Jonathan opened his mouth to speak, no doubt to volunteer, but he quickly clenched his jaw shut as he saw the desperation in Selena’s eyes.

“Please…” Selena whispered. “Deanna…I… I can’t…”
“Please, Deanna.” Alejandra joined in.

Biting her lower lip, the redhead felt her stomach lurch as if it was sick (while it was STILL hungry because it hadn’t eaten that delicious cod!). Suddenly, her nerves – stemming from her upcoming SCW title match and all that stuff – were quadrupled as, with a trembling hand, she took the envelope.

It was beyond unfair! Why was this being asked of her? Why did she have to be either the bringer of good news or – worse – destroy her wife with but a few words?! Why did it have to be her?! Why couldn’t Jonathan or Alejandra do it?!

And yet, seeing Selena there, looking so fragile when, for so many years, she had been so strong – this unbreakable SCW World Champion that had weathered storms and worse for her beliefs… for Deanna – to see her look so fragile in that moment… Deanna felt her own questions of ‘unfairness’ and ‘why?’ being answered in that instant.

She took a shaky breath before desperately leaning her head and kissing her wife’s lips, surprising the Snow Queen. “No matter what happens…” she whispered as fiercely as she could. “No matter what…” the last word was more of a growl, as if daring the gods to step in and prove her wrong!

“I know.” Selena nodded her head quickly. “Nothing between us changes.” She finished Deanna’s words for her.

“Between ANY of us.” Jonathan pressed, reaching out to take Selena’s free hand. “Not one thing changes.”
“Nothing.” Alejandra reaffirmed.

With one last deep breath, Selena nodded her head, her eyes suddenly cold and determined. “Do it, Deanna.”

Taking a breath of her own, the younger Frost ripped open the envelope and pulled out the crisp, white piece of printer-paper. On it were a slew of letters, words, numbers – none of which made sense to Deanna had first glance.

“Lab ID…blah blah blah… Case ID… Name: Selena Michelle Frost, Blood type… B Positive…” Deanna bit her lower lip. “Is it wrong that I find that amazing? It’s the closest thing to “B-lieve’ we could get-“

“Deanna.” Selena gulped, her body rigged.
“Sorry.” Deanna quickly apologized. “Nervous. Alright. D10S1248 – No idea what any of that means. Penta D, no clue… Where’s the…”

Her eyes stopped as they reached the bottom. “Statement of results.” She read, her eyes scanning it. “The alleged mother and father…” she quickly scanned and rescanned the words before her, checking (what felt like) a hundred times in those two seconds to make sure she was reading it right.

“The alleged mother and father… CANNOT be excluded as the biological father and mother of the tested child!”

The gasp that came from Selena – a near cry – was the loudest, filling the small space of the room of the pub they occupied. “C-cannot be excluded?” she asked nervously, feeling her hands clutching both Alejandra’s and Jonathan’s tighter than before. “Are you sure?”

Slowly, the redhead smiled, still reading. “Based on the analysis of STR loci listed above, the probability of paternity is 99.9999999999%!!!”

Quickly, Deanna turned the paper, thrusting towards the other three, her finger pointing at the section she had been reading. “Right there! Look at all those nines, Selena!”

Despite herself, Selena couldn’t stop the tears from falling down her eyes as she gasped out another cry, her eyes shutting and her head lowering down a little in, what could only be viewed as an absolute expression of relief. Soft cries escaped her as she continued to hold onto her parents’ hands, Deanna wrapping her own arms around her beloved.

“You’re you.” Deanna whispered into Selena’s crown. “You’re a Frost.”
“I’m a Frost.” Selena whispered.
“You always were.” Alejandra added.
“And nothing can refute that.” Jonathan added. “Though I want to punch the teeth out of this Killjoy brat for putting us through this.”

“Yes…” Selena half-spoke, half-cried. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I’m sorry for…for even giving this any credit.”

“Don’t apologize.” Deanna whispered. “Killjoy is a monster that knew how to get to us, especially you. But now? You’re still the world champion, you’re still you, and you’re still ‘Selena Frost’ – all UNDISPUTED facts. She has nothing now!”

Biting her lower lip, Selena gave a nod of her head. “We’ve…” she sighed but another small cry. “We’ve won.”

“We sure have.” Deanna whispered. “Although – I agree with Jonathan. A few good hits if we ever see Killjoy again – or maybe Zoe can hit her with her car again! But like…like REALLY get some hangtime this time around!”

“Deanna…” Selena laughed despite herself. “You’re not supposed to make me laugh at that.”
“But that’s who I am.” The redhead smiled at her wife. “And I always will be. But, at the moment, I am also very hungry. Can we finally get to-“

Sapphire eyes went wide at those words. “Yes! Yes! Of course. Gods, the food is probably ice-cold by now. I’m so sorry.”

The others said nothing as, finally, they were allowed to dig into their food. And yes, it was on the cooler side – not as good as ‘fresh out of the oven’ but none of them complained. For Deanna, the goods news made up for that, her smile never fading, neither did Selena’s.

The conversation shifted to their plans for the rest of the day. With it being the fourth of July, the family had also promised the Frost children to visit their usual spot at 42nd and FDR Drive for the Macy’s Fireworks display. The youths were beyond excited, though they always fell asleep before it was over. For Deanna, it was almost fitting –

“A big firework display to celebrate.” She stated aloud, popping a room-temperature, but still tasty, French-fry into her mouth. “Ya think we could get them to set one off in the sky that spells out ‘Suck it, Killjoy’?”

The remark got a laugh out of the family, even Jonathan.
“Probably not.” Selena shook her head in good nature, more and more calm and even happiness easing into her features. “Though I would pay big money to do it AND see the look on her face if we could.”

“Oh, I imagine it wouldn’t be that much of a surprise.”

The laughter died from the Frost family in that millisecond as the four members turned towards the chair that was suddenly before their, and the person sitting just outside their booth - the leather-jacket wearing platinum-blonde smirking at all of them, her sapphire eyes not hiding the delight in their shock at her intrusion and presence.

“Now that you’ve ruined the surprise for me, that is.” Killjoy smirked as she picked up a fry from Deanna’s plate, plopping it into her mouth. “But if you like… I can always act surprised – sort of look like you all are looking right now.” The mocking tone in her voice was beyond evident but no one could say anything in that moment. Slowly, methodically, the vile woman turned her head towards the VanHohenheims, her words like ice-cold water to their celebration.

“Hello, mom. Hello, dad. Been a long time, hasn’t it?”

RE: Where’s the Beef? vs. Deanna Frost - Cid - 07-07-2022

RE: Where’s the Beef? vs. Deanna Frost - QueensGuardSCW - 07-07-2022

The Guard Tower

I don’t know what I expected from the idea of facing a member of The Brand. Anger for the past? Enthusiasm at having my first real crack at a member of them? Nervousness because they are super good and I’m – I’ve still got a lot to learn? It’s a jumble of emotions.

I mean, yes, The House of Frost, and especially my wife, Selena, certainly have rubbed the Brand the wrong way. From taking the world title off Cid Turner twice over, keeping the world title from Holly three times over, to keeping it from Giovanni Aries just last pay-per-view, to all that stuff regarding those like Cookie Dreams and Samuel Davis, yeah… I can honestly say that I know that The Brand doesn’t like us.

I was expecting that. I was. I mean, it’s been an ugly feud. It’s been an ugly existence of Frosts vs. Brand. Ambushes, interferences, hitting my wife in the head with the title… and that’s just the ‘wrestling stuff’. What about bugging the world title with a microphone, invading our privacy? What about hiring non-SCW superstars to run in and attack us during our matches? What about- well, you get the point. And yet, we’re the villains? We’re the bullies to the Brand?

I never quite grasped that logic but the point is that I was expecting some of that venom against me for this match, especially with me now, officially, being a ‘defending’ and ‘retaining’ Television Champion. YAY!

Even so, is it wrong to say that I was ‘expecting’ more this time around?

I mean, Beef – I’m not my wife. I will honour whatever name you want to use. That’s what you want to be called, fine. What matters to me is what you can do in the ring and, let’s face it, you haven’t had the most amount of luck there. I mean, I’m new to ‘winning’ too. I’ve got a few big wins under my belt in the months I’ve been an official wrestler in SCW. Still, I’ll never underestimate an underdog. Like Adam Allocco said, it makes up some of the best stories for the audience in this business – though the less I sound like him, the happier I’ll be. But, yes I liked the fire you brought – or are promising to bring – in this match. You’re angry, you’re bitter, a lot of negative emotions, which is interesting considering your alliance with GiGi Aries, but even so…

Is it wrong that I was expecting more from you?

I mean, Beef, how many matches has this been between the Frosts and The Brand? The tag matches, the singles matches, the challenges? Really, it must have been close to ten or twelve in the last year and change since this war between us started. One of my first matches in SCW was a tag match with Selena against Asher Hayes and Holly – members of the Brand.

And I lost. I got pinned and cost my team.

Yeah… members of the Brand beat the Frosts. I was actually surprised that THAT was your big ‘ta-dah’ in your promo, Beef. That you’re gonna be ‘the one person in the Brand that can beat a Frost’.

Um… Beef, did you forget that tag match? Or how about when Cid Turner beat Selena for the World title at Apocalypse last year? Or how Holly beat Selena via disqualification at the last End of the Year? Or how Giovanni Aries beat Selena in his return match back in late 2021? How could you forget that? He wouldn’t shut up about it building up to his match with her at Taking Hold of the Flame last month. It’s what got him a world title match in the first place…

For someone that complained about me ‘checking out the archives to throw some barbs’, maybe you should have done that before opening your mouth, Beef. Because I don’t want to treat you like a joke – but you’re doing it to yourself by saying such things. Claiming such things that can’t possibly be true.

Because all you do is make it clear that you’re not really thinking about what you’re saying. You’re just talking about what sounds ‘buzzworthy’. What makes you look like ‘the victim’ or ‘the hero’ - typical Brand tactic when dealing with us. All that was missing was another TEDtalk. And that’s why I was expecting more from you, Beef.

“Oh! Deanna’s gonna complain about me repeating what’s already been said”. Damn right, I am! Because it’s been done to death! How many times has the Brand tried to label us as bullies and villains? How many times have they claimed ‘the people are changing! They’re turning against you!’? How many times have words like ‘brainwashed’, and ‘fooling’, and ‘sheep’ been used by EVERY member of the Brand – and I do mean every member now. And yet, has it worked?

Every member of the Brand before you have tried this… and they lost! More than that, the people still believe in us and we still believe in them and in SCW. In other words, few people in SCW are believing you or the Brand, Beef, and that is THEIR decision, not ours.

The SCW Universe, the True Believers you think we don’t listen to?

They hold the keys to SCW and they always have. And they have let their voices be heard! Yeah, you’ve got a few people with the pamphlets – more power to them. But every show, you can audibly hear it! Loud as hell! “WE BELIEVE! WE BELIEVE!”

That’s not us, Beef. That’s not Selena and I commanding them to do so! That’s the SCW Universe making their choice – whether they like us or hate us! That’s them caring so much about what they believe in that they need to let their voices be heard! That’s the SCW universe CHOOSING to believe and us LISTENING to them despite your claims to the contrary. Yet, despite this obvious truth, you are the one repeating how ‘the change is coming! They’re seeing you as evil! As bullies!’ – promises that have followed the Frost family from The Brand for over a year… yet it doesn’t happen.

You know what that is the definition of, Beef? The idea of doing the same thing over and over again the exact same way and hoping for a different result? That’s insanity!

Because it’s clearly not worked! You’ve tried to drag our integrity into the mud and we’ve risen above it. You’ve tried to twist the narrative over and over again to vilify us and we’ve risen above it. Yet on and on you try.

You know… sigh… I really wanted this to be focused on you and me, Beef. You know, the combatants of the match. I wanted this to be about the Television Championship. About having to be on my toes because of your abilities and the Brand’s tactics. Having to prepare for anything and how this was the ultimate challenge of being able to stand on my own as a champion – facing, arguably, the most dominant stable in SCW today… But you wanted to drag the same old schtick into this – the same old tired junk. So, let me ask you something, Beef…

Did you even try and talk to Samuel about NOT accepting that challenge from Selena weeks ago? Did you tell him it was a bad idea? Better yet, did you convey these thoughts to Shaun or even Selena or myself? No, GiGi encouraged Selena to make the match the second she mentioned it. And you, as Anastasia, stood there and did nothing until now – where you, Beef, blame Selena for doing exactly what she SAID she was going to do when she MADE the challenge in the first place! Hold “The Haus of Nirvana” and all it’s “promises” accountable!

That’s something I’m surprised by you, Beef. You’ve been in this business for over two decades! You’re a former tag champion with your husband! And, yeah, you’ve had a rough go, I can sympathize, really. But you worked to get here, didn’t you? To become an SCW superstar. To become an SCW champion. Yet, GiGi was promising he could make anyone skip that grunt-work, that needing of grit, skip the line and pay their way to that same success without doing any of the work! Without paying the dues!

How can you be okay with that, Beef? It’s a slap in the face to all you’ve been through! All your husband’s been through! You want to talk about damaging you and your husband? GiGi is selling the idea that your decades of work is not only worthless, but it’s EASY to achieve and surpass, long as you have the cash! And you’re just buying it while watching your husband drink himself into oblivion in front of a camera every time he hits a snag and rant about your open marriage and you, “his rock” as you put it, sleeping around with anyone you want. You want to blame Selena and I for that? For your choices? Simply because Selena beat him in a match? What the hell have YOU done to make him better? To better his confidence? 

So, please, Beef, don’t stand there and say ‘we are the same’ in our devotion to our partners. I LOVE my wife but I also RESPECT my wife enough to let her make her own decisions and hold her accountable to the consequences of those decisions. Just like she respected my wish to face a man that was out of my league a few weeks ago and held me accountable in my defeat!

That’s the difference between us and you, Beef. Despite your ignorance of this, we’ve lost to the Brand before just like you’ve lost to us. The difference? We didn’t blame you for giving us your all and beating us. We didn’t blame you for ‘going for the win’ and making it happen. We didn’t cry about hurt feelings or lost momentum or lost confidence. We picked ourselves off, we learned from our mistakes, and we GOT BETTER. That’s what losing is supposed to do – show you how to improve. How to hold yourself accountable for your own choices. But because Samuel and you and the Brand are too arrogant to accept that about yourselves, you just blame us. Always doing what’s easier, right? Blame witchcraft! Blame the bullies! By your logic, Cid Turner is a bully for taking the world title from a ‘freshly crowned’ World Champion in Selena last year. BOO CID THE BULLY!

Are you kidding?! That’s so dumb! SUPER dumb! Selena came into a match and gave Samuel nothing short of her best. Hell, she GAVE him the main-event of Breakdown – far more good than GiGi has ever given. Why? Because she RESPECTS that about Samuel. She believes her opponents deserve her best. That the match deserves the best from her every time. That the fans of SCW deserve that! It’s a feeling we both share.

You think I don’t know what that’s like, Beef? To be embarrassed like Samuel was? Or is that something you also missed in your ‘cursory analysis’ of my family and I? I JUST came from a loss – an embarrassing loss! I gave Adam Allocco all I had and he beat me using only four moves. Only four damn moves!

Can you imagine what he would have done to me if he had actually used his entire playbook against me? Holy cats, the match might have been over in seconds…

The thing is… I wish he had. Yeah, I might have been embarrassed or taken down like a chump like Samuel was against Selena, but I would have earned that beating! I made the challenge possible and I got into the ring – and I wish Allocco respected me as much as Selena respected Samuel. Respected me enough to be honest with me about the difference of our abilities in the ring rather than just being a loudmouth on Twitter.

Is it wrong that I expected some modicum of that respect? After challenging Adam in the first place? Is it wrong that I wanted some of that respect from you, seeing as how you’re getting the chance of a lifetime against the Television Champion?

It seems I’m expecting too much from certain people in SCW, because I would think you, of all people, after all of this, would understand that ‘same old. Same old’ doesn’t work. You think just repeating the same promo and lines that The Brand has said over and over again is enough to get in my head, Beef?

Is that because you think I’ll be easy to beat? Because I’m ‘just Selena’s wife’, you don’t have to use your decades of experience and think outside the box but can, instead, just ‘predict everything I could possibly do or say’ and address it in your promo? “She’s gonna say this, and if not, this, and if not, this…”

Yeah, Beef, if you mention every possible thing I could possibly say – odds are you’re gonna guess one of them right! That’s how it works. Hey, want to wager that I’ll throw punches, kicks, suplexes, and a knee or two in our match! I promise I’ll use at least one of those to prove you right!!!

You know what this means, Beef? This method of yours of, in-between repeating The Brand’s one-liners to just saying as many ‘possible things Deanna will say’ as possible in the span of a promo, followed by a “it doesn’t even matter! I won’t listen to what Deanna says anyway”? You know what that says, Beef?

It’s that you’re not really listening or caring about facing me. You’re not really caring about facing the real me – Deanna Frost: The Queen’s Guard. The Television Champion. The person that’s fought tooth and nail to be here and earned her way through grit and hard work. You ‘see everything’ but not what I’m going to do. You talk about ‘all the things I’ll say’ but refuse to really listen to what I actually say.

It shows you aren’t prepared to face me. It means you’re arrogant. It means you’re lazy. It means you see me the same way Jenni Anderson saw me. The same way as Allocco saw me. An easy way to get to my wife and not worth the extra effort or time in the ring beyond that.

And that is something that will cost you, Beef.

Because I AM worth that time. I am worth more than a promo like that. I am worth more than simple, one-liners and more than mere ignorance and assumptions with no effort to truly hear or see.

More than that, the Television title is worth so much more than that! Worth so much more than a lazy promo like that! And more than a lazy champion like you would be! Because I want to stay the champion! More than that! I want to take this title to Rise to Greatness and DEFEND it on that show! My very first Rise to Greatness match and I could do it as a champion! Do you have any idea how awesome that will be? To make the “title for TV” a title good enough and prestigious enough – full of integrity - to be contested on the biggest SCW show of the year?! But I’m not going to succeed by just half-assing things like you are. By letting Holly or Samuel or GiGi, clearly, write my promos for me. No, I’m going to do it by staying sharp! By, yes!, doing my research and better knowing my opponent and giving NOTHING less than my absolute best in the ring against EVERY opponent, even one that’s so certain she’ll be seen as nothing but a joke.

You think I’m going to see you like that , Beef? You want to use self-deprecation like that for pity, I’m not falling for it. Because I don’t see you as a joke. I like to laugh at jokes. Selena tells a few good ones actually. Jokes, to me, are supposed to be funny. And you’re anything but funny. This kind of ignorance, this kind of laziness you’ve shown me? It isn’t funny, Beef. It’s sad. It’s insulting. Insulting of the CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH you have been gifted after winning one match via disqualification! Insulting to the months I put in – beating the former champion three times over - to take this title and be its champion.

Because what then, Beef? What if you win it? If you actually, by skill or The Brand’s true method of ‘hook or crook’, win? What happens? You take it back to Holly and let her rename it? Redecorate it? Let her make it all about her? “The Holly Adams Brand Television Title”? You let her strip it of all its identity and integrity week after week as she has done to you, ‘Beefy’? Calliope? Anastasia? Peach? Do you even remember who you are at this point? Or are you too scared to actually ask that question?

No, Beef. I promised Shaun that I would respect this title and I would respect my opponents in the ring by giving them and the belt all I have! More than that, I’ve listened to what you had to say because I am not seeing you as a joke. I see the very real threat you are – the threat the Brand is. A Brand desperate for any gold.

And I see how desperate you are. The Brand’s ‘evaluation meeting’ is this week as well, isn’t it? A meeting that could change the look of the Brand – not the first time. And yeah, maybe Cid is the primary focus here, but what happens if you fail, Beef? They mentioned Cid due to the tag-title match debacle…but what about you?

That’s what this is about to you, isn’t it? It’s not for your man – just another lie the likes of you, Samuel, Holly and Gio have concocted to try and sway a few people to your side – proving that you are the one that doesn’t listen to the people, just like you’ve refused to listen to me. Because if that were the case and this was about Samuel’s honor, you would have challenged Selena to match weeks ago just like I challenged Allocco the very next Breakdown after he insulted her - ready to defend my wife’s honor.

No, you’re going after me because you think I’m ‘easier prey’. You think that the Television title is easier for you to acquire than the World title… and you’re terrified of being kicked out of the Brand.

Again, Beefy, I know that because I ‘listen’ and yes, I research my opponent. That’s how much being prepared means to me. Not just saying anything and everything but being prepared because ‘fortune favors the prepared’. You’re as much on the chopping block as Cid is this Breakdown with Holly’s ‘evaluation’ on the horizon. And if you happen to be ‘knocked out of the Brand’, there goes your relevancy. There goes your credibility that you bought with so many payments of $39.99.

And you know how Holly does the ‘kicking out’. Just take some of your own advice and check some of the archives. Check out how they ‘handled’ Asher Hayes.

You picked what you believed was the easier target… and I’m going to make you regret that decision. I’m going to make you regret treating me with such bland, repeated statements – the overused one liners without an original thought in your head. I’m going to make you regret choosing not to listen to me or hear MY words. MY voice.

Yes, I’m going to keep researching you.
Yes, I’m going to respect you in the ring by giving you all I have just like Selena did for Samuel.
Yes, I’m going to hold you accountable for everything YOU have said because I listened to you!

Because that’s who I really am. That’s what it takes to get better and be a champion in SCW – what it takes to be a real SCW superstar. That’s the work that is needed to be an SCW superstar!

And twenty-plus years of experience or not, Beef, tonight, I am going to show you why, even after all that time, you’re not there yet. You can’t ‘leave your own mark' simply by using The Brand’s words – too scared to use your own words and voice. You can’t be your own person when having THEM choose your identity.

And you can’t beat a Frost just by saying you will. It, like being the Television Champion, requires a hell of a lot more than that!

Tonight, Beefy? I’m gonna prove that to you… when I leave the mark of my knee across your face. And even though you might predict it… you’re still not gonna be able to stop it from happening!

Checkmate, bitch!