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Dieter Wagner vs. Sal Darius - Printable Version

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Dieter Wagner vs. Sal Darius - supremecw - 07-15-2023

"The Munich Mauler" Dieter Wagner vs. "The Sex Vibe" Sal Darius

$10 000 Challenge

Rise to Greatness Pre-Show

2 RP Limit per person
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 23,2023

RE: Dieter Wagner vs. Sal Darius - Sal Darius - 07-20-2023


Mr. Pender: I tell you, that was an epic performance. Would be good enough to shut some bitches up and you know what's great for us now? Dieter Wagner, that overrated scumbag is in your wrestling journey now. And some morons have been thinking he will be a good competition for you.

Sal: Yeah, I will make sure Knight’s ass gets bank corrupted.

Mr. Pender: Hahahahaha, maybe Wagner and Knight will be working under our sperm donor management!!

While Sal and Pender were laughing, a group of officials came in their way.

Official 1: Mr. Darius?

Sal: What's up? What is going on?

Official 1: You need to come with us, Mr. Pender your client’s luggage is in his locker room. The lawsuits will make you a call as well, please be available.

Mr. Pender: What the hell? For what?

Official 1: We have found, a few grams of cocaine in his locker room. Come on Mr Darius, follow us.

Mr. Pender: Coke? No way. He doesn't do that stuff.

Official 1: Sir please, we don't want any trouble here. (Ordering to the other police officer) Officer!! Take him to the car.

Sal Darius, locked in the handcraft, gets taken out of the arena. The world sees Sal and the media reporters. Along with the police officials, Sal was surrounded by cameras, mics, and his supporters. ‘Fuck you Darius!’ was a banner held by one of his fans. As he was being seated in the police car, somewhere in the crowd a bottle hit his face. To that Sal reacted in anger, he tried to break his handcraft but was locked and grabbed by policemen. Darius then in anger, spits toward his supporters and at the top of his lungs shouts fuck you!! No matter how big the drama was. He was taken into custody.

The next morning, the news channels were bashing Sal Darius' image. The footage was shown where the camera was rolling and the wrestling fans out of the SCW arena were against him as well. One of the channels confirmed that the next day it's his hearing and will be shown live on some channels. One of the fans was screaming into the camera saying ‘WE DON’T WANT TO HEAR FROM THAT SEX AND DRUG ADDICT PIECE OF ****!!’ Many things were censored and the channel was back to covering the news by their respective journalists.

The scene opens in the court, where some of Sal's wrestling friends were seated in the council and Sal and Pender were seated in the Jury Box. Judge calls Sal to get ready for a few questions.

Judge: Mr. Darius, would you state your name for the record, please?

SD: Umm, it’s Sal Darius

Judge: To my understanding, you’re a SCW fighter? Is that correct?

SD: Yeah

Judge: And you fought a couple of days back?

Mr. Pender whispers in Sal’s ear.

SD: Respectfully, I am not going to answer the question.

Judge: And the reason why?

SD: 5th amendment

Judge: And do you have got a reasonable cause to believe that you’re going to be subject to criminal prosecution?

SD: 5th amendment

Judge: Okay? And has there been any criminal prosecution against you?

SD: Fifth amendment

Some footage was shown by the media channels. After which Mr. Pender was seen outside the court answering media questions.

Journalist 1: Mr. Pender is it true that Sal is not found with drugs in his locker room? But also has been tagged as a rapist?

Mr. Pender: That is true. But that is false, that's what I have said to the judge there. If you feel that, let's take a blood test and I believe this is what we are going to do. As far as it is about drugs, I am sure we have some rivals in the wrestling business. Sal has been trapped! And SCW is affiliated with the athletic commission which takes blood tests every week! And his blood tests are clear. That's all I gotta say! Be patient and shame on you SCW Universe!

Mr. Pender points towards the camera while saying that and leaves. While some journalists follow him and shout his name to ask some questions. But Pender, sits in his limousine and leaves the place.

RE: Dieter Wagner vs. Sal Darius - Lucas Knight - 07-23-2023


Here is the first RP i've written in ages, tried a different style which for those that know me will notice immediately. Hope I did it correctly lol. That's about it really other than maybe try to enjoy it?

Sal, may the best man win.
