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Blake Mason, Chris Cannon & Owen Cruze vs. Jake Starr, Tommy Valentine & KatieSteward - Printable Version

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Blake Mason, Chris Cannon & Owen Cruze vs. Jake Starr, Tommy Valentine & KatieSteward - Team Desire - 11-07-2018

Blake Mason, Chris Cannon & Owen Cruze vs. Jake Starr, Tommy Valentine & Katie Steward
2 RP Limit for singles; 6 RP Limit for six person tag
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, November 13, 2018

RE: Blake Mason, Chris Cannon & Owen Cruze vs. Jake Starr, Tommy Valentine & KatieSteward - Team Desire - 11-13-2018

SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "Her Brat Party"

{The episode starts in Los Angeles, California at the apartment of Autumn Daniels above her shop. The scene opens to Katie Steward sitting up in her bed and holding a big sword in hand. She stares at it with her eyes opened wide and wonders just where it came from. The last thing she remembers is she was asleep and in her dream she had just stolen the Claíomh Solais from the King and running away from the army after almost having her hand cut off. It is obviously ridiculous to think that she somehow came out of her dream with the sword. I mean that isn’t possible. Katie scoffs at the thought and she knows what’s really going on. Katie sets the sword aside and climbs out of bed. She puts on her robe over her pajamas and grabs the sword leaving the bedroom.}

{Katie walks into the living room and finds Autumn Daniels there sitting on the couch. Katie marches over to her and holds up the sword so Autumn can take a look.}

Katie Steward: What is this? Why are you hiding swords in my room trying to prank me? Or are you just trying to make me think I’m losing my mind?

Autumn Daniels: I don’t think I could ever make you lose something you’ve already lost. I say that as I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. Where did you get the sword?

Katie Steward: It was in my bed, under my pillow, delivered by the worst tooth fairy ever.

Autumn Daniels: You’re crazy.

Katie Steward: Ok, fine. If you didn’t put the sword under my bed while I was sleeping then I guess I happened to pull it out of my dream and into reality. Which one of those are more reasonable?

{Autumn stands up off the couch as she’s tired of Katie’s accusation and takes the sword from Katie’s hand.}

Autumn Daniels: I’ll say it is the dream one, because I didn’t put this under your pillow to mess with you. Is this the Claíomh Solais?

Katie Steward: Yes, I’m sure you ordered it for your shop and decided it’ll be good to get some fun out of it before you sell it.

Autumn Daniels: I didn’t order it. Old Irish Mythology isn’t that mainstream.

{There is a knock on the door and it opens and Katelyn Buehler walks inside to join Katie and Autumn.}

Katelyn Buehler: Hey Bitches, what are we doing?

Katie Steward: Autumn, was just about to admit she hid a sword in my room.

Autumn Daniels: I am holding that sword right now and if you want to see how one handles it. I’d drop the accusations now.

{Katelyn sees the sword in Autumn’s hand and rushes over to check it out. She takes it from her to get a closer look.}

Katelyn Buehler: Cool. So what is this? Excalibur?

Katie Steward: No. It’s the Claim Might Soulkeeper…

Autumn Daniels: Claíomh Solais.

Katie Steward: Yes, that. If Hurse is right. It’s the sword of an Irish King that’s very important. Apparently I needed to steal it from the King as it’ll help me get my Goddess powers back somehow.

Autumn Daniels: Is this all in the dream you’ve been having?

Katelyn Buehler: You’re not a Goddess anymore? That’s ridiculous.

Katie Steward: Yeah well things have certainly not be going my way in literally all aspects of my life and I need to change things.

Autumn Daniels: By sleeping most of the day?

Katie Steward: Ugh, dreams have meaning most of the time, Autumn. They’re clearly they’re telling me I need to fix my life and that’s what I have to do.

Katelyn Buehler: That’s great, Kate. Such an amazing role model. So what are you going to do?

Katie Steward: We’re going to continue the journey that I’m on.

Katelyn Buehler: Sweet. How are we going to do that?

Katie Steward: Well since Autumn didn’t play the prank on me and plant the sword in my bed. That means I brought the sword back with me. So Hurse said there are 4 treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann which are one of the original people of Ireland. So we need to find another treasure.

Katelyn Buehler: Sweet. What are the other treasures?

{Katie and Katelyn both turn and look at Autumn like she would know the answer to the questions they have.}

Autumn Daniels: What? I don’t know where we could find any of the treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann. They’re all thousands of years old and probably lost to time.

Katie Steward: All of them? There is one treasure that we can see?

Autumn Daniels: …

Autumn Daniels: Ah damn it. There is one that we could visit. It’s a stone. Lia Fáil.

Katelyn Buehler: Lia Fool? Is this a Ligma thing?

Katie Steward: What’s Ligma?

Katelyn Buehler: Ligma Balls.

{Katelyn starts cracking up laughing at Katie. She raises her hand looking for a hi five from someone, but no one accepts. She puts her hand back down and continues to laugh with herself.}

Katie Steward: Wait, is this serious?

Autumn Daniels: Mine was. I have no idea what she was talking about.

Katie Steward: Ok, then what about this Lia stone?

Autumn Daniels: It’s a giant stone where Kings of Ireland were coronation under long time ago.

Katie Steward: A coronation stone? Oh my Goddess, it’s a sign. This is definitely where I should be. This is where I will get my Goddess powers back. It just has to be. Where is it?

Autumn Daniels: Ireland.

Katie Steward: Oh.

{The brats stand around as Katie thinks how they’ll all managed to on this journey together. TJ Johnson walks up to the open front door that Katelyn left opened. He knocks on the door so the Brats hear him coming in.}

TJ Johnson: Hello, Katie. Are you ready to head out now?

Katie Steward: Head out? Where are we going?

TJ Johnson: We have to go on the overseas tour for SCW. Gigi and Maddy aren’t going with you as they’ve left on the other one last week.

Katie Steward: Oh right, I’ll get my bags.

{Katie heads back to her room, but she stops. She turns back to TJ.}

Katie Steward: Actually TJ before we go I think we need to talk. I need to tell you about what is going on with me and what I’m doing going forward.

TJ Johnson: You’re not dumping me, are you?

Katie Steward: What? No. Of course not. I just want to talk.

{Katie walks TJ out and turns back to Katelyn and Autumn.}

Katie Steward: You two think of something when I handle this.

Katelyn Buehler: You can sell your eggs.

Katie Steward: What? Why mine?

Katelyn Buehler: Well I know I’m more fertile and all, but come on they’ll pay money for Katie Steward’s.

Katie Steward: I don’t know if I should be offended or complimented by that. Autumn, you’re in charge.

Autumn Daniels: Of course.

{Katie turns and leaves the apartment to have her talk with TJ as the scene fades.}


{The scene opens a few minutes later to outside and a few places down from Autumn’s shop. Katie and TJ sit at a table outside of a coffee shop.}

Katie Steward: Ok TJ, I need to tell you something and I don’t want you to take it the wrong way. I’m working on fixing the problem and everything is going to be fine. I just don’t know how long it’s going to take to finish the job. Or journey.

TJ Johnson: Ok, Katie what’s wrong? You’re starting to scare me a little. We’re not going our separate ways. So the news can’t be that bad, right?

Katie Steward: Ok then, well I’ll just tell you. I am… no longer a Goddess.

{Katie takes a big gulp of air and tries to fight the emotions she’s feeling and to be strong for TJ. However the respond she gets isn’t what she expected and TJ starts cracking up with laughter.}

Katie Steward: What?

TJ Johnson: That’s funny. You’re not a Goddess anymore. Like how can you stop being a Goddess. I mean you’re unbelievably talented, you can almost everything you want and you’re be far the best thing that SCW has got.

Katie Steward: Thank you TJ, that is nice of you to say and I know I am all of those things. Though I do admit things haven’t be so Goddess-ques for me. What I am going to do now is go with my Brats and we’re going to slay my demons and I’ll find my way back to where I belong. Like you said I can do almost everything and that’s what I plan on doing.

TJ Johnson: So what are you going to do?

Katie Steward: Well Autumn, Katelyn and myself are going to find a way to get to Ireland and find this Ligma Stone.

TJ Johnson: Ligma?

Katie Steward: Oh no, I’m not falling for that again.

TJ Johnson: What?

{Katie looks over TJ’s shoulder and see Autumn and Katelyn in the distance.}

Katie Steward: Thank you TJ for understanding what’s going on and helping me stay focus. I’ll see you on the tour.

{Katie jumps up out of her seat and rushes off before TJ can reply to her.}

TJ Johnson: Wait, what? I thought…

{TJ sits back in his chair and tries to figure out what happened. The camera changes back to the Brats as they meet up on the sidewalk.}

Katie Steward: So what’s happening?

Katelyn Buehler: We sold the club.

Katie Steward: What?

Katelyn Buehler: Yeah, there was a buyer that was interested in the property and well Robin and Paris aren’t around anymore. We don’t need it that much. So we sold it. Now we get to go to Ireland.

Katie Steward: Oh ok, then great. This should be fun.

Autumn Daniels: It’s going to be interesting that’s for sure.

{The Brats turn and leave together as the scene fades.}


{The scene opens to the following day and the Brats have made their journey to Ireland and walked the trail to the Lia Fáil stone. They stand on the outer edge of the monument and look at it.}

Katelyn Buehler: I don’t know. It’s not that impressive. I think we should’ve gone and seen the one in Washington. Now that’s impressive.

Katie Steward: It’s not about the size Katelyn.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh my Goddess, I don’t even know you right now.

Katie Steward: I mean we’re not judging it.

Katelyn Buehler: Are you sure you don’t want to give James a chance? You seem to be understanding to his needs.

Katie Steward: Katelyn not now. We’re busy. Autumn how does this thing work?

Autumn Daniels: I don’t know. You’re the one on the journey. Shouldn’t it react to you or something.

Katie Steward: Ok well you said this was used as a coronation place for the Kings of Ireland. Well the Queen has arrived.

{Katie steps up to the stone and stands before it and waits for it to do something. She holds onto the base seethe of the sword that she wears on her back. Nothing happens.}

Katie Steward: Autumn it’s not doing anything. How long am I suppose to wait?

Katelyn Buehler: So that Washington monument idea… not looking like such a bad idea now, huh?

{Autumn and Katelyn step up and getting closer to the stone with Katie. Autumn walks up next to it and checks the stone. She notices some cracks in the stone from a hammer strike from vandals a few years ago. She shakes her head in disgust at that sight.}

Katelyn Buehler: Maybe we’re at the wrong stone. Aren’t there like a bunch of these all over the country?

Katie Steward: This can’t be right. We have the sword. We’re at the stone. What else could we be missing?

{Autumn holds her hand up and brushes her fingers over the cracks on the stone. Something seems to happen with Autumn’s interaction with the stone as the cracks glow a faint red light. Autumn backs away and stands with Katie and Katelyn. A beam of light shines up from under their feet and blinds the camera for a few seconds.}

{After the seconds pass by and everything returns to normal. Katie realizes that they’re not in the same place that they were at. She reaches for her head and feels the floral crown she was wearing in her dream. She looks at her white cloth gown and then makes her pink butterfly grow from her back and she smiles.}

Katie Steward: It worked. The stone must’ve worked as a gateway for us to travel between worlds. Oh my Goddess, it wasn’t a dream. It was like my conscience was in another world. Wow that is some powerful Yoga I am into.

{Katie turns to Autumn who is of course in a black goth robe with the hood covering her head.}

Autumn Daniels: I hate you so much.

Katie Steward: It’s not that bad. Katelyn, what about you…

{The brats turn to the third member of their party and they are quickly distracted by Katelyn very revealing outfit.}

Katelyn Buehler: This is too cool. I am so hot.

Katie Steward: Yeah that’s so great for you.

Autumn Daniels: This is so unfair. I wanted trade.

Katie Steward: I don’t make the rules.

{Katie notices a rat nearby and she knows who it is.}

Katie Steward: But he does.

{Katie leans forward and gets closer to the rat to talk to it.}

Katie Steward: Hurse, I did it. I got the sword and I found the stone. That’s two of the four treasures that I’ve found. Am I ready yet to face my demons?

Katelyn Buehler: Does she know she’s talking to a rat?

Autumn Daniels: I think she said Hurse was a druid who can shape shift.

Katelyn Buehler: Steven can turn into a rat? Meh, I can see it.

Hurse: It is one of a few forms I can take, but yes the rat one is useless.

Katelyn Buehler: Steven!

{Katelyn happy to see Hurse and gives him a friendly hug. She then realizes that she is hugging the Hurse then Katie is…}

Katelyn Buehler: Ugh Kate, I think you should know something.

Katie Steward: Katelyn I’m a little busy. I’m not interesting in hearing about Ligma, the Washington monument or James Evans. Now come Hurse, turn into a real boy for Autumn and Katelyn before they start thinking I’m crazy.

Hurse: We’re a little late for that.

Katie Steward: (turns her head to Hurse) Shut up.

{Katie sees Hurse as realizes her mistake. She turns her head back to the rat just as it tries to attack and Katie falls backwards and rolls away. She takes out the sword ready to kill the bastard’s head off, but it’s long scamper away.}

Autumn Daniels: Well that was somewhat enjoyable.

Hurse: Oh, you look just like her. Like the Morrigan. She was quite an interesting figure in her time. Goddess of War and Death.

{Autumn grabs Hurse by the wrist as she is still in an unpleasant mood.}

Katie Steward: Autumn, it’s ok. We don’t want to hurt Hurse. We need him. She is kinda of not all to happy with things right now. Nobody likes being typecast. Except for maybe Katelyn.

Katelyn Buehler: What?

Katie Steward: Anyways we should be on our way now, right?

Hurse: Yes of course. On our way.

{Autumn releases Hurse and he leads the brats on their journey and the scene fades.}


{The scene changes from the Brats’ adventure to Katie sitting in her director’s chair in front of a green screen on a Hollywood set. She’s wearing her ring robe and she leans back in her chair with a bit of a serious demeanor.}

Katie Steward: Jake Starr, Tommy Valentine and Katie Steward. A team that I’m sure SCW drew out of a hat to form, but that is what I find myself. I’m ok. I don’t have that demonic creature Bianca Evans hiding in the shadows to terrorize me. So my focus is where it needs to be. Reclaiming my mantle of Goddess. Jake and Tommy probably aren’t invest too much, but a win is a win and a win is what we will be looking for. I mean Katie Steward is here looking forward to this match that probably no one thought she’d be remotely invested it, but no. Every inch gets me closer to getting back a little piece of me I thought I’d lost. Bianca Evans has tries to send me down the path of an old outdated Goddess and while she won’t be hiding in the shadows. She’s going to be watching and witnessing a true Goddess does things. I’m going to have 5 men fighting for the win and in the end my arm is going to be the one that is raised in victory. That is where Katie Steward needs to be again and that’s where I will be on Breakdown.

Katie Steward: Blake, Chris and Owen I can’t say I know any of them too well. This is honestly the first time I been in the ring with Chris or Owen and Owen who has the world talking about him. I know I can’t do much to stop that. Or maybe I can. See if I’m going to reclaim my Goddess powers again. I need to beat Owen Cruze. I need to beat Chris Cannon and I need to beat Blake Mason. While Jake and Tommy will refuse to be my angels fighting in the name of their Goddess. They’re going to know their places in this match. All five of them will serve at my feet. Out of every single woman in this company I’m the only one that will never stop. If anyone thinks an Iron Angel is the toughest that walks among the ordinary people. Then you’re not paying attention to Katie Steward whose prepare to crawl her way back to the top once again because I don’t know how to die. That’s why Bicana Evans can’t beat me. That’s why Jake and Tommy will serve me and that’s why Blake, Chris and Owen won’t stand a chance against my wraith. My journey continues through Breakdown and I will not stop til every last demon is dead. You’ll all worship your Goddess again.

{Katie sits up in her chair and slides out of it walking off the set as the studio light click off and the scene and episode end.}

RE: Blake Mason, Chris Cannon & Owen Cruze vs. Jake Starr, Tommy Valentine & KatieSteward - Owen - 11-13-2018

Owen #22

The latest instalment. Good luck to all and enjoy