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Cassidy Carter vs. Kandis - Printable Version

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Cassidy Carter vs. Kandis - Team Desire - 03-22-2019

Cassidy Carter vs. Kandis
2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, March 26, 2019

RE: Cassidy Carter vs. Kandis - Kandis. - 03-26-2019

Breakdown 3-27-19

RE: Cassidy Carter vs. Kandis - Rachel Foxx - 03-26-2019

OOC: My CD was a bit of a struggle to pull together, but I insisted on getting something up. So, here is my promo.

The picture shakes as the camera comes into focus, Cassidy Carter's face, hidden in the hood of her black hoodie, quickly coming into focus. She is sitting in a worn ring, leaning against the turnbuckle, flanked by ropes that have clearly seen better days. She doesn't look up at the camera, her icy blue eyes focused on the mat as she begins to speak.

CASSIDY: “So here we are again...working my way up from the bottom of the barrel.”

She chuckled a little, but the blank expression on her face never changes.

CASSIDY: “Not too look my ago I was main eventing an SCW PPV, one of three people vying for the SCW World Championship. I was at the summit of this business, and now…”

She pauses for a minute, shaking her head a little.

CASSIDY: “To quote Ghost...from the the pit. I came so close that night to proving myself as the greatest competitor in this company, but I came up just short. I'd love to tell you that I don't care, because I usually don't. I never gave a fuck about being a champion in the cesspool of a promotion. The fact that I was in that position, the number one contender, I had already proven everyone wrong. You all laughed me off as nothing but a little girl trying to sit at the grown-ups table. So what did I do? I burned the table down. One after another, I took out the ancient legs that held this company up. I skated every one of your heroes, forcing them to look up at me as my hand was raised in triumph. I even managed to beat a few of the people I wasn't supposed to by submission. I didn't just hold their shoulders to the mat...I made them fucking quit!!!”

She clenched her teeth, gritting them as she tries to control her breath.

CASSIDY: “The fact of the matter is...I proved my point. I may not have walked away with the brass ring management keeps dangling in my face, but I stood on the summit of that mountain, where I was no supposed to be able to stand, with a trail of wins, that I was not supposed to win, in my wake. I proved that I am not a fluke. I proved that I am the most honest birch this company has ever seen. I am not yet another overly make-upped Barbie doll, preaching about how I'm flawless, perfect, whatever nonsense hyperbole these mindless clones use to pretend to put a new spin on the same tired routine we have seen over and over and over again. I am exactly what you see, a foul-mouthed ass kicker who says whatever the fuck is on her mind, and doesn't give a fuck what anyone else has to say about me.”

Cassidy looks into the camera for the first time, her face still blank as she furrows her brow a little.

CASSIDY: “Fuck all of you!”

Her gaze falls back to the mat, as she continues again, seemingly talking to herself.

CASSIDY: “And yet, here we are...back at the bottom. I'm set to step into the ring against...I'd be lying if I said I knew your name.”

She just shrugs.

CASSIDY: “As always, this is the part where I am supposed to point out your flaws before droning on and on with some inane diatribe filled with hollow grandeur and meaningless bravado. It is the portion of this message where I am supposed to pretend that I am invincible, and the only person in this company capable of slaying my opponent. I should tell you that I've studied you, and I have obsessed about you for the last week.”

Again, she chuckles slightly. Again, her face does not betray any emotion.

CASSIDY: “The truth is I have not even taken the time to learn your name, let alone study your matches or do anything even close to obsessing about you. The fact of the matter is, you're not even the reason I am showing up to the arena for Breakdown. Oh sure, I will step into the ring with you, and I will give you everything I have. For one brief moment, you will have my undivided attention. You may beat me, or I may beat you. The conclusion of this match is utterly inconsequential to me. I am here to lay my penance, to worship in the temple of violence, and to take in my communion of pain and suffering. As I said, there is the ever present chance that you may beat me, but, I can assure you that you will lose a part of yourself in the process. If you think for one moment this will be easy, you are sadly mistaken. This will be a true test of how badly you want this, and how firmly you hold to your dreams of greatness.”

Cassidy looks up, her emotionless eyes looking into the camera now.

CASSIDY: “ whoever you may be, I hope you are prepared to donate blood and sacrifice your body to put me down...because I am.”

Her cold eyes lingered on the camera for a moment, before she stood up and walked away. The camera focused on the empty ring corner for a few moments, the ropes bouncing slightly before the picture cut to black.