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Max Kane vs. Crissy Gardner - Printable Version

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Max Kane vs. Crissy Gardner - Konrad Raab - 04-27-2019

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Tuesday, April 30, 2019

RE: Max Kane vs. Crissy Gardner - Rick Young - 04-30-2019

Just CD this time... just nothing would come to me for the promo this time. I which I could fuss over it some more and attempt to force something, but I gotta get to work.

Click here

RE: Max Kane vs. Crissy Gardner - Alexis Quinne - 04-30-2019

[Cameras start rolling.

Max Kane is immediately in camera view, dressed in black sunglasses, a white t-shirt with leopard vest and blue jeans. A few friends are seen in the background of some house, playing pool. Max flashes his usual smile.]

Max: We're good, Sticks?

[Something inaudible is said.]

Max: Yeah? Good?

[Max flashes the thumbs up. Eventually, he points to the camera.]

Max: So let me get this straight. My first match is about a month in a half is against the Serial Thrilla, Crissy Gardner? And that Breakdown isn't just anywhere, but it's in Mexico City yeah? The same place where I spent four, hard, fun months training, learning how to become a wrestler?

[He pauses.]

Max: Sign me up!

[Then he smiles.]

Max: SCW's just keeps getting more and more crazier. There's a lot of fun to be had. Lot of people I would like to punch in the mouth. Or kick in the mouth or knee in the mouth or elbow in the mouth. Basically, anything, anything that involves me in the thick of things, that's what I'm looking for. You guys know me by now. you know what I want. You know what I like. I don't like being a spectator and I don't like sitting on my hands.

[He slowly takes off his shades. His friends can be heard yelling about the game.]

Max: Trust me, i was kicking and screaming, BEGGING to get back in that ring. I was willing to pay them. Pay anyone in management. i know there's a musical chairs thing going on because SCW can never have a power struggle. Never. I didn't give a fuck who's running this place. Put me in the ring. But..

[He puts a finger up.]

Max: But. As everyone knows. I live out all of yours fears. All of you. That's you guys. Watching Pro wrestling is a dangerous sport and at any point, someone could just slip and break their neck. Get tossed out of the ring and fracture their ankle. Get thrown into the steel steps and separate their shoulder. Jump off the top rope and rupture your spleen. All the time I'm told that I'm going to die in the ring. That I need to stop jumping off the biggest, the tallest, the scariest buildings, places, stages, balconies there is. Franklin Myers, Tricky Dick himself. You've seen that guy before. You've heard that guy before. World Hazard? He's one of the reasons why i'm here. Why anyone that comes from San Fran is where they're at now. He had a hand in everything. He's like that overprotective father you wish you had and never needed.

[Max shrugs his shoulders.]

Max: He sat me down a few months ago and he challenged me. Said the same shit everyone's been saying. I'm going to get hurt if I don't stop wrestling the way I do. I'm going to cripple myself. I'm going to get paralyzed. And I need to stop! You need to stop Max! Max!

[He starts raising his voice.]

max: Max! Please listen to me before something happens to you. I see you limping just to get to the door. i see the pain on your face. You can't even take a step without gritting your teeth. And meanwhile, I'm telling him, as long as I can stand on my two feet every morning I wake up, none of these motherfuckers can put me down. No matter how much pain I feel. it will never be enough.

[Max pounds his chest.]

Max: And then he asked me about Mara. Asked me did I see a future with her. It's been almost two years. Byy the way, shout out to Scream Machine.

[Max smirks.]

Max: Next GCW Global Tag Team Champions. Can't wait for them to kick Andrew Raynes and Dustin Adams' ass. Can't wait. Cross advertisement but shit, we all make the same money. We all profit. And that's what Tricky Dick was asking me. Did I want to marry her one day> Did I want to start a family with her one day. Insane shit. Shit I haven't even thought about. Shit i know she hasn't thought about. How many people think of that shit when you're 23? I'm just trying to experience life. Then he asked me about my career. Do I have goals? Do i have things I want to do? Do I have things I aspire for? And I was like 'I'm trying to make money. A lot of money. I'm going to become one of the best. i know that..

[He pauses.]

Max: And then he said it. i had no vision for my life. I live the way i do because I'm afraid of what that looks like. He brought up my Mom...

[He takes a breath.]

Max: And I got up and I told him. "Don't fucking bring up my Mom. Don't do that. you think I'm nuts for how I wrestle? Join the club. get in line. there's a long fucking list of people who would agree with ya. But don't bring my dead mother to suggest your fucking agenda. And then he told me that...the reason I just do what i do because I feel as if I've seen th worst thing anyone can ever see and because of that, I feel as if one day, I could marry Mara and she could die. One day I could become World Champion. And then my dad has a heart attack and die the net day. I walked away from him because I was pissed. But..

[Max pauses.]

Max: Sticks knows. When we were fucking around in high school, we just thought this shit would last forever. Time is just something we have and we can do whatever we want. We needed to fucking live. Do shit. Shit that we can look back on when we're old and say "holy shit, we were dumb for doing that." We didn't have time to worry about marriage or...what I want to do with my life. What's my vision.

My Mom was alive then.

I didn't know what the fuck I was going to go through.

So here i am. As healthy as I've been in the past...I would say..

[Max looks up at the ceiling.]

Max: Maybe three years? Being away from the ring for the last month and a half, for the first time, I didn't try to rush it. My calf is still a bit banged up, My ankles still hurt time to time. My right shoulder sometimes doesn't lift all the way. I'm always going to be this way. Choices that i've made. Choices I have no problem doing anything. Because against, I live out your fears. But, Tricky Dick has a point. I'll keep wrestling the way I wrestle because I'll never change that. Take nine, get out ten. You've heard it before. You got so many peple around here that want to be someone else. I'm going to do what got me here to the dance. And that's by being that guy who will do anything. But.

[Max points his finger up.]

Max: I want to have a goal. I don't just want to jump off shit to entertain myself. This has to go somewhere. This has to be all for something. And for me, that's becoming one of the top guys. For me, that's winning everything. For me, that's taking the spots of Bree Lanchester, who earns every big opportunity and generally fumbles most of them. That's slapping Andrew Raynes in the mouth. He won Male Wrestler of the Year. i can beat that guy. 100%.

I want to do this for something.

And that something? Is a purpose.

And with all that said, I'm suppose to be in the ring with the so called Serial Thrilla?

[Max smirks.]

Max: Maybe the better term would be the Cereal Killer with all that shit in your hair. Even if you were a Serial Killer..

{Max tapes his chest.]

Max: you're going to be in the ring with the guy that was jumping off shit in front of 30 people. just imagine what i'll do in front of 20,000? Just imagine what I'll do when they chant for me. When they say my name. When they chant.




That shit is going to give me a boost. A boost I've been missing. A boost only they can give me. Just imagine that same guy now with a purpose. Or working towards one. Crissy, even if you were as lethal as your say you are. And don't get me wrong. i see your matches. i know what you can do. I'm excited! they're excited. I'm back in my second home. I used to brawl with guys on dusty ass mats here when I was training. That's lucha libre. Max Kane, luchador. I know you hit hard. And that's what
s got me standing and pacing in my den.

But there's nothing lethal you can dish that I haven't seen.

Breakdown, Crissy, I bring the thrill. I bring the shrills. For the first time in a while, I'm bringing the fucking party to Breakdown. And there's only one person that can do that..




[Max smirks as the scene fades.]