“The Ronin” Chris Dumont vs. Waylon Creek
SCW Television Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET FRIDAY, June 14, 2024
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Cheaters, Abusers, or Wimps, Nothing In Between


Matt Hodges

[Image: hodges.png]
{The screen static jumps and we find ourselves outside of a Jersey Mikes in Kansas City, Missouri. This is where we find none other than Chris Dumont, the “Ronin” himself, resting against a red and black Outback, his arms crossed over his chest}

Chris: So yeah, I’ll admit freely that nothing went the Troupe’s way at the pay per view and I’m fine with that because in this sport, nothing is truly over because the fight never ends…and now with that out of the way, I’m able to focus on what’s truly important.

And that’s *you*, Waylon.

I told you in the lead up to the pay per view that sooner or later you would have to pay the toll that you’re due for stepping to Aisling and breaking her dreams of proving herself worthy, and I know that you’re probably going to say that I’m guilty of giving the fans false hope in false dreams or some bullshit like that and that you’re going to ensure that I’m called to task for whatever…but to be honest, the only way that you’re going to survive is by outfighting me and face the facts, Waylon…for everyone of your supposed advantages that you might believe that you have over me, I possess the counter:

You might have six years of experience compared to my two, but I grew up in this sport so my experience is unmeasurable.

You might have a few pounds on me, but that only means you’re a lumbering wreck as opposed to my swift danger.

We’re of a similar height, so you’re flat out of luck there as well because if I am within your reach, then you need to remember that you’re face is also within mine.

But honestly, don’t get me wrong because your decision to use the Tongan Death Grip is very admirable for a man of your stature to use for a finish…but you see not only am I a Dumont, but I’ve also seen my father use that move himself several times throughout the latter half of his career so your main and big gun is now not even a viable because I know how to counter it.

But understand this, everything that I’m saying to you right now is not from a place of arrogance, but of confidence because that is how confident I am about our match this week on Breakdown because while you seek to use the Television title for whatever ego project that you wish to call you own…I simply seek to restore the title to its previous glory, I am actively seeking to be the new standard bearer of the TV division and there is not a damned thing that you can do to stop me, Waylon, and because if you do then you’re going to quickly understand the level of quiet violence I bring down upon your sorry hide.

My desire to do this isn’t a dream that you can just shatter because I take my dreams and I make them into cold, hard reality without there being a damned thing that you can do to stop them.

That’s my heart’s desire, Waylon, that’s what drives me and you can try and wrap it up into whatever flavor that your sick and twisted little mind come up with in a dire attempt hold onto whatever you define as “sanity” because when that last roll of the dice kicks in and you’re trying break out of whatever submission hold that I have you locked in and as you are trying to fight back the inevitable as you will fade and your time, no…you shattered one dream and now it is simply a matter of time before I shatter yours in.

Now there are going to be no games at Breakdown, there is only going to be violence.

Pure, sweet and unrelenting violence because that’s what I do and that’s what I do best, just like my father did while he was active for all of his years as an active wrestler and I’m rather proud to be continuing the family legacy.

{Chris stops for a moment before he runs both of his hands through his short hair before he takes a hard look at the camera, a slight smirk crossing his handsome features}

Chris: Like it says in one of my favorite songs by the Old Gods of Asgard, I’m taking control, Waylon. Because I can hear your hissing voice right now trying to come up with some crazy illusionary concept to explain how and why you’re going to take control of this entire situation away from me because it’s the right thing to do when in fact…there is no right way for you to take control of this entire “situation”.

But I have a choice to stop it all, to save you from the pain to come…and I simply choose not to make that choice, Waylon. Because I know full well that it goes against my principles…who I am and why I am here.

So instead I’m going to take the way of sweet…sweet vengeance and I’m going to smash you along the wave wall of reality and make you understand that there is simply no way for you to leave this match but by surrendering the TV championship to me and me alone because in this match, I am the *keeper* and I *set* the rules.

Because I *CONTROL*, Waylon.

You know something, I told myself that I wasn’t going to do this…I wasn’t going to relish the concept of going after somebody for the sheer sake of making them hurt, but *damn*...this feel bloody great and while I don’t know why right now, I can understand the rush.

It feels much like David described his matches against Kimberly Williams if that helps describe this rush that I’m feeling right now, a chance to go after something bigger than myself…but I really don’t care if it’s the title or revenge, this just feels epic to me.

But I’m ready for this, Waylon. I just wanted to come out here tonight and put you and the issue straight if you think that I won’t be taking you seriously because of everything or if you think that I am simply looking past you and focusing solely on the championship, I want you to know that I am not doing that.

Despite your obvious shortcomings, I’m treating you as a viable threat nonetheless…and in a couple of more days, you’re going to witness that first hand…upon hand..upon bloody hand…and you are going to be the very first person to understand that when I say that everybody has to pay the toll.

And that most especially includes *you*, Waylon.

See you in two days, remember to tuck your chin.

{The screen statics to black}


Matt Hodges

[Image: hodges.png]
{The screen static jumps and we find ourselves in a parking lot across the street outside of the arena in Kansas City where this week’s edition of Breakdown is going to take place, We see Chris Dumont leaning against a car and looking at the arena on the other side of the street when a hand suddenly appears into the shot, holding a large cup that proud proclaims its origins from Dunken Doughnuts}

Voice: One large Mango Pineapple Dunkin's Refresher with a couple pumps of Dragonfruit.

{Chris turns to look at the person who is offering him the drink who is none other than fellow Phantom Troupe member and one half of Coastal Empire Wrestling’s own Maverick Express tag team in the form of the “BASTARD” Gabriel Marik which makes Chris kind of hesitant to take the drink from the infamous nutcase of the faction}

Chris: Thanks.

Gabe: Not a problem, Chris. It’s cool that I get to come here and see this show in person tonight..watch you pown that Waylon guy while Sabin is off doing that event for FCW and all that jazz…

{Gabe takes a pull off of his drink and lets out a very satisfied sigh as he looks over at the far building for a few moments as the two lapse into a strange quiet for a short while}

Gabe: So, how are things in your neck of the hundred acher wood?

Chris: Pretty good, I’ve got a title match for the television title tonight.

Gabe: That’s cool…wait, isn’t that against that Waylon Smithers fuck?

Chris: You mean the guy from the Simpsons?

Gabe: Yeah, him!! “Fruit Batman” or something?

Chris:...no, I’m facing a guy called Waylon Creek.

Gabe: Dude, that sounds like someone was really lazy in naming their CAW in a wrestling game. “Waylon Creek”...what is that, this generation’s version of “Justin Sane”??

{Chris actually turns and looks at Gabe with a rather incredulous look on his face before shaking his head and taking a pull from his own cup}

Gabe: But seriously though, you’ve got this tonight. I mean out of all of the Troupe, you’re one of the most confident bastards in the entire unit…right behind Davey, Dylan, Kyle, and myself of course.

Chris: Gee thanks, Gabe…

Gabe: Nah, I’m serious man. Think about it for a moment. Back during our debut in Pro Wrestling Nova, who the hell through me out of the out of the ring during our singles with that one suplex and then tricked me into jumping right smack dab into the middle of your finisher?

{Chris smirks just a little bit}

Chris: Yeah, that was me wasn’t?

Gabe: Exactly, so when I say that you’ve got this Waylon Smithers cat down pat, I mean it. But you don’t seem all worked up for it being a title match though, so what gives there?

Chris: Nothing much, I mean yes I want to win the television title and bring something back to that division, Gabe, but I’m more focused on taking this guy out, pure and simple.

{Gabe arches an eyebrow at his fellow Troupe member but otherwise remains silent for the next couple of minutes}

Gabe: So are you sure that you’re going after the television championship for the right reason?

Chris: What do you mean by that?

Gabe: Well when I first joined the UWC and I went after the X-Factor championship there, I went after it thinking it was like a light heavyweight title that you see everywhere else and I wanted to prove that I was just as fast and hellbent as everyone else who supposedly wore that strap, but in the end it turned out to be a lot more and after I busted my ass to win it, I almost lost it a few times because I didn’t understand exactly.

So the question becomes what is the reason you’re going after the title…to bring it back to it’s former glory like you said, or the more fun option of revenge?

Chris: To be honest…maybe a little of both?

Gabe: Huh, *NEAT*...that just makes things more interesting in the long run!

{The screen then static jumps to Chris’ locker room within the arena an unknown amount of time later as the “Ronin” is slowly tapping up his right fist}

Chris: My friend and fellow Phantom Troupe member Gabriel Marik once said in a promo that “revenge was the most fun since taking a girl’s clothes off”.

Yes, he paraphrased a lyric from a Paramore song.
And yes, he did it badly…but in the end, the message was still the same in that sometimes revenge doesn’t always have to be about doom and gloom or sending a message, sometimes when you break everything about it down to its basest factors…revenge can be fun and here tonight on Breakdown, I’m fully intending on what I’m going to do to Waylon be as much fun as possible.

You see Waylon, I noticed from your promos that you’re choosing not to take myself or this match seriously and while I can respect your choice because as free thinking creature put onto this world by whatever creation entity that you chose…I cannot respect the disrespect that you put onto not only Aisling when you stole her dreams and mocked her….but also your lack of respect when you were told that you’d be standing across the ring from me this week.

For that, not only am I going to up the ante and really lay you out for that lovely three second tan, Waylon…but I’m also going to enjoy myself just a little bit and that’s not something that I get to do too often in this industry.

{Chris chuckles rather dryly for a couple of seconds}

Chris: They have always said that sadism runs rampant in my family. My mother was once told by the powers that be in the old and dead FWA that she would never become a men’s division title holder, let alone that company’s world heavyweight champion and yet, she tore herself a bloody path until eventually she proved them wrong on both counts…and my father.

Well there are reasons why my father was called the “One Man Crime Spree”, why when he started to use “Ich Will” by Rammstein as his theme…and why for almost two years, nobody wanted to challenge him for whatever championship that he held…because he loved to do what he did best in the ring on a nightly bases and it didn’t matter who he did it *to*.

And tonight, right here in Kansas City…in the very same arena where my father won his very first title anywhere, I’m going to continue my own quest for greatness by taking you down and out Waylon, and I’m going to bloody well enjoy myself as I do it because I refuse to let some dour, skull masked, short sighted little fuck walk off with property that isn’t even his.

You constantly referred to both myself and Aisling as nothing more than mere canaries to help serve a purpose of making people realize how everyone is going to “choke out” before you and yet you seem to be of the belief that this will end with you standing over me, holding your title high, and wiping your boots on my fallen body…never to worry about me facing you again.

{Chris gives the camera a very tight not smile before shaking his head}

Chris: Well Waylon, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and ill tidings but if anyone is going to be falling here tonight, it will be you because despite all of your standing around and declarations of pretty words and misplaced flights of creative wordplay and fancy…you still didn’t show an ounce of understanding to the level that perhaps you’re not as great as you believe that you are because you and I are going to go to war tonight and if you think that by a slim chance of winning, then that will be the last you see of me…understand this;

It will be over, when *I* say it will be over….and not some short sighted little fuck with flowery words and no real concept of the industry that he wishes to continue existing in.

So go right ahead with your misbeliefs because tonight right here in front of the Phantom Troupe’s faithful, they are all going to witness me having a grand old time by slinging you all over that ring, until the time comes for me to introduce you to the Cromwell Invocation, Waylon, at which point when I have that cinched in and you start down your own painful path to the bottom of the ladder here in SCW that maybe you shouldn’t be destroying people’s dreams and shattering them for your own fun and profit because in the end, there is always going to be someone out there that is ready to take the toll…

Tick Tock, Waylon. Time’s almost up for you. Remember to tuck your chin.

{The screen static jumps to black}

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