Datura vs. Scarlet Grey
SCW United States Championship Contendership Tournament

2 RP Limit for singles matches

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, October 8, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Our Body; Our Truth
As we begin to fade in, our ears catch the soft humming of a woman who seems fully immersed in the music she's making, given how melodic the tune is. Once we have our full picture, we find the humming is coming from none other than Scarlet Grey, and the tune is coincidentally her own theme song. She doesn't seem to notice the camera as her focus is on something else entirely, our view needing rto turn slightly to the left to find out what. With her body clad in the most clothing we've probably seen her in under most circumstances, that being skin-tight black jeans and a small tight faded red shirt that makes one question how her curves haven't caused said clothing to literally explode off her body yet, along with a stained black apron, she seems to be preoccupied with painting something onto a canvas. What really grabs your attention beyond her body and its hypnotic movements as she slowly dances along to her own little song, though, is the thick red liquid she's using for her masterpiece. Darker in color than traditional red so that it's harder to notice on her apron and so thick that you can draw the potentially correct conclusion that it can't possibly be paint, she doesn't seem fazed as she tries to bring art to life on the white rectangle in front of her. As she paints, her humming slowly ceases and she begins to speak, acknowledging our presence.

Grey: You'll have to forgive the mess, I wasn't expecting to have company over here in my little palace quite so soon. But perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised, hm? I'm sure many of you are buzzing over lots of things in the wake of Apolcaypse, and one that stands out in your mind for reasons that aren't some big shocking upset or attack or anything else irrelevant along those lines is a little tag match that pitted the once proud Asspocalypse against one another. I'm very much aware that I didn't win, but things seem even more scrambled in the aftermath, don't they? Kandis and Tommy didn't get any sort of clear cut victory like they'd hoped, mostly because once again I had to bail the man claiming to be an all-star out when he needed me the most. In a sense, I've kind of become his guardian angel in exchange for throwing away whatever I had left to my name that made any sense whatsoever. Kandis doesn't like me anymore, and probably less so after I allowed Gavin to borrow one of my gauntlets and know what real power truly feels like for a change. I was even willing to throw down with Kandis with no true ill will on my end, just the greatest sight any of those people will have ever witnessed in their lives... perhaps we should do that again sometime, only with far less clothing and hostilities to get in the way. What do you say, friend?

Grey: Now, allow me to go on the record about something quick to further feed into the confusion you all have buzzing about your little brains as you try to figure out what my game is right now: yes, despite the fact that I helped him at the expense of a win, I'm not exactly in a good mood towards Gavin right now. Despite the fun we may be having, I was a little annoyed at how much he didn't want to actually face Kandis when push came to shove. If this partnership is going to work, then maybe you should try growing a bigger set than what you currently possess Gavin, or I may just decide to take my “services” elsewhere. Maybe I could flip-flop and go back to standing beside Kandis and rekindling our friendship at your expense, or I could just leave you to fend for yourself. That last one may even happen sooner than you think, since I may have some gold in my future if all falls into place come Breakdown.

A few more strokes are applied to the canvas as we can clearly see a figure holding a title belt high, though the all red color scheme is quite off-putting especially with how some of the liquid begins slowly rolling down the canvas as though it wasn't meant to stay put in the first place. Scarlet simply chuckles to herself, a bit of an unhinged tune tucked within it.

Grey: Isn't it funny? The more I look back on it, the more I seem to really find my attention being captured by the artistic ones. I'm not someone who believes in that nonsense called “love” but perhaps I'm finally starting to notice that I seem to have a type. Around this time last year I was feverishly trying to show Blackbourne what he's missing out on my chaining himself to that uninteresting little clown girl, and not too long after that Kandis and I were side by side looking to lay claim to tag team fortune. Both have made their creative ambitions very clear to everyone, and both may be considering bigger opportunities now. Kandis did claim those titles with Tommy, after all, and they may be in her future once again if she's willing to put Apocalypse behind her and embrace the impending head removal of a crazy redhead that does my choice of hair color such a disservice. And Aaron... sweet, innocent, naive Aaron... everyone seems to be talking these days about what a lock he is for a world title opportunity, from his closest friends to his hatred enemies impressed by his recent performances.

Grey: Such artistic delights all moving on up the ladder after spending time with me in their lives, and it got me thinking... maybe that's all I need to get up there and join them. Remind them of who helped light that fire that's burning so brightly as we all stand tall in an unofficial and unspoken unity over this wrestling world we reside in.

Grey: And yet, I find myself wanting to go beyond the mere “artistic” right now, almost like there's something in my head that's driving me to dance along the darker edges of my mind, more so than usual at least. While Kandis may be declaring tag team gold in her immediate future once again while Tommy might be preoccupied by other affairs, I find myself benefitting from hanging around here and slowly building the pedestal I intend to stand upon as I tower over all of you, basking in your worship as you acknowledge me as the goddess who saved you all from your misery. Apocalypse be damned, I'm just one woman in the sea of humanity sorted out into a tournmaent bracket all to see who will be the one to go on and put an end to this silly concept of “Breemerica” while Lady Liberty Lancaster herself declares this whole thing a waste of her time that she hasn't already thrown away to her own senseless whimsies. Who knows? Maybe I don't deserve it in the grand scheme of things? Maybe I'm just not good enough? Or perhaps Bree is simply afraid of me, since her efforts so far seem to suggest she and those she claims are close to her have a bit of a problem with people stalking into their business and turning their worlds upside-down.

Scarlet chuckles to herself as she paints a crimson portrait of what we can only assume is Bree Lancaster dressed as Lady Liberty, but the runny “paint” makes it look more distorted and macabre than she would be pleased to see. Scarlet simply shrugs her shoulders at this and continues on with her artistic endeavors.

Grey: I'm amused by the idea that I get to face one such person who fits that bill in the first round of this tourney, although Bree wasn't exactly their target... yet, potentially. When one thinks of Datura in SCW, they mostly recall that she's been the one messing with the head of regan Street for pretty much all of her time here, aside from a little cup of coffee with the so-called devil himself. She managed to succeed in her little mental masterpiece the first time around, but when the stakes were so much higher she couldn't deliver. What happened Datura? Did your fun and games develop a sense of sentimentality for the one you were torturing that you couldn't just pull the trigger and finish the job? Maybe you're like me in a sense... getting too wrapped up in the fun and games that you lose sight of the end result until it's already slipped through your fingers. It's sad, really... I was quite fond of the artistry in the way you broke down someone many consider one of the most dangerous women in SCW history, and for as much as you may cite me a hypocrite at least I've fully admitted that the playtime is usually more enjoyable than the end result.

Grey:: Breakdown, however, will have a different picture being painted.

Grey: See, I'm fully convinced that Sasha is either throwing me a bone or didn't notice my name was on her little list until it was too late, because I'm fully convinced she hasn't changed my spot in this thing yet as a way of trying to prove she can “make nice” when necessary before she goes and deals with the Crybaby Factory and whatever legal loopholes they feel comfortable rotting away in. Still, the fact that I'm here warrants a changing of perspective, because there's not much in the way of games to play or fun to be had here. This is nothing more than a desire to finally put the nail in the coffin and ascend to my rightful throne on my terms. I don't hold anything personal against you, but believe me when I say that only one twisted vision is meant to advance and I'm afraid the horror I'm drawing out on this canvas before me is nothing compared to what I have planned for you. So long as I advance on and start sorting out where I stand around here, this is one of those rare cases where nothing else matters.

Grey: Don't you feel lucky that you get to witness a side of me I haven't really displayed too much around here en route to the termination of all your title aspirations?

Scarlet slowly turns towards the camera with a twisted smile, her brush dragging along the canvas until it runs off the side from the mess of a drawing she's made of presumably Datura. She glances down and begins using the viscous substance to paint a heart on the front of her apron followed by a slash straight through it, winking at the camera before slowly backing out of the scene. The camera turns and lingers on her “artwork” for a moment before fading to black.

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