Selena Frost vs. Casterillo
2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: Noon ET WEDNESDAY, November 20, 2019
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[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.
Chapter 8:  Georgia Peach

Even in the Deep South the chill in the air is obvious.  It may not get anywhere near to cold like the north does, but even down here in Georgia it is clear that the colder months of the year are upon us.  Despite the clearing skies even Casterillo is shivering a little bit, something that we have not really seen him ever do.  Is he perhaps nervous of something, for what might be maybe only the second or third time in his entire life?  That could very well be.  Or he could just be cold.

I know I said I would live out the rest of the days of my life in gratitude, but I do wish she would hurry a little.

He says this aloud, clearly wondering what could possibly be holding Shadron from meeting up with him, not even aware that she is now approaching him from behind.

Hurry for what Lawrence?

He turns around to face in her direction, but does not see all of her right away in the darkness.

It is turning cold out here.

Yeah.  But I thought you liked the cold.  I thought it didn't bother you.  Anyway um, I want you in a good mood, so I should stop nagging.  Sorry it took me so long, but I'm ready now.

She steps towards him and it is now that he sees that she is shivering some in a short sleeve peach-colored halter dress, with her purple hair done up into a bun.  She really does look like she is playing the part of a lovely Southern Belle.  As cold and calculating as Casterillo has been in the past, it can be seen that has long since melted away.  She has gotten his hard shell to fall off, and now he looks mesmerized by her.

I never truly have complimented you enough Shadron.  You look beautiful.

Well gee, thanks.

Shadron looks down at the ground and nervously places her hands at the bottom of the skirt portion of her dress.  When she looks back up she does a quick curtsy to the man of her choosing before doing a nervous-looking 360 degree turn for him.  He holds out his hand for her and she of course accepts it, trusting him completely.  His grip is firm as usual, but she is not wincing, not one bit.

I guess um, I guess I still don't know why I got picked to do this tonight.  I mean with all of those girls that like to show off in SCW?

I know what you mean Shadron.  I may as well tell you.  I was slipped a note under my door last week and told that since you have been around the arenas with me a lot as of late that you are now bound to me as far as SCW goes.  Apparently Sasha does not want to be held responsible, or want SCW held responsible, in the case of you getting hurt.  Though I have seen what powers you have.  They might not be as physical as mine, but I can just see it in your eyes, if the time came, you would be able to successfully defend yourself.  Yet still she wants you to sign a hold harmless agreement, same as she has been doing with everyone else that is apparently fragile as of late.  Though I already know Chris Cannon is full of it.  He is not even 0.0001 percent injured.

Ooooh kayyy... but- but that doesn't explain the dress?

Casterillo inhales and exhales a breath before he answers her.

I prefer you in your favorite color purple too, but before you sign the agreement, she wanted you to take on your first official SCW assignment.  To my chagrin it's apparently this Girl-Next-Door type modeling session.  The note said-

I can't Lawrence!  Modeling is just sooo not me!  You know what I'm comfortable doing and not doing.  Modeling is on the NOT comfortable list!  I-I-I-

Get nervous.  Look Shadron, I am completely on your side on this one, and I will also be with you tonight the entire way.  Unfortunately there is no choice though.  Just do it for me instead of SCW.  Pierce your eyes right at mine and don't take them off me.  Who knows, you might like it in the end.  We all only live once.

She stops walking for a moment, which gets him to stop too.  She looks into his eyes and slowly nods.

I know that truly hits home for you, as it does for me.  Well then, I guess I'm with SCW now too, under your wing.  That doesn't sound bad at all.  At least I'm with you.

Casterillo just nods before the pair resume walking towards the building where the modeling session is scheduled.

I still don't get it though.  Why not Syren, or Sienna, or Jordan, or heck even Glory?  They are all far prettier than I am.

Far more spoiled, which is exactly what the note said.  They want you to have this opportunity, for the reason I told you.  They see you as the girl-next-door type.  Though I know you are far more than that.

Thank you Lawrence.  Okay, I won't delay it anymore.  Let's just get it over with.

I agree.

After they are inside, out of the air that is getting crisper by the minutes, Shadron is ushered off to a staging area.  Casterillo just sighs as they prep his companion for something she has never done before.  As he looks in her direction as much as he is allowed to, he seems to also be thinking about other things too, possibly the road ahead, as he still has not gotten the top thing that he has wanted for quite a long time now, that being the shot to teach and help Glory Braddock move onward and upward, possibly leading her to the success that she has been SO desperate to get by being the one thing that she accuses everyone else of being, a tyrant.

He is shaken from his thoughts as a bit of soft music begins to play.  The modeling session, Shadron's first ever, is beginning.  She does actually as he told her to do, gaze right at him, focus only on him.  Casterillo talks to himself quietly as she nervously does as she is told by the camera staff.

I do not like that she has to do this for SCW, or even for me.  She is right.  It is not her.  Yet she is taking it like a trooper.  She loves me that much, to try something she has never done before.  The entire SCW roster could learn from her.  Do not be afraid of trying something new.  Go through with it and see what comes of it.  No matter what it is though, do not go too far.  Do not go over the edge, thinking that you can do something that you just cannot.  You all out there know who I speak of.  If you do not, I have three words for all of you.

Poor Selena Frost.  But not really.  Everything that happened to her involving Xander she brought upon herself.  I know you True Believers out there will boo and hiss at me for saying it, but it is completely... well... true.  You ladies and gentlemen that are fans of Selena are one of the main reasons for why Xander lost it in the first place.  On that night that Xander went after Sasha's father, with Artemis at his side, I was heading to Mr. D to do the exact same thing that Xander did.  I was NOT in a good place or mood that night as I did not want to deal with him or his girls, as to me at the time, they were all the same.  Now having experienced what I have experienced recently, I no longer wish to physically go after them.  However do I still side with them?  No.  Because none of them know how to run things, at least not right now they do not.  Mr. D wanted to retire and hand the reigns over to one of his daughters.  I can understand that, but when he chose to do it, it was the wrong time to do so, as neither was ready for the responsibility.  I could see that while the majority of the SCW roster instead just chose to take sides with one daughter or the other.

Now yes Selena, this is the moment where you and many others will say I was on Team Katya.  The truth is I never was.  I wanted one simple being and one simple being only at the time, and that was to take on and take out Damian Angel.  That was the ONLY link between me and Katya. I did not and never have cared for Katya one bit.  I did not and still do not care for Sasha either, as she has made it clear she has her selected favorites, and I just do not fit the mold that she wants.  And that is okay.  I will eventually get to take on Glory Braddock.  It is going to happen.  But for right now, this week, you are scheduled to face me, and only because Sasha probably believes that I am somewhat similar to Xander.

However that is false.  While I may have agreed with what Xander did, and I was going to do the same thing myself if given that chance, I am different than Xander.  Unlike Xander I have seen the light, literally and figuratively Selena.  I am not coming to simply just dish out physical punishment to you like what Xander did in that Empty Arena Match after Under Attack.  No, doing that will not make me content.  I do not wish to scare my lady, as she might be around to see it.  No Selena, I am coming to show the entire world that I have indeed changed for the better.  I just want to teach.  Believe it or not I AM a veteran of what we all do here, and have seen many come and many go.  You and your fans could have been the reasons for why you could have been in that "many go" column.  However it seems that you have recuperated enough to feel okay enough to step back inside the ring.

Selena, make no mistake about it, I am NOT going to take it easy on you.  I have the path in mind that I wish to take, and unfortunately that path goes through you.  It is what it is.  I know you are going to see me as this big bad guy, but do not paint any more pictures that simply are not true.  You have already been through enough trouble.  Trust me, you do not want any with me.  With me you want a fresh, clean start.  Even you cannot turn that down Selena.  I know you love the purity of the cold and the snow.  My purity comes when I am at peace in a serene place. Here in Georgia is not that serenity, but that is all fine and dandy.  Not being able to have that purity reminds me that it is time to carve the path I truly want to be on, and that path is to avoid the Glass Shard that you love so much.  When I do that you will be the one to lose Selena.  Hopefully then Sasha will at least recognize that I am serious.  Hopefully in the near future I finally get what I have wanted for all this time... Glory.

What do YOU want though Selena?  I do not know.  Nor does it matter to me.  I was given this chance for a second coming and I am taking it, even if it has led me to face someone like you.  Yes Selena, you are not a perfect little angel, but I do respect you somewhat.  At least you have the desire to finish what you have started, unlike so many that are around you.  In that regard you are like me.  I want to finish my business with Glory Braddock, even though Sasha clearly will not allow me to do so.  She has blown me away from her, hoping I would be distracted enough to leave Glory alone.  That will never come to fruition though.  After we are done this Wednesday night at Breakdown, I want to finish what was once started by Glory herself.  After I am done cleansing you from the filth of that brutal fight with Xander Valentine with a dose of Holy Water, I will seek Glory out, to cleanse her, first by simply talking to her.  If she does not listen, then and only then will she have to learn the lesson the hard way, that I only wish to help her, much like how I am willing to help you move forward from what you have recently dealt with Selena.  Not everything needs to be personal.  Down here in Georgia between you and me, it will not be like that.  Breakdown Selena, we BOTH have a chance to go down the road that we and we alone choose.

The background music turns up a bit as the camera staff has Shadron walking back and forth in time to rhythm, but still looking very sweet and classy while doing so.  After a few more minutes, they allow Shadron to go.  She immediately scampers over to Casterillo and latches on to his left arm tightly.

Thank GOD that is over!  I-If it's okay Lawrence, once we're back in the hotel room, can we um... I mean, can you do s-something for me?

When we are alone, name it.

Thanks.  Right now, I need to get out of this thing!

He understands and races her outside and to the taxi cab that is waiting in front of the building.  All the way back to the hotel he does look over at her, before lazily draping his left arm over her shoulders.  She inches towards him a bit in the seat and just sighs, happy at least that he was there for her, the entire time.

The moment that the taxi cab pulls up at the front of the hotel, Shadron bolts from the car.  Casterillo struggles to keep up with her, all the way to the elevator, which Shadron is happy to see is wide open and waiting for her to run right in.  She does wait for him before hitting the close door button repeatedly.

Hey.  Calm down Shadron.  It is okay.  It is over.

She just shivers, all the way to the room.  Once in the room the door is barely closed before Shadron just strips the dress right off, leaving herself in just her purple panties.  Casterillo just stands there, looking at his companion, clearly seeing she hopes that she never has to play the role of a "Georgia Peach" ever again.  It takes her a few moments to realize what she has left on, until it hits her.

Oh.  So sorry.

She quickly covers up that certain up-top area with an arm before she uses her free hand to grab for her favorite dark purple slip which is hanging up in the nearby closet.  She quickly slips it on over her head before looking back at him.


Much.  Here, you should get some sleep.  I know you said you wanted something though first.

It's simple.  Just hold me.  Don't let me go.


They both make their way to the same bed, Casterillo not even undressing.   He lays down and allows her to cuddle in close.  He does not move an inch until his partner has drifted completely off to sleep.  After she is out he gets ready for bed as well, the last sleep before he takes on Selena Frost, and hopefully the last sleep he will have before he gets what he has been asking for for far too long.
OOC: Okay! Brand new arc! Really excited to start this off!

The Dark Side of the Sun

“The Damage Done...”

She felt like she was floating. Drifting – no, it was more surreal than that. Simply because it didn't make sense. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw the watery abyss below her – the blue of the waters changing into the murky black the further one looked down. She turned her head to look above her, the bright moon's shape being shifted and altered by the refractive powers of the water's surface.

What had she been doing? She tried to remember... I was...I was fighting someone... her mind tried to recall but it was next to impossible. She hadn't been dropped here or left here in this watery abode.

She had just been here. Maybe she had always been here.

Despite the lack of answers, the young woman had enough sense to notice that she didn't need to worry about breathing. Despite being underwater, she felt the air come in and out of her lungs with little to no difficulty. Still, while such a thought would have been a marvel to anyone else experiencing it, for her, it was just a method to usher in more confusions.

If I'm not going to drown here... what am I supposed to do? Just float around until...something?

She gazed down into the black abyss below her. Maybe she could swim down there, explore as much of the unknown as she could. What would be waiting for her down there? Something good? Something bad? 

She had no idea, but being curious and finding out seemed a lot better of a choice than simply waiting...

With a grim bout of determination, she kicked her legs to turn herself upside down (or downwards, she supposed) and with another set of kicks, she was propelling herself towards the black. It looked like the iris of a blue eye, she realized as she took another good look at it. Despite not feeling any sensations, like the cold of the water or its weight, the numbness seemed to grow within her the deeper she drew towards the embrace of the black void.

But as she was just about to lose all the blue of the water from her sight, she felt herself being stopped, as if grabbed from behind. Gently, she felt herself being turned around, back towards the way she had come from. Above her, it was all black save for a small blue sphere that seemed miles away and a white dot in the middle of that sphere – was that the moon? How long had she been swimming in this abyss?

But despite the lack of moonlight and despite the black mass that surrounded her, she saw the being holding her perfectly. Saw the being pull her up so they were facing one another fully. The figure smiled sadly, reaching a gentle hand to caress her cheek, the girl seeing the mass of red hair floating around the figure, much in the same way her own platinum hair floated around her.

“Deanna...” she whispered. She knew – knew this woman. How could she ever forget her own wife. Reaching out, she pulled the red-haired beauty into her arms, clutching onto her with all she had. “You're back...” she whispered. “I got you back...”

Gently, her rescuer pulled back a little, emerald eyes staring into sapphire ones, but the sadness in the younger woman's eyes could not be hidden as she gave a sad shake of her head.

“Come on, Selena.” she whispered, leaning forward to kiss the woman's forehead. “You need to wake up.”

“N-no...” stammered the woman, her hands gripping harder on the forearms of the redhead. “Let me stay with you! I don't care how...”

“You can't.” smiled Deanna. “We don't belong here.”
“I don't care!” she begged. “I just want you...”
“Wake up, Selena.” her voice was still gentle but it was more than that. It was pulling the blonde woman up – out of the abyss, back towards the blue and the moon!
“No!” came another beg. “Don't leave – DEANNA!”

“Wake up, Selena...” came the whisper, as if the redhead was still right in front of her as she looked up, saw the full moon... and broke through the surface-

When most people break through water, there is usually a sense of relief. Getting that first gulp of fresh air when your lungs had been denied it for so long. The lack of weight that the water pressed on you as you break the surface. 

Relief was the last thing Selena Frost felt as she opened her eyes. Instead, she felt like there was a fireworks show going off inside her body, with each explosion being laced with pain. Everything hurt to varying degrees of pain. Some pains, like the aches in her ribs, she recognized from previous times they'd been damaged. Others – like the fact her spine felt like it was made of peanut brittle – well that was a little new.

Even her eyes felt like they were on fire as she gazed up at moon – except it wasn't the moon, because she wasn't outside. It was one of the bigger lights in the Enterprise Arena, one of the few lights that wasn't blocked by the chain links of the chamber... 

She was in the arena...
In the ring...

“Wake up, Selena!” 

The voice filled her ears as the rest of her senses returned. Turning her head towards the voice, Selena, for the briefest of seconds, saw the red-haired beauty that had came to her in those watery depths. But as she blinked, the woman disappeared and in her place, she recognized the senior official checking on her.

“Demitria...” she groaned. “You're not hurt?”

The memories kept coming back to her. She had been fighting Xander Valentine, the bastard had laid his hands on the official, trying to do the same crap he always did when he couldn't get the job done on his own. She had make an opening but had abandoned her move when she had come close to nailing Aaron after Xander had ducked. Then, she was being lifted and dropped – the pain explosive in her back, falling back to the ring, being pulled up and then... oblivion.

“I'm fine.” she heard the official say as he helped get the Snow Queen to a sitting position against the ropes. His answer gave Selena a sense of relief before the pain returned to the forefront. She gave a hiss of surprise and pain as she felt something cold suddenly press into her back. At the same time, however, her body gravitated to the sensation, the cold filling her and trying to invigorate her. Turning her head, she saw the single medic standing outside the ring, reaching in to hold the ice to the top of her spine where her shoulders were. Aaron, meanwhile, had taken a damp cloth from the same medic was wiping the dried blood off the left side of Selena's face.

“Get up!”

The shouting caught her attention and she turned her head to see the young woman screaming orders at the crowd of medics just outside the ring. What the hell... she wondered as she focused her gaze to try and make everything clearer despite her brain still feeling murky and muddled. She recognized the girl – Xander's little associate, Artemis – of course she had been here, though it had been discussed that she was merely there to bear witness...

Witness, my ass! Selena huffed, pushing the pain down as much as she could. Artemis had fucked around with the cage – Selena had seen Xander shouting different commands during their match, the cage going up and down proof of that. 

The platinum-blonde gave a shake of her head. It didn't matter. It was done and she knew she had lost – lost the unsanctioned match. Still, as she focused on the group of medics surrounding the one man, it was the first time she could look at Xander calmly. From the moment she had seen his face backstage and fought her way – leaping over a stage crate – to get to him, she hadn't cared what he looked like or what her moves were doing. All that mattered was that he was still moving and that was enough for her to keep attacking. Keep going... until she couldn't anymore.

But now? As Xander sat there, like her, Selena could see everything. She saw the swelling and flatness of his nose. Broken. She saw the bloody towel that was being pressed against the back of his head. Cracked open. She saw the still bloody lines going down his back and arms from the barbed-wire. Scars. And she couldn't even begin to wonder about the internal damage.

In other words: Xander Valentine looked like he had been hit with a damn truck.

“Hey...Aaron?” She whispered, getting the attention of the official. “On a scale of one to ten... how good do I look?”

The official's eyes widened but he could not stop the smile that came to him. “Ten, Mrs. Frost.” he stated in good humor. “You look good enough to pull the ears off a gun dart.”

“Wow...” Selena fluttered her eyes playfully, despite the pain it caused her. “Way to make a girl blush, Mr. Demitria.”

She heard more yelling from the crowd below and gave a shake of her head. The battle was over – but... it was different.

When she had waged war with Regan Street, the two of them had battled not once but twice in such brutal fashion. Selena had lost the final match against Regan...but... it was different. There was no joy in her at the damage she had done to Regan, and judging from the look on Regan's face, there was no thrill in going THAT far to another superstar. Yes, she was delighted to rub it in O. D.'s face to have her arm raised in victory – but the next Breakdown? She had apologized to him and the world. 

Because that battle... that was it. The two women had shaved years off their careers, maybe even their lives and... another battle like that wasn't worth it. They didn't want it. They had done it. There didn't need to be another. And from that massive battle, Selena had regained her beloved sister-in-arms back, making it more than worth it.

She didn't feel that here. She didn't feel bad or that “that's it” factor. She didn't feel failure nor did she feel defeated. She felt good. Damn good. Seeing Xander like he was, broken and bleeding... for the first time in her career, Selena was happy that she had brought the arrogant bastard to such a point.

For the Drachewychs...
For me and my family...
For Corrie...

Taking a deep breath, Selena rolled herself out of the ring, landing on her feet and instantly regretting so, as it felt like she had just dropped on shards of glass. 

“What are you doing?” the medic that had been pressing ice to her back demanded to know. “You need to stay still-”

Biting down on the pain, Selena ignored him and instead walked the few steps she needed towards the pile of medics, Artemis and the sitting Xander. Despite the number of people in the pile, she could clearly see Xander's face. And what's more, she made sure he could see hers.

She stood there, her sapphire eyes glaring a hole through his swollen, broken face. You wanted a piece of my soul? You wanted to humiliate me? she thought, almost in a bitter laugh in her mind. Take this home with you...

She gave a smirk – and she wasn't going to lie – it was a smug smirk. The kind of smirk that no one could mistake of “satisfaction” - “I got what I wanted” kind of smirk.

Slowly, Selena turned and took a step away from the group, her food landing on the ramp. The pain flared in her legs and her spine felt like it was on the brink of breaking, but she kept walking. She heard shouting coming from the pile – whether it was medics, Artemis or Xander, she wasn't sure. She focused all her attention on not collapsing as she made her way up the ramp.

The pain was excruciating, but her pride would not let her fall in front of Xander. She refused to give him anything to brag about – her soul wasn't his. Never would be, she swore. And she would be damned if she let a beating – even a massive one like this – humiliate her. No! She had held her head high as she defied him and battled him for months. She would do the same now...

But does my head have to weigh so damn much?! her brain whined as her vision started to black around the edges and grow blurry. She was almost at the curtain, but she felt like she was seconds away from throwing up – even though she hadn't eaten anything in well near six hours.

Almost there... her brain cried as she pushed the curtain out of the way and walked past it, her eyes taking in the gray of the empty gorilla position. She felt the medic standing behind her, having followed her, but that thought was soon removed from her mind as everything was unleashed at once. 

Her spine felt like it was on fire, her head pounded with each heartbeat, her ribs ached with each breath and her legs shook, unable to maintain the stress for much longer.

It was all too much and Selena knew it – knew it before the abyss once more filled her vision, surrendering to it this time. Knew it when she heard her name being called as she began to fall. Knew it even when she felt a pair of arms, like before, catch her and hold her gently.

“I made it...” she whispered before her entire world went dark. “I made it...”

When most people awaken from a dream, there is usually a sense of confusion. The body has all of its senses returned to full function and has A LOT of information that it needs to process all at once. It takes a second for everything in a person's mind to return to “normal/factory settings” of sorts, but the result is often done without any issue.

Of course, waking up in a place you do not recognize could throw that whole equation out the window, which left Selena in a moment of complete confusion as she opened her eyes, groaned from the pain in her body, and then proceeded to shut her eyes to try and block it out. At first, the pain was annoying and frustrating, and just one bad thing after another, but as it washed over her, a single happy thought came in.

It was the fact that she WAS feeling pain.

Taking a slow breath so not to aggravate her ribs, Selena opened her eyes and exhaled gently. Turning her head, she saw no IV needle in her arm. No bag hooked up – nothing, causing her to sigh in relief, even if it hurt. Pain meant that there was no painkiller running through her system. She was always afraid of coming to these places because that was always the first thing when she was being treated for injuries: “Hook her up to the painkillers!”.

Not that she could fault the medics and doctors for doing their job, but she couldn't bring herself to risk falling off the wagon again. Her past addictions to alcohol and then painkillers – no, she wouldn't relive that nightmare. She had enough nightmares to deal with already.

But that still left one grating question, which rose in Selena's mind. Someone would have had to tell the doctors and medics NOT to give her painkillers – someone who knew...

“But, that's impossible...” she muttered as she starred at the ceiling. “The only people that knew about her problems were her wife, Deanna, Zoe and Jean (who were in Germany) and-”

“You're awake.”

The voice was soft, relieved and there was a slight crack to it that she rarely heard, but it was enough for Selena to turn her head as far as she could to see the young woman standing before her.

“And Regan...” she finished with a sad smile on her face, though her eyes widened with with alarm. “What happened?” she asked. “Did you go into the arena? Did Xander find you-”

“Relax!” ordered the Hellcat, moving over to Selena's side to gently help her up to a seating position on the bedrest. It was at this time that Selena confirmed two things. First (which she already mostly new), she was definitely in a hospital. Two, her black jacket top of her wrestling attire had been removed, leaving only the form-fitting, white undershirt that left her shoulders bare. “Once the match was over, they let me through. I got to you just before you collapsed backstage.”

“Backstage...” Selena's eyes widened, recalling her last actions while she had been conscious. “Did Xander see-”

Again, Regan shook her head. “Soon as you fell, the medic and carried you to the ambulance as fast as we could. He told me what you did... kind of made sense you didn't want to be seen after that stupid display.”

“Stupid?” Selena asked. “You should have seen what happened-”

She slammed her mouth shut. She wasn't supposed to tell anyone what happened during the match. Something in the contract she had signed. As it was, she wasn't even sure Sasha would allow the match to air – and knowing what she knew about the match – Selena could not blame her. Yes, it had been a brutal match, but there were reputations to consider. Not just Selena's but moreso SCW's, which was what the Snow Queen was worried about.

“What...what did happen?” Regan asked. “Doctors-”
“What did they say?” Selena asked, her eyes widening in worry.
“Concussion, bruised ribs....again... trauma to the spine- I haven't seen you this beaten up since...”

She stopped and looked away and Selena could see the glimpse of sadness on her face. Reaching out, she took Regan's hand in hers.

“Since we fought.” Selena finished. “If it makes you feel any better... you hit harder than he does.”
“It really doesn't.” Regan shook her head. “He could have killed you.”
Selena shrugged. “Part of me wishes he did.”
“How can you say that?”

“You know why.” Selena answered back. “I'm nothing without her.”

There was a moment of silence between the two, Selena casting her eyes up to glance at the white, dry-wall-panelled ceiling. “Thanks for telling them not to use painkillers on me-”

“I gave up my Trios shot.”

The statement came out of nowhere and stunned the platinum-blonde as she tilted her head down to stare at her sister, who sat on the edge of the bed, staring at her own clasped hands. Immediately, Selena's brain went into working, trying to think if she had heard Regan right. What could have possessed her to give that up? Her chance at becoming world champion again? Or having any match she wanted (well... almost any match she wanted)?

That was just it. Unless someone was putting a gun to her head, nothing would make Regan surrender the opportunity she had earned! Not even then! But if the gun was pointed at someone else...

“Was it Sienna?” Selena finally asked, earning a nod from Regan.

Of course it was. Selena sighed as she thought of that. There was only one person that had truly been threatened in Regan's family and that was her daughter, Jennifer. How many months had Regan fought to get that talented, young, amazing woman from the clutches of the Beauty Network? How many months had she tried every option, even her and David considering selling the wrestling academy David ran...

“She agreed that if I gave her my Trios contract... she's release Jennifer from hers...” Regan admitted.
“A contract for a contract.” Selena sighed, reaching as far as she could to gently pull Regan down into her arms, the Hellcat careful not to aggravate Selena's injuries as Selena petted her hair.

“ makes sense.” Selena sighed. “Smart too. Get insurance in case you lose the chamber – and the second she loses the title, she's got that to use. Makes her more dangerous.”

“I know.” came the frustrated growl of Regan.
“You did the right thing.” Selena quickly added. “Jennifer is free from them. And we can handle what Sienna and the network do to SCW. Least they can't get her now.”

There was no way she could blame Regan for the choice made. If it had been any of her children, Selena would have done the same thing without hesitation. Still, she could sense the self-frustration and self-loathing within Regan – as if the Hellcat had felt like she had failed in some way.

Taking a deep breath, Selena whispered something only her sister in her arms could hear. “He beat me.”

Slowly, and carefully, Regan pushed herself up onto her hands to gaze at Selena. With a sad smile, Selena nodded her head. “Figured you should know.”

Regan's eyes were wide and her mouth hung open a little as she processed the information. “Did...did you at least get a few good shots in?”

A playful smirk crossed Selena's face. “Broke his nose.”
“You what?!” Regan asked in disbelief.
“Yep. And I cracked the back of his skull open.”
“Holy shit.” Regan laughed. “That's crazy.”
“No...I think things turned crazy when I jumped 15 feet and moonsaulted him onto a bunch of chairs.”

That was when Regan said nothing, instead her mouth hanging open, causing Selena to laugh, even if it did hurt her ribs.

“Run that by me again...” Regan asked.
“Well, he had Artemis there – had her raise the chamber and try and choke me on the loose chains, I got out and instead of jumping down... I...” using her fingers, Selena imitated a sort of twirl, adding a whistle for good measure. “...jumped on him.”

The Hellcat said nothing, choosing only to shake her head. “So now what?” she asked.

It was a good question. One Selena wasn't entirely sure of. Was that it? Would Xander back off from getting involved with SCW now? He clearly wasn't going to be in any shape to wrestle for some time. Maybe, with him and Giovanni Aries gone from SCW, Selena could refocus on just wrestling. It was certainly an appealing thought.

“I'm not sure.” she settled on for an answer. “Usually, I just go home and celebrate Halloween with the family, but...”
“There's an idea!” Regan suddenly offered. “We can go to the Halloween party! I'm sure Taylor would be happy to you.”

“Geez...” Selena tried. “I'm not sure, Regan. I mean, I've got nothing against Taylor, really. But you know Sienna and them will show up. That's trouble right there. She and I... I mean...”

“I'll keep an eye on her and you and make sure she doesn't do anything too stupid.” Regan assured.
“What about the doctors? Will they let me out?” she asked, earning a nod from Regan.
“They're only keeping you here overnight for the concussion. Everything else, you just need to rest.”

It was a bit more than that, Selena was quite sure she would not be cleared to wrestle for a few weeks, but at least she didn't have to stay here.

“Please.” asked Regan again. “I know a lot of people are worried about you and the match...”
“I can't tell them what happened – and neither can you!” Selena stated.
“I get that. But if you show up, have some fun, least they know you're okay, right?”

The platinum-blonde tilted her head, giving her friend a small smile. So many people, tech and roster members, had wished her well and safety before her match with Xander... And Regan did have a point. She could play nice and behave...and maybe a little fun would get her mind off Deanna and... she shut that train of thought out as fast as she could.

“Okay...but I'm going to need a costume – any ideas?” she asked as Regan eyes the line of stitches running across the Snow Queen's brow.

“Oh...I've got an idea...” she teased with a smile.

October 31st
Halloween Party
Taylor Chase's House
Beverly Hills, CA

“I can’t believe you did that.”

She hadn't meant for those words to come out of her mouth, but they had none-the-less. She had promised to behave and stay out of the way of anyone that had an issue with her – and with the Beauty Factory coming out en masse, that had made it particularly difficult. Despite this, Selena had mostly succeeded. True, the very sight of Sienna Swann filled her with anger, and the fact that she was practically hanging off Chris Cannon's arm in the never-ending display of their “affection”, a continued 'fuck you' to the woman that had done more for the two of them than they deserved – but she had managed, staying close to Regan and Taylor as much as she could without being a nuisance. She had made the small-talk rounds with the wrestlers and crew that had come – particularly the ones that had wished her well and those that approached her, even if she was dressed like as a white-haired Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.

But then... things had gone too far.

Watching Sienna and Chris dance that beautiful song: “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. The way that had done it to make everyone watch – it wasn't a dance of love. Selena knew what a dance of love was. She had experienced it with her beloved, Deanna. A dance where you lost yourself to your partner. Lost yourself to the rhythm of their heartbeat as it matched yours, the feeling of their body swaying and pressed against yours. None of that was here. 

This wasn't love. This wasn't losing yourself from the outside world. The two there: Sienna and Chris – were VERY aware of the outside world and was doing this all for them. The statement wasn't “True love”. Rather, it was:

“I've replaced Kelcey” by Cannon and “I stole Kelcey's husband” by Sienna. And as Selena had watched the expressions of the others: Owen, Christian, Regan, Taylor, Blake – and so many more – she could tell that her feelings were shared. And as Sienna had flaunted past her, she had let that statement slip, causing the new world champion of SCW to turn at her and scoff.

“Oh get over it, Selena! It was a bloody song.”

Bloody song, my ass!

“It was their song.” Selena hissed back, not buying Sienna's nonchalance for a second.

“Okay, it was their song. And you know what? There is no more them, now is there?” Sienna retorted. “I don’t want this to get this out of hand for no reason - so please get out of my way.”

She went to move, but Selena held her ground – partly because fast movement was impossible at that moment with her injuries, and partly because she was not going to be bossed around by Sienna. I stood down Xander Valentine – like I am going to balk from you... 

With a huff, Sienna lowered her voice, the tone almost mocking. “I know that you are hurt, limping around. Aww….” she teased, pointing to the stitched that lined Selena's left brow. “With a boo boo from Xander. Tell you what: shut up, go drink some witch's brew and kindly fuck off before…..” she leaned in to whisper the last part in a threat. “I knee you in the jaw, again.”

Oh for the love of the gods, please try it! Selena mentally begged. Give me a reason to just break YOUR nose too! Please!

She wanted to. Almost as much as she had wanted to hurt Xander. But seeing the smug look on Sienna's face – Selena quickly realized that such a reaction was EXACTLY what the world champion wanted. She wanted Selena to lash out. Wanted her to do something so that either she or her and the Beauty Factory could act – and then claim it was “self-defence”.

Taking a deep breath, Selena levelled a cold glare on her former friend. “What happened to you?”
“I woke up. Why don’t you? Stop pretending and be yourself! Then maybe you, me and Regan can be Platinum again.”

The notion caused Selena's eyes to narrow. “I wouldn’t stand by you against anything, Sienna. I don’t even know you anymore. My question has always been: was this always you?”

“Yes. Now, get out of my way.” Sienna replied after a moment of 'thinking'.
“You’re proud of yourself, aren’t you?” Selena asked as she crossed her arms. Cause I'm quite certain deep down...that you're not.

“Okay… enough!”

It was Sienna that acted first, reaching an arm up to shove Selena out of the way. Despite herself, Selena felt everything flare up. Her spine, her neck, even her legs protested against action. No! Please not now! she mentally begged as her body refused to hold her up, succumbing to the pain and inability to handle such movement. The ground was prepared to greet her when she felt a familiar pair hands, for the third time this week, catch her...

Looking up, Selena couldn't help the smile as Regan stood there, gently helping Selena back to her feet, her legs able to find purchase with the ground. 'Thank you' Selena mouthed the words to Regan, giving her hand a quick squeeze as she stood there.

“She started it!” Declared Sienna, who was now a few feet away – and apparently having seen the whole exchange. “And now she is getting sympathy from you? Please Regan, don’t fall for her shit.”

The Hellcat simply shook her head. “Sienna, I’m not going to make a scene, just go.”
“Fine!” huffed the blonde beauty. “Whatever.”

With a spin, Sienna was making her away across the space, not giving a glance back at either Regan or Selena.

“It was my fault.” Selena whispered, turning her head to gaze at Regan. “I just – that song – I slipped. I played right into her hands and then... I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.” she admitted.
“We all saw it.” Regan replied with a shake of her head. “And if you hadn't said anything, someone sure as hell was going to.”

“Am I wrong?” Selena asked. “I can get that they're together. Nothing we can do about that. But all this? The PDA, the grand displays – why do they always have to bring it back to Kelcey in some way?”

That's what hurt Selena the most. The fact that it always come back to Kelcey – like some stereotype of an ex showboating his next girlfriend in front of his ex just to get them jealous or hurt them. Except they were supposed to be adults – and all the damage they had done...

“Am I wrong?” Selena asked but she wasn't given an answer as a tune suddenly filled her ears.

”I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly.”

Selena felt her body stiffen as the music filled her ears. Turning around she spied the DJ booth... and the blonde waving to her mockingly that stood beside said booth.

“Oh...that-” Regan started but stopped as Sienna, apparently pleased with her work disappeared back into the house. The song, however, continued to play like a damn spike in Selena's brain, each note a grim reminder of her reality.

“Selena...” Regan tried, keeping hold of Selena's hand. “Talk to me.”
“It's...” Selena reached up and wiped a few tears from her eyes, even if it hurt the cut in her brow and smeared some of her makeup from her costume. “It's fine.” she said. “It's a dirty trick.”

“It's a fucking dirty trick.” Regan growled. 

Selena just stood there as the song – her and Deanna's song: the first one they danced at their wedding – played out. Sienna had no idea what was going on with Selena and Deanna, but the fact that Deanna wasn't here was enough to go on, so Sienna's cunning could be applauded, but Selena wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

“It'll be over in a few minutes.” Selena whispered, closing her eyes. She imagined herself dancing with her wife on that night. How beautiful her Deanna – her pet – had looked. How she had smiled. How happy Selena, herself, had been. It wasn't the cure that she needed – that was impossible – but it was enough to get her through the song.

Of course, ten minutes later, when she was part of the crowd trying to separate Sienna Swann and Taylor Chase from killing each other – well, let's just say watching Sienna being dragged out of the house was a pretty good feeling.

“Good riddance.” Selena muttered as she saw the limo holding Sienna, Chris and their newest associate Xiomara, drove off. Still, as she stood on the porch, Sienna's loud declarations kept ringing in Selena's brain. Statements of an angel... and what's more- that angel's identity...

Carefully, Selena turned her head to gaze inside the house, trying to spot as many people as she could. There were a few angels, but none of them wore masks as far as she could tell-

Stop it! she told herself. This is just more of Sienna trying to do whatever the hell she wants. She hates Taylor. Hates Mason. So she concocted this story just to get a free swing. Kelcey is still in a coma... If she were awake, she'd...she'd... it took a few breaths before Selena could finish the thought. She'd have contacted me, right?

She wanted to think so. Kelcey was one of Selena's oldest and dearest friends. In the same way as she had reforged her relationship with Regan, Selena had made friends with Kelcey through battle and hardship – rivals becoming allies becoming friends. There was nothing Selena wouldn't have done for Kelcey – all she had to do was ask the Snow Queen. was impossible that she would awaken and not contact her.

With a sigh to conclude that thought, Selena stared out to the street, where Eric and her bus were located. She had taken it straight from Minnesota to Beverly Hills, Eric being as careful as possible to avoid the bumpy rounds so Selena's injuries weren't aggravated. Flights were out of the question. The doctor had forbidden her any more travel after this. His orders were to go home to New York and stay there until she was medically cleared.

With a sigh, Selena turned around and peered inside, waving down Regan and, by proxy, Taylor, who had managed to get the party back under control after Sienna's little stunt.

“Hey guys...I think I'm going to crash.” Selena smiled, feel the exhaustion in her body and her eyes becoming heavier and heavier. “Is it alright if we just keep the bus here tonight, Taylor?”

The former IWC champion gave a nod, while Regan poked her head, ascertaining the distance from the door where Selena stood and the bus. “You need help getting there?” she asked.

With a tired, grateful smile, Selena shook her head. “I'll be okay.” she said. “I'll see you guys in the morning, okay?”

The pair gave a nod and Selena hugged them both (giving Regan a sisterly kiss on the cheek in thanks) before she slowly made her way down the stairs, past some of the partyers, and down the street to where the bus sat level. 

“Hey, trouble.” Greeted Eric with a smile.
“Not this time.” Selena shook her head. “I was mostly good.”
“Well, no one's perfect.”

The driver and dear friend gave an amused laugh.

“What?” Selena asked in confusion.
“Oh nothing.” Eric waved her off as he leaned against the bus. “Just interesting choice of words. You going to bed?”

“Yes.” Selena stated. “You okay to crash on the futon?” she indicated the couch that opened up for the driver.”
“Of course.” Eric nodded. “But you think I could go over there-” he pointed towards the party, earning a smile from Selena.

“Tell them I sent you. And have a good time, Eric.” Selena patted his arm before she made her way up the steps into her luxury bus. She gazed out the window to watch her driver slowly make his way towards the house and the party.

Doesn't even have a costume. she chuckled to herself as she turned away. With a slow walk, she made her way to the back of the bus, where her bedroom was located.

Now, when most people discuss the notion of death, there's usually a discussion of “what does one see”. Some think they'd see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. Others say they see the grim reaper approach them. Some think they'd see an angel or a loved one guiding them to a better place.

Now, Selena Frost never really settled on one particular belief or religion – but as she opened the door, and saw the angel standing before her – death was the last thing she believed she was in for.

“What the hell?!” Selena cried out as the masked angel stood before her. “What are you doing on my bus?!”

Slowly, the angel removed her mask – and THAT was the moment Selena was sure she'd die... due to shock.

“It was the best place to hide.” Kelcey Wallace smiled at the platinum-blonde. “Now are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to come over here and give me a hug?” 

The Royal Letter

Dear True-Believers and Casterillo,

It would seem the reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. While some people won't be too happy with that reality – such as the “Beauty” Network, the truth is that I don't blame the jokes or the discussions – especially after seeing the match that aired last Breakdown. 

There's something odd in the difference between fighting a match and watching it. From seeing the blows to feeling them. I have to admit, fighting Xander in that empty arena, I wasn't really considering all the damage I was taking on. It didn't register in my brain. Even when it was over. It all caught up with me, obviously, which is why I wasn't able to travel to London last week to be part of Breakdown, and I am sorry to the London fans of the SCW Universe for that. 

But watching the match at home, seeing what Xander and I did to each other... well, it did two things for me. First, it made the rational side of my brain wonder what the hell I was thinking jumping fifteen feet with a moonsault, and the other thing it made me realize was that Xander Valentine was right.

Now, let me make this clear. Xander Valentine was right about ONE thing – and no, it has nothing to do with the people he hurt or the things he did to innocent people. 

Xander, you looked at me in your promo and you said that “winning and losing didn't matter”. That it was about sharing in your humiliation and taking part of my soul. And you were right. This match? In terms of wins and losses? It was unsanctioned. It does nothing for our standings or whatever the SCW Board uses. Winning and losing? We did that at Rise to Greatness. This was about our beliefs. Retribution vs retribution. Payback vs. payback. 

So tell me - Did you get everything you wanted, Xander? Because I sure as hell did!

You wanted to prove you were a monster, Xander? You did it. You wanted to prove that you can beat me up? You did it. But was it the 'domination' you claimed it would be? Was it the 'humiliation' you stated it would be?

Because I saw you there, Xander – face covered in blood, broken nose, busted open skull, bloody lines up and down your arms and back. I saw the majority of medics tending to you so you didn't choke on your own damn blood...

And I was happy.

I was happy, Xander. I was happy because I beat you till you couldn't stand for another second. I put scars on you that will haunt you for the rest of your life! I smashed your face in with a chair without hesitation...

Now, imagine what I will do if you come back and pull the shit you pulled again.

Yes, Xander, that is a VERY real threat. I am threatening you, Xander Valentine. I know you're slated to make an appearance – whether that is in person or via satellite, I don't care. But if you are at Breakdown – if you so much as eye an audience member, or an innocent official...

Imagine what the hell I'll do to you then, Xander.

Because I scarred YOU, Xander. I put a leash around the dog that is the Executioner! And I made him pay for the people he attacked! And I will gladly – gladly, do you hear me? - do it again if you endanger those innocent people again!

But...with that said, I have been asked by Sasha to let you say what you must and focus on what is ahead of me, which is my return to the ring. I won't lie and say I am 100% - as it's only been a few weeks since my match with Xander – but how could I stay away when they medically cleared me?

That's not who I am! I love wresting, I love being part of SCW and I love being in the ring – and with this drama behind me, I want to go back to that. I want to refocus on being the best in the ring. Being the best of the best – The Face of SCW.

And tonight, that path leads me to Casterillo. The supposed 'changed man'. Well, Casterillo, while I certainly could respect your words last Breakdown and your words to me – if there is one thing I have learned, it's that words are cheap. And actions speak far louder. 

I'll be honest with you, Casterillo, while you've certainly shown your skill and expertise in the ring, from what I have seen, your 'fame' is more 'infamy' than anything else. From being thrown out of the arena at Rise to Greatness, to your bitterness over Glory Braddock beating you and then having a rocket of a ride of momentum into main-event status, your actions speak more of a bitter, jealous man than someone that genuinely wants to thrive as a wrestler in SCW.

But who am I to judge? I mean, you said enough snow and ice jokes, so you clearly know a thing or two about appearances being deceiving.

Which is why it is a mistake for you to look at me and see a wounded animal. 

Yes, that was astute, Casterillo. I mean, you're little more than a parrot – mimicking Sienna Swann – with that nonsense that I and the SCW Universe are to blame for Xander's actions, but you, again, prove your veteran nature by seeing opportunity when you say that I'm wounded. 

I mean: winning tonight could be quite the feather in your cap, couldn't it? Former world champion, etc. Definitely something you could use as a bargaining chip with Sasha on your way to Glory Braddock.

But here's the reality, Casterillo. You are simply one of several arrogant people that think I'm a broken, discarded toy of Xander Valentine's. All you can see are the wounds. The scar on my brow and think “can't last in the ring”. You see what is on the surface. 

What you fail to see is the damage I did to Xander. You have yet to see HIS battle scars. You have yet to realize how, after fighting me, suddenly, he's ready to pay settlements to the people he hurt. 

The reason is because, like you (since you're so found of relating everyone to yourself), he underestimated me time and time again. He saw a weaker frame than him and he thought he had it made. I knocked him out at Rise to Greatness and I beat him to within an inch of his life at Under Attack. 

Because while I may not be as strong as you or some of the other men in that locker-room, I have two things going for me, Casterillo. One is I have the most devastating kicks in SCW. You mentioned one, the Glass Shard, but you failed to acknowledge the one that knocked Xander out. The Defying Gravity. Those abilities came from years of listening to guys like you that think they know me. Who try and 'predict' what I'm going to do in a promo or in that ring. I trained and trained so I can take those assuming people show what happens when you do assume.

The second thing I have that you don't see, Casterillo, is my heart. Corny as that sounds, nobody has endured what I have this year alone. Roofed cage matches, scaffolding matches, Empty Arena matches, finisher matches, I could go on but the point is that I have willing risked it all because I believe that I can survive, I believe I can win, and I believe that THIS IS S-C-W!

SCW, Casterillo! Means 'Supreme Championship Wrestling', which is way your little blurb pissed me off so much. Your little stint about “have dreams but know your limits” crap. You think that's going to get you far here, Casterillo? We're not 'mediocre' and you're not fighting in a dark match. You're in one of the main-events of the night, fighting the FACE of Supreme Championship Wrestling. 

And let me tell you something, 'veteran', you better believe that I have dreams. I want a certain number of people knocked off their pedestals and exposed for the lying frauds that they are. I want to be leading the charge as SCW plunges into 2020. I want a certain someone to have her dream come true as she becomes Supreme Champion. I have a number of dreams, Casterillo, and you can be damn sure that I will do whatever I can, take whatever risk I have to, to legitimately make those dreams happen. I don't believe in 'limits'. I see a brick wall, I'm going to smash through it. I see a glass ceiling? I'm going to break through it.

I see you? A veteran that thinks I'm wounded? Who thinks he knows me? Knows MY limits?

I'm going to break right through you. And like 90% of what I am – you won't see it coming.

Believe it, Casterillo! And good luck...

Selena Michelle Frost
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

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